Paging file size for 16GB RAM Windows 10

A kin to the article that our teammate Josh Carrier wrote, back in 2010, I thought it high time we review the process of how to increase virtual memory on your workstation.

We use this procedure a great deal when attempting to enhance the performance of systems where SOLIDWORKS is having difficulty with importing or exporting geometry, or handling larger assemblies.

What we are essentially doing is raising the ceiling and giving the operating system the extra room it needs to maneuver if it runs out of physical memory. The Virtual Memory is not used until the Physical RAM in the system has been exhausted and the system requires somewhere to hold additional information.

One of the tidbits we have discovered over the years is that SOLIDWORKS typically throws the demand for more page file at the Operating System so quickly that it takes time for the operating system to allocate the needed amount of virtual memory, further slowing operations.

Before you continue reading this article, please carefully assess the costs involved in increasing the Physical RAM on your system, as this is by far the best option to improve your performance!


One item to highlight, having grown in prominence these last few years is the effect of a page file being located on an SSD drive which may be acting as the host drive for your Operating system and installation of SOLIDWORKS.

Before SSD technology was readily available you would have placed the page file on the Root of the main drive (C:\), without jeopardizing the long term safety of your HDD drive. The trade off here is that writing operations to a page file located on the HDD would have slowed performance as the HDD reacts much more slowly than RAM.

This is still true today with SSD drives however the performance is greatly increased due to the enhanced speed that SSD Drives offer. Prior fears regarding the Limited life span of SSD Drives have been put to rest by a number of independent tests. With the results being that there is a limited lifespan to SSD modern SSD Drives, however most designers will never see it during their careers.

If you are interested in reading about some of the testing performed on SSD Drives to determine the lifespan, please see the links provided at the bottom of the article.

How much RAM?

To properly adjust your virtual memory values, you will need to know how much physical memory, or RAM, is on the system.  You can find this by navigating to the System Information Dialog

The System Info Dialog can be found by typing “System Info” in windows 10 and opening the System Info dialog (or Start > All Apps > Windows Administrative Tools > System Information)

IMPORTANT: One question to research before attempting the following procedure is: Do I have sufficient Disk Space to make a change to the page file size?

With Physical Memory (RAM) amounts of 4GB to 24 GB we suggest having a page file minimum size set to 2 times the amount of Physical Memory (RAM) in the system.

If you are lucky enough that you have more than 16 GB of RAM in the system, we suggest that the page file minimum be set between 1 and 1.5 times the amount of RAM.

Changing the Virtual Memory Values

  1. Within the Windows 10 Search type “Performance”
  2. This should bring up an entry that states: “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows” (This is the same dialog that you would have accessed if you had navigated via the control panel: Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab > Settings)
  1. Once you have arrived within the performance options dialog choose the Advanced Tab > and select the “Change” button located within the in the Virtual Memory section of the dialog.
  2. Uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” Option
  3. Select the drive where you have room or deem it appropriate to place the page file.
  4. Choose the “Custom Size” Radio Button.
  5. Enter a MINIMUM value of 1 to 2 times the amount of physical RAM you have in the system. (16GB would appear as 16000MB)
  6. Enter a MAXIMUM value of 2GB more than the MINIMUM value specified in the step above. (This will ensure that windows reporting and other diagnostic reports are correct)
  7. Choose the “Set” button
  8. Restart the Workstation to realize the changes to Virtual Memory.

If interested, please find some reference articles regarding SSD Lifespan testing as mentioned earlier,

On most Windows 10 systems with 8 GB of RAM or more, the OS manages the size of the paging file nicely. The paging file is typically 1.25 GB on 8 GB systems, 2.5 GB on 16 GB systems and 5 GB on 32 GB systems. For systems with more RAM, you can make the paging file somewhat smaller.

How do I manually change the page file size in Windows 10?

How to adjust the paging file size in Windows 10

  1. Open Advanced System Settings. Right-click on the ‘This PC’ icon on the desktop and left-click on ‘Properties’. …
  2. Open Performance Settings. Left-click on the ‘Advanced’ tab then click on on the ‘Settings’ button in the ‘Performance’ box. …
  3. Change the virtual memory settings.

How do I reduce page file size in Windows 10?

Windows 10

  1. Press the Windows key.
  2. Type “SystemPropertiesAdvanced”. ( …
  3. Click on “Run as administrator.” …
  4. Click on “Settings..” You’ll see the performance options tab.
  5. Select the “Advanced” tab. …
  6. Select “Change…”. …
  7. Make sure the checkbox “Automatically managing paging file size for all drives” is not checked, as shown above.

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How do I change the page file size?

Set a Specific Pagefile Amount

  1. Go to the Start Menu and click on Settings.
  2. Type performance.
  3. Choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
  4. In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change.

Does increasing paging file increase performance?

Increasing page file size may help prevent instabilities and crashing in Windows. … Having a larger page file is going to add extra work for your hard drive, causing everything else to run slower. Page file size should only be increased when encountering out-of-memory errors, and only as a temporary fix.

How do I calculate page file size?

There is a formula for calculating the correct pagefile size. The Initial size is one and a half (1.5) x the amount of total system memory. The Maximum size is three (3) x the initial size. So let’s say you have 4 GB (1 GB = 1,024 MB x 4 = 4,096 MB) of memory.

How do I determine page file size?

Do the following steps to inspect page file usage in Performance Monitor:

  1. Via the Windows start menu, open Administrative Tools, and then open Performance Monitor.
  2. In the left column, expand Monitoring Tools and then select Performance Monitor.
  3. Right-click on the graph and select Add Counters… from the context menu.

How do I manage pagefile size?

Click Settings under Performance. Click the Advanced tab, and click Change under Virtual Memory. Select the drive to use to store the paging file. Select Custom size and set Initial size (MB) and Maximum size (MB).

Can I reduce the size of pagefile sys?

To reduce the amount of space your PC will allocate for virtual memory, just deselect ‘automatically manage paging file size of each drive’ and, instead, select the custom size option. After that, you’ll be able to input just how much of your HDD will be reserved for virtual memory.

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Why is pagefile so big Windows 10?

Click on the “Advanced” tab. In the Performance Settings window, click on the Advanced tab. In the “Virtual Memory” field, click on “Change…” Next, uncheck the “Automatically manage Page file size for all drives”, then click on the “Custom Size” button.

Where is the page file in Windows 10?

The page file, also known as the swap file, pagefile, or paging file, is a file on your hard drive. It’s located at C:pagefile. sys by default, but you won’t see it unless you tell Windows Explorer not to hide protected operating system files.

What is the optimal virtual memory size for 16GB RAM win 10?

Click Custom and enter a size range. For example with 16GB, you may want to enter Initial Size of 8000 MB and Maximum size of 12000 MB.

Can Windows 10 run 16GB RAM?

16GB RAM. This is one of the best memories to run a Windows 10 pc. 16GB RAM is pretty decent and should be more than enough for video editing, and when you need to run simultaneously several resource-heavy applications.

What should I set my paging file size to?

Ideally, your paging file size should be 1.5 times your physical memory at a minimum and up to 4 times the physical memory at most to ensure system stability.

What is the maximum paging file size for Windows 10?

The minimum and maximum size of the Pagefile can be up to 1.5 times and 4 times of the physical memory that your computer has, respectively. For example, if your computer has 1GB of RAM, the minimum Pagefile size can be 1.5GB, and the maximum size of the file can be 4GB.

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