Which reflexes would the nurse check to assess the deep tendon reflexes of a patient

As a nurse and nursing student,  you will learn how to assess the deep tendon reflexes. In this article, I will discuss how to assess the patellar tendon reflex along with a video demonstration.

The deep tendon reflex examination is part of the neuro assessment for the nursing head to toe assessment. This assessment is usually conducted during the head-to-toe nursing assessment. Nurses do not routinely assess the deep tendon reflexes unless they work in settings such as labor and delivery or neurology or a patient’s condition warrants it (electrolyte imbalances etc.).

Why do nurses assess the deep tendon reflexes?

It helps evaluate the lower motor neurons/fibers at certain levels of the body. For example, the triceps reflex evaluates C7 to C8, and the brachioradialis reflex evaluate C5 to C6.

Grading Scale for Deep Tendon Reflexes

4+ Hyperactive (clonus)

3+ Brisker than normal (hyperreflexive)


1+ Diminished (hyporeflexive)

0 Absent

Demonstration on How to Assess Patellar Deep Tendon Reflex

How to Assess the Patellar Deep Tendon Reflex

  1. Find the patellar tendon.
  2. Locate the knee cap area and have the patient extend the leg. You will find the tendon becomes more pronounce right below the knee cap.
  3. Now have the patient relax and dangle the leg.
  4. Tap with the reflex hammer briskly on the patellar tendon.

Expected Response of the Patellar Deep Tendon Reflex

You will see the lower leg extend.

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Superficial Reflexes

Root Level 

  1. Biceps and Brachioradialis C5/C6
  2. Triceps C7 (Note: Some references include C6 OR C8, however C7 is predominantly involved.)
  3. Patellar L2-L4
  4. Ankle S1

Superficial Reflexes

Corneal reflex (blink reflex)

  1. Involuntary blinking in response to corneal stimulation
  2. Afferent: nasociliary branch of ophthalmic branch (V1) of trigeminal nerve (5th nerve)
  3. Efferent: facial nerve (7th nerve)

Abdominal reflex

  1. Contraction of superficial abdominal muscles when stroking abdomen lightly
  2. Significant if asymmetric–usually signifies a UMN lesion on the absent side.

Cremaster reflex

  1. Contraction of cremaster muscle (that will pull up the scrotum/testis) after stroking the same side of superior/inner thigh
  2. Absent with:
  3. testicular torsion
  4. upper/lower motor neuron lesions
  5. L1/L2 spinal cord injury
  6. ilioinguinal nerve injury (during hernia repair)

Plantar reflex

  1. The plantar reflex can be:
  2. Normal (Toes down-going)
  3. Absent
  4. Abnormal or "Babinski Present"
  5. Note: It is incorrect to say ‘negative Babinski'

Visceral Reflexes

Anal reflex (anal wink)

  1. Reflexive contraction of the external anal sphincter upon stroking the skin around the anus (afferent: pudendal nerve; efferent: S2-S4)

Bulbocavernosus reflex

  1. Anal sphincter contraction in response to squeezing the glans penis or tugging on an indwelling Foley catheter
  2. Reflex mediated by S2-4 and used in patients with spinal cord injury

DTR Scale

We are not big believers in grading reflexes (grading muscle power is much more useful). Nevertheless, if you need something beyond “absent,” “present,” “brisk,” or “hyperactive” then use below. If you have a hyperactive reflex don’t forget to look for clonus.

  1. 0: absent reflex
  2. 1+: trace, or seen only with reinforcement
  3. 2+: normal
  4. 3+: brisk
  5. 4+: non-sustained clonus
  6. 5+: sustained clonus

Two articles on the history of the reflex hammer:

History of Reflex Hammers by Douglas J. Lanska, 1989

The Short History of the Reflex Hammer by Francisco Pinto, 2003

Topic Resources

Deep tendon (muscle stretch) reflex testing evaluates afferent nerves, synaptic connections within the spinal cord, motor nerves, and descending motor pathways. Lower motor neuron lesions (eg, affecting the anterior horn cell, spinal root, or peripheral nerve) depress reflexes; upper motor neuron lesions Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Other Motor Neuron Diseases (MNDs) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron diseases are characterized by steady, relentless, progressive degeneration of corticospinal tracts, anterior horn cells, bulbar motor nuclei... read more (ie, non–basal ganglia disorders anywhere above the anterior horn cell) increase reflexes.

