For fear that nghĩa là gì

(Ngày đăng: 04-03-2022 00:45:53)

Afraid là tính từ (of sb, sth; of doing sth; to do sth): cảm giác sợ hãi; fear vừa là danh từ (of sb, sth; for sb/sth): sự sợ hãi vừa là động từ (sb, sth; to do sth; doing sth): sợ hãi.

1. Fear /fiə/:

Fear (n): sự sợ hãi, sự khiếp sợ.

Fear (v): sợ hãi.

Ví dụ:

It is feared that many lives have been lost.

(Người ta vì sợ rằng nhiều người đã thiệt mạng).

'I fear' dùng trong giao tiếp trịnh trọng và trong văn chương.

For fear of sth/of doing sth; for fear (that): trong trường hợp để phòng cái gì đó xảy ra, e rằng, sợ rằng.

For fear that nghĩa là gì

 Ví dụ:

We spoken in whispers for fear of walking the baby.

(Chúng tôi nói thì thầm sợ rằng sẽ đánh thức đứa bé).

There's no much fear of such accidents.

(Có khả năng những tai nạn như vậy sẽ không xảy ra).

Never fear, everything will be all right.

(Đừng sợ rồi mọi việc sẽ ổn thôi).

I fear (that) he is going to die.

(Tôi e rằng anh ấy sắp chết).

To fear for somebody/something: lo lắng hoặc băn khoăn về cái gì.

Ví dụ:

I fear for her safety in this weather.

(Tôi lo cho sự an toàn của bà ta trong thời tiết này).

She feared to speak in his presence.

(Cô ta sợ nói trước mặt anh ấy).

He fears nothing.

(Hắn ta không sợ cái gì cả).

2. Afraid /ə'freid/ (adj): cảm giác sợ hãi.

Afraid of sb/sth; of doing sth/to do something: sợ hãi.

Ví dụ:

Many children are afraid of the dark.

(Nhiều đứa trẻ sợ bóng tối).

We're afraid that many lives have been lost in the crash.

(Chúng tôi e rằng nhiều người sẽ bị thiệt mạng trong vụ va chạm).

I'm afraid we won't be free next Saturday.

(Tôi e rằng thứ bảy tuần tới chúng tôi không rảnh). 

There's nothing tobe afraid of.

(Chẳng có gì phải sợ cả).

He's afraid of losing customers.

(Anh ta sợ mất khách hàng).

I'm afraid we can't come.

(Tôi e rằng chúng tôi không đến được).

He's afraid of going out alone at night.

(Anh ta sợ đi đêm một mình).

Để hiểu rõ hơn về Fear/afraid vui lòng liên hệ Trung tâm tiếng Anh SGV.


Idiom(s): for fear of sth


out of fear of something; because of fear of something.• He doesn't drive for fear of an accident.• They lock their doors for fear of being robbed. adv. phr. Because of being afraid of something; on account of being scared. Dave refuses to go to Europe for fear of an airplane crash and for fear of a shipwreck.

Because one is afraid of something or that something will happen. We closed the shop early for fear of the impending snow storm.Learn more: fear, of
out of fear for something; because of fear of something. He doesn't drive for fear of an accident. They lock their car doors for fear of being attacked.Learn more: fear, of
Also, for fear that. In order to avoid or prevent, in case of. For example, They closed all the windows for fear of rain. The variant is always used before a clause, as in She wouldn't let her children climb trees for fear that they would fall. The first term dates from the late 1400s, the second from about 1600. Learn more: fear, of
, because you do not want something bad to happen: I’m not going to put it in the washing machine for fear of spoiling it.I had to keep my opinions secret for fear (that) I would lose my job.Learn more: fear, of, something
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