wildfires là gì - Nghĩa của từ wildfires

wildfires có nghĩa là

A person who burns more trees than an actual wild fire. Someone who smokes a shitload of "chops" A.K.A.a blunt fulla that smelly.

Ví dụ

"Man you know dat nigga Hugo J.? You mean "WILDFIRE". "Yea, He be burning mad treez."

wildfires có nghĩa là

One who owns all. No one is greater than the Wildfire. An unstoppable force of destruction. One who owns the salmanderkiller (sally).

Ví dụ

"Man you know dat nigga Hugo J.? You mean "WILDFIRE". "Yea, He be burning mad treez."

wildfires có nghĩa là

One who owns all. No one is greater than the Wildfire. An unstoppable force of destruction. One who owns the salmanderkiller (sally).

Ví dụ

"Man you know dat nigga Hugo J.? You mean "WILDFIRE". "Yea, He be burning mad treez."

wildfires có nghĩa là

One who owns all. No one is greater than the Wildfire. An unstoppable force of destruction. One who owns the salmanderkiller (sally). WildFire just destroyed josh 10-0

Ví dụ

"Man you know dat nigga Hugo J.? You mean "WILDFIRE". "Yea, He be burning mad treez."

wildfires có nghĩa là

One who owns all. No one is greater than the Wildfire. An unstoppable force of destruction. One who owns the salmanderkiller (sally).

Ví dụ

WildFire just destroyed josh 10-0

wildfires có nghĩa là

A sexual act in which, just before the man ejaculates, He lights the womans pubic hair on fire, Then extngiushes it with his fire hose of cum. Saving the day as as a firefighter.

Ví dụ

I put out her colorado wildfire last night.

wildfires có nghĩa là

Def. 1) Slang word for 'sexy beast' or pimp.

Ví dụ

Def. 2) Awesome

wildfires có nghĩa là

Did you see him last night? He was totally wildfire! The act of setting a girl who is currently PMSing's tampon string on fire and then letting it set her bush on fire. As a bonus you can put out the fire with your semen or piss. Guy: my girlfriend has her period so i gave her a wildfire. it was hot!

Ví dụ

The sexual act of defecating on one's partner. Particularly if the excrement is massive and remains undisturbed in it's cylindrical form. Origin: The act in itself is to populate your partner's chest with large hot steaming logs of poo, this is in direct correlation with the event of a wildfire in the sierra forest which would expectedly result in hot and steamy giant sequoias populated xuyên suốt.

wildfires có nghĩa là

Becky to Alicia: "Oh my god. I think tonight's the night that Bobby is going to give me my first Sierra Wildfire. I hope they're big."

Ví dụ

When one long pube gets lit on fire and causes a chain reaction of fire that spreads through out your body.

wildfires có nghĩa là

Dude, my i had such a bad pubic-wildfire yesterday. Hence the missing eyebrow.

Ví dụ

A rumor that gets spread so fast that everyone knows it in at least 30 seconds.

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