Reflexes tested include the following:

  • Biceps (innervated by C5 and C6)

  • Radial brachialis (by C6)

  • Triceps (by C7)

  • Distal finger flexors (by C8)

  • Quadriceps knee jerk (by L4)

  • Ankle jerk (by S1)

  • Jaw jerk (by the 5th cranial nerve)

Any asymmetric increase or depression is noted. Jendrassik maneuver can be used to augment hypoactive reflexes: The patient locks the hands together and pulls vigorously apart as a tendon in the lower extremity is tapped. Alternatively, the patient can push the knees together against each other, while the upper limb tendon is tested.

Pathologic reflexes (eg, Babinski, Chaddock, Oppenheim, snout, rooting, grasp) are reversions to primitive responses and indicate loss of cortical inhibition.

Babinski, Chaddock, and Oppenheim reflexes all evaluate the plantar response. The normal reflex response is flexion of the great toe. An abnormal response is slower and consists of extension of the great toe with fanning of the other toes and often knee and hip flexion. This reaction is of spinal reflex origin and indicates spinal disinhibition due to an upper motor neuron lesion.

For Babinski reflex, the lateral sole of the foot is firmly stroked from the heel to the ball of the foot with a tongue blade or end of a reflex hammer. The stimulus must be noxious but not injurious; stroking should not veer too medially, or it may inadvertently induce a primitive grasp reflex. In sensitive patients, the reflex response may be masked by quick voluntary withdrawal of the foot, which is not a problem in Chaddock or Oppenheim reflex testing.

For Chaddock reflex, the lateral foot, from lateral malleolus to small toe, is stroked with a blunt instrument.

For the Oppenheim reflex, the anterior tibia, from just below the patella to the foot, is firmly stroked with a knuckle. The Oppenheim test may be used with the Babinski test or the Chaddock test to make withdrawal less likely.

The snout reflex is present if tapping a tongue blade across the lips causes pursing of the lips.

The rooting reflex is present if stroking the lateral upper lip causes movement of the mouth toward the stimulus.

The grasp reflex is present if gently stroking the palm of the patient’s hand causes the fingers to flex and grasp the examiner’s finger.

The palmomental reflex is present if stroking the palm of the hand causes contraction of the ipsilateral mentalis muscle of the lower lip.

Hoffmann sign is present if flicking down on the nail on the 3rd or 4th finger elicits involuntary flexion of the distal phalanx of the thumb and index finger.

Tromner sign is similar to the Hoffman sign, but the finger is flicked upward.

For the glabellar sign, the forehead is tapped to induce blinking; normally, each of the first 5 taps induces a single blink, then the reflex fatigues. Blinking persists in patients with diffuse cerebral dysfunction.

Testing for clonus (rhythmic, rapid alternation of muscle contraction and relaxation caused by sudden, passive tendon stretching) is done by rapid dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle. Sustained clonus indicates an upper motor neuron disorder.

The superficial abdominal reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the 4 quadrants of the abdomen near the umbilicus with a wooden cotton applicator stick or similar tool. The normal response is contraction of the abdominal muscles causing the umbilicus to move toward the area being stroked. Stroking the skin toward the umbilicus is recommended to rule out the possibility that movement was caused by the skin being dragged by the stroking. Depression of this reflex may be due to a central lesion, obesity, or lax skeletal muscles (eg, after pregnancy); its absence may indicate spinal cord injury.

Sphincteric reflexes may be tested during the rectal examination. To test sphincteric tone (S2 to S4 nerve root levels), the examiner inserts a gloved finger into the rectum and asks the patient to squeeze it. Alternatively, the perianal region is touched lightly with a cotton wisp; the normal response is contraction of the external anal sphincter (anal wink reflex). Rectal tone typically becomes lax in patients with acute spinal cord injury or cauda equine syndrome.

For the bulbospongiosus reflex, which tests S2 to S4 levels, the dorsum of the penis is tapped; normal response is contraction of the bulbospongiosus muscle.

For the cremasteric reflex, which tests the L2 level, the medial thigh 7.6 cm (3 in) below the inguinal crease is stroked upward; normal response is elevation of the ipsilateral testis.

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What is the tool used to check for deep tendon reflex?

A reflex hammer is a medical instrument used by practitioners to test deep tendon reflexes. Testing for reflexes is an important part of the neurological physical examination in order to detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous system.

What are the 4 types of reflexes?

There are different types of reflexes, including a stretch reflex, Golgi tendon reflex, crossed extensor reflex, and a withdrawal reflex.

What are deep tendon reflexes used for?

The DTR is used to assess the integrity of the motor system and provides information on the condition of upper and lower motor neurons. A hypoactive or absent reflex will be noted if a patient has an injury or a disease involving a lower motor neuron (nerve roots or peripheral nerves).

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