wilsonville là gì - Nghĩa của từ wilsonville

wilsonville có nghĩa là

An Oregon high school of relatively small size and comparatively high levels of general awesome. Holds high educational standards, with an exceptional AP program. The majority of its sports teams are known for consistently pwning most other teams in its conference and beyond. It has strange but effective architecture with industrial influences. The interior of WHS includes actual neon signs, which are really stupid but nevertheless tend to instill reluctant jealousy in the hearts of visitors.


Wilsonville High School says: "None shall pass."

wilsonville có nghĩa là

its a kinda small city fill with stones there are snobby rich people that are dicks but even most of them smoke also there's nothing to do except smoke and right now the chillest spot to hang is at subway but hardly no one does it because the cops are dicks in wilsonville


were are we gunna meet the dealer, well not around subway in wilsonville

wilsonville có nghĩa là

A high school in wilsonville that is known for having high education standards. However, all of the kids at Wilsonville High School fuckheads and are homosexual. This causes one to question; why the fuck does any one go to this school? No one knows. Also, Billy is a whore.


Kid A: "I saw Billy at Wilsonville High School last night."
Kid B: "Oh, yeah? What was he doing"
Kid A: "Begging for cock."
Kid B: "Gross."

wilsonville có nghĩa là

A small city in Oregon, a suburb of Portland.
The Wilsonville High School is one of the best schools in the state, and the other schools are fine. It is an ok place to be; an ok place to grow up in. If you're one of those stupid people who choose to screw themselves and disgrace the city thats fine by me, but if you are serious and honest, and know how to get along fine, then all is well. It was a small comfortable town before all these projects made it big and somewhat horrible. It's still a pretty small place, the schools are really small, same with stores. If you have grown up there, you might understand how I feel about the place; it is my home, my town, my community; and I'm proud of it. Seriously, look past all the shit people say about Wilsonville. Some of it is true, but there is some good to the city. Don't be such haters.


Person 1) Hey, where do you live?
Person 2) Oh, I live in Wilsonville.
Person 1) Man, that hicky town?
Person 2) I don't see it that way, dude. Back off...

wilsonville có nghĩa là

This small town, named after a mailman in the late 16th century, is located in oregon. It's a stuck up town of goody tooshoos rich fuckers and stoners who drive trucks. we have a costco, and a thriftway. it has been known to sell rotten watermelon to unsuspecting students who attend the local university, university of willyville. or, U-DUB for short.

the local hangout spot is the parking lot inbetween tacobell and wendys. it is a magical spot filled with magic and wonder. and weed.

its all about the weed. no insano hardcore drugs. just weed. and some alcoholics... but mostly weed.

it has been known to have some "dank ass shit" in wilsonville. the locals will all agree.

there is an old insanasylum which has been abandoned and is now being converted into housing. local school age children priviously explored in damish and had some sweet times. now all they have, since the renovation of damish, is to go check out the "hobo shack" and the dead body which is found alongside a creekbed in the sketchier side of town. the hobo shack is pretty skecth too, but has less dead bodies. mostly hobos. which don't count as people.

wilsonville is a bit of a shithole. there isnt much to do. but you can drive places and its pretty awesome. or just get baked. or get drunk. we know how to do it in wilsonville


hey yo im going to hang out in wilsonville because im a douche and i hate my life.

wilsonville có nghĩa là

A suburb of Portland full of stoners and whores, a waste of time, a useless city full of useless people.


Dude where do you live?
Uhh I live in Wilsonville...
Oh, that's useless... stoner.

wilsonville có nghĩa là

The gayest school ever....it's located in lovely Wilsonville (which is also pretty gay) and the school is full of sluts, stoners, douchebags, and "ravers". Haha! This is the worst place ever, and I basically hate everyone who goes there. Fuck Wilsonville.


For their winter formal dance, the students of Wilsonville High School wore tie-dye and neon clothes. What unbelievable douches.

wilsonville có nghĩa là

A fucking gay-ass town full of fags and fiends. All of the kids try to act like they're from the city, but they really have no idea what the people from the city are like. They all want to act and say they are poor, I guess they think its cool. Damn those fags love to wear plain colored tall-tees with long-ass white tees underneath. On top of all of that they have nothing better to do than smoke weed and listen to dubstep. If they get money they spend it on drugs, and if they see money they want to take it to buy hardcore drugs. Those fags will refuse to go to school and will smoke weed, and let their no-future life rot away.


Ayy bro wanna go be bros and smoke some fat bowls, go to school for a bit then dich school and smoke some more, then go hang out in Wilsonville?

wilsonville có nghĩa là

A school filled with gang bangers, gays, and terrorists. Has had 3 school shooting threats in the last year, most teachers are either liberals or really chill. Lizards sometimes drag kids into the basements, counselors try to act like they care but they really don't nor do half the administration, the bathrooms always smell like shit there has been 30,000 dollars worth of damages in those bathrooms and kids are constantly vaping or smoking weed there are tranni bathrooms that are mainly used for sex, smoking, or taking the meanest shits. But besides that, its just normal high school, hard, annoying, long, and fun at times. And if your on the football team your pretty much going to have the american high school expierence of parties, lifting, teamwork, and hanging out with the bros.


Kid a: Oh you go to wilsonville high school!
Kid b: yes, sadly.

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