Patronizing là gì

Trong ngữ cảnh là băng nhóm này đang cảnh báo hai cha con kia là đừng có khai cái gì cho đặc vụ biết, nhưng rồi họ nhận được tin là hai cha con này đã nói gì đó nên là bắt cóc 2 người họ rồi tra hỏi, trong lúc tra hỏi có nói câu: Nothing spoils a target better than a hit.Ai dịch giúp em câu này với ạ, cám ơn nhiều a

Từ điển Collocation

patronizing adj.

VERBS be, sound | become | find sb/sth I found his tone rather patronizing.

ADV. extremely, very | almost | mildly, rather, slightly, somewhat | unduly

PREP. towards He's always very patronizing towards my mother.

Từ điển WordNet

English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

syn.: back deal with finance promote sponsor support

* ngoại động từ
- bảo trợ, đỡ đầu
- đối xử với thái độ kẻ cả, bề trên; hạ cố
=patronizing airs+ vẻ kẻ cả bề trên
- chiếu cố, lui tới (một cửa hàng) (khách hàng quen)

có lên lớp ; thái độ với ;

có lên lớp ; thái độ với ; trợ ;

patronize; patronise; sponsor

patronize; buy at; frequent; patronise; shop; shop at; sponsor

do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of

patronize; condescend; patronise

patronize; keep going; patronage; patronise; support

be a regular customer or client of

* ngoại động từ
- bảo trợ, đỡ đầu
- đối xử với thái độ kẻ cả, bề trên; hạ cố
=patronizing airs+ vẻ kẻ cả bề trên
- chiếu cố, lui tới (một cửa hàng) (khách hàng quen)

* danh từ
- thần hộ mệnh, thánh bảo hộ

* tính từ
- ra vẻ kẻ cả, kẻ bề trên

to treat others in a manner that shows you consider yourself to be better or more important than they are:

She’s angry, smart, and not about to be patronized.


adjective us

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/ˈpeɪ·trəˌnɑɪ·zɪŋ, ˈpæ-/


a patronizing manner/attitude

(Định nghĩa của patronize từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

patronize | Tiếng Anh Thương Mại


verb [ T ]

(UK also patronise)uk

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to be a regular customer of a shop, restaurant, hotel, etc.:

Special offer coupons can be effective in motivating shoppers to patronize certain establishments.

to speak to or behave towards someone as if they are stupid or not important:

Additional research has found that 70% of people feel patronised by advertising.

to support an activity or a public organization, especially by giving money:

For sale are objets d'art inspired and patronized by China's emperors for 4,000 years.

(Định nghĩa của patronize từ Từ điển Cambridge Tiếng Anh Doanh nghiệp © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của patronize


Which musicians and genres should be patronized was determined by their putative 'natural' audience in society at large.

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Evaluative perceptions of patronizing speech addressed to institutionalized elders in contrasting conversational contexts.

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Evaluative perceptions of patronizing speech addressed to elders.

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How the local population reacted to their new existence as a contested and often patronized community reveals the complicated subtext to the region's history.

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However, it seemed to be one of the more frequently patronized courier services.

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Shopping centers are typically, but not exclusively, patronized by secular middle and upper middle classes, who often reside in new kinds of suburban, residential areas.

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They seem to have been patronized primarily by men from the nobility, wealthy burghers and 'non-nobles of high standing'.

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Here are cultures with patronizing to external practice.

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Such loss of trust and cynicism often result in citizen apathy, the feeling of being patronized, or frustration with governmental bodies.

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When you explain this to them, they feel wounded because you appear to be patronizing and showing some kind of superiority towards them.

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Although one of the union's objectives was representation in the state legislature, there is no indication that the union as such patronized their candidatures.

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Planned (constructivist) rationalism is achieved by patronizing professional groups and often accompanied with a quest to increase control of an oligarchy.

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Patronizing speech to older people conversation between an older adult and a younger saleswoman who used patronizing speech and inappropriate terms of endearment.

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In this situation, abject apologies in some respects remain complicit with the patronizing attitudes from which they attempt to disassociate themselves.

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Communication predicaments of aging : patronizing behavior toward older adults.

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