What motivates customers to make a purchase?

If you work in sales (that is all of us in some way, right?), it is helpful to understand the psychology behind how buyers make their buying decisions. Start with these three steps:

1. Current dissatisfaction. Every purchase decision (every decision, no exceptions) begins with a buyer's current dissatisfaction. Feeling dissatisfied with something automatically makes a person a buyer.

As soon as that dissatisfaction sets in, buyers begin looking for a way to right the wrong. As a sales person, it becomes your job to discover that "wrong" and lead buyers toward the new "right."

Current dissatisfaction serves as the primary motivating factor. The greater the dissatisfaction, the higher the urgency.

Related: 25 Books on Persuasion, Influence and Understanding Human Behavior

Start with this simple but critically important question if you want to understand how buyers make a buying decision: What is the pain?

You can find the answer by asking one of these simple questions:

  • "What motivated you to start shopping in the first place?"
  • "What is not working in your current situation?"
  • "What made you begin thinking that you need to make a change?"

2. Future promise. With a well-defined idea of what is wrong in your buyer's world, focus next on what "right" looks like. Future promise is the mental picture buyers carry around in their heads that helps to move them forward.

When you clearly establish a buyer's current dissatisfaction and future promise, you create a fantastic recipe for buyer motivation. Define a buyer's future promise using questions such as these:

  • "What are some of the must-have's on your list?"
  • "What does "right' look like to you?"
  • "How do you define your ideal future state?"

Related: The 5 Questions That Will Close the Deal

3. Cost and fear. Current dissatisfaction and future promise both serve to motivate buyers. On the other side of the scale, we find the inhibiting factors of cost and fear.

In this category, buyers focus on price, perception of value, fear of a bad buying decision, negative past experiences, market conditions and anything else that holds them back from a buying decision.

Discover the specifics of a buyer's cost and fear inhibitions by asking things such as this:

  • "What is holding you back from buying?"
  • "When you think about this decision, what is your number-one concern?"
  • "What stresses you out when you think about buying?"

Everyone fits the formula. As unique as buyers are, buying decisions ultimately come down to the same formula. Buyers buy when:

Current Dissatisfaction x Future Promise > Cost + Fear

When buyers delay a buying decision, you can move them forward with this formula. Either their current dissatisfaction and/or future promise is too low or their cost and/or fear is too high. Focus your sales presentation on maximizing current dissatisfaction and future promise while simultaneously minimizing cost and fear.

With the equation in your favor, you get your sale, your buyers improve their lives and you get to change their world!

Related: The 5 Irrefutable Principles of Selling

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    It’s difficult to know exactly what motivates consumers to buy a particular product. It could simply be that they need it. However, complex reasons like vanity, self-improvement or fear of missing out often play a part in buyer motivation.

    Luckily, eCommerce marketers are well-positioned to figure out the buyer motivation of their audience and create campaigns accordingly. Here’s everything you need to know.

    What is buyer motivation?

    Buyer motivation is the driving force behind your brand’s online conversions. In essence, it’s about the psychological factors which cause prospects to convert.

    Understanding these motivations can help brands better position their products and effectively engage consumers at every stage of the consumer journey. If you can speak directly to the wants and needs of your audience, you’re sure to attract more conversions.

    8 types of buyer motivation

    Buyer motivations are complex and often overlap. Sometimes they are rational; other times they are emotional. Often, consumers aren’t even conscious of their motivations. But, generally, marketers can categorise buyer motives using these eight headings.


    Need is probably the most powerful purchase motivation. If a shopper genuinely needs your product, they are likely to buy it. However, consumers won’t always be aware of this need – especially if you’re selling a new product that consumers aren’t yet familiar with.

    Marketers can take advantage of this purchase motivation by highlighting a problem and then showcasing how their product addresses it. Brands can use this narrative to appeal to consumers through videos, blog posts, ads, product descriptions and social media posts.


    Most consumers buy more than just basic necessities. They often invest in non-essential products that make them feel good too. This is a big buyer motivation for consumers of luxury clothing, but it can also apply to expensive perfumes, gourmet foods and indulgent confectionery.

    eCommerce marketers can take advantage of this consumer motivation by positioning their products as luxurious and enjoyable. Branding, lifestyle marketing, product imagery and descriptive copy are all key here.


    When prospects want to purchase something simply because everyone else is, acceptance is the customer motivation at play. It is usually behind fleeting fads and trends.

    To reach consumers who don’t want to miss out on the next big thing, marketers should use influencer marketing and native content campaigns. This is an important purchase motivation for the fashion, toy, fitness and beauty industries.


