Top 10 cấp độ bandicoot gặp sự cố khó nhất năm 2022

Crash Bandicoot the Series Episodes

52 Episodes; To stop N Tropy and Cortex’s Plan Z that puts reality in jeopardy, Crash and Coco must travel between dimensions to gather crystals necessary. Along the way, the duo meets familiar faces and it’s a guess of whether they’re friend or foe. Then again for Crash, an enemy’s just a friend you haven’t made yet.

Method of the Marsupials: Spelunking down an ancient temple, Coco slowly feels inferior compared to Crash’s spontaneity always lucking out. Then again, Crash has never been one without his sister.

The Titanfields and Mucoltants: A chase after a baby mutant leads to a universe where two different clans have been feuding for generations and it’s up to the Bandicoots to finally put an end to it, or make the fighting feel different.

Crash Cultivation: Our siblings split up momentarily and Crash’s adventure involves helping a farmer confront a curse that prevents anything from growing on his land.

In My Element: Coco’s adventure is a puzzle room, literally a room full of puzzles she has to solve to get out. She’s having a blast, but comes to realize that the joy could be endless.

Breakfasticoot: Taking a break from gathering the crystals, Crash decides to go into the morning wilderness to get his sister breakfast in bed. Needless to say, it isn’t easy for our unbreakable hero.

Tense Theory: In order to get the next crystal, Coco needs to show that she can relax like her brother.

Tales as Old as Tiny: The Bandicoots encounter Tiny Tiger, depressed and very lacking in muscle. Crash wants to help, leading to the two entering the wildcat’s mind.

Minuscule Madness (Part 1): The Bandicoots reach a dimension that has everyone in it out to kill them. The problem is that the “everyone” are too small to be noticeable by the duo.

Minuscule Madness (Part 2): Crash’s body has been invaded by the small people and Coco must figure out how to save her bro before he dies or the small people die first due to Crash’s surprisingly volatile insides.

Jake and the Crashman: Crash is split from Coco and is thrust into a noir story involving wumpa fruit, cars, and a hidden conspiracy.

War the Game: Crash and Coco face off against a supercomputer possessing a crystal where losing will mean the end of that world, the heart and mind of our Bandicoot siblings truly at unity this episode.

Coco Kaijuu: The next dimension our siblings enter have them transformed into giant monsters and while Coco wants to be peaceful towards the civilians, Crash is having fun with his new form which unleashes a force trying to stop them.

Rip Roo Ca-Choo: Ripper Roo is alone after his original defeat from Crash, rejected by Cortex and with no direction. He then sees Crash again and becomes determined to exact his revenge.

Crash the Bachelor: A hopeless romantic Skunk finds love when Crash is the one being that isn’t driven away by his putrid stench. And while Crash enjoys being friends, our bandicoot doesn’t care about getting closer.

Tawna Comes to Tango: Dimension hopping Pirate Tawna shows up to help our Bandicoots win the crystal at a casino but her love of risk soon gets in the way.

Bookbrain: Our new trio visit the library where a crystal’s hidden and the former two decide to get Crash into more advanced reading. Crash loves it at first, but when the three discover the comic book section, it’s a challenge to keep that and Crash separate.

Animal House: Crash, Coco, and Tawna have to strengthen their teamwork to face a chicken, a monkey, and a shiny jellyfish in order to get the crystal.

Ghostdusters: Tawna doesn’t believe in ghosts, but a trek through a haunted house suddenly has her scared sneezing. The three try to make their way in and out, but finding the crystal will mean cleaning things up.

Crashket Ball: A game so complicated for Tawna and Coco leads to Crash helping them understand things his way.

Why Love Him: Tawna is separated from her friends into another dimension and stumbles across a dejected Crash that’s been through what she went through long ago in her dimension. She tries to cheer him up, and comes to realize what she saw in him originally.

The Messiness of Music: Our trio have to confront N Gin in a music contest in three days but instruments aren’t their forte, Crash and Tawna can’t and won’t sing, and Coco is overwhelmed in making the best song. However, music doesn’t have to be flawless to feel good.

Crashcading Fury: Crash wakes up angry and on destructive rampage for the next crystal. A scared Coco and Tawna do what they can, desperately trying to get their more cool, easy-going buddy back. 

Lunchtime: Crash, Coco, and Tawna have the chance to relax and get sandwiches and the Komodo brothers are sent out to kill them.

Ahoy Baby: A young group of aliens claim Tawna as their mom and she joyously comes to teach them how to live her way.

The House of N (Part 1): Knowing the trio’s progress, Cortex comes up with the idea of bringing multiple versions of himself to come up with ideas in stopping them.

The House of N (Part 2): A battle of the one true Neo Cortex ensues, leading to our main scientist at odds with himself of where everything went wrong.

Aku Uka Alone: Uka Uka and Aku Aku mentally link and argue over the faith they have in their hero/villains.

Dream Reaper: In this silent but musical episode, N Tropy sends a villain capable of killing people while they’re dreaming to the trio, only for our villain to underestimate all three’s imaginative capabilities.

Pace and Test: Crash is challenged to a simultaneous physical and academic exam for a crystal which is where his sister and bestie put their all into making him the best of both worlds.

Ferally Feud: Crash and Tawna get into an argument, leading Coco to try moderating and sees why she loves them both.

It Takes a Bandicoot to Save a Village: Former chief Papu Papu asks Crash to help rebuild his village after Cortex’s meddling might force them to leave the island.

Crate Minds Think Alike: Cortex manages to weaken the trio to the point where they can’t bash crates anymore, leading to them pushing each other to get stronger in the real way.

Dial D for Dingo: Meeting up with an old chum at his “established” restaurant, the Bandicoots take a stand when health inspectors have come to shut down the place by ANY means.

Two Times Tropy: While Cortex is out, N Tropy and his female alternate are working on repairs but are ignorantly making things worse with their constant ego stroking.

Crash The Banditoon: The trio reach a blank dimension where things feel different, more animated and that’s saying something. Crash isn’t complaining though.

Juicy Juiced: A special wumpa Crash finds gives the trio enhanced ability but at the cost of sleeping for days. So they keep eating it in order to come up with an antidote to null the effects at the risk of an eternal sleep.

Lab Rat Revolution: The trio arrive at a place populated by a majority of Brio’s rejects and helps them get revenge.

Wayback Brio: An encounter with N. Brio has him and Coco stuck in a cavern. While Crash and Tawna figure out a way to their freedom, the two inside are forced to rewalk their former relationship.

The Skinner (Halloween Special): Crash is possessed by an evil spirit that’s known for desiring the skin of its victim, unbeknownst to Tawna and Coco though, an unstable spirit can’t control an unstable body.

You’re a Bad Man, Dr. Cortex: Cortex arrives in a dimension where he’s the leader of the world, only this version is a good guy. Naturally he replaces the other Cortex and tries to spin the world into his image, but is conflicted that he’ll destroy a utopia he technically made himself.

Nurse Bandicoot: Coco catches a high fever after a trip through the arctic dimension, and the others do what they can for her. Crash surprisingly takes things slow while Tawna is frantic in making things better.

