What types of communication skills should the nurse use for cultural diversity?

The business environment of the 21st century is expanding to include people from cultures and countries around the world. It takes special skills to communicate across these many cultures. Your courtesy and respect help establish a good foundation for effective communication. People respond to courtesy and feel comfortable when they know they have your respect. This helps them to be open and willing to ask questions when they don't understand something. By making people feel comfortable, you help them to be better listeners.

  1. Slow down when you speak. Allow those who don't have the same native language as you the time to interpret what you are saying.

  2. Speak clearly and concisely. Make eye contact and enunciate plainly. Avoid using ambiguous or dual-meaning words. One of the problems non-native-English-speaking cultures have with the English language is misunderstanding the many meanings one word can have.

  3. Keep it simple. Think in terms of your audience, and speak to their understanding. Don't make long speeches that lose your group. Allow listeners the time to soak in what you have said. Pay attention to your audience and be an active speaker and listener. You can ascertain a group's grasp of your communication by their response to your words.

  4. Maintain respect and courtesy for people who come from different cultures. When you respect the people you communicate with, this helps reduce the stress they feel when trying to understand what you are saying. Doing basic research on specific ways to interact with the cultures you will be coming into contact with is a great way to show your multi-cultural group that you respect them.

  5. Smile and be open. Your body language communicates your acceptance -- or non-acceptance -- and respect, as it helps put listeners at ease. Your body language conveys unspoken communication. Avoid large gestures with your hands, as this can be intimidating to people who might misunderstand your meaning. Keeping your arms crossed often makes people think you are not open to what they have to say.

  6. Avoid slang. Slang words are unique to individual cultures and not always interpreted correctly. To ensure effective cross-cultural communication, don't use slang words others might not know.

  7. Shun humor. What is funny in one culture might not be in another. Humor might be misunderstood and interpreted in a bad light. While humor is a good icebreaker, it can backfire when the cross-cultural group misses humor's meaning. When in doubt, avoid using humor when communicating with people from many cultures.

  8. Adopt a formal communication approach until you develop a rapport with your group. A casual, informal approach can be upsetting to people from different cultures, especially when you have just met them. Use a respectful and formal mode of speech until you have developed a relationship with your cross-cultural group.

  9. Stay away from using negative questions or answers. Double negatives are confusing enough to those with English as their native language. In a cross-cultural situation, double negatives are easily misunderstood. Keep questions and answers simple so everyone understands.

  10. Ask for feedback. Request members of the cross-cultural group to speak up and provide interaction or ask questions. When you permit two-way communication, this helps prevent misunderstandings and clears up questions people might have.

  11. Summarize what you have said. Don't assume that just because you said it everyone understands. Repeat what you have said in a different way, summarize it and allow people the time to grasp what you have said. By summarizing what you have said, you can verify that everyone is on the same page.

    As a result of global migration, nurses are caring for patients in increasingly diverse cultural and linguistic settings. Intercultural nursing requires nurses to care for patients as unique individuals while considering their cultural needs. Being able to communicate effectively with patients from various cultures is crucial for understanding and for optimal delivery of patient care. Communication must be considered in the context of overall care; therefore, this article describes important concepts underpinning appropriate intercultural care. It provides a guide to effective intercultural communication by discussing three main areas: cultural knowledge, attitudes and feelings, and communication skills. These are the essential areas that nurses can reflect on, and develop and apply in intercultural communication with patients and their families.

    Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2019.e11244

    Peer review

    This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software



    Conflict of interest

    None declared

    Tuohy D (2019) Effective intercultural communication in nursing. Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2019.e11244

    What are culturally appropriate communication skills?

    What is 'culturally appropriate' communication? Communicating in a culturally appropriate way means finding a way to communicate effectively that also respects and accepts cultural differences. Communication is a two-way process, so all parties need to work together to achieve culturally appropriate communication.

    How can you communicate effectively with culturally diverse person's?

    Top Ten Tips for....
    Maintain etiquette. Many cultures have specific etiquette around the way they communicate. ... .
    Avoid slang. ... .
    Speak slowly. ... .
    Keep it simple. ... .
    Practice active listening. ... .
    Take turns to talk. ... .
    Write things down. ... .
    Avoid closed questions..

    How is communication related to cultural diversity?

    Communication and Cultural Diversity Communication the ability to share each other's ideas and feelings is the basis of all human contact, while culture is learned, acted out, transmitted, and preserved through communication. The essential way to live in societies and to maintain one's culture is to communicate.

    How can nurses promote cultural diversity?

    Directly engage in cross-cultural interactions with patients. Understanding that each patient is a unique person can help nurses effectively interact with patients. Nurses need to have the ability to explore patients' beliefs, values, and needs in order to build effective relationships with them.

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