Rainy days là gì

Dancing in the rain Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash.
'Save for a rainy day' là tiết kiệm, để dành cho ngày mưa -> câu này muốn nói để dành gì đó (thường là tiền bạc, của cải) cho những lúc gặp khó khăn; 'làm ngày nắng, để dành ngày mưa'.

Ví dụ
According to a recent survey (khảo sát), 23% of respondents (người trả lời) say they put 0% of their monthly paycheck (tiền lương) toward savings (tiết kiệm). Whether it's an unforeseen (không biết trước) medical expense (chi phí y tế, khám bác sĩ, ốm đau), home repair (sửa chữa nhà cửa) or unemployment (thất nghiệp), you never know when an emergency (trường hợp khẩn cấp) will strike. Put aside at least six months (and preferably more) of funds in a separate savings account to save for a rainy day. Even if you can't do this now, save as much as you can each month.

There you can learn about how the stock market (thị trường chứng khoán) works, what the SEC does, and youll be able to follow a road map to saving and investing (đầu tư). The latter could be most helpful. The road map helps you define (xác định) your goals, figure out your finances (tài chính), create a plan to pay off debts (nợ) and save for a rainy day, understand what it means to invest and to diversify your investments, gauge (đánh giá) your risk tolerance (chịu đựng, chấp nhận) and learn about investment options.

I earn (kiếm được) £24,500 a year, and in my savings account (tài khoản tiết kiệm) right now I have £0.Im saving for nothing. I really struggle (gặp vấn đề) to save money because after my monthly expenses, Im not left with much spare cash (tiền còn dư). In an ideal world, Id like to pay off my credit card and save for a rainy day for when things go wrong with my car or when Id like to go on holiday. Just nice things because I dont really do much outside of work!

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