What is the contracting process in organizational development?


OBJECTIVEExplain what entering into an OD relationship isDiscuss how to develop a contractDescribe the interpersonal process issues in entering andcontracting

Entering and ContractingAre the initial steps in the OD process they involve defining ina preliminary manner the organization’s problem or opportunitiesfor development and establishing a collaborative relationshipbetween the OD practitioner and member of the client systemabout how to work on those issues.

Entering into an OD relationshipAn OD process generally starts when a member of an organization or inunit contacts an OD practitioner about potential help in addressing anOrganization issue.

Entering into an OD relationshipcomprises of three elementsClarifying the organizational issueDetermining the relevant clientSelecting an OD Practitioner

Developing a ContractThe activities of entering an OD relationship are a necessary

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Step 1: Selecting a Contract. Step 2: Collecting the Necessary Information. Step 3: Choosing a Negotiator. Step 4: The Contract Review Process. Step 5: Contract Signing.

What is entering and contracting in organization development?

The planned change process generally starts when one or more key managers or administrators somehow sense that their organization, department, or group could be improved or has problems that could be alleviated through organization development.

What are the process of organization development?

The Process of Organizational Development.
Identifying an area of improvement. Organizational change begins with identifying a need that aligns with business goals. ... .
Investigating the problem. ... .
Creating an action plan. ... .
Creating motivation and a vision. ... .
Implementing. ... .
Evaluating initial results. ... .
Adapting or continuing..

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Entry, Diagnosis, Feedback, Solution and Evaluation.