blamer là gì - Nghĩa của từ blamer

blamer có nghĩa là

Nickname for president Barack Obama that came about later in his first term, when he shifted away from the inspirational rhetoric of his first presidential campaign and instead started blaming all sorts of other people or groups for his administration's failures and the country's problems when questioned, instead of manning up and taking responsibility like a real leader would. Initially, the blame for current failures was directed toward former administrations (Bush). The blame game reached new heights in Obama's second term when, during the partial government shutdown of late 2013, the president said repeatedly that he would not negotiate with other elected officials, and continued to place all of the blame and responsibility for the shutdown on others (notably, Republicans in congress) even resorting to highly inflammatory rhetoric. The Obama administration subsequently made many eye-raising decisions about what to keep up open versus what to close from the general public during the shutdown; these decisions appeared to be made to make the American people "feel the pain" of the shutdown who would have otherwise not noticed, and drum up anger and blame toward congress.


"Did you hear that the Obama administration gave permission for a big rally of illegal immigrants on the National Mall, but still has numerous other parks and monuments closed off to US citizens? I bet the Blamer-in-Chief will try to imply the open-air monuments were barrycaded by Ted Cruz, LOL!"

blamer có nghĩa là

An extreme right-winger who will blame President Obama for anything and everything under the sun. Obama can do no right in their eyes, even when he proposes ideas that were originally republican ideas. An O-blamer is that crazy, reclusive uncle who at family gatherings will go from a completely unrelated topic into a tirade about how Obama is a socialist who wants to take all your guns away, force everyone to gay marry, build mosques in every city, ad nauseam. While there are certainly legitimate criticisms of Obama's policies, O-blamers are known to let their imaginations run wild.


O-blamer: "I was so hoping to get a Hummer H2, but I lost my 401k when that godless-kenyan-muslim-socialist-commie-nazi-antichrist was elected, and now I'm stockpiling ammo for the revolution!" Everyone else: (quietly observes for fear of sending the O-blamer into a violent fit of rage)

blamer có nghĩa là

Many Americans, particularly Republicans, are angry with President Obama they seem to have forgotten that the Bush Administration caused the serious and continuing problems facing this country and the world (see Bushnesiacs.) Bush43 ruined the American economy and kicked off a world-wide recession and destroyed our image in the global community. Now as President Obama tries to repair the damage Bush caused, fuckwits across America are blaming him for the Bush Depression and the hugh national debt. WAKE UP YOU MORONS! The sad state of our nation is not Obama's fault he is trying to fix it!


There is nothing in the world more annoying than an Obama Blamer! Blaming Obama for the Bush economy is like blaming a fire fighter for burning your house down!

blamer có nghĩa là

Someone who blames the patriarchy; a feminist.


"It was great to meet other patriarchy-blamers at the feminist gathering!"

blamer có nghĩa là

Someone who blames everything on something all the time.


"I blame Tom."
"Wow, you're such a blamer!"

blamer có nghĩa là

The kid on any type of online game that doesn't get any kills or dies more times than he gets kills (terrible kill to death ratio) because of 'the lag'. There is usually no lag and the person playing is usually a lier to make him sound better at the game.


"anyone one else seein' this lag?" "no, my connection seems to be okay." "must be my connection because i went 2 to 12" "your such a lag-blamer"

blamer có nghĩa là

A supporter of President Barrack Obama that defends him by saying President George Bush implemented policies and caused conditions that have ruined Obama's presidency and therefore President Obama cannot be held responsible for at election time or any time.


A Blamer on a social media site said: Frankly I'm more disillusioned with the President who CREATED the problems, than the one who inherited them. (Do a little research on Bush's unprecedented support of American oil company profiteering).

blamer có nghĩa là

Someone who shifts blame for global problems onto the general public rather than a select few. See: Bootlicker


So he's saying that he won't be friends with anyone who uses plastic straws or eats meat? Man, what a 99% blamer...

blamer có nghĩa là

1. Someone who gets served up some piping-hot ass whupping in a video game and blames the game for getting served.


1. "Why can't I score? This game is cheatin! Restart!"

"Stop being a Game blamer and get served."

blamer có nghĩa là

tune blamers are parents who blame the music that their kids listen to for all their kids' problems, when, in reality, it is, in fact, their fault. they often choose to victimize marilyn manson with their pathetic claims.


my mom is a tune blamer. it is all her fault, though. all parents are tune blamers.