Saturn in Pisces 2023 degrees

Saturn in Pisces will occur beginning from March 2023 to February 2026.

After detailed research, I have found key things to expect.

If we want to understand the future we must first look at the past.

Firstly, we must understand that Saturn feels comfortable being in the sign of Venus’ exalted sign Pisces. When these two meet we see creativity being manifested into reality but also illusions being brought to light. But what to expect?

The last time Saturn was in Pisces was during 1964-67 and 1993-96. Key topics included fame, murder and money within these transits.

Saturn in Pisces has also proved to be a critical period for black people to catapult into success and have their voices heard. Lets look into it:

BILLIONAIRES/MONEY - Pisces relating to EXTREME wealth highlighted a focus on tax evasion and financial collapses. We can expect to hear about both ‘rags to riches’ lottery winners but also potentially the value of international money systems

Research - 1994, A record £42 million is won by 3 people in the Lottery in Britain. + Jeff Bezos establishes the future billionaire dollar company Amazon

Another example is the UK withdrawing legal tender of £20 and £50 notes. We can see this happening more worldwide. Especially with Uranus still in Taurus + the nodes, our money will be impacted.

However, we know the dark side to large gain. We can expect to hear billionaires highlighted in the news. We must understand those with great wealth are HIDDEN to society. When we want to see large wealth we must look to Pisces.

Research - Fernando Martí born in 1994 was kidnapped & murdered , being found dead in 2008- when Saturn was in Virgo. This was opposing his natal Saturn. He was kidnapped due to his Billionaire father, Alejandro who was originally kidnapped for issues with a ransom in Mexico.

Another example is, the kidnapping of Mexican billionaire, businessman - Angel Losada

Mexico as a country is ruled by Capricorn (Saturn) but has its geographical influence by Jupiter (Sagittarius) which corresponds to the country being infamous for its drug trades (Jupiter) but also a beautiful country popular as a tourist destination (duality)

I previously mentioned how Saturn in Pisces will highlight money/billonaires (Exalted Venus) & correlated the kidnappings that happened. Another point of interest however is murder especially involving celebrities (Neptune)

Research - Saturn in Pisces highlighted:

The OJ Simpson trials.

Jeffrey Dahmer was killed in jail.

Selena Quintanilla was murdered.

Other celeb deaths include : Jackie Kennedy and Kurt Cobain. With the accessibility to celebrities, this transit could see unexpected celebrities murdered OR hidden murderers being imprisoned (Saturn).

PRISON being ruled by both Pisces + Saturn could highlight laws on the way we view prison changing. We could see prison releases but also criminals going into hiding especially celebrities and religious authorities.

Many child laws were introduced including ‘Megan’s law’ & ‘Elisa’s law’. I fear we could hear more about issues involving children + a highlight on trafficking (Pisces ruled by Jupiter + Neptune may be exalted in Leo - kids)

With Pisces relating to Christ the 'martyr', there were also many headlines of suicide bombers and bombings under this transit which we must wearily be prepared to hear about.

RELIGION - Pisces is related to religion & both the symbolism of Christ + Judas representing its dual nature. This transit could show people becoming ‘martyrs’ or doing heroic acts (taking on a 'Christ' role)

Research - ‘1994, Howard Stern saved a suicide jumper.’ - Especially with the cost of living crisis happening, this will be a pivotal transit for the ‘poor’ + those in need. This is truly a great transit to be charitable widespread.

March 4 1996: John Lennon states that the Beatles “are more popular than Jesus.''

THE INDUSTRY - Saturn in Pisces is an amazing transit for all creative endeavours such as film and music to flourish due to Saturn with Venus. This will be a great transit for filmmakers and creative pursuits.

For example, ‘Friends’ debut, Pulp Fiction airs at Cannes Film Festival, the birth of famous actors/tresses as well as swimmers (Pisces ruled).

Famous celeb births during the transit include: Doja Cat, Megan Thee Stallion and Timothée Chalamet. We can expect many celebs with natal Saturn in Pisces to be in the spotlight when their Saturn return occurs. Either for success or scandal.

CELEBRITIES - Many celebrity marriages happened under this transit as well as awards given. Under any transit in Pisces we see illusion before the Aries transit comes to wake us up and make us realise the truth.

Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie married Michael Jackson

R Kelly at 27 years old married pop singer Aaliyah who was 15 at the time (expect to hear more about child marriages + a spotlight on children)

A short list of celebrities to keep an ear out for during this transit according to their spotlight last time Saturn was in Pisces is :

The Queen and Prince Phillip

Princess Diana (Her famous interview happened)

Michael Jackson

Courtney Love (Kurt Cobain’s ex)

Tupac Shakur

The Beatles

Linking back to awards, we can expect to hear of new records being broken or a spotlight being given to those usually viewed as inferior in society.

May 24th 1993 - Eritrea achieved independence from Ethiopia after 30-year civil war

Whitney Houston wins 21st american music awards (she is a Pisces rising

The Church of England ordains its first ever 33 female priests (expect to hear more of this - also 33 symbolism, age Jesus died at)

In the British local elections, the Labour Party beats the Conservative Party (this is a KEY one especially for what is going on in the UK right now)

At the age of 19, Jonah Lomu is the youngest-ever All Black rugby player for New Zealand, playing against France in Christchurch, New Zealand.

