Golden age là gì

to be the golden age

was the golden age

the golden age of hollywood

during the dutch golden age

it was the golden age

the golden age of pirates

was the golden age

the golden age of hollywood

during the dutch golden age

living in a golden age

to be the golden age

the golden age of pirates

Ngày nay, chụp ảnh đẹp là một lợi thế và biết chỉnh ảnh lại càng lợi thế lớn hơn. Photo by from Pexels

“Golden age” nghĩa là thời đại hoàng kim, thời vàng son, thời oanh liệt.

Ví dụ

It’s far from a done deal, but the pieces are in place and with courage (can đảm), the UK now has an opportunity to bring in the “golden age of cycling” the prime minister (thủ tướng) has promised.

As far as violin and bow making are concerned, we are now living in a golden age, and perhaps have been since the late 1990s. Violin making has shifted from a regional craft (thủ công khu vực) to a truly global one.

My guess is that if the famous photographers of old were born into today’s digital age (thời đại kỹ thuật số) that the medium (phương tiện) and equipment (thiết bị) wouldn’t matter to them. They would embrace it and use the technology (công nghệ) and techniques (kỹ thuật) as tools for their creativity (sáng tạo). Don’t pine (mong) for the halcyon days (ngày thanh bình) of old, the golden age of photography is now. Go out and take advantage of it.

Thu Phương

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