What is a process of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts messages or information by speech visuals signals writing or behavior?

Communication is the simple act of transferring information from one place to another. It is the means of transferring information through the exchange of thoughts, messages or information as by speech, visuals, signals, writing or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between the two or a group of person. It involves a receiver and a sender conveying information through a communication channel. The desired outcome or goal of any communication process understands. The process by which meaning is conveyed which require a skills like processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, gestures.

The communication has different categories they are

1)      Verbal communication:

2)      Non-verbal communication.

3)      Written communication.

Verbal communication:-  Human spoken and pictoral languages can be described as a system of symbols and grammar. Most of the language use pattern of sound with which communication with surrounding can be possible. This includes media such as songs, words, speech.

Non- Verbal communication:-  Describes the process of conveying meaning in the form of non-word messages. Communication in non-verbal form is known as body language.  Most of the communication is possible and complete with non-verbal form. It includes pictures, graphics, music, writing, symbols, chronemics, gesture, posture, facial expression, eye contact, clothing, architecture, tone of voice.

Written communication:- First stage of written communication first emerged through pictographs that is made on stone. Second stage of written communication began writing to appear on paper, clay, wax. Next stage of written communication transfer information through controlled waves and electronic signals.

There is several type of other communication. As the time changes, the generation of people changed by improving knowledge by communication much technology developed and improvement of many circumstances around changed. The way of communication changed by modern equipments drastically changes happened.

As people were in the beginnings they started communicating but expression, sound, body language. Later they developed the method of picturing and communicating and symbols were used. This they represented on walls of their house, stone, land. With the help of arts they expressed the communicating act like weaving on cloth the pattern and pictures like bird, women with pot like these many. They used to, later they developed paper and started to symbolize their expression on them and used a communicating media as birds some animals, colors. The method of sending information changed and also the media of communication converted to certain languages. The language involved in form of speech and developed to certain languages, alphabets and thus languages takes place some codes, logos, symbols were used .By this later it was a technology developed with which information was sent through the electromagnetic waves and sent to long range and this it was one media to communicate the large group of audience. Here it was in form of speech, song, music. Later it development of technology leads to telegraph, telephone, television, tape recorder, computers, media, web links. At present the speed of communication is so fast as it is the fraction of media is in few seconds.

1. Verbal Communication The communication happens through verbally, vocally or through written words which express or convey the message to other is called verbal communication. 

Verbal communication is the use of language to transfer information through speaking or sign language. It is one of the most common types, often used during presentations, video conferences and phone calls, meetings and one-on-one conversations. Verbal communication is important because it is efficient. It can be helpful to support verbal communication with both nonverbal and written communication.

Factors of Effective Verbal communication:

1. Think before you speak

2. Speak with confidence

3. Be clear and concise

4. Be aware of your non-verbal communication cues

5. Be a good listener

6. Think about the perspective of your audience

7. Vary your vocal tone

Types of Verbal Communication

A. Oral Communication: A communication which happens through word of mouth, spoken words, conversations and also any messages or information are shared or exchanged between one another through speech or word of mouth is called oral communication. Example: Public speech, News reading, Television, Radio, telephone and mobile conversations.

B. Written Communication: A communication happens through any word written or often written sign which refers the languages uses in any medium is called written communication. Example: Simply any hand written, typed, Newspaper, printed word documents, letters, books and magazines.

2. Non-Verbal Communication Any communication without word of mouth, spoken words, conversation and written languages are called Non-Verbal Communication. It happens through signs, symbols, colours, gestures, body language or any facial expressions. 

Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, gestures and facial expressions to convey information to others. It can be used both intentionally and unintentionally. For example, you might smile unintentionally when you hear a pleasing or enjoyable idea or piece of information. Nonverbal communication is helpful when trying to understand others’ thoughts and feelings.

If they are displaying “closed” body language such as crossed arms or legs, or hunched shoulders, they might be feeling anxious, angry or nervous. If they are displaying “open” body language with both feet on the floor and arms by their side or on the table, they are likely feeling positive and open to information

The following tips can help you learn to read the nonverbal signals of other people and enhance your own ability to communicate effectively.

1. Pay Attention to Nonverbal Signals

2. Look for Incongruent Behaviors

3.Concentrate on Your Tone of Voice When Speaking

4.Use Good Eye Contact

5.Ask Questions About Nonverbal Signals

6.Use Signals to Make Communication More Meaningful

7.Look at Signals as a Whole

8.Consider the Context

9.Be Aware That Signals Can be Misread

10. Practice, Practice, Practice

Formal and Informal Communication: 

Communication within an Organisation can be also be Formal and Informal Communication.

Formal Communication: 

Formal Communication refers to the communication taking place through official channels in an organisation. Such type of communication takes place between managers or employees of same cadre or between superior and subordinate and vice versa. It may be oral or written but complete record of such communication is maintained in an organisation.

Communication network is the pattern among the members of an organisation through which the communication flows in an organisation. It depends on the nature, channel of communication & number of persons involved.

The different types of communication networks operating in formal organisation are discussed below:

1. Single Chain: It facilitates flow of communication from a superior to a subordinate among different levels in an organisation, through single chain.

2. Wheel: In wheel network, the superior acts as a hub of the wheel and all subordinates under him communicate only through him and are not allowed to talk among themselves.

3. Circular: Under circular network, the flow of communication is very slow and it also moves in a circle. In this network, each person can easily communicate with his adjoining persons.

4. Inverted V: Under this network, a subordinate can communicate not only with his superior but also superior’s superior. However, very limited communication takes place in this case.

Advantages of Formal Communication: The formal communication has the following advantages: 

1. Maintenance of Authority: In formal communication, the authority of superior over subordinates is well maintained. 

2. Orderly Flow of Information: The information has to pass through a definite route. Hence the flow of information is very systematic. 

