What is the term for the process by which one generation passes culture to the next?

Asked by noel18171

The process by which cultural traditions are passed from one generation to the next is known as:


cultural adaption

cultural transmission


Question 1

    According to the textbook, which of the following is NOT considered one of the defining elements of culture?






Which of the following statements is not true regarding feminine cultures?

feminine cultures value nurturance

feminine cultures value achievement

feminine cultures value quality of life

feminine cultures do not strongly differentiate between male and female roles

Which of the following statements is not true about high-context cultures?

maintaining harmony is important

offering personal opinions is valued

offenses are to be avoided

environmental cues are important


Answer & Explanation

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Question : Which rule derives its authority from the state?
(a) Mores
(b) Norms
(c) Laws
(d) Folkways

Answer : C

Question : Which among the following is a key defining feature of civilizations?
(a) Economy
(b) Polity
(c) Religion
(d) Democracy

Answer : C

Question : ___________ is the process by which one generation passes culture to the next.

(a) Cultural tradition
(b) Cultural transfer
(c) Cultural reproduction
(d) Cultural reciprocation

Answer : A

Question : Oral cultural tradition refers to
(a) transmission of culture through speech
(b) transmission of culture through art
(c) transmission of culture through images
(d) transmission of culture through craft

Answer : A

Question : ___________ constitutes the tangible things created by members of a society
(a) Material culture
(b) Non-material culture
(c) Popular culture
(d) Mass culture

Answer : D

Question : When a person travels to a foreign land, she/he experiences
(a) Culture joy
(b) Culture absence
(c) Culture misfit
(d) Culture shock

Answer : B

Question : A process of interaction which enables us to develop the skills we need to participate in human society is known as

(a) social behaviour.

(b) social interaction.

(c) socialization.

(d) culture.

Answer : C

Question :  The rights and responsibilities associated with the person’s social position is known as
(a) social status
(b) social roles
(c) caste
(d) class

Answer : B

Question : The tendency to evaluate other cultures according to one’s own cultural values is known as:

(a) Cosmopolitanism

(b) Ethnoentrism

(c) Accommodation

(d) Acculturation

Answer : B 

Question : The tendency to evaluate other cultures according to ones own cultural values is known as:
(a) Cosmopolitanism
(b) Ethnocentrism
(c) Accommodation
(d) Acculturation

Answer : B

Question : Colonization is an example of

(a) external changes.

(b) acculturation.

(c) industrialization.

(d) westernization.

Answer : A

Question : Culture comprises inherited artifacts, goods, technical processes, ideas, habits, and values. Identify the sociologist who stated this
(a) Clifford Geertz
(b) Malinowski
(c) Edward Tylor
(d) Walter Ong

Answer : B

Question : Who wrote 'Patterns of Culture'?
(a) Charlotte Perkins Gilman
(b) Ruth Benedict
(c) W. H. R. Rivers
(d) Marcel Mauss

Answer : B

Question : Who wrote 'Chrysanthemum and the Sword'?
(a) Charlotte Perkins Gilman
(b) B. Ruth Benedict
(c) W. H. R. Rivers
(d) Marcel Mauss

Answer : A

Question : Which rule derives its authority from the state?

(a) Mores

(b) Norms

(c) Laws

(d) Folkways

Answer : C

Question : Who introduced the concept of 'mores'?
(a) Raymond Williams
(b) William Graham Sumner
(c) William F. Ogburn
(d) William I. Thomas

Answer : B

Question : Who introduced the 'genealogical method'?
(a) W. H. R. Rivers
(b) Marcel Mauss
(c) Margaret Mead
(d) Harriet Martineau

Answer : D

Question : Who introduced the cultural capital theory?
(a) C. Wright Mills
(b) Alfred Schutz
(c) William Graham Sumner
(d) Pierre Bourdieu

Answer : A

Question : The process through which one becomes the member of society is known as

(a) modernization.

(b) industrialization.

(c) socialization.

(d) liberalization.

Answer : C

Question : A symbol is anything
(a) that represents something else
(b) that represents itself
(c) that represents only emotions
(d) None of the above

Answer : C

Question : ________ are established rules of behavior or standards of conduct.
(a) Laws
(b) Norms
(c) Guidelines
(d) Decrees

Answer :  B

Question : Our biological and genetic makeup determines our ________
(a) Nurture
(b) Nature
(c) Nation
(d) Ethnicity

Answer : A

Question : The culture of the upper classes is known as
(a) Lofty culture
(b) High culture
(c) Positive culture
(d) Upper culture

Answer : B

Question : The culture consumed by many people in all classes is known as
(a) Commercial culture
(b) Simple culture
(c) Popular culture
(d) Conventional culture

Answer : B

Question : Popular culture is also known as
(a) Mob culture
(b) Group culture
(c) Public culture
(d) Mass culture

Answer : B

Question : Cultural universals are
(a) Values or modes of behavior shared by all human cultures
(b) Values or modes of behaviour shared by a few cultures
(c) Values or modes of behaviour shared by a majority of cultures
(d) None of the above

Answer : A

Question : Sociology’s recent emphasis on understanding the role of culture in daily life is known as
(a) Cultural ascendance
(b) Cultural gravity
(c) Cultural turn
(d) Cultural consequence

Answer : C

Question : Non-material culture is
(a) Corporeal
(b) Substantial
(c) Manifest
(d) Intangible

Answer : A

Question : _______ are the standards people have about what is good and bad
(a) Values
(b) Benefits
(c) Laws
(d) Mandates

Answer : B

How is culture passed on?

A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Culture is symbolic communication.

Which one is the main vehicle of passing culture from one generation to another generation?

Which one is the main vehicle of passing culture from one generation to another generation? Culture develops through social interaction.

Which of the following are known as the transmitters of culture?

Agents of Cultural Transmission: Families, Schools, Peer Groups, Mass Media. Major transmitters of culture: News programmers reflect the interests of society's major power groups.

Which of the following terms means way of life?

Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art.

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