How to use bentonite clay for face

You have probably heard about the popularity of bentonite clay for skin care. Well, this natural substance offers medical benefits as well. So, how can you get the most out of this organic clay? For decades, this ancient remedy has been utilized to help the body detox. In addition, because of its antibacterial and exfoliating characteristics, it is a major ingredient in skin care, particularly face masks! Does it, however, live up to the expectations? Find out what bentonite clay is and how efficiently it treats sunburn, acne, and other skin problems right here. We also go over how to use it and the risks of applying bentonite clay on the skin. Keep reading!

In This Article

  • What Is Bentonite Clay? How Does It Work?
  • Is Bentonite Clay Good For Your Skin?
  • How To Use Bentonite Clay For Skin
  • Are There Side Effects Of Using Bentonite Clay For Skin?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Bentonite Clay? How Does It Work?

Bentonite clay mask


Bentonite clay is a natural clay that is named after the place where its largest sources are found Fort Benton, Wyoming (1). This soft and fine powder is made of volcanic ashes and is rich in minerals. Chemically, it is absorbent aluminum phyllosilicate clay (1). It carries a negative charge that makes it highly adsorbent in nature. Since it can bind to substances such as toxins and dirt with great affinity, it helps in the process of detoxification. Thus, it was popularly used orally to treat maladies like poisoning, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal problems.

Topically, bentonite clay was traditionally used to heal skin infections, acne, and dermatitis. These clay masks contain minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and silicate that are believed to improve skin health (1).

Keep reading to find out all about the benefits of using bentonite clay on your skin. 

Is Bentonite Clay Good For Your Skin?

Woman applying bentonite clay mask on face


Yes, bentonite clay is good for your skin. There is enough scientific evidence to justify its use as a detoxifying and antibacterial agent. Healing clays such as bentonite clay are used in pelotherapy (mud therapy) in spas for treating skin diseases, adsorption of toxins, improving blood circulation, and regulating body heat (2).

These clays gently exfoliate the skin by binding to dirt, excess oil, and other impurities on the skin. It is speculated that they can unclog pores, remove blackheads, and control sebum. A pilot study has shown that clay masks with jojoba oil can help in managing acne (3).

The minerals in bentonite clay delay premature aging by absorbing the free radicals formed in the skin due to exposure to the harmful UV rays. Sunscreens with bentonite minerals are reported to offer partial protection from the sun (4).

Bentonite clay has been used in moisturizing creams and diaper creams to treat dermatitis (5), (6). It is also used to heal skin lesions, eczema, psoriasis, and ulcers due to its soothing and hydrating properties.

A 7-day study conducted on rats reported that the application of bentonite clay every day can help in skin tissue regeneration and stimulation of collagen (7).  Thus, it may help in skin cell regeneration and skin tightening to make your skin look more youthful.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the silica in bentonite clay helps in making your skin soft and radiant. It is believed that silica binds to oxygen and helps the skin absorb nutrients more efficiently. Currently, there are no scientific studies to support this theory, but people who have used bentonite clay masks claim that it made their skin brighter and healthier. Regular use of such masks is also said to lighten skin discoloration caused by acne marks, scars, and blemishes.

Now that you know all the benefits of bentonite clay for your skin, find out how to use it in the next section.

1. Bentonite Clay Face Mask For Radiant Skin

Bentonite clay mask and lavender oil


You Will Need

  • 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay
  • 2-3 drops of essential oil of your choice
  • 5 ml distilled water


  1. Mix all the ingredients to form a thick paste.
  2. Wash your face and apply this mixture.
  3. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse it off with warm water.
  5. Pat your face dry and apply a moisturizer.

2. Bentonite Clay Face Mask To Remove Blackheads

You Will Need

  • 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay
  • Jojoba oil


  1. Mix enough jojoba oil with bentonite clay to form a thick paste.
  2. Apply this mixture on and around the nose (where blackheads are prevalent).
  3. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water to remove all the gunk in the clogged pores.

3. Bentonite Clay To Detox Armpits

You Will Need

  • 2 tablespoon of bentonite clay
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar


  1. Mix apple cider vinegar with bentonite clay to form a thick paste.
  2. Apply this mask to your armpits.
  3. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Wash it off with warm water.

4. Bentonite Clay Face Mask For Managing Acne

Woman with acne may benefit from bentonite clay mask


You Will Need

  • 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay
  • 2-3 drops of tea tree oil
  • 5 ml distilled water


  1. Mix the water, tea tree oil, and bentonite clay to form a paste.
  2. Apply this mask to your face, focusing on your acne and T-zone.
  3. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes.