3. Secrecy: In formal communication, secrecy can be maintained. 

4. Easy Knowledge of Source of Information: In this type of communication, the source of each information can be easily located.

Disadvantages of Formal Communication: 

 The following are the disadvantages of formal communication:

1.Overload of Work: It increases the work load of various managers as all communications are to be transmitted through a definite channel. 

2. Distortion of Information: Sometime the distance between the sender & the receiver is so big that the information passes through many hands & by the time it reaches the receiver it is distorted. 

3. No Personal Touch: Formal Communication is mostly conveyed in an impersonal manner. Personal warmth & involvement may be lacking

Informal Communication: 

Such type of communication spreads very fast and it is very difficult to detect the source of same. Sometime, such communication leads to rumours and thus creates confusion in the organisation. However, at times it proves to be very helpful to the managers as the information through these channels can be spread very rapidly to know the reactions of the workers etc.

Grapevine Network: 

The network of communication followed in the informal communication is referred to as grapevine network because its branches spread throughout the organisation and in all directions without considering the levels of authority etc. Origin of this type of communication is not known. In other words, it is very difficult to know as to how and where does it start/end. Following are the different types of grapevine network:

a) Single Strand: Under this network, each person can communicate with the other person in a sequence only.

b) Gossip: In gossip network, an individual can communicate with all on non selective basis. Thus one person radiates a message etc. to many at large. In other words, through just one source, information spreads to many other people.

c) Probability: In probability network, an individual communicates with other individuals at random

d) Cluster: This type of network is most common in an organisation. Under this network, an individual communicates only with those persons whom he trusts. After receiving the information, some of them convey it further to a selected few & rest of them keep it with themselves.

Advantages of Informal Communication: 

Informal Communication may lead to the following benefits: 

1. Speedy & Spontaneous: Under this communication, the messages flow at faster speed in spontaneous way. 

2. Free Environment: Informal communication is done in a free environment in that there is no pressure on any officer. It can flow to any direction and degree. 

3. Social Relations: It helps in establishing better human relations as it provides platform for employees at social gatherings not only in the organisation but outside the organisation also. 

4. Supplementing: Informal communication supplements the formal communication. There are certain matters which are difficult to communicate through formal channels e.g. attitude & opinions of the workers about management plan & policies etc. These can be easily known through informal communication

Disadvantages of Informal Communication: 

The demerits of informal communication are as under: 

1.   No Responsibility: In formal communication responsibility for misleading facts can be pinpointed but it is not so in case of informal communication. 

2. Unreliable Information: Most of the information received through this communication in undependable & no important decision can be taken on the basis of this alone. 

3.  Leakage of Information: It may lead to the leakage of important information which can prove to be harmful for the organization.

Vertical, Horizontal, Or Diagonal Communication:

Communication can be characterized as Vertical, Horizontal, Or Diagonal. Initially greater emphasis was directed at vertical organizational communication as compared to lateral communication but that is no longer the case. Diagonal communication is an even more recent emphasis in the organizational communication literature.

Vertical communication occurs between hierarchically positioned persons and can involve both downward and upward communication flows. Downward communication is more prevalent than upward communication. Larkin and Larkin (1994) suggest that downward communication is most effective if top managers communicate directlywith immediate supervisors and immediate supervisors communicate with their staff.

Downward Communication: is more than passing on information to subordinates. It may involve effectively managing the tone of the message, as well as showing skill in delegation to ensure the job is done effectively by the right person. Although the content priorities of downward communication have not been definitively demonstrated, there is some level of certainty with respect to the best approach to downward communication (Jablin 1980), i.e.,

  • Top managers should communicate directly with immediate supervisors
  • Immediate supervisors should communicate with their direct reports
  • On issues of importance, top managers should then follow-up by communicating with employees directly.

Perhaps the most tried and true rule of effective downward communication is to: Communicateorally, then follow up in writing (Gibson and Hodgetts 1991).

Upward Communication: Even less is known about upward communication. One consistent finding is that employee satisfaction with upward communication tends to be lower than their satisfaction with downward communication (Gibson 1985; Gibson and Hodgetts 1991:221-22). Larkin and Larkin (1994) found low levels of satisfaction with all the strategies commonly used to enhance upward communication, including employee surveys, suggestion programs, employee grievance programs, and employee participation programs such as quality circles and team meetings. 

Lateral Communication 

Lateral communication involves communication among persons who do not stand in hierarchical relation to one another. While recent trends to flatten organizations have enhanced the importance of lateral communications, studies on lateral communication still lag behind those on vertical communication. One fairly limited study found rather high levels of satisfaction (85 percent) with lateral communication among human resource managers (Frank1984), but lateral communication across managers of dissimilar functional divisions, while often cited as a major source of organization dysfunction, has not been subject to much empirical research. It has been assumed that lateral communication at the worker level is less problematic, at least within a functional area.

What is the process of conveying information?

Communication is the process of conveying information between two or more people.

What is the process of conveying information in such a way that the message is received and understood?

Communication refers to the process by which the information is transmitted and understood between two or more people. Transmitting the sender's intended meaning is the essence of effective communication. Communication involves two people – a sender and a receiver.

What is the process of communication in which messages or information is exchanged or communicated within sender and receiver through the word of mouth?

Oral Communication: A communication which happens through word of mouth, spoken words, conversations and also any messages or information are shared or exchanged between one another through speech or word of mouth is called oral communication.

What you call the process of conveying messages through words spoken?

Communication is a process that involves a message, sender, receiver, and channel. The message is the information being transmitted. In verbal communication between people, the words used to convey the message are actually only a part of what is eventually understood.

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