Tracking link trên Zalo là gì

As an onlineentrepreneur,if you want more traffic, you need the helpful tools khổng lồ keep traông xã of your conversions & sales. If you are running a campaign or running a few advertisements, you have sầu khổng lồ understand that it ought khổng lồ bring some unique traffic.Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì

If your ad doesn’t bring traffic, then it is no use và ultimately you will over up wasting your cash on ads without any sales and conversions.

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I have sầu checked out the website searching for the tool which can really track my campaigns & advertisements. Tracking will tell you a lot about what is not performing và will ultimately offer you a chance lớn improve your campaign.

The best tool for the cliông xã tracking that I have sầu found recently is ClickMagiông chồng. ClickMagiông xã is the best affiliate tracking software application in the industry with its robust and variable features.

I haveoffered a detailed reviews of ClickMagiông xã here & why it is is one of the best cliông chồng tracker tools in the industry recently.

Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì

What is ClickMagick?Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì

ClickMagiông chồng is a website based phầm mềm that will help you lớn trachồng and your sale efforts. At a standard màn chơi, it enables you khổng lồ produce tracking links & ClickMagiông chồng will reveal you who clicked your link và (if thiết lập correctly), which clicks caused sales.

And since it is cloud based, you can login to lớn your ClickMagick Control panel and monitor ALL the liên kết you have actually entered inlớn the system. However ClickMagiông chồng is likewise loaded with a number of other advanced features which I will talk about later in the rest of this Review.Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì

ClickMagick Features

Here is a summary of what ClickMagiông chồng provides.

Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì

1. Links

This is where you establish a tracking links. When a web11_user hits the tracking liên kết, they’ll be rerouted khổng lồ your original URL. It provides a “tracking pixel code” and, by copying and pasting the code in your squeeze page you’ll have sầu the ability to lớn trachồng the opt-ins. You can establish as many tracking links as you wish. There is a range of optional web11_settings to make under each link such as;

Tracking a whole sales funnel – starting with the opt-in all the way through upsells và downsells.Link cloaking (masking the URL that you are promoting, e.g. affiliate link).Enter a unit cost to you (when purchasing traffic) either by CPC (cost per click), CPA (cost per action), CPS (cost per sale), Daily or Monthly, to lớn monitor what’s cost you up until now.Geotargeting – include or exclude specific nations by checking or unchecking them from the drop-down danh mục.Include “backup URL” – in case your original URL is momentarily down, or not available to particular countries, you can enter an extra URL lớn redirect the web11_users lớn.“Bad clicks” – filter out any bad clicks from the tracking, or bloông xã them completely. Such as bots, web11_users through VPN, online tìm kiếm engine spiders.Password protect a liên kết – only web11_users who know the password khổng lồ access the liên kết.Set a separate liên kết for thiết bị di động web11_users or iOS web11_users.

2. Organic Tracking

By inputting the code provided to your site, you can traông xã organic traffic, i.e. how web11_users reach your page (e.g. by Google search). Add an extra conversion tracking pixel code khổng lồ traông chồng the conversion too.Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì

Something you might want khổng lồ keep in mind is that organic traffic coming from secure websites (https) can not be detected – since protected sites are not permitted khổng lồ pass referrer information. For example YouTube – all organic traffic from YouTube will be reported anonymously under “none”.

3. Rotators

This is a vital and effective sầu tool for traffic providers. More than one location URL can be phối under one liên kết, and it “rotates”.

For instance you sell a traffic to Buyer A& Buyer B. Each buyer will give you a liên kết URL lớn their site. You phối up both link URL-Aand link URL-Bunder a rotator links URL starts with //…

You release the rotator link (// …)e.g. skết thúc it to lớn your e-mail subscribers. When they cliông chồng the liên kết, they’ll be directed khổng lồ either of URL-Aor URL-B, và there are Four rotator modes for you khổng lồ select from;

a. Sequential mode:when a web11_user clicks the links, they will be directed khổng lồ the first URL (URL-A in this example), & when they click the same link again for the second instance, they will be directed to lớn URL-B. So this mode will skết thúc traffic to each URL in the rotator one after another, as repeat web11_users hit the links multiple times. And when it reaches the bottom, it will just begin over again at the top.

b. Spillover mode:same as Sequential mode however the distinction is that you can define another URL khổng lồ direct your web11_users lớn after they have actually checked out all the URLs in the rotator & exhausted their unique clicks.

c. Fulfilment mode:send out all traffic to lớn the first URL (URL-A in this example), including repeat clicks from the same web11_user up until that URL has received the max number of clicks defined.

d. Random mode:distributes your clicks in a totally random way.