Do Mursupials Dream of Magic Sheep?: Crash suddenly gets nightmares and it affects him while awake. One night, a figure appears in his dream and the two adventure to found out how to resolves these bitter feelings.

Cocomotion: A trip to the future has Coco visit a successful version of herself. As such, it’s the age old case between future versus family. 

Crunched Kindness (1/2 Hour Christmas Special): Infiltrating Cortex’s castle, the trio frees a disheveled Crunch Bandicoot and helps him see the beauty of the world.

High School Bandicoot: The Trio are stuck in a video game dating sim where Crash has to win in one go or get deleted forever.

Fishing for Crystals: A fish eats a crystal, a bigger fish eats the little and so on, forcing our heroes to fish differently in the effort to get it back.

Continue?: Crash finds himself alone in a dreary world where it turns out he's dead. He meets a little possum girl and her big bodyguard as they help him uncover a way back to life.

The Trials of Crash Bandicoot: Crash is framed for multiple interdimensional crimes in space court, all of which are Cortex’s doings, and while Coco and Tawna play defense, everyone he’s encounter over the series comes to either his aid or prosecution, and Cortex has something up his sleeve, Crash himself is seemingly out cold during everything.

The Dimmer of Hope: After the events of the previous episode, Cortex has all the crystals and the trio’s banished to the end of the universe. All feels lost, so all that’s left to do is reminisce of the adventures the three got to have.

The Dimensional Dance (Part 1): Cortex and the N Tropys have everything set for multiversal domination but argue over how they want to do things. Meanwhile the trio get back to reality and figure out a way to destroy the crystals. 

The Dimensional Dance (Part 2): Crash has absorbed all of the power of the reality machine to make a universe in his own image. Tawna, Coco, the N Tropys, and Cortex are aware and find out that this won’t be stable for much longer and have to save Crash to reverse the effects.

The Never Ending Story (Series Finale): Crash is alone again, not dead, this time in a plane outside all existence and, given the chance to speak for the first time, reflects on his life and everything he got to have to a being he’s familiar with.

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In honor of @aku-uka-bros, it’s the masks themselves! Using their beards as a stand I was able to make them stay upright, and the expressions kind of match their mask origins. And of course, bones for Uka Uka and leaves/feathers for Aku Aku.

“The Aku-Uka Brothers, together again!”

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{ pt. 2;; I only was able to do a few sketches yesterday before Starbucks closed shop for the night. But I plan to do more soon! 

You guys are all inspiring and your writing is always a treat to read. Thank you guys for everything that you do; you’re all rad af. : ^ )) }

{ Bonus Techa doodles bc again, I didn’t have an eraser and I wasn’t really satisfied with these. But imma place them here anyhow: }

@thebandicootbombshell @enginesofdoom @aku-uka-bros @the-crystal-doctor

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Crash Bandicoot Homecoming Chapter 8

Chapter 8: The bird’s prey/Attack on Cortex Castle (Disclaimer!) Crash saw Power Man helping to push the boat back together. “Glad I could catch the boat,” he said, “Leave this to me!” “Got it,” said Crash. He went around helping Spyro evacuate everyone from the boat. Pretty soon everyone was out of the boat. Crash started to leave but tripped. “Shit!” he said. He fell into the river. “Hang on buddy!” said Spyro. He dove down to look for him. “Crash?” he asked, “Crash where are you?!” “Boo!” he said. He spooked Spyro. “That was dirty,” he said, “But at least you’re ok.” “Yeah…” said Crash. “What’s wrong?” asked Spyro, “Are you ok?” “If by ok, you mean feeling bad because I let the bad guy get away and put a lot of people in danger, then yes,” said Crash. “That’s where you’re wrong,” said Spyro, “Look behind you.” An audience was cheering for Crash and Spyro. Power man came down and came out of his suit. “I was wrong,” he said. “What do you mean?” asked Crash. “It wasn’t you who wasn’t ready to face off against supervillains,” said Nicholas, “It was me who wasn’t ready… to let you go.” “What do you mean?” asked Crash. “The reason I came here after hearing about the attacks going on was because I was scared,” said Nicholas, “I was scared that what happened to my old comrades was gonna happen to you, and I just couldn’t take that. But you proved me wrong.” “Really?” asked Crash. “But, do me a favor and stop trying,” said Nicholas. “But I’m just trying to be like you,” said Crash. “Dude, just be yourself,” said Nicholas, “It doesn’t matter what other people think about you. All that matters is what you think.” Crash smiled. “I’m gonna need the suit,” said Nicholas. “What?” asked Crash. “I’m asking Coco to help me put on some upgrades. If you’re gonna take on Cortex and his evil henchmen, then its gonna take more than a few dancing moves and a flashy costume,” said Nicholas, “No offense.” “None taken,” said Crash. “I’ll see you later,” said Nicholas, “Keep fighting the good fight kid.” He flew away. “Need a lift?” asked Spyro “What?” asked Crash, “Oh yeah.” He got on Spyro’s back and they flew back to campus. Jackie greeted him with a hug and a kiss. “We saw you on TV,” said Jackie, “That was amazing!” “Yeah,” said Crash as he smiled, “And it looks like I got the approval of Nicholas Shay.” “Crash, don’t make a habit of this,” said Coco, “There’s other ways of getting attention of this you know?” “Maybe I don’t need the attention,” said Crash. “What do you mean?” asked Jackie. “Sometimes the thing that you want the most is right beside you along,” said Crash. Jackie was still confused. “It wasn’t the fans and the fame that keeps me going Jackie,” said Crash, “I realized that it was you.” Jackie started to blush. “I spent my entire life trying to figure out what I want, but I think I already have,” said Crash. If I had you by Adam Lambert Crash: So I got my boots on, Got the right amount of leather And I'm doing me up with a black color liner And I'm working my strut but I know it don't matter All we need in this world is some love There's a thin line between the dark side and the light side baby tonight It's a struggle gotta rumble, tryin' to find it But if I had you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need Yeah if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete If I had you, life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy Yeah if I had you You y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-you If I had you From New York to LA getting high rock and rolling Get a room trash it up 'till it's ten in the morning Girls in stripper heels, boys rolling in Maserati's What they need in this world is some love There's a thin line between the wild time and a flat-line baby tonight It's a struggle gotta rumble tryin' to find it But if I had you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need Yeah if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete If I had you, life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy Yeah if I had you You y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-you If I had The flashing of the lights It might feel so good but I got you stuck on my mind, yeah The flashing and the stage it might get me high But it don't mean a thing tonight That would be the only thing I'd ever need Yeah if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete If I had you, life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy Yeah if I had you You y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-you If I had you That would be the only thing I'd ever need Yeah if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete (never could compete with you) If I had you, life would be a party, it'd be ecstasy (it'd be ecstasy with you) Yeah if I had you You y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-y-you, y-y-y-y-you If I had you The two of them shared a kiss. Meanwhile back at Cortex’s headquarters, Crow was doing some finishing touches on the repairs. “That should do it,” he said. He noticed something stuck on the wing of his flight suit. “What do we have here,” he said as he looked at it. It was a picture from Crash’s wallet that he took of himself and Jackie. “So, did you find any crystals, Dennis?” asked Cortex coming in. “Unfortunately no,” said Crow, “But, I did discover who our friend in the suit is.” He showed Cortex the picture. “I think I need to go pick up some groceries on the way back,” said Crow putting on the suit.

