ireland là gì - Nghĩa của từ ireland

ireland có nghĩa là

1. Where Irish people live.
2. Where Leprechaunsare NOT from.
3. Where not everyone is a drunken bogger.
4. Where irish is spoken in some areas (Dia duit = hello).
5. Where it always rains
6. Where there's a big stick-like-statue in the middle of Dubin.
7. Where everyone rocks!


1. Ireland is a island in Europe.

2. Tá Éire fíorálainn (Ireland is beautiful)

ireland có nghĩa là

One of the few respectable countries left in Europe, Ireland suffered many years under the harsh rule of the evil British. However, by 1900's, the Irish were fed up and whooped their oppressors asses. The British government, being the fuckups that they are, divided Ireland into the Republic of Ireland and North Ireland (Ulster). Efforts from the fair and respectable Sinn Fein and other nationalist parties, to unite the island that is rightfully theirs, have been unsuccessful thanks to British vote "miscounting" and scare tactics.


Irish are often blamed for "harboring terrorists". However, the IRA is a freedom fighting organization who targets military more than civilian targets. British people, being the anti-American assholes they are, will always blame them getting their asses whooped by the IRA on the US because of rightful funds being sent to the IRA from businesses in Boston and New York.

ireland có nghĩa là

Land of awful weather. You can freeze there in summer time.
Land of drinkers and black sheep.


It's the greenest land i've ever seen. The most beautiful, the most 'mystic'.
The land of shamrocks, POTATOES(!!!!!) poets & writers.
Ireland rocks and will rock forever.
The sky moves with you.


green, clouds, guinness

ireland có nghĩa là

country along with germany where about 95% of the white people currently in the USA came from.

got rich recently because of computer corporations.


where did every person in New York and Boston's ancestors come from? uhh Ireland.

ireland có nghĩa là

Ireland is a beautiful country. Whenever I have visited with my Granny (Who is Irish) people have been so friendly. I love visiting Dublin and seeing all the famous landmarks, including the guiness factory. There is also the 'Cockles and Mussels song (Also called the Molly Malone song)' which I have loved since I was a child.


Molly Malone / Cockles And Mussels Alive alive oh
alive alive ohh
Singing cockles and mussels
alive alive ohhh In Dublin's fair city
where the girls are so pretty
I once met a girl named sweet Molly Malone
and she wheeled her wheel barrow
through the streets broad and narrow
singing cockles and mussels alive alive oh She was a fish monger
and sure was no wonder
so were her mother and father before
and they wheeled their wheel barrow
through the streets broad and narrow
singing cockles and mussels alive alive oh She died of a fever
and so one could save her
and that was the end of sweet Molly Malone
now her ghost wheels her barrow through the streets broad and narrow
singing cockles and mussels alive alive oh Alive alive oh
alive alive ohh
Singing cockles and mussels
alive alive ohhh One of Ireland's most famous folk songs!!

ireland có nghĩa là

Land of poets, scholars, and gentlemen, quick-witted women with tongues like whips and quick-fisted men with spirits like fire.

Birthplace of the greatest "British" writer to have ever lived: Oscar Wilde.

Welly says that Ireland is located to the west of the most influential nation on Earth? What has Wales done that is so dang important, aside from likewise being utterly beautiful and amazing? Or are we talking about the Isle of Man?


Mwahaha, Ireland is teh gr33tz. But then again, so is the UK.

Yes, I'm of Irish descent, yes, I family there, and yes, I've been there often.

P.S.: As an American, any clever Irishman who tries to tell me that "Pog Mo Thon" is Gaelic for "hello" gets a ka-crack upside ze head.

ireland có nghĩa là

An amazing, outgoing person. someones who loves to sing knowing she cant and still does it anyways. she loves her family especially her mom and sister.


Ireland is more beautiful than any other.

ireland có nghĩa là

The beautiful, awesome, funny, loving, and kind girl she loves to play sports and maybe go shopping she is curious all the time! But in the the end she is the only one that is there for you in your worst times. She loves everyone no matter what their personality or the way you look they don’t judge


Ireland is my best friend she’s always been there for me.

ireland có nghĩa là

ireland is an amazing girl. she is a lovely soul who loves to hang out with her friends. even though her home life sucks, doesn’t mean she can’t put a smile on her face. she loves anime and all kinds of weird crap. she is loved by an amazing boy. she is a good technician and has all kinds of cool electronics. she can draw, animate, sing, dance, you name it. She is a very gifted and talented little girl. She very beautiful and pretty. She has short hair that is red like autumn. She really is the best! You should definitely meet her when you get the chance.


Who is that??
Well.. that is ireland!
she is very beautiful..

ireland có nghĩa là

Ireland is a beautiful person inside and out. at first she might be quiet but if you really get to know her she is an amazing person and you can’t get her to shut up. all t he boys want her but she doesn’t want them. she will make you laugh even if you don’t want to ireland’s always have a smile on their face and will make you feel loved they will be the greatest friend you will ever have so don’t lose them


boy: woah who is that
boy: that’s ireland ofc

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