Wipe your face with a damp cloth to remove the mask. Rinse off the rest with lukewarm water.

  1. You can apply this mask twice or thrice a week.

5. Bentonite Clay Foot Soak Or Bath

Woman soaking her feet in water mixed with bentonite clay


You Will Need

  • 1/4 cup of bentonite clay
  • 1 cup of Epsom salt
  • Few drops of your favorite essential oil (optional)


  1. Add the bentonite clay and Epsom salt to your foot soak or bath.
  2. Mix them throughly.
  3. Soak your feet in the foot bath for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash them off with warm water.

Although bentonite clay offers a ton of skin benefits, you should still be careful when using it. Find out more in the next section!

Are There Side Effects Of Using Bentonite Clay For Skin?

Although there have been no reported cases of side effects from using bentonite clay on the skin, the FDA has warned against the use of it both orally and topically as its components are not regulated. Elevated levels of lead have been found in certain popular bentonite clay brands (8). Generally, the amount of bentonite clay you use in a face mask does not pose a risk. But keep in mind that chronic exposure to this heavy metal can lead to lead poisoning, which can cause impairment to your kidneys, central nervous system, and immune system.

If you experience any irritation, swelling, or burning sensation upon applying bentonite clay, remove it immediately and consult a doctor.

Bentonite clay has been used as a popular remedy for years to treat a wide range of skin issues. Studies suggest it’s antibacterial and detoxification properties draw out the dirt and excess sebum, reduce acne, and slow down aging. Bentonite clay also has hydrating properties that moisturize your skin and treat skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, and ulcers. Exercise caution when using bentonite clay as overexposure to the lead in the clay can lead to lead poisoning. Consult your doctor if you develop rashes, redness, or swelling. You can use bentonite clay for your skin as a face mask in your daily skincare routine to give you smooth and glowing skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I leave bentonite clay on the face overnight?

It is best not to leave a clay mask on your face overnight as it may strip off the skin’s moisture and cause severe dryness.

What skin type is bentonite clay good for?

Bentonite clay is suitable for normal to oily skin types. But you may also use it on dry skin after mixing it with a hydrating oil.

Can I use bentonite clay on my armpits?

Yes, you may use bentonite clay on your armpits. However, there are chances of irritation as the armpits have sensitive skin. Wipe it off if you experience any discomfort.

How long does bentonite clay take to work?

It may take 2 to 3 months of consistent use to see the desired results.

Can I put bentonite clay in a bath?

Yes, you may mix 3 to 4 cups of bentonite clay in warm water to prepare a bath. Mix them well and soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes for a good detox.


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Bentonite Clay as a Natural Remedy: A Brief Review
  2. Bentonite, Bandaids, and Borborygmi
  3. Clay Jojoba Oil Facial Mask for Lesioned Skin and Mild Acne Results of a Prospective, Observational Pilot Study
  4. Production of a Novel Mineral-based Sun Lotion for Protecting the Skin from Biohazards of Electromagnetic Radiation in the UV Region
  5. A skin moisturizing cream containing Quaternium-18-Bentonite effectively improves chronic hand dermatitis
  6. Comparing the effects of Bentonite & Calendula on the improvement of infantile diaper dermatitis: A randomized controlled trial
  7. Effect of topical clay application on the synthesis of collagen in the skin: an experimental study
  8. FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use Best Bentonite Clay

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Annie Jangam is a researcher-turned-content writer. She enjoys dissecting complex clinical studies and shuffling through the scientific jargon to make... more

Dr. Zeel Gandhi is an Ayurvedic doctor and an expert at providing holistic solutions for health problems encompassing Internal medicine,... more

Can I use bentonite clay everyday on my face?

How often should I use bentonite clay? Since bentonite clay helps absorb excess sebum, people with oily and acne-prone skin types can use the ingredient almost every day says Dr. Nussbaum. However, if you've got dry-ish or sensitive skin, definitely keep your uses to a minimum (think once or twice per week).

How often should you use bentonite clay on face?

"If you're using bentonite clay as part of an anti-acne regimen, you can apply it two to three times a week," says Dr. Turner. "For those with sensitive skin, use once a week and then work your way up if there's no irritation."

Is bentonite clay good for your face?

Bentonite clay works like a sponge on your skin. It absorbs dirt and oil, like sebum. Too much sebum can lead to acne. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties may help your skin heal.

Should you let bentonite clay dry on your face?

PRO TIP: ALWAYS REMOVE YOUR MASK BEFORE IT FULLY DRIES When you leave a clay mask on too long by letting it dry, harden and contract- the clay ends up absorbing essential water from your skin barrier, which crucially effects hydration levels.