Jackie was heading in to her dorm after a long day at work. “What a day,” she said. She took off her jacket and laid on her bed. She heard a noise and looked out the window. “What was that?” she asked. She shrugged and turned around. Crow was standing right in front of her. “Tough day wasn’t it?” he asked getting closer to her. “Who are you?” asked Jackie. “Just a concerned citizen,” said Crow, “You see I have a little problem and I think you could help.” “What’s that?” asked Jackie. “There’s a rodent interfering with my plans and I tried getting rid of him,” said Crow, “And then it just hit me. What better way to trap a rodent than with his little girlfriend!” He snatched Jackie and then called his wings and flew away with her. Later Crash was heading to the same dorm to take Jackie out for another date. “Jackie?” he asked, “I’m here.” He didn’t hear anything. Crash opened the door and saw it was a mess. “Jackie?” he asked again. He looked around trying to find her. He saw her necklace on the ground. “Oh no,” said Crash. He rushed over to Coco’s room and busted down the door. “Damn it Crash!” said Coco. She was working on a project. “Oh, right, sorry,” said Crash. He want back out and knocked then came back in. “Much better,” said Coco. “Jackie’s been kidnapped!” said Crash. “What?!” asked Coco. “I found her necklace,” said Crash, “Cortex must be behind all of this.” His phone vibrated. “Hello?” asked Crash. “Hello Crash,” said Crow. “Crow?” he asked. “I’d like to make a trade,” said Crow grinning, “I was just in the neighborhood walking around until….. I found something that would be most valuable to you.” He put the phone near Jackie. “Crash,” said Jackie, “Help me!” “What do you want in exchange for her?” asked Crash. “The crystals,” said Crow, “You will bring them to N sanity Beach tonight alone. If I see the dragon or anyone else, the girl dies.” “I’ll do what you ask,” said Crash, “Just don’t hurt her.” “You have a deal,” said Crow. “Crow’s got Jackie,” said Crash, “I gotta save her.” “Well I’ve researched what Cortex was up to, and there’s no way you can take them on by yourself,” said Coco, “That’s why I called in some help.” “What kind of help?” asked Spyro. She placed the last orb inside the portal and it opened. From it came some of Spyro and Crash’s old allies. Polar, Pura, Penta, Hunter, Elora, Shelia, Sgt. Byrd, and Agent 9. Elora got a look at Spyro and smiled. Spyro was about to say something when someone got in the way. “Spyro is that really you?!” he asked, “It is I, the professor! Look Elora, did you…” Elora grinned already knowing who it was. “You’ve changed your hair,” said Spyro. “Same jacket,” said Elora. “Guys….” Said Crash. “Spyro told us everything that’s going on,” said Hunter, “We figured we should help you out.” “If you go, then we go too,” said Penta, “One for all…” “And all for one!” said Polar and Pura. “You can count me in too,” said Sly. He was with Murray and Bentley. “We still owe you for those gems you gave us,” said Murray, “They’re worth a fortune.” “Oh, a package came for you Crash,” said Coco. Crash took it and it revealed a new suit for him. There was a note attached. “Hey buddy, I tried to stay as close to your original design as possible, and I gave you some new gadgets. Two twin blasters, some new armor spandex, jet boots, and a mask for whenever you go into dangerous paths. I know you wanna take on those punks who have been taking gear from our battle in Seattle and turning them into weapons, and I can’t stop you from doing what’s right. But do me a favor; stop trying to be like me. Just be yourself. Good luck out there. Yours truly, Nichoals.” Crash smiled. He tried it on and it fit him. “Fits like a glove,” said Crash as he grinned. He placed Aku-Aku on his side. “Nice duds,” said Elora. Coco showed everyone her project she’s been working on. “It’s built for as many passengers as it’ll take which in this case is plenty,” said Coco. “Oh man, you gotta let me drive this,” said Crash. “After that stunt you pulled with the sasquatch gang?” asked Spyro, “I think not.” “C’mon I’ve learned from my mistakes,” said Crash. “Guys,” said Elora. “I could drive around you in circles with blind folders on!” said Spyro. “Guys!” said Elora. “Awwww SHUT UP AND MOVE IT!” said Coco, “I’m driving.” They both shrugged. They were heading to N Sanity Beach. “Hold on Jackie,” said Crash, “I’ll find ya.” Jackie was trapped in a cell. Crow was messing with some of the crystals to power up his machine. “HEY!” said Jackie, “I’m trying to get your attention! You’ll get what you want for your little machine now let me go!” “I can’t let you go,” said Crow, “Without you there’d be no special trade. But its not like your little boyfriend can stop me.” “He will stop you,” said Jackie, “And Cortex as well.” “I doubt it,” said Crow. His wings could now shoot out magnetic talons made from the crystals. “With this I’ll put an end to that infernal bandicoot,” said Crow. “I leave this all to you Crow,” said Cortex, “Crash will be willing to hand over the last crystals with his lucky charm in our grasp.” Crash was looking at the sky starting to turn. “Are you sure we’re heading the same way?” asked Crash. “I haven’t been to N Sanity Beach in a couple of years,” said Coco. “Must’ve been a band couple of years,” said Crash. Pura was riding on Rilla Roo, one of N Brio’s creations. Polar was skating with Penta on his back. “How did N Brio even create something like that?” asked Polar. “Beats me,” said Penta. “Rilla Roo (I am Rilla Roo),” said Rilla Roo. “Looks like we’re here,” said Spyro, “And we’ve got company.” A bunch of Cortex’ minions including Tiny and Dingodile were in the way. “Its time to see what this new suit can do,” said Crash. He clicked his heels and his jet boots activated. “Yee haw!” he said. He landed on dingodile and kicked him. “That hurt boy!” said Dingodile. “That was the idea,” said Crash. Coco jumped out of the car and started fighting off some of Cortex’ minions. N gin was watching the events unfold. “Should we intervene?” asked N. Gin. “No my pupil,” said Cortex, “Let him have his fun. I have something else I have to do.” Polar was taking down some of Cortex’s minions. “Wow Polar, I didn’t think you were a fighter,” said Pura. “As some people say, there comes a time where all men must…” said Polar as he punched someone in the face, “Oh you get the point!” A line of humanoid animals lined up to attack Pura and Penta. Rilla Roo intervened and did a barrage of punches on all of them. He turned around and grinned. “This guy knows how to fight,” said Crunch. Crash made his way into the castle to find Jackie. Crow was waiting at the stairs. “Ok Crow, where is she?” asked Crash. “Oh she’s safe, for now,” said Crow, “Why don’t you come and get her.” Crash chased him to the top. Soldiers tried to stop him. “Ooga-Booga!” said Crash. Aku-Aku appeared and circled around him giving him a shield. “Crash!” said Jackie. “Jackie!” said Crash as he went to get her. “First give me the crystal,” said Crow, “Then we’ll talk.” “What do you want with these crystals?” asked Crash. “To help complete the weapon that Cortex has been planning to use,” said Crow, “More importantly to bring my company to the top.” “What?” asked Crash. “You see, I was one of the co-workers of Gadd Science Incorporated and I was on the verge of starting a revolution of technology,” said Crow, “But they feared my research too dangerous and booted me out and found a new Protégé. I want you to understand that I will do anything to make sure my hard work is known by the world, and I know you know what I mean.” Crash had his twin pistols ready to fire. “So don’t mess with me,” said Crow, “Cause I will kill you and everyone you love.” He dashed at him and Crash jumped. Crow caught him by the leg and threw him at a lab table. “You really think you can be a match for me?” asked Crow. He shot some of his crystal feathers at Crash and he evaded them. Coco made it to the top. “Coco!” said Jackie. “Hold on,” said Coco. She got a tool that could help Jackie out of the cage and she was free. “We gotta get outta here!” said Coco. “But Crash is in Peril!” said Jackie. Crash was taking a serious beating from Crow. Crow took him up to the sky. “Get off of me!” said Crash. Coco and Jackie went into the ship. “Follow that bird!” said Jackie. They followed Crow. Crash managed to get loose and fell on a plane. Crow landed on the plane. “This whole time I’ve been plotting to put Gadd Science Inc. out of business, and all of a sudden you show up,” he said. He attacked Crash and damaged one of his pistols. “Nothing is gonna stand in my way,” said Crow, “Least of all, YOU!” He grabbed Crash with one of his wings and threw him down. He almost fell off the plane but Spyro caught him. “Buddy!” said Crash. “Talk later, we got work to do,” said Spyro as he pulled him up. Crow used one of his wings to cut off one of the wings. “You have a plane to catch,” said Crow. He flew off. The people inside were screaming. “We gotta do something!” said Crash. “I know what to do,” said Crash. He clicked his heels and started flying. He was pushing one of