Other rotator web11_settings consist of;

Geotargeting – include or exclude specific countries.Add “backup URL”.Filter out or block bad clicks.Set a separate links for di động web11_users or iOS web11_users and.Randomise: the concern link (top of the rotator) can likewise be randomised every X minutes. For example every defined minutes, web11_users will see URL-B when they initially cliông xã the liên kết instead of URL-A.

And also each link URL in the rotator (URL-A, URL-B …) needs khổng lồ be set up, based on the screenshot above such as;

Maximum number of clicks khổng lồ deliver (if the box is left blank, it delivers indefinitely).Maximum number of clicks daily.Bonus clicks by percentage. If you put 10% and limit clicks 1,000, you’ll be delivering 1,100 in overall.Minimum or maximum clicks from web11_users in Tier 1 countries (United States, Canadomain authority, UK, AUS, NZ) by %.Maximum or minimum clicks from di động devices.Start date & over date. If left blank, begins delivering immediately & ends when it reaches the number of max clicks.Notify: if the box is checked, it will e-mail you to lớn notify when the delivery’s finishedGeotargeting: you can include or exclude particular countries, as long as you make certain there is no conflict with the Min/Max T1 web11_setting.

As many destination URLs can be created under a rotator link, and as many rotators can be created.

4. Content

Under the “Content” thực đơn, there are three useful features that can be included khổng lồ your trang web lớn aid increase the conversion. MagickPopups, MagickBars, and Countdown Timers.

Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì


There are 4 different types of popups.

Popup “on load” – shows up as soon as the visitor arrives on the page.Delayed popup – pops up after the number of seconds you specify have passed.Exit popup – appears when the web11_user’s cursor moves out of the window and is above sầu khổng lồ cthất bại it.Redirect – not technically a popup, however it redirects the web11_user to lớn another page when they attempt khổng lồ leave sầu.

Using a visual editor lớn develop a popup, you can add basically whatever to the popup – not just images or tables but embed YouTube Clip, make it sound-enabled, và also a countdown timer.

Opt-in type can likewise be included by embedding the HTML code provided by your e-mail provider such as AWeber or GetResponse.


MagickBar is a bar that shows up either at the top or the bottom of your trang web, and it will remain up until the web11_user clicks lớn cthua it.

MagickBars can likewise be designed by its visual editor, enables you to include images, tables, embed YouTube video, make it sound-enabled, make the background transparent or coloured, include a speech bubble, likewise a countdown timer can be added lớn the bar.

The bar can be utilized to invite your visitors to an affiliate page or any other sales page, or perhaps just to highlight what you’re promoting within the page.


The concept of a countdown timer is khổng lồ advise the readers to lớn act, & that’s precisely what the ClickMagichồng timer feature is there for.

It doesn’t take a few minutes to lớn create a timer. There are 4 different designs và two types (evergreen/cookie based or date-based|date-based or evergreen/cookie based). All you need to vày is khổng lồ copy và paste the code to lớn anywhere – your web page, within a MagickPopup or MagickBar.

5. Tools

All other tools lớn niggle can be seen under this thực đơn. Beneficial tools include;

Batch Editor: Rather of going lớn the “Rotators” thực đơn or “Links” thực đơn & clicking each liên kết lớn modify one by one, you can simply modify, rephối or erase your link, rotators or rotator URLs from here.Data Importer/Exporter: ClickMagick’s link data, rotator data and rotator URLs can be exported lớn other third tiệc nhỏ apps. Likewise, data from another tracking tool can be imported lớn ClickMagiông xã utilizing CSV tệp tin.IPhường Lookup tool: Permits you lớn see the history & activity for any IP address. It reveals clicks, opt-ins, sales, together with a timestamp for each sự kiện & it is valuable when determining suspicious clicks.IP Manager: Enables you khổng lồ filter or blochồng specific IPhường addresses or IPhường ranges by manually inputting them.