BLACK PEOPLE AT FOREFRONT - Now this is an extremely key topic to mention. I have previously highlighted the belittled being heard.

Saturn in Pisces is an AMAZING transit for black innovation and success. Black people are associated with both Saturn and Neptune which explains the spotlight black people will experience under this transit.

When Saturn was in Pisces during 1964-67, the Civil Rights Movement was at the forefront. When we hear of people reminiscent of the 90s, we must remember the evolution of black film and music primarily hip hop.

Saturn in Pisces highlighted a focus on racism and new laws being put into place. However, there were also deaths of famous black figures followed by births.

Malcolm X is shot and murdered in 1965

Racist propaganda is banned in Switzerland

Rodney King awarded $3,800,000 compensation by the Los Angeles County for his police beating (notice the money aspect here - Pisces)

BANS/RESTRICTIONS - Linking back to changes in laws, we can also expect to hear of new bans/restrictions in place. Research I found focused on issues relating to drugs, racism and homosexuality. Here are some examples:

Laws against homosexuality put in place e.g Feb 20 1994 Pope John Paul II demands juristic discrimination of homosexuals (religion linked again - Pisces)

Bans against smoking (which I am sure we will hear more of during 2025 when Neptune goes into Aries - when does pleasure harm us? - another article to come to expand on this)

Tonya Harding is banned from ice skating (Saturn related to ice/coldness)

DRUGS of course being ruled by Pisces also had a spotlight :

1994, 500 kilograms of cocaine intercepted in Zeewolde, Netherlands

1994, LA Dodger Darryl Strawberry begins substance abuse treatment

Drunk Swedish police officer shoots and kills citizens (pisces ruling substances linked with Saturn for authority - expect to hear more like this)

AUTHORITY - With Saturn being linked to authority we can expect to hear more about hidden authority such as secret services and spies. Research:

Apr 28, Aldrich Ames, former CIA officer and his wife Rosario plead guilty to spying for the Soviet Union and Russia

March 18 1994, South Africa Goldstone committee reveals existence of secret police

HEALTHCARE - We can also expect to hear more about health especially injuries and hospitals (Pisces ruled). Through research, I found lots of mentions of heart attacks, strokes and cancer treatment. Paralysis (Saturn) was also mentioned

Sensitive topics such as suicide will be more publicly introduced during this transit including euthanasia which I think will take a forefront during Neptune in Aries.

The legalisation of cannabis worldwide for medicinal purposes is also something we should expect to hear slowly.

Through research, I also found an emphasis on boating accidents, natural disasters and issues involving fish (Pisces related). There was also mention of boats sinking and other random disasters. I would not be surprised if we further our exploration of the sea and make shocking new discoveries. Fires were also brought up during this transit.

Space talk should also ensue and we can expect to see spirituality and astrology become more mainstream (Saturn ruling the Midheaven naturally influence).

The first discoveries of extrasolar planets are announced by astronomer Alexander Wolszczan


February 5 1996: British supermarkets begin to stock genetically modified tomato puree – the first genetically modified food to be sold in the country.

June 20 1996: The first high speed train travels from England to France via the Channel Tunnel - Forshadowing the UK for the Uranus in Gemini transit (article to come)

First gay pride held in Japan

For a spotlight on countries, we should keep an eye out for news on South Africa, Israel and Mexico under this transit.

By Bryan Goff on Unsplash


Saturn in Pisces during its 3 year stay from 2023-2026 will be an eventful transit with an evolution in science, religion and mass consumption such as the media. When the generational planets change signs, this is an important period for society.

We must understand the past to see what our future has in store for us.

For those with Saturn in Pisces natally, you will be experiencing your Saturn return where responsibility must be taken either leading to your success or scandal. Mutable heavy placements (Pisces/Virgo/Gemini/Sagittarius) this will also be a key transit for you.

There is so much more research I did not include in this article. I will leave links for some below but I encourage independent research to see how this transit will personally impact you.

Thank you for reading! Please follow my twitter : @ParcaePisces for more insights beyond this. I appreciate all tips and feedback. Please also share this article if you enjoyed it!


Is 2023 a good year for Pisces?

The year 2023 is very auspicious and promising for Pisces natives. Due to your sharp intellect, knowledge, wisdom and blessings of your mother, Pisces natives will achieve name, fame and wealth. Your health and family life will be full of happiness and pleasure.

What will Saturn in Pisces be like?

The nostalgia machine will dismantle as original points of view lead the way forward. The answer won't be to shun technology, but to put it to higher service. Those who experience their Saturn Returns in Pisces will come out with a sense of purpose, perspective, and eagerness to share their gifts with the world.

Is Saturn strong in Pisces?

And when Saturn is placed in Pisces, the native becomes a deep thinker. Such a person studies every subject to the depth of it. Saturn helps these natives make better judgments but not like a teacher but more like a mentor. It works as their guiding spirit.

What does the degree of Saturn mean?

Every 27 to 29 years, Saturn returns to the degree and sign that it was at the time that you were born. Saturn is your cosmic entryway into adulthood. It's the cosmic exit out of your current situation and into something more beautiful.

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