the turbines up to keep balance. Spyro did the same to the other turbine to help Crash. “We just gotta land away from the buildings and we’ll be alright!” said Crash. Crash pulled with all his might and managed to get the plane to land safely. Everyone got out and cheered for Crash. Jackie smiled but saw Crow approaching him. “Crash watch out!!” she shouted. But it was too late. Crow used one of his robotic talons to plunge through Crash. “Game over!” said Crow as he pulled the talon out. Everyone watched in horror. “Behold everyone, the foolish brat who tried to play hero,” said Crow, “And look where it got him!” Jackie ran over to Crash. “Crash no!” said Jackie, “Don’t leave me like this.” Crow grabbed her hand. “Don’t worry girly,” said Crow, “You’ll be joining him soon enough.” Crash’s wound secretly healed and he got back up. “And now, your days of peace end!” said Crow. He heard someone singing. It was Crash and he was dancing to some music. “What’s going on here?” asked Crow, “What are you doing?!” “I’m distracting you dumbass,” said Crash. Rilla Roo activated some kind of device that shut down Crow’s flying ability while he still retained his sharp feathers. “No more flying bird,” said Pura. “Why you little….” Said Crow, “No matter, I can still crush this little brat!” “That’s what you think,” said Crash, “You can do whatever you like, but I’ll still be standing!” I’m still standing by Elton John Crash: You could never know what it's like Your blood like winter freezes just like ice And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use And did you think this fool could never win Well, look at me, I'm a-coming back again I got a taste of love in a simple way And if you need to know while I'm still standing you just fade away Crow tried attacking Crash but his dance moves were just too quick for him. Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid And I'm still standing after all this time Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind Crash landed a few punches and kicks on Crow as he blocked them. “Hold still you twerp!” he said. Crash wouldn’t hold still as the music was grooving him. I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah Once I never could hope to win You're starting down the road leaving me again The threats you made were meant to cut me down And if our love was just a circus you'd be a clown by now You know I'm still standing better than I ever did Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid I'm still standing after all this time Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah Don't you know that I'm still standing better than I ever did Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid And I'm still standing after all this time Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still standing. Yeah, yeah, yeah Crash managed to grab Crow’s wings. “No, don’t!” said Crow. Crash then pulled them off and smashed them to pieces, then punched Crow in the face and he was down for the count. “Looks like this bird’s been grounded!” said Crash. Jackie tackled him with a hug and then a kiss. “What about Cortex?” asked Pura, “He’s still out there and has the crystals.” “Or does he?” asked Elora. She secretly stole the crystals back. “Elora you sneaky girl,” said the professor, “Well at last his weapon can’t be completed.” “You bet your ass,” said Hunter. Later the authorities came and arrested Crow and he was taken to jail. The news was talking about Crash and his efforts to save Echo Creek and the world from certain destruction. At school there was a celebration for Crash and his heroic deeds. Nicholas was watching and couldn’t be more proud of Crash. “You finally did it buddy,” he said. He checked the mail and got a letter from Crash. Dear Mr. Shay; I can’t thank you enough for the suit and its cool functions. However I don’t think I’m gonna need the mask anymore. The people have already seen my face without it, so there’s no point in keeping it on. I also appreciate the lesson about being myself. It really helped. Thanks, for everything. Crash Bandicoot. Nicholas kept the mask from the suit that he gave Crash. Back at the celebration, Crash and his band were playing. Everyone else was dancing. Meanwhile Crash and Elora were reconciling. Back in the Afternoon by Panic! At The Disco Crash: Back to the street where we began Feeling as good as lovers can, you know Yeah we're feeling so good Pickin' up things we shouldn't read It looks like the end of history as we know It's just the end of the world Back to the street where we began Feeling as good as love, you could, you can Jackie: Into a place where thoughts can bloom Into a room where it's nine in the afternoon And we know that it could be And we know that it should And you know that you feel it too 'Cause it's nine in the afternoon Crash: And your eyes are the size of the moon You could 'cause you can so you do We're feeling so good Just the way that we do When it's nine in the afternoon Your eyes are the size of the moon You could 'cause you can so you do We're feeling so good Star: Back to the street Down to our feet Losing the feeling of feeling unique Do you know what I mean? Marco: Back to the place Where we used to say Man it feels good to feel this way Now I know what I mean Spyro: Back to the street, back to the place, Back to the room where it all began (hey) Back to the room where it all began 'Cause it's nine in the afternoon Your eyes are the size of the moon You could 'cause you can so you do We're feeling so good Just the way that we do When it's nine in the afternoon Your eyes are the size of the moon You could 'cause you can so you do We're feeling so good Just the way that we do When it's nine in the afternoon Crash and Jackie: Your eyes are the size of the moon You could 'cause you can so you do We're feeling so good Just the way that we do When it's nine in the afternoon Crash pulled Jackie up to the stage and they shared a kiss in the moonlight. The End….. Cortex and N Gin found a secret cave. “He is here,” said Cortex. “Who?” asked N. Gin. “My master,” said Cortex. He took one of the crystals and placed it on a table. From the table emerged an evil floating mask. “At last I am free,” it said. It laughed evilly. Confident by Demi Lovato Are you ready? It's time for me to take it I'm the boss right now Not gonna fake it Not when you go down 'Cause this is my game And you better come to play I used to hold my freak back Now I'm letting go I make my own choice [Clean version:] Yeah I run this show [Explicit version:] Bitch, I run this show So leave the lights on No, you can't make me behave So you say I'm complicated That I must be outta my mind But you've had me underrated Rated, rated What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? It's time to get the chains out Is your tongue tied up? 'Cause this is my ground And I'm dangerous And you can get off But it's all about me tonight So you say I'm complicated That I must be outta my mind But you've had me underrated Rated, rated What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? So you say I'm complicated But you've had me underrated What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? La Da Dee by Cody Simpson There's no way to say this song's about someone else Every time you're not in my arms I start to lose myself Someone please pass me my shades Don't let 'em see me down You have taken over my days So tonight I'm going out Yet I'm feeling like There is no better place than right by your side I had a little taste And I'll only spoil the party anyway 'Cause all the girls are looking fine But you're the only one on my mind La da dee La da dee doo La da da me La da da you La da dee La da dee doo There's only me There's only you La da dee La da dee doo La da da me La da da you La da dee La da dee doo When you were gone I think of you All these places packed with people but your face is all I see And the music's way too loud but your voice won't let me be So many pretty girls around They're just dressing to impress But the thought of you alone has got me spun And I don't know what to say next Yet I'm feeling like There is no better place than right by your side I had a little taste And I'll only spoil the party anyway 'Cause all the girls are looking fine But you're the only one on my mind La da dee La da dee doo La da da me La da da you La da dee La da dee doo There's only me There's only you La da dee La da dee doo La da da me La da da you La da dee La da dee doo When you were gone I think of you [2x] I pretend the night is so beautiful Take a photo with the bros La da dee La da da doo They won't see through my disguise Right here behind my eyes Replaying in my mind La de da Yet I'm feeling like There is no better place than right by your side I had a little taste And I'll only spoil the party anyway 'Cause all the girls are looking fine But you're the only one on my mind La da dee La da dee doo La da da me La da da you La da dee La da dee doo There's only me There's only you La da dee La da dee doo La da da me La da da you La da dee La da dee doo When you were gone I think of you [2x]

