Aladin capital là gì

Quỹ Đầu tư Cân bằng Bản Việt (VCAMBF) là một quỹ mở được thành lập với mục tiêu tạo ra một giải pháp đầu tư linh hoạt, an toàn với mức lợi nhuận ổn định cho Nhà đầu tư. Quỹ tập trung vào các cổ phiếu có tiềm năng tăng trưởng, giá trị vốn hóa lớn và các tài sản có thu nhập cố định.

Ngày thành lập

Hình thức Quỹ
Quỹ mở

Giấy phép số

Ngân hàng Giám sát
Ngân hàng Đầu tư & Phát triển Việt Nam (BIDV)

Công ty kiểm toán
Chi nhánh Công ty TNHH KPMG

Giá trị đầu tư tối thểu
1.000.000 VND

Phí quản lý

Phí phát hành/mua lại
0.5% Giá trị giao dịch

Lịch phát hành/ Mua lại chứng chỉ quỹ
Thứ Sáu hàng tuần

Giám Đốc Quỹ
Bà Trương Thị Thanh Ngọc

Page 2

Gen. Dema çay admitted, that he endeavoured to furce his way in spite of the renoustranices ol the Officers on duty : M. de Corcáiles acknowledge that he was stationary in the midsi of the tumultuous assembly, lhat he ref sed to withdi aw, and tha! he ra.sed his cine a vinst the Gendarose. Persous who respect the laws, and espe- cially Deputies, sholi avoid mixing in lumuljuous assemblies.- (Grea: coufis.on and exclamations of “ It is false, we did not acknowl.dge it;" " What insolence;" elc., etc.)

M, DE CORCELL.ES was astonished that th: Minister of the Interior should believe a Gendarme in preference to a Deputy,, ! comius out of a theatre the children of M. de St. Aignau heard it said by some Gendarmes :-" There has be-n a good prize made to-night, they have got hold of M. Lema, çay and M. de Curcelles, and will be well pa.d for it."

M. DE LA BOURDONNAYE thought that the House could do nothing but pass to the urder of the Day, as the Hon. Members had made no proposition, but had merely stated their grievances. It was very ill-judged to make compliiats at that Tribune, which might ha e a tendency to increase the agitation excited by the factious.

A. MANUEL moved, that an inquiry should be instituied, and that an address should be presented to his Ma,esiy to that effect.

The MINISTER of FINANCE made a few observations, atter which the previous question was adopted,

The article was then put and adopted.

The whole of Şectio.. ll. was put, when there appeared for it, a majority of 214, against 30.- djourned.


Silting of the ad inst. The Order of the Day was the debate 1.pon the articles of the Law Project relative to the Press.

ART. I. was adopted.*

ART. II.--Every attack, by any of the same means, against the Hoyal dignity, the prerogatives or the authority of the King, the inviolability of his persoa, the order of suecession to the Throne, the prerogatives or tie authority of the Chambers, shall be punished by imprisonment of from three mouths to five years, and a tine of from 300 10 6,000fr.

The Count de BASTARD moved the following amendment:

Every attack, by any of the same means, against the Royal dignity, the order of succession to the Throne, the prerogatives appertaining to the King by birth, those by virtuo of which he grauted the Carter, his : oustilutiun. ) Authority, the inviolability of his person, the prerogatives or the authority of the Chambers, shall be punished by a fiue of from 300 to 6,00ofr.

"The Count de Castellane, the Minister of the Interior, and M. de Vatimesnil spoke against the amendment, which was suppored tay the Count de Pontecoulant an 1 Baron Pasquier.

Upon putting it to the vote, the amendment was carried by a majority of 112 aga nst 101.

The Couat de BASTARD then p oposed to add to his amendment the term of imprisonment specified in the article, but the number of Peers uot being suficient to constitute a Chamber, the Sitting was acijourueri. * See MESSENGER of Dec. 5, for the entire Law Project,


Sitting of the 2d inst. Upon the proces-verbal being ead,

M. Dupon moved, that it be entered upon the proces-verbal, that according to the declarations of Gen. Demarcay and M. de Co. celles, they were accidentally among the persous legally assembled; he thought it would have a good effeci, as the country might otherwise snppose that Deputies 100 part in the funuliuous proceed!ings.

This motion was rejected.

The Order of the Day was the renewal of the debate upon the law relative lo the Accounts of 1820.

The PRESIDENT read Section 4, which consisted of Art. 1., for the finni of 527,625 fr. as a supplenient to the Minister of Justice; and år!. II. for 4,411,682 tr. as a supplement to the Minister of the Inferior, making a total of 4,939,307 fr.

The Committee had found an error of 300 fr., and proposed to reli se the sum of 1,889,507 fr. demanded to cover the deficit arising from Matheo's frand.

M. B. Coxstant objected to the grant requir:d by the Min ster of Justice. It was to cover the expeose of criminal proceediugs, and the increase of crimes was the consequence of misgovernment, The Orator then expressed his indignation at the treatinant which two of his colleagues had met with from the police, wiilout being able to obtain redress.

