How do I edit my description on Teespring?

There are several ways Teespring sellers can optimize their listings to sell through the Boosted Network. Optimized listings can improve your products’ marketplace exposure and lead to more sales. An optimized listing can also help us prioritize your products for the boosted network because our team will be able to easily identify design themes as we search for more content to feature.

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  • 3. Description
  • NOTE: Avoid keyword or hashtag stuffing
  • Before You Begin
  • Writing The Product Descriptions
  • How do you do well on Teespring?
  • How do I edit my description on Teespring?
  • How do you get views on Teespring?

1. Title

Your listing title is the most important element you should focus on optimizing.  Creating a unique, descriptive listing title is a great way to help shoppers find your products. An example of a good title is “I Like Beer and Fishing – Funny Hobby” because it incorporates keywords related to the design: beer, fishing, funny, hobby. These words are not only relevant to the design, but they are also words a buyer might search for.

  • Keep in mind there’s no need to repeat keywords. This doesn’t improve your SEO when it comes to listings.
  • Do not include words describing the product type, color, size, etc.—these elements are automatically incorporated into listings when they are added to the Boosted Network.
  • Also, try to limit titles to five to eight words (40 character limit) and avoid adding words like “limited edition”, “over 1,000 sold”  or “ending soon”. These words take up space, don’t improve SEO, offer no insight on what your design is actually about, and could even violate our false advertising policy.
  • Make sure to translate your title (and description) if your design is translated into a specific language.  

2. URLs

It’s good practice to customize listing URLs with relevant keywords. For example, if the design is “Love my mom” and your default product is a shirt, try adding the words “shirt” to the URL so you get “”. If you don’t want to add the product to the URL make sure to add at least one or two keywords.

3. Description

Your listing description can help convert shoppers into buyers and make your products more discoverable within Teespring’s Marketplace. When writing a description try to include content that is relevant to the design. Also, use phrasing that could help a shopper self-identify with your design theme. 

An example of a good listing description could be something like this:

Are you a grandmother who loves knitting? Or maybe you know someone who is? These products are perfect for those who can’t be separated from their yarn and needles!

Clearly, this is a design for grandmothers who like knitting. We recommend keeping your description short and concise as well—don’t add loads of text or random keywords and hashtags as this will make your listing appear spammy.

NOTE: Avoid keyword or hashtag stuffing

We do not recommend adding random hashtags and stuffing keywords into your listing descriptions. This can confuse shoppers and make your listing appear spammy. 

This is exactly what not to do…

Why is this a “bad” example?

  • Nothing in the description is relevant to the design.
  • It looks like the seller intended this content to be spaced out, but it’s closely stacked and hard to read.

Writing product descriptions for your T-shirt dropshipping business can be really annoying.  They’re only a couple of sentences long and seem like they should be really easy to create, but they can have a dramatic effect on your sales.

If you’ve been stressing over how to write your T-shirt product descriptions the right way, here is a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of those pesky paragraphs, whether you choose to write them yourself or outsource them to professional product description writing services like ours.

Before You Begin

  1. Know Your Audience

The single most important thing for your business is to know your audience.

Know everything there is to know about your customer.  Demographic information tells you facts about people: age, location, income, devices they’re using, how they found your Shopify, Teespring, or other online shop. Psychographic information takes you to the next level:  How do they spend their time?  Their money?  What do they believe in?

The more you know about your customer, the more you can tailor your website experience and product descriptions to them.  A shopper who feels like a brand “gets” them is much more likely to become a repeat customer.

  1. Find Your Tone

Tone is crucial.  It should sound like a conversation.  How would your customer recommend your T-shirt to a friend?

Your tone should reflect your brand and your products, too.  Your T-shirts occupy a specific niche and your product descriptions should reflect that.

  • Are they limited edition?
  • Are you raising money for a cause?
  • Are they funny sayings?

Whatever type of shirt you’re selling, make sure that your tone supports that.  If you choose to outsource your writing, you should be able to explain the tone you want, and a professional content writing service will help you achieve it.

Remember that your customer is interacting with a computer screen.  Use the right tone to make them feel like there is a person on the other side.

Writing The Product Descriptions

Great salespeople understand that purchasing is an emotional process, not analytical; customers buy with their gut and use their brains to rationalize it after.  Use this to your advantage.

  1. Tell a Story

If your T-shirts or designs have a unique history or attribute, say so!  If they can make a customer feel like a part of something bigger, tell them!  Humans are hard-wired to love stories and if you can tell a compelling one about your product it will help customers connect with your T-shirts and your brand.