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n. shroud, overenthusiastic "ghost fangirl" who geeks out over all things supernatural, a bit too eager to disrupt the balance of nature with their crazy paranormal mad science if it means an exciting ghostly encounter. 

they “tame” spirits using a device that emits some sort of stimulus that can only be perceived by spirits via supernatural senses lacked by mortals, like some kind of pheromone or dogwhistle for ghosts. whatever it is, aku and uka go nuts for it and it puts them in a docile, euphoric state; the bros describe it as something "whispering" to them. 

spirits under n. shroud's control call them "mama" and act like dumb over-affectionate golden retrievers around them. keep babbling absentmindedly about how kind and wonderful mama is to them. like, aku just looms over crash all like "mama said i.. get a popsicle... if i... get rid of you...🥴"

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characters i wanna see in a potential crash 5:

everyone who appeared in 4 obviously (so crash, coco, aku aku, alt. tawna, uka uka, cortex, tropy, brio, n gin, dingodile, alt. tropy, oxide, polar)

would not be opposed to seeing the quantum masks again but i won’t hold my breath since they’re very situational



koala kong

original tawna (interacting with alt. tawna, Blease, think of the funnies)

komodo bros joe & moe


crunch bandicoot (new origin story? more interactions with the other mutants before siding with crash and coco?)

nina cortex (her origin can basically be the same since she can be attending the academy of evil by the time crash 4 starts)

pura and baby t!!!

n trance. i really like his design and his origin story of being from the fifth dimension can be worked into the story, maybe he saw a rift and went through it to the main timeline just before the quantum masks closed them? or even better: he finds his way to wherever the tropys are)

basically everyone from the original trilogy plus nina, n trance, and crunch lmao

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Well I did it! Go ahead and send some asks!

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Top 10 lỗi ngớ ngẩn trong game được “nâng cấp” lên thành tính năng

Ngày nay, cho dù có được chăm chút đến mấy thì game cũng khó thể nào tránh được chuyện dính phải những lỗi lớn nhỏ, khiến trải nghiệm của game thủ không được trọn vẹn. Nhà phát triển có thể vá lỗi đó để game thủ chơi trong yên lành, nhưng đôi lúc cũng có những pha mà họ không muốn sửa, thay vào đó là biến tấu nó để trở thành một tính năng hài hước hơn. Sau đây là danh sách 10 lỗi ngớ ngẩn trong game nhưng sau đó lại trở thành một tính năng.

Sabin chơi chiêu đô vật với con trùm Phantom Train – Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VI nhận được nhiều lời khen ngợi khi nó ra mắt vào năm 1994. Sau đó thì nó còn được chuyển hệ lên các nền tảng khác nhau như Gameboy Advance, PS1, và Wii. Và cho dù được chuyển hệ, ra mắt hết lần này đến lần khác, phần 6 này vẫn còn tồn đọng một lỗi vô cùng ngớ ngẩn liên quan đến con trùm Phantom Train và thành viên Sabin trong đội.

Nhân vật này có một cái chiêu gọi là Suplex (bên Nhật thì gọi là Meteor Strike). Khi xài chiêu này thì Sabin sẽ bay đến toa tàu, nhấc nó lên, lộn ngược lại rồi đập toa tàu xuống mặt đất. Có một vài kẻ địch mà Sabin không thể chơi chiêu này vì quá bự hoặc quá mạnh; nhưng vì một lý do nào đó mà Sabin lại có thể Suplex con trùm Phantom Train này – một toa tàu chạy bằng hơi hơi nước – rất đơn giản. Và có lẽ vì fan quá thích “lỗi” này nên nó đã được giữ lại trong những phiên bản được chuyển hệ sau này.

Con chim cánh cụt tàn bạo – Zoo Tycoon

Trong bản Zoo Tycoon (2001) ra mắt trên PC, có một lỗi khó hiểu liên quan đến… chim cánh cụt. Vì một lý do nào đó mà khi anh em đặt một con chim cánh cụt vào trong bất kì cái chuồng nào không phải dành cho chim cánh cụt thì nó sẽ nổi trận lôi đình và giết bất kì con thú nào đang ở chung chỗ đó. Rõ ràng đây là một lỗi trong game, nhưng nhà phát triển Blue Fang Games đã quyết định là sẽ biến tấu lỗi này cho nó hài hước một chút trong Zoo Tycoon 2.

Phần 2 này có bản mở rộng tên là Extinct Animals, cho phép anh em nhận nuôi các con vật như voi ma mút, hổ răng kiếm, và… chim cánh cụt hung dữ. Con chim cánh cụt này y như phiên bản tiền nhiệm của nó trong phần 1, sẵn sàng giết bất kì con thú nào mà nó gặp phải. Trong phần 2 còn có khủng long bạo chúa (T-rex), nhưng trước mặt con chim cánh cụt này thì bạo chúa cũng chỉ là muỗi mà thôi. Đến nỗi những người tham quan khi nhìn thấy nó cũng phải khiếp sợ là hiểu rồi đó.