After a few observations from several other Deputies, A:1. I. was put and adopred.

Tie Committee having recommended to refuse the amount of At theo's de ault,

The PRESIDENT proposed, as a s parate articl., the grant to that

M. LABBEY DE POMPIÈRES moved, as an amendment, that the dfi is accasioned by Matheo's default should not be paid out of the public pire until the insolvency of his bondsmen be made to *Ppear.

1. LECLERC DE BEAULJEU thought, that the deficiency ought to be paid by the Minister who recommended to the King an Ordunnance to absolve M. Piscatory.

M. DUVERGIER DE PAURANNE justified the conduct of the Minister, and voiell for the grant.

Messrs. de la Bourdonnaye, Chauvelin, and Casimir Perrier, spoke against the crant. M. Laine and the Minister of Finance spoke in favour of it.

The Reporter of the Committee repeated the arguments contained in the report in jushticalijn of the Minister, and delu ed, that the opinion of the ma ority of the Committee was that M. Piscatory was Quercusable.- djourned.

FRENCH FUNDS. There have been many ductuations in the price of Stocks during the week, and much business has been done. On Mouday, they rose as high as g1 fr. 55 c, for the end of the month, and, on The day, reached g1 fr. 70 c; on Wednesday they fed to go fr., and closed, on Saturday, at go fr. gõ c.

The certificates of the Loau have fallen from 7 118 on Tuesday, to 6 per cent. on Saturday.

The Neapolitan Stocks have va ied from 68 314 on Monday, to 70 on Saturday.

Th Sran sh Loan b. nds have been quoted from 59 to 61314.

The E change market still continues b avy. On Monday, London, Vienna and Angusta, dull: Hamburgh and Frankfort, at three months, in demand; Napl-s, Genoa and Milan, taken below the qo'ation; Leghorn and 'Lisbon scarce : Spanish h gher, and easily pegociated. On Tuesday, London, of short dates, in d maud; Loxhorn in favour, but scarce; Amsterdam, Hamburgh and Spanish, in demand, but dear, as is usual at the end of the month. On Wednesday, very litele done; Amsterdam and Spanish in feeble demand. On Tăursday, London very doll, esp cially at three months; German much offered; Leghorn less in favou; Naples taken at 475; Spanish without takers. On Friday, a total stagnation in the market, except in London, at 25 fr. 10 c. On Salurday, German diificult to negociates Genoa, of a short date, easily trans. ferred; in Spanish and Leghorn, some ting done.

Marks are doll, but not lower; roubles scarce, and held back at 96.912; dorins in great demud at 1 1-16 above the quotation; each is very abundant.

FRENCH FUNDS, MAKCH. 2.--Bank act., 1585 fr. 5 per cents., joujus du 27 Sept. 1821, yofr. lin c. qoe. 5. c.

3 vc 40c. 20 c. 106. 200. 3.fc. 200 +5c. 49.4. 45 c.

40 c. 45 c. 4n c. 451c. Dinn, end of the mouth, opened al gofr. 75c -Uighest go sr.

95 c.-Lowest gofr. 20 C. -Closed at gofr. 95 c. Anonisés de 1000 francs, i 4 pour cent. 106ofr. Obligations de la Ville, jouiss. du 1 oct 1821, 1265 fro HENTES DE NAPLes 5 ponr cent. 69 3,8

EXCHANGE ON LONDON. i Montlı Paper, 25 fr. 25 é. Cash 3 Monilis' Panor, 25 lt. 157.


Cash A CADEMIE ROY41.E.- Aladin.

THEATRE FRANÇALS – Coriolan.- Les Bourgço:ses de Qualités

V AUTDEVIL.R. --The first representation of sifla. Les Etourdis en Voyage.-La Solliciteuse,

ADVERTISEMENTS. To Let, for one year from the 1st of April neyt,

à very desirable Country-house, recently fitted up and very w«23 Curiosities, etc.--To be Sold by Auction, the enti! furnissed, situated five leagues from Paris, in the handlet of Stock in Trade of M. Chaucesaignes, deal, r in Cu, iosities, re'irms Lozene, on the roule from Dourdan, half a league from Palaiseau, from business, at No. 6, Passage Cendrier, rue Basse du Reorparl, aod midway from the pleasant valley of Orsay. There is a lar, e on Monday the 4th, Tuesday, the 5th, an i Wednesday the oun of plea ,ure anu kitchen garden of two acres, well stocked wilh thrir. March insi. at eleven o'clock in the forenvon, co..sisting of a han - ing fruit trees, trained espaliers, etc. hol-louse, bake-house, garsome chaudelier of rock crystal, mounteu in gilt bronze; elegant dener's-house, coach-house, stabies, two wells, elc. The House candelabrus with 5, 6, and 9 branches; candlesticks à la boule : commands exiensive prospects, and there is a running stream at peudulums, one of which by Ferd, nand Berthou; chronometers; the bottom of the gardeu. Four Diligences pass daily within two curious fire roos; several bronze hures, one from kiche:ieu s minutes' walk of the house ; and there is a conveyance which goe Chateau, Dapline, Apolo, Venus, etc.; several marble busts (une from Palaiseau to Paris and re!urns every

d y

An Inventory will by Houdon), culumus, roups, vases, tables, porphyry socles, further particulars and conditions may be had of M. De Belle, granite, basalt and brucalette; China, Dresden, Sevres and other avocal, No. 47, rue Montorgueil. Porcelaine, among which are several blue, se-freed and variegated vases, tva tablis, dishes and bowls of Sevres manufacture; hand-

