What is the best way to make sure you complete your tasks quizlet?

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Personal Organization

5S or Cando is a simple yet effective tool that can be used to save time and for personal organization. It is a tool which helps to systematize and standardize you as well as the organization. The 5S have been derived from the Japanese words Seiri, Seiton, Seison, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. They were a part of the Toyota Lean Manufacturing System. The 5S make way for prompt spotting of problems and quick solutions.

CANDO refers to Cleanup, Arranging, Neatness, Discipline and Ongoing Improvement but is fundamentally the same. The 5S help to reduce wastage by saving time and optimize manufacturing efforts by systemizing the work environment. The execution of this tool helps to "clean-up" the organization and makes it a better place to work. The English version of the 5S is described below:

1. Sort/ Cleanup

It means to clear the work area. There should only be items that are required or important for a particular area in the workplace. The things that are not required should be sorted out. It means removing broken equipment or unnecessary tools from the work area where they are not required. Applying 5S to an office environment means clearance of unnecessary files and papers which have no use or would be of no use in the near future. This helps in saving time and removing the unnecessary hindrances in the work.

"Tagging" is a common method that helps to decide which items need to be thrown away. The area that needs cleaning is marked and the items that need to be removed are tagged with a red tag and date. If the item or the commodity has not been in use for a certain period of time, it is disposed of.

Tagging can be described with the help of an example. The items or the files that are not in use at the moment or would not be in use in the near future can be stored offline or discarded.

2. Set in Order

The items that are required should be put in a proper place so that they can be easily accessed when the need arises. Ergonomics are taken into account and the items are placed within access. This helps in avoiding unnecessary bending, stretching and walking and thus saves time. Wheels can be put on the items that need to be moved and tools can be nicely put in a toolbox or storage chests so that they are within easy reach.

This arrangement can be compared to a kitchen in a house where things are kept in place for easy reach and also because they are easier to locate. Many toolboxes, for example, socket wrench sets can be organized this way.

3. Shine

Shine implies keeping the workplace or your environment clean and clear. Cleanliness includes housekeeping efforts and keeping the dirt away. Cleanliness not only ensures improvement in the appearance but at the same time safety while working. The cleaning should be included in the routine and done by the operators rather than the cleaners. The operators should clean their own work place and keep the equipment or things in good order and in their respective place. Shine or neatness will leave no room for leaks or malfunctioning of the things and this will save time and reduce the stress levels.

4. Standardize

The clean storage methods should be standardized. The best practices should be followed by everybody to set an example and to standardize the efforts. Although, it is difficult to inculcate these habits in everybody, yet the routine should be maintained in order to standardize the new set-up and to save time.

5. Sustain

The effort to keep the environment clean should be sustained. 5S involves a change in the old practices. The culture change should be imbibed in every employee or every member of the house. This will save a lot of time, money and resources. The stress should be on raising the bar and efforts should be towards continuous improvements.

For instance, the need to hunt for tools, fixtures, and parts is extremely wasteful. Rough handling and negligence make tools harder to use and increases the set-up time. If the work place is clean, the problems would not be able to hide.

This manufacturing tool can motivate you to modify your environment and ultimately helps in reducing wastage and time. Your frustration is removed due to easy accessibility and this leads to higher efficiency and deliverance of better quality of goods and services

What are some ways to manage your time quizlet?

Set goals. These give you a vision, focus and destination to work towards. ... .
Prioritise. ... .
Keep a Task List. ... .
Schedule Tasks. ... .
Focus on one task at a time. ... .
Minimise distractions. ... .
Overcome procrastination. ... .
Take regular breaks..

Which of the following is the first step in the time management strategy to ensure proper follow through?

Setting goals is the first step to becoming a good time manager. Goal-setting allows you to clearly understand your end goal and what exactly you need to prioritize to accomplish it. Setting both short and long-term goals can lead to success in your career.

What happens when you mark a task as complete quizlet?

What happens when a user marks a task as complete and saves it? The task is removed from the To-Do list.

Which of the following is an appropriate strategy for improving your time management skills?

7 Best Tips to Improve Your Time Management Skills.
#1. Determine Your Priorities. In your day-to-day activities, some tasks are more important than others. ... .
#2. Avoid Multitasking. ... .
#3. Avoid Distractions. ... .
#4. Learn to Say No. ... .
#5. Use Time Management Apps. ... .
#6. Organize Your Day. ... .
#7. Take Breaks. ... .
#1. Reduced Anxiety..

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