Câu nói “Penguin Yay” – Crash Team Racing

Trong bản Crash Team Racing đầu tiên thì Penta Penguin là một nhân vật có thể chơi được sau khi mở khóa. Theo lý thuyết thì bạn cũng có thể dùng mã cheat để mở khóa Penta, nhưng khi dùng con này rồi thì bạn sẽ biết một sự thật là nó còn chưa được hoàn thiện. Penta Penguin có không ít điều kì quặc mà không có nhân vật nào giống với nó. Chẳng hạn, khi bạn lấy vật phẩm (power-up) mặt nạ thì Penta sẽ có 50% cơ hội để triệu hồi Aku Aku hoặc Uka Uka. Mỗi nhân vật trong game đều được chia thành 2 nhóm, tốt và xấu, và sẽ có cái mặt nạ tương ứng; nhưng riêng Penta thì lại đi 2 hàng, có cả 2 mặt nạ của 2 nhóm luôn.

Tuy nhiên, lỗi ngớ ngẩn nhất của tay đua cánh cụt này là câu nói “Penguin Yay”. Thay vì có giọng nói như là một chú chim cánh cụt thì Penta lại có giọng như là một người đàn ông trưởng thành đọc câu “Penguin Yay 1” và “Penguin Yay 2”. Trong bản Crash Team Racing remake thì những dòng này được thu âm nhằm mục đích hẳn hoi chứ không còn là lỗi nữa. Bạn sẽ được nghe nhân vật này thốt lên “Penguin Yay 1” với giọng chim cánh cụt trong một số trường hợp nhất định, và nó vẫn có chức năng triệu hồi Aku Aku hoặc Uka Uka như bản gốc.

Conrad vu khống Shepard – Mass Effect 1, 2 ,3

Conrad Verner có một nhiệm vụ trong cả 3 phần Mass Effect, và thậm chí người chị em của Conrad là Cassandra cũng có nhiệm vụ riêng trong phần Mass Effect: Andromeda. Theo một cựu nhân viên của BioWare thì Conrad là một trong nhân vật được yêu thích của đội ngũ làm game. Khi bạn gặp Conrad lần đầu, bạn cũng có thể chọn phương án đuổi anh ta đi và không làm nhiệm vụ của nhân vật này; bạn cũng có thể cho anh ta chữ ký và khuyến khích anh ta đi về nhà; hoặc là móc súng ra chĩa thẳng vào mặt Conrad để đe dọa luôn.

Tuy nhiên, khi xuất tập tin savegame từ phần 1 sang phần 2 thì đã xảy ra một lỗi nhỏ, và bất kể anh em xử lý tình huống Conrad trong phần 1 ra làm sao thì trong phần 2 Conrad vẫn quả quyết nói rằng bạn đã chĩa súng vào mặt anh ta và đồng thời tuyên bố không xem bạn là anh hùng nữa. Đến phần 3 thì Conrad sẽ xin lỗi vì hành động vu khống của mình nếu thật sự trong phần 1 bạn không hề làm điều đó. Conrad đổ lỗi cho việc trí nhớ kém do bị stress và rối trí vào lúc đó.

Link tay không – Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Khi chuyển hệ phần Ocarina of Time lên máy 3DS, đội ngũ phát triển đã phải đối diện với một vấn đề khá là hóc búa. Có không ít fan đã phát hiện và chỉ ra những lỗi có trong game. Vì thế nên khi chuyển hệ, đội ngũ phát triển đã cố tình để lại một số lỗi nhằm tăng tính hoài cổ cho game. Có không ít lỗi nổi cộm trong Ocarina of Time, nhưng có lẽ 2 trong số những lỗi quan trọng nhất là Swordless Link và Epona Items. Lỗi đầu tiên thì khá là hài hước và vô hại, cho phép anh em điều khiển Link mà không có một tấc sắt để phòng thân.

Ngoài ra lỗi này còn cho phép anh em dùng vật phẩm với con ngựa Epona, tạo ra một số hiệu ứng kỳ lạ. Chẳng hạn, nếu anh em dùng cây sáo ocarina lên Epona khi lỗi Swordless Link đang làm việc thì góc quay camera sẽ thay đổi, cho phép anh em điều khiển Epona chạy lòng vòng như là một con ngựa robot vậy.

Chiêu thức Wavedashing – Super Smash Bros. Melee

Wavedashing là một chiêu thức nâng cao được nhiều tuyển thủ chuyên nghiệp sử dụng trong Super Smash Bros Melee. Chiêu này cho phép 1 vài nhân vật trượt một đoạn dài, xịn hơn hẳn so với chiêu dashing vì nó cho phép người chơi chuyển hóa wavedash thành một hành động dưới đất mà vẫn tiếp tục di chuyển theo chiều ngang. Trong một lần phỏng vấn với Nintendo Power, đạo diễn của series là Masahiro Sakurai có nói rằng ông biết chiêu này đang được các tuyển thủ chuyên nghiệp sử dụng nhiều. Đây là một cơ chế phát sinh không hề mong muốn và bản thân Sakurai không thích nó 1 chút nào vì nó khiến khoảng cách về kỹ năng giữa game thủ lão làng và gà mờ càng xa hơn hơn. Kết quả là chiêu này đã không còn gì xây dựng thương hiệu trong hầu hết các phần Super Smash Bros sau phần Melee.

Tuy nhiên, Wavedashing có “tái xuất” trong bản Super Smash Bros mới nhất là Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Tuy nhiên, cơ chế của chiêu này đã bị thay đổi hoàn toàn. Vì chiêu nhảy trong game đã bị thay đổi ít nhiều nên wavedash cần thời gian lâu hơn để bắt đầu thi triển. Ngoài ra thì nhân vật cũng không trượt xa bằng phiên bản Melee, nếu không muốn nói là chẳng khác gì đứng im tại chỗ. Nhưng dù sao đi nữa thì việc bổ sung chiêu này cũng đã khiến một số game thủ bớt phàn nàn.

Chiếc vali dí theo kẻ địch – Hitman 2

Nhà phát triển IO Interactive nổi tiếng với series Hitman đã không còn gì quá lạ lẫm gì với việc chèn thêm lỗi vào game và xem nó như là một tính năng. Trong đó có một lỗi nổi bật từng xây dựng thương hiệu trong series này nằm ở phần Hitman 2 (2018). Vì những vũ khí có thể ném được (thrown weapons) được lập trình theo kiểu riêng nên có không ít vật dụng có chức năng bám theo kẻ địch trong một quãng thời gian cực kì lâu, có khi còn dí từ đầu này sang đầu kia bản đồ luôn.

Trong đó, món vũ khí bị dính lỗi này mà người chơi yêu thích nhất chính là cái vali đựng hồ sơ (briefcase). Khi ném, nó sẽ đi theo kẻ địch với tốc độ rùa bò, bất kể kẻ địch có đứng xa cỡ nào và có chạy xa đến đâu. Mặc dù lỗi này sau đó đã được sửa, nhà phát triển vì quá thích thú với ý tưởng này nên đã bổ sung vào trong game một vũ khí tên là “Homing Briefcase” trong một bản cập nhật sau đó với hiệu ứng tương tự: bám sát mục tiêu bằng bất cứ giá nào, đến khi mục tiêu bị tiêu diệt mới thôi.