T, Let, furnished, a very handsome Country Resisome furniture, by Boule, Riesner, Jacob, and others, inlaid with dence, with garden laid out in the English style, lar e park contain brass, tortoiseshell, and lackered; mahogany commodes, secre:aries, ing a canal with a boat, most agreeably situated at NEUILLY, Letwee consoles, book-cases, desks, cabinels, boxes, etc.; warliku imple

The river Seine aud the Bois de Boulogne.-For particulars apply to ments, among which are two fowlng pieces by Lesage; oue mounied M. Lucan, the proprietor, No. 6, rue d'Hanovre, of whom ides in silver ; several Pic'ures by Bachui en, Mile Gerard, and other to view the estate may be had. good masters; 12 pair of pigeons of various rare specios; aud variety of other articles well worthy attention. Catalogues may

To Lt, elegantly furnished, several had of the Auctioneer, M. Bonnefons de Lav.alle, 14, rue St. Marc.

No. 30, rue de la Paix, caruer of the Boulevards. To be Sold, the Patrimonial Estate of Soissy-Sous-

To Sportsmen.-Geullemeu desirous of purchasing ETIOLLES, 6 kasties from Paris, on the backs of the Seine, com-

Sporting Dogs are informed that there are now on sale a prising a handsome modern-built Chateau with its numerous depen

number, the principal part of which are of very choice breeils, deucies, orangery, and a walled-in park of 60 acres, considered as

and trained by COLONEL THORNTON DE Pont, consisting of l'ogs for the most agreeable and tas:efully laid in the environs of Paris,

Hunting the wik-soar, wol , fox and stags, pointers and setters, plentifully supplied with water, and having abunuance of game.-.

spaniels, terriers, and beagles of a small species; also several Stal The revenue of this Estate, containing 500 acres, of which 72 are

lions and Mares of the best English breed, and several other Horses woolland, is 20,00cfr. per annum. Two conveyances go to and

of an excellent descrip'ion.-Apply to M. Roger, 18, rue de la Paix. return from the capital daily.--For further particulars apply to To Travellers. There are two vacant places in a . M. Rousse, Notary, No. 27, rue Croix des Petiis Champs.

Carriage for Italy; to start between the 8th and 12th of this month. To be Suld, the property of a Gentleman returning

Also a Carriage which will carry eight persons to start at pleasure, to England, a handsome LANDAULET, built by one of the best

M. Angelo, Vetturiuo, will wait on any Gentleman addressing a line London Coachmakers, and in good condition.-Apply to Mr. Drake,

to the orice of this paper. Boulevard de la Madeleine, before one o'clock.

TO THE PUBLIC. To be Sold, an excellent Cabriolet Horse, six years

By Permission of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor old.-To be seen at No. 403, rue St. Honore.

of Arist, ia, the followiug Estate will be drawn for a! Vienna, viz.

The EXTÉSIVE AND VALUABLE IRON WORKS AND STILL To be Sold, on account of leaving Paris, a capital MANUFACTURY of MALBORGHETTO, in Carinthia, together with arriag Horse, 16 hands high, 5 years old, rising 6.--Apply at the nail mannfactory, manor house, ont-buildings, and dependencies No. 22, rue d Aguesseau Faubour: St. Honore.

ap, ertaining thereto, the whole judicially valued at 750,025 tlorins To be Sold by Private Contract, a compact and de

of Vienna. To the above will be added 1000 smaller prizes amount

ing to the sum of 75,000 florins. sirable Patrimonial Estate, situate on the road from Paris 10 Rouen, The leon Work's are situated in Carinthia, circle of Villac, near 15 leagues from the capital; comprising a Cbaieau with lawn, garden the Domain of Malborghetto, balf a league' from the frontiers of and park walled in; a'wood, planted with fjrest trees and under- Venetian Lombardy, and near the great commercial road from Wood; three large farms, and a lot of land containing about 32 acres. Lower Austria to Italy, 48 French leagues from Vienna, 29 from The revenue of this Estale is 16,000 francs per annum, which is Venice, 13 from Trieste, and 5 from Villac, capital of the circle ! susceptible of considerable augmentation. If purchaсed at a per they comprise a furuaces for iron, 2 for steel, and a nail manufactory centage on the actual produce, capital thus invested would bring an two large buses for making charcoal, buildings for keeping the advantagecus interest.--For further particulars apply, personally or same, two rows of dwelