best guy friend là gì - Nghĩa của từ best guy friend

best guy friend có nghĩa là

when you get sick of your bitchy friends, look to your best guy friend, he will always be there for you, and if he isn't then he's not your BEST GUY FRIEND. your best guy friend and you, should have a bond. not like you'd have with a girl , no matter what what you say, or make your self believe, YOU are in love with him !
you'll always love him, you'll always have feelings for him.
and one, i guarantee has a sexual bond with him.


girl: FUUUCK YOU !
best guy friend: if you want ;)

best guy friend có nghĩa là

Your non romantic male soul mate. Usually when a girl is deprived of a brother this male ends up being the replacement. They are as close as siblings and he means the world to her. He is referred to as the "guy best friend"usually when the girl has best friends who are mostly girls. While most of the time these two remain best friends despite media constantly saying it turns out to romance, it is usually the male that tends to fall for the female. Females who do fall for their guy best friend usually keep it quiet in fear of losing their best friend. People often joke that the two will get married when both honestly find no romantic interest in the other.


Guy: Rose hangs out with Victor way too much to not like him.
Girl:I talk to Rose all the time, she says that he's just her guy best friend. She has no feelings for him whatsoever.

best guy friend có nghĩa là

A girls best guy friend is a place you never want to be, it is the zone where the girls bitches to you about her problems and you make the mistake of relating to them.

It is a mix between the friend zone and nice guy persona.

It is a horrible place to be, you eventually develop feelings for that person and then they shoot some comment of f to you such as,

" We have such a great friendship and, I don't want things to get out of hand " .


" Last time it got out of control when I got to close with this other guy ".

Avoid this zone..the nice guy/friend zone/best friend zone mixed.

Close friends is probably going to far, if she ever calls you best friend you are butt fucked for life and have no chance with her at all -ever-.

This is coming from a guy who just delt with this situation today and it is a sucky ass place to be.

Do your self some good;

Pick up some weights.

Don't return her calls emails etc for a day.

Don't let her use you as an emotional door mat for her problems.

Never confirm best friend with her if she ever considers you that.

Just keep this in mind, it isn't because your ugly or an asshole or whatever it is. It is because you have gotten to close to her and if you do end up having something as more than friends and it went of course it would cause her to much emotional pain.

That is for nice girls, who sadly go for bad guys.

assume the opposite for sluts..


Guy: I like you allot
Girl: I like you as a best guy friend!
Guy 14 months later: I feel for you differently
Girl: We are to close and if it gets out of hand...well...
I am sorry!
Guy: Goddamnit

This is a very realistic situation. I am speaking from personal experience..

best guy friend có nghĩa là

1) when something amazing happens, he's the one you want to tell first.
2) he's not afraid to tell you when you are with the wrong guy.
3) he's the first one you call when things are going wrong.
4) he's the first one there when you need a shoulder to cry on.
5) when you imagine your perfect guy, you see him in your mind
6) your friends wonder why you and him aren't together yet.
7) he wants to be your back up date for formal, in case something goes wrong with the 'jerk' you are taking.
8) he knows when things aren't right, no matter how many times you lie using the words 'i'm fine..'
9) he gives you amazing advice on guys, cause duh.. who knows them better?
10) he is amazing in every single way and treats you the way you ought to be treated..


keep the guy best friend in your life! He will always be there for you no matter how shitty you treat him. He loves you and lets face it, you guys are meant to be together! It may take weeks, months or years..but you will end up with him. :)

best guy friend có nghĩa là

The guy a girl always comes running back to with all her problems she's afraid her friends would judge her for. Best guy friends are different from your regular guy friends because you can talk to them them about anything and they tend to be very sympathetic and caring. Either the guy or the girl friend at one time or another complains about being in the friend zone but neither one of them actually does anything about it. Rumors often circle around that you and your best guy friend are dating and he'll often smile and respond with a shy "nah". There is often cute flirtatious tension between you and your best guy friend.


Girl: Period cramps make me look and feel like shit today. Best Guy Friend: Aww no, you look gorgeous. I wish I could make you feel better somehow :(

best guy friend có nghĩa là

That guy who is always there for you. He might not always speak to you 24/7 but he texts you and cares for you. You guys love each other but can't admit it. You claim you are just friends. You and your guy best friend are made for each other.


Thats Sydney's guy best friend they should be together.

best guy friend có nghĩa là

A best guy friend is the best to have, cause (no offense girls) there is less drama, if you do something stupid then they forget about it and move on, and you can tell them everything and they wont tell, when some of the other girls get on my nerves and i need to tell l someone something, he will always be there for you, and he's always up for a new inside joke! And if you hang with him a lot and people are convinced you are dating, my advice: IGNOR THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THOSE THINGS! They are jealous of you, cause they aren't close to people they only have enemies, if they do have friends then i bet they don't deserve them.


Snobby Girl:"You guys are going out!"
you:"No we are not he's my best guy friend, so lay off!"

best guy friend có nghĩa là

someone who cares and loves you from the bottom of their heart, but would be weird to say since you're just friends. eventually, like me, you'll have feelings for him, but keep him while you have him. he knows all the tea and you love texting him. he gets 'night- high' with you and have deep conversations together. he says the sweetest things and sometimes gives the best advice like "don't ever say he is too good for you." i haven't got there yet, but snuggling in with him with a movie has to be the BEST. someone you wish you could kiss sometimes but always have to stop yourself to remind yourself that you're only friends. also, he could be your crush's close friend. sometimes he can be annoying as hecc, but in an admirable way. i personally am so afraid to lose him cuz he means so so much to me. -charis


kinda close friend: why do you always hang out and talk about ben? do you like him?
me: no sis. he's my freakin guy best friend, nothing else.

best guy friend có nghĩa là

A Best Guy Friend is typically used as a term for females to describe a strong relationship towards a guy who will never have a chance as a boyfriend. A guy friend is usually protective and funny and is willing to be caught in a cross fire. But beware! He will want to hangout with is male friends and leave you out of it. But don't worry he doesn't mean to.


"No he's my best guy friend not a boyfriend."

best guy friend có nghĩa là

A guy friend who is more than a friend but not to the point of a best guy friend


I have a semi best guy friend

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