Krem đứng lên trên ghế – Dragon Age: Inquistion

Trong game, bạn cũng có thể gặp gỡ nhân vật được yêu thích Krem tại quán rượu Skyhold. Nhiều người chơi để ý rằng khi trò chuyện với Krem trong quán bar, thay vì ngồi như một người bình thường, anh ta lại đứng trên ghế của mình, dẫn đến tình huống đôi lúc sẽ bị trượt xuống ghế ngồi theo cách rất lôi cuốn và cũng rất… lỗi. Fan trêu đùa rằng đây là do Kream có thân hình quá thấp bé, phải đứng lên ghế cho bằng với mọi người.

Nhận thấy rằng lỗi này khá là hài hước, BioWare quyết định biên tấu nó trong bản mở rộng Trespasser. Maryden, một thi sĩ tại quán Skyhold, sẽ gặp gỡ Inquisitor trong bản mở rộng này. Nếu người chơi đưa ra những lựa chọn đúng đắn trong cuộc hội thoại thì sau khi nói chuyện với Maryden, cô ta sẽ đụng vô người Krem. Khi Maryden hỏi Krem vì sao cứ xây dựng thương hiệu ở quán bar hoài, Krem trả lời rằng “À vâng, tôi rất thích các bài hát của cô. Đôi lúc tôi còn ngồi lên trên ghế để nghe bài hát của cô rõ hơn”. Sau đoạn hội thoại dễ thương này thì Krem và Maryden đã đến với nhau, chứng minh rằng bạn cũng có thể tìm thấy tình yêu ngay cả ở những nơi kì quặc nhất… ví dụ như ở trên một chiếc ghế trong một quán rượu.

Từ game đua xe lỗi khai sinh ra huyền thoại RPG – Grand Theft Auto

Cảm giác lái xe trong GTA series vẫn là một thứ gì đó rất kích thích các bạn ạ, và cái đó không phải tự nhiên đâu, vì ban đầu nó là game đua xe mà. GTA có tiền là Race and Chase, đây là một tựa game đua xe “2,5D”, bạn cũng có thể vào vai cảnh sát hoặc tội phạm để rượt đổi nhau trong một thành phố lớn. Dave Jones, cha đẻ của dự án luôn muốn đem đến cho người chơi những công cụ để người chơi có thể làm bất cứ thứ gì họ muốn. 7 lập trình viên trong đội của ông đã làm đến từng hiệu ứng nhỏ trong game, bao gồm cả việc xe có thể… ủi chết người xem. Trớ trêu thay khát vọng của Jones lại làm cho dự án Race and Chase trở nên lộn xộn, game càng chi tiết thì sẽ càng nhiều rắc rối để khắc phục, mà nhân lực của dự án còn rất hạn chế. Kết quả là nó lỗi lung tung beng hết cả lên. Thậm chí game còn trở nên quá nặng cho bộ nhớ của nền tảng Console lúc đó.

Thế nên đội ngũ thực hiện dự án đã có một quyết định đúng đắn là đổi tên Race and Chase sang Grand Theft Auto và cho nó thành game cướp luôn. Kết quả thì các bạn biết rồi đấy, GTA sau này trở thành một trong các dòng game top đầu trên thế giới và nhiều tựa game GTA đã biến đổi thành huyền thoại. Sự chi tiết của game và cảm giác lái xe trong thế giới đó chính là được thừa hưởng từ con game lỗi Race and Chase ban đầu đấy.

Chém quái kiểu “tung hứng” – Devil May Cry

Anh em biết kiểu chém quái “tung hứng” trong Devil May Cry chứ? Thật ra ban đầu nó là lỗi nhé. Khi phát triển tựa game chặt chém phiêu lưu hành động Onimusha: Warlords thì Capcom đã nhận ra một thứ khá là ngớ ngẩn trong cơ chế vật lý của gameplay. Đó là kẻ địch có thể bị hất lên không trung và bạn cũng có thể giữ chúng ở đó bằng cách tấn công liên tục.

Về bản chất thì nó là lỗi, tuy nhiên Capcom đã nhận ra được cái hay của nó. Thế là họ quyết định kệ cụ định luật vạn vật hấp dẫn và cho phép người chơi “tung hứng kẻ địch trong Devil May Cry. và Capcom đã đúng, việc “tung hứng” trong DMC khiến người chơi cực kỳ thích thú và đồng ý luôn với quan điểm “game mà, vật lý quái gì ở nơi đây” của họ. Thế là “tung hứng” đã từ một cái bug ngớ ngẩn trở thành một trong các điểm sáng, điểm đặc trưng trong cơ chế gameplay của DMC cho đến tận ngày nay, giống như vụ nhảy 2 lần trong nhiều tựa game di chuyển ngang vậy.

Nguồn What Culture

Dù sử dụng đến “2 triệu GB” nhưng Flight Simulator vẫn biến Cung điện Buckingham thành chung cư cũ mèm

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Nguồn: GameK

Bài viết Top 10 lỗi ngớ ngẩn trong game được “nâng cấp” lên thành tính năng đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Đồ Chơi Công Nghệ.

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Crash Bash maybe?

((Greetings hee ho dood! Prinnyfrost reporting for duty! I think it’s time to get onto this discussion. With the success of the Crash and Spyro trilogies along with CTR remakes, should Crash Bash also get one as well? In my opinion...

Look to be honest, I am personally hopeful that it does get one, maybe not right away, perhaps in the future after some new actual games come out for both Spyro and Crash, but I would be interested to see one since honestly I did love the game and have plenty of nostalgia for it as well as the other Crash games.

And I became even more hopeful now that Rilla Roo’s playable in the new CTR and you can bet your ass I bought him the very moment I saw him available in the Pit Stop and I plan on getting Yaya soon even though I never played the game she was in.

Not to mention that games like this and Twin Sanity are the ones that I feel deserve to have remakes the most as while they were alright games, it’s clear that they could be far better if certain changes and more development time were made for them.

At the same time however, I can understand why people would be against this idea. As stated before it may be best to see some actual new games before continuing this remake trend that’s been going on. Not to mention that as a mixed bag game, it’s clear that there are plenty of those who genuinely didn’t like the game at all and probably wouldn’t bother getting the remake if it came out so it may not be for the best sales wise.

Shit I know if someone told me there’s going to be a remake for Shadow Dragon I wouldn’t spend a single dime on it and sell it to the nearest game store if anyone got it for me as a gift.

Regardless I do believe that just in case they do decide to remake the game someday, I should throw in some ideas of what could be done with it and if you have some ideas of your own (aside from the obvious “just not remake the game” comment I can see some people tossing in) feel free to share them.

