How many minutes of physical activity is recommended by the WHO for children aged 5 17?

Physical activity is vital for children’s health, wellbeing and development, now and in the future.

Physical activity has lots of health benefits for children. It:

  • strengthens children’s bones, muscles, hearts and lungs
  • improves children’s coordination, balance, posture and flexibility
  • helps children stay at a healthy weight
  • reduces children’s risk of getting heart disease, cancer and type-2 diabetes later in life.

Physical activity also boosts children’s wellbeing. For example, active children are more likely to:

  • be confident and feel like they belong
  • be relaxed and sleep well
  • concentrate better at school
  • get along with others and make friends easily
  • share, take turns and cooperate.

Physical activity is an important part of play and learning. And when children do physical activity with you or other people, it can be a great way for them to build relationships in your family and community.

Physical activity is also just good fun for children.

What is physical activity?

Physical activity is any activity that involves moving your body. It includes everyday activities, physically active play, and organised sports and exercise.

Light physical activity could be going for a stroll, playing a musical instrument or standing up to paint at an easel.

Moderate physical activity gets children gently huffing and puffing. It could be:

  • walking quickly
  • riding to child care, school or a friend’s house
  • dancing, skipping, jumping in puddles or flying kites
  • swimming.

Vigorous physical activity gets children huffing and puffing a lot, as well as sweating. It could be:

  • playing running games like ‘keepings off’ or ‘chasey’
  • riding a bike fast
  • playing organised sports like soccer, basketball, touch football or netball.

Activities that strengthen muscles and bones make muscles work more than normal and put extra force on bones – for example, jumping, running, climbing and lifting. Moderate and vigorous physical activities often help to build muscles and bones.

Energetic play is a natural way for children to move and be active. For example, babies rock and kick their feet. Older children run, jump, twirl, kick, throw, dance to music, play on playground equipment, enjoy rough-and-tumble play, and much more.

How much physical activity do children need each day?

Australian guidelines say that children aged under 1 year should have lots of floor play. For babies who aren’t up and about, 30 minutes of tummy time each day is good.

Children aged 1 year up to 3 years should be physically active for at least three hours each day. This includes energetic play.

Children aged 3 years up to 5 years should be physically active for at least three hours each day. This includes one hour of energetic play.

Children aged 5 years up to 18 years should do at least one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity plus several hours of light physical activity each day. And at least three days a week, this should include activities that strengthen muscles and bones.

Young people aged over 18 years should do 2½-5 hours of moderate physical activity or 1¼-2½ hours of vigorous physical activity per week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous physical activity that adds up to enough activity overall. And at least two days a week, they should do activities that strengthen muscles.

Your child can do physical activity in small blocks of time throughout the day. The key thing is that your child does enough physical activity overall. And the more physical activity your child does and the less time your child spends sitting, the better it is for your child.

Physical activity and children with additional needs

Physical activity is important for all children.

If your child has additional needs, like a disability or medical condition, or you have any concerns about the amount and type of physical activity your child gets, it’s a good idea to talk to your GP or another health professional.

This is a video-summary of the recommended levels of physical activity for children aged 5-17 years to improve cardiovascular and muscular fitness, bone health and cardiovascular and metabolic health biomarkers.

How much?

At least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily.

And more?

Greater than 60 minutes provides additional health benefits.

What type?

Most of the daily physical activity should be aerobic.

Anything else?

Vigorous-intensity activities, including those that strengthen muscles and bones (at least 3 times per week).

This video has been created for the TREK project, where you can find more information about this topic.


– World Health Organization 2010

How many minutes of physical activity is recommended by the WHO for children aged 5 17?

Jorge Rodriguez

Physiotherapist, Member of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), MSc Health Care Technology (cum laude) at Tallinn University of Technology, Exercise Prescription Expert and Social Media Expert. Founder and editor at Passionate about dissemination in Physiotherapy and health promotion, with special interest in digital tools as a way to improve quality of life.

Children and adolescents aged 5-17 years should do at least an average of 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous intensity, mostly aerobic, physical activity, across the week. should incorporate vigorous-intensity aerobic activities, as well as those that strengthen muscle and bone, at least 3 days a week.

What is the recommendation for physical activity for 5 to 12 year old's?

For health benefits, children aged 5-12 years should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day. Children's physical activity should include a variety of aerobic activities, including some vigorous intensity activity.

What are the Australian guidelines for physical activity 5 17?

Children and adolescents aged 5–17 who did not complete at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Adults aged 18–64 who did not complete 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity across 5 or more days in the last week.
Children and young people aged 5 to 18 should: aim for an average of at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity a day across the week. take part in a variety of types and intensities of physical activity across the week to develop movement skills, muscles and bones.