    Many shoppers buy products that align with their personal ambitions and desires for self-improvement. They may aspire to be stronger, smarter, richer or more successful.

    If you think your audience is motivated by aspiration, highlight how your products can help them. Engage them with resources that will help them achieve their goals and highlight your product’s role in that journey.

    Alternatively, you can collaborate with influencers and celebrities to show people that, by using your products, they can be like someone they admire.


    There is no doubt that fear is a powerful motivator in all aspects of life – and this is no different when it comes to making a purchase. While you should avoid scare tactics, you can stress how your products address common fears.

    This is a highly relevant buyer motivator for brands that sell vehicles, home security systems, children’s products and equipment for use in the workplace. If your products help users adhere to laws, safety standards or social norms in any way, fear can be a motivator too.


    Consumers are happy to invest in products that can protect or improve their wellbeing. With the rise of global wellness culture and the pandemic making people more health-conscious than ever before, this is an important purchase motivation.

    In a recent survey, 42% of consumers said that wellness was a top priority for them. So if your products are beneficial to people’s wellbeing in any way, be sure to let them know.


    Impulse purchases don’t require much thought or consideration. That’s why marketers need to create a sense of excitement, urgency and FOMO to encourage shoppers to act quickly.

    Marketers can take advantage of this buyer motive with flash sales, limited edition products and ‘while supplies last’ offers.

    Financial gain

    The potential to save or make money can provide strong purchase motivation for both B2B and B2C customers, so be sure to demonstrate why your products make good investments.

    Many D2C brands highlight how cutting out the middleman saves shoppers money. Dollar Shave Club’s no-nonsense launch campaign did just this by pleading with viewers to “stop paying for shave tech you don’t need”.

    If this is among your audience’s buyer motives, case studies, testimonials and price comparisons will be important for your eCommerce marketing.

    How to determine buyer motivation

    It’s easy to determine customer motivation by examining your store’s internal data. Here’s what you need to know.

    Look at your customer personas

    With a little common sense, you can use your personas to pinpoint or rule out buyer motives.

    For personas on a budget, pleasure and acceptance probably won’t be as important as need or financial gain. Fear may drive the likes of parents, businesses and workers to make a purchase, whereas older audiences are likely to be motivated by health concerns.

    Gather further insights

    You can delve further into buyer motives by running surveys, monitoring feedback, conducting interviews, performing competitor analysis and other kinds of market research.

    Analyse or A/B test marketing messages which tap into different buyer motives to see which receive the most engagement. You can also check out the pages your visitors view most.

    It’s a good idea to engage with your support agents to find out what customers say about your products too. The questions they ask before conversion can be particularly helpful for determining pre-purchase motivations.

    Take advantage of tech tools

    Your eCommerce brand can leverage advanced analytics and machine learning to accurately identify important demographics and consumer behaviour, which can then be used to supercharge customer personas and buyer motives.

    A allows you to analyse reviews across your entire sales network in an effort to understand why past customers bought your products. Tracking keyword phrases related to your brand and products can also highlight your audience’s motives.

    Tips to leverage buyer motivation

    Armed with knowledge of what motivates your customers, your team can create content that will speak directly to their needs. Here are three ways to capitalise on this:

    1. Tailor your content

    Different personas are likely to have different buyer motives. But you can tailor your messages to each one with some simple eCommerce personalisation.

    Based on the product chosen or the marketing message clicked, you can present shoppers with custom landing pages, promotions, pop-ups, cross merchandising messages and content suggestions.

    2. Create urgency at checkout

    We already touched on how flash sales and limited offers can boost impulse purchases. But marketers can also use the checkout experience to motivate prospects to act fast.

    Let shoppers know when an item in their cart is running low and implement countdown timers to communicate when sales end, offers expire or delivery deadlines approach. One study indicates that this can increase conversions by 9%.

    3. Link savings and sustainability

    It’s not only budget brands that can provide consumers with financial gains. High-end merchants are also tapping into this buyer motivation by highlighting how their products save money in the long-term.

    The North Face, JanSport, Zippo, Skullcandy and DeWalt all offer lifetime warranties, while brands like LG and Miele work hard to highlight how much their energy efficient appliances can save consumers.

    With sustainable eCommerce being a huge trend right now, showcasing your green credentials will also tap into motivations around acceptance and aspiration. In fact, recent research shows that 41% of consumers seek out brands with strong environmental values.

    Final thoughts

    By defining buyer motives using the eight categories listed above, it becomes easier to segment and target your audience in a meaningful and engaging way. That’s why this is an essential exercise for every eCommerce marketing team.

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