First is the obvious and take care main complaint I hear when people talk about the game which is to make more mini games. While I do enjoy most of the games here

keyword being “most”. I have to admit that it could use some more variety in the games since most of them are pretty much the same mini game but with different obstacles and adjusted rules. I’m not saying that you should get rid of all the games, quite the opposite actually; 

however instead of labeling them as their own mini game, you could turn them into a different version of each game kind of like what smash bros does for it stages and let people adjust them with their own set of rules and whatnot. Not only would this help make things less repetitive, but it’ll also help separate it from other party games including Mario Party.

I have heard people mention including mini games from Crash Boom Bang into the mix, but I’m not so sure since I’ve never played it and I’ve heard rather poor things about the game. Maybe it would be best to have more unique mini games like seeing who can collect the most wumpa fruit within a time limit and have stages where you can steal each other’s wumpa fruit or instantly lose all wumpa fruit after being blown up by a nitro or zapped by Uka Uka. Or maybe a game to see who can last the longest while ridding on an animal while giving characters their own animals to ride on like Crash on Polar, Coco on Purra, or Cortex on a penguin with different stages featuring different types of obstacles to avoid but the pathway being different every time you play it.

That being said, this also means some changes should be done with the story mode of the game. I’m not sure what could be done about the story itself. I don’t mind it staying the same,

but at the same time looking at it now makes me think this is how the tournament started between Earthrealm and Outworld in one of the various Mortal Kombat timelines, especially since not only the original developers of Crash Bash were also the people that worked on Mortal Kombat 4/Gold, which is still my personal favorite MK games to date, but also Aku Aku sounds like he needs to consult with the Elder Gods throughout the whole thing to me. Just watch Crash Bash’s intro and tell me whether or not you can picture Raiden and Shao Kahn have the exact same conversation.

As for the stages, if we’re going so far as to make new games, then we could also replace some of the stages with said new games as once again, to make everything less repetitive. The bosses can remain the same, but some of the mini games should be switched out with whatever new games come into play since the games were mainly different versions of each game. This also means new challenges for the gems and relics, which are no doubt going to be incredibly bullshit like they always are in these games and perhaps actually getting something for reaching 100% instead of just unlocking more games. Maybe there could be new endings for going all the way good, evil, or neutral.

Next, I wouldn’t mind having a bigger roster than what’s available right now. The initial roster can stay the same, though I don’t mind replacing Tiny and Dingodile with Crunch and Tawna, but more characters should be included as unlockables while staying balanced for both good and evil sides. And by unlockables, I mean available to be unlocked at any point, even if we are going back to the whole wumpa coin thing. We shouldn’t have to wait a whole day to see what character we can get and see if it’s one we want or not and they shouldn’t be timed exclusives, which is a main issue I have about the CTR remake. I probably wouldn’t mind too much if it’s only done with cosmetics, especially those that are themed with holidays like Christmas and Halloweeen. That makes a little bit of sense to me since I don’t see many people using those cosmetics outside of the holidays, but the moment a character is included in the game, they should be available to unlock at any time.

And finally, while we’re on the subject of cosmetics, if the game does end up getting some, don’t just import every costume available in the CTR remake into this game. While I would like to see some costumes come back like Coco’s princess outfit or Crash’s motorbike outfit, I think there should be some room for new costumes for the characters like Tawna and Crunch as Jessica Rabbit and Mr. T (and yes I know Crunch’s Mr. T. outfit is already a thing, but it’s not available for the CTR remake at the time of this posting to my knowledge), or Brio as a pirate to go against Cortex’s ninja outfit. I just prefer it that the games have some outfits unique to them okay?))

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I made a list of Assist Trophy ideas, and also added reasons to not use them

Aku Aku / Uka Uka

Origin: Crash Bandicoot

Which mask you get depends on your choice of character and alt costume. Both function the same. Aku Aku / Uka Uka will hover by the summoner, attempting to get in position for blocking incoming attacks, and floating away after either a set amount of time or after blocking a certain amount of damage. Note that attacks from directly above or below will most likely not be blocked.

Potential Problem With This Idea: If Crash were playable, Aku Aku would probably be involved in his moveset in some form, or at least follow Crash around like in that Smash Crusade fan game.

Angry Sun

Origin: Super Mario

Once summoned, the Angry Sun will fly up to the top left of the screen, after which it’ll follow its classic divebomb-focused attack pattern for a while before leaving. Though it is possible to defeat the Angry Sun, anything less than a decently-powerful attack won’t even register.

Potential Problem With This Idea: There are several Mario assist trophies already.


Origin: Baba Is You

Baba appears alongside numerous tiles from Baba Is You, all of which function about as expected. Opponents are not damaged by Baba, but by tiles set to “Death” or “Hot”. A player indicator identical to that of the summoner is placed above the “You” tile: whatever is currently defined as “You” will move according to the summoner’s inputs. All of the tiles will disappear after a set amount of time, or if the “You” tile is set to “Empty”.

Potential Problem With This Idea: Programming nightmare due to taking all the possible tile interactions into account.

Dan-Ball Stickman


Uses attacks from Powder Game, Powder Game 2, Stick Ranger, and Stick Ranger 2. Specifically: a kick that jolts the stickman into the air slightly, the creation of Nitro-powered explosions as a means of propulsion, Sonic Punch, and Triple Arrow. The stickman is susceptible to damage and knockback, and will spontaneously disassemble upon taking a certain amount of damage.

Potential Problem With This Idea: If the stickman’s weird physics and explosion-jumping don’t stand out, the stickman in general probably doesn’t stand out.


Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog

Entrance animation, attack pattern, and reactions to damage are identical to its appearance in Sonic Mania. The only difference is that it will leave on its own if not defeated.

Potential Problem With This Idea: If it was to scale relative to Sonic, it might be way too much to deal with; too much smaller, and it just wouldn’t feel right.

Funky Bomb

Origin: Scorched Earth

A Funky Bomb is launched from somewhere off-screen and detonates upon reaching wherever the Assist Trophy was activated. The Funky Bomb can damage the summoner in the ensuing chaos if they’re not careful.

Potential Problem With This Idea: A screen nuke that can damage the summoner might be too much.

Golden Freddy

Origin: Five Nights at Freddy’s

Sits motionless for a few seconds, jump-scares the player(s) like in FNAF 1, and vanishes. Cannot be KO’d, and does not directly damage opponents or the summoner.

Potential Problem With This Idea: Great Value Nintendog.

Papyrus and Sans

Origin: Undertale

Both Papyrus and Sans appear simultaneously, and will stand in the background while summoning attack patterns. Papyrus uses his “absolutely normal attack”, while Sans uses his “strongest attack”.

Potential Problem With This Idea: Some might prefer one or both as playable characters, as background characters for a specific stage, not being present at all, etc.


Origin: The Legend of Zelda

Will not attack the summoner, and will disappear on its own after a while; otherwise functions similarly to its appearance in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Oh, and it can grab you like in Ocarina of Time.

Potential Problem With This Idea: Somehow sounds both mundane and annoying.


Origin: Minecraft

Functions similarly to its appearance within Minecraft (though perhaps it wouldn’t be quite as durable).

Potential Problem With This Idea: Over-powered.

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