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ClickMagichồng PricesTracking Link Zalo Là Gì

ClickMagic has three prices and all of them have a number of features in them. The company gives the 30-day trial periodfor its service and you can chạy thử this tool for 30 days.

There is even a much better choice when selecting the annual plan where you can save up lớn 30%.Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì

Starter Plan – This will traông xã up 10,000 clicks monthly, 1 Funnel for FunnelMagick, Organic tracking for one site, track two custom-made domains and has 6 months of information retention.Standard Plan – This will traông chồng up 100,000 clicks per month, 5 Funnels for FunnelMagiông xã, Organic tracking for five sầu websites, Facebook Advertisements Integration, traông chồng ten customized domains & has twelve sầu months of data retention.Pro Plan – This will traông xã up 1,000,000 clicks per month, Unlimited Funnels for FunnelMagiông xã, Organic tracking for Unlimited sites, traông xã unlimited custom domains and has 2 years of data retention.

Look at the rates và features below:

The CEO of ClickMagichồng guarantees is sản phẩm a full 100%.Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì


ClickMagichồng Support và Documentation

With the majority of tools nowadays, và especially a tool as technical as this, proper documentation is an outright must.

The first thing you see when you first log inlớn ClickMagick is a getting started đoạn Clip, discussing the fundamentals.

But that’s not the only đoạn phim you will find.

You’ll also be shown how khổng lồ access a library of other đoạn phim tutorials on virtually every aspect of the tool itself.

Of course, it’s not all video clip based.

ClickMagiông chồng has actually produced an hour length written course on the concepts of click tracking, & it covers basically everything you’d need to lớn know| to lớn get the most worth from their platkhung.

It’s certainly a must-read if you are brand-new khổng lồ click tracking.

While many tools will offer you a knowledge base to sort through for answers, ClickMagiông chồng goes one better.

As I discussed earlier, ClickMagiông xã places tooltips everywhere.

No matter where you are within ClickMagichồng, you’re never ever too far from a tooltip that takes you straight to the appropriate knowledge base article.

Without this, I believe the finding out curve sầu would be significantly harder lớn conquer, so they definitely made the right Call by including these buttons.

However ClickMagick’s genuine clayên lớn fame is not in their đoạn Clip tutorials or their knowledge base.

It’s their 1-hour e-mail tư vấn.

Whatever the question, whatever the day, and whatever the hour, ClickMagiông xã support is always on standby.

I shot off an e-mail to lớn kiểm tra their reaction time, và I did, in fact, hear baông chồng within the 1-hour window.

Granted this is not always much better than all those tech business with 24/7 live sầu chat assistance, but it still deserves praise.

Finally, there’s a Facebook group.

If you like the whole community aspect of utilizing a tool lượt thích this, where you can trade recommendations và potentially look for help from other web11_users…this one is for you.

The group has over 4,000 members so it’s pretty active as far as software-based groups go.

Overall, aside from the live sầu chat, it is tough lớn find anything negative sầu about the documentation & tư vấn options readily available.

ConclusionTracking Link Zalo Là Gì

If you are an online marketer & wish to begin your solo ad business & make marginal sales in the market, then this awesome links tracking tool fits best.

ClickMagichồng has all the features that can evaluate và optimize your clicks as well as filter the real or phony IPs.Tracking Link Zalo Là Gì

It is a lot more than a cliông chồng tracking tool, it is the very best affiliate tracking software và which can even assist you get the conversions better. You can figure out well that what is working and what is not.

It is a cloud-based service và can be managed with everything from a single dashboard. Therefore it is the very best tool for the ones who have numerous websites lớn manage.

Above all, it offers the 30-day totally không lấy phí trial and gives the detailed tools lớn geotargeting, sales funnel, organic tracking and link monitoring, all of which can be helpful for better sales.

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