  1. Use Emotional Language

If your T-shirts don’t have a unique story, make the story about your customers.  Help the customer imagine how your products fit into their life.  Rather than calling your shirt “nice”, use power words that suit your tone like dazzling, spectacular, or kick ass.  Maybe it will make your customer look jaw-dropping, fearless, or stunning.  Build up your customer’s confidence and make them feel good about themselves and they will likely feel good about your T-shirts.

Talk about benefits, not just features.  A feature is a fact.  A benefit is how your product improves your customer’s life.  Use benefits in your product descriptions to insert your T-shirts into your customer’s story.

  1. Engage the Senses

Online shopping has many advantages, but it also has one major disadvantage: a customer cannot walk into your store, hold the shirt in their hands, or try it on.  Use product descriptions to engage shoppers’ senses.  Including sense language in your descriptions will help the customer to imagine your product as a part of their life.

You should also use high-quality images and sizing charts to create a shopping experience where the customer can inspect details and see the design up close.


When you are finished writing product descriptions, optimize them.

  1. Make It Easy to Read

Most people scan product pages for information so get to the point early.  Keep it brief.  Say your most important information in the first 100 words.  If you want to write an extended description, stick to 300 words or less with plenty of line breaks.  Bulleted lists are a great way of getting benefits and features across.

  1. Use Keywords

Keywords are important for customers to get information about your product, and also for future customers to find you through search engines.  Using SEO keywords can help your products show up in relevant Google searches.  This is another way a professional service can be useful: they have a lot of experience with SEO keywords and can lend their expertise to your site.

Be careful not to overstuff your product descriptions with keywords.  You still want them to read in a conversational tone.  Too many keywords can turn potential customers off and even hurt your search engine rankings!  Aim for no more than 1-2 keywords per 100 words of text.

Optimize other parts of your site by including keywords in product titles, product URLs, image file names, image alt-texts, and image descriptions, as well as site metadata.  Have these keywords do the heavy lifting so your product descriptions can still sound natural and human.

  1. Tweak Over Time

If you see one product description is working very well, analyze what’s working and adjust other pages accordingly.


You can choose to outsource your product descriptions.  Professional writing services like The Content Panel can be extremely useful in crafting stories with emotional language that convert shoppers into customers.  They are the best way to get quality dropshipping product descriptions.  The time you save and the increased customer conversion rates quickly repay the costs of hiring writers.

Product descriptions should be simple, but that does not mean they’re easy.  Hiring a writing service or following the steps outlined above will help you achieve great results.


  • Before you begin writing or hire a writer:
    • Know your audience
    • Find your tone
  • As you’re writing:
    • Tell a story
    • Use emotional language
    • Engage the senses
  • Optimize your writing:
    • Make it easy to read
    • Use keywords
    • Test and tweak over time
  • Remember: A shopper who feels like a brand “gets” them is much more likely to become a repeat customer.

How do you do well on Teespring?

7 steps to successful selling with Teespring.

Design a shirt that people want to buy. ... .

Make your shirt available. ... .

Market your shirt for nothing. ... .

Sell a shirt or two. ... .

Paid ads and scaling. ... .

Make more products. ... .

Three bonus free pieces of advice..

How do I edit my description on Teespring?

How to edit listing details. You have the ability to edit listing details instantly. Simply click the pencil icon of the listing your want to edit. Make sure to save your changes after editing.

How do you get views on Teespring?

6 ad-free ways to boost your Teespring sales on Instagram.

Create one Instagram account per storefront / niche. ... .

Use all of your hashtags. ... .

Explore influencer marketing opportunities. ... .

Share quality content frequently. ... .

Upload user generated content. ... .

Cross promote to grow your following..

How do I write a product description on Teespring?

When writing a description try to include content and words that are relevant to the design. We recommend keeping your description short and concise as well—don't add loads of text or random keywords and hashtags as this will make your listing appear spammy.

How do I edit my listing on Teespring?

Navigate to the 'Listings' section of your Teespring account, select the 'edit' icon, then click 'edit or add designs' to get started. You can apply your design changes to your chosen product or alternatively, toggle the bulk edit option to apply your design changes to all products on the listing.

How do I edit my store front on Teespring?

How do I change it? Go to your dashboard, select Storefronts and click Edit on your desired storefront. On the edit page, hover over your header and you should see a button to edit the header design. Click that and you can change the color and/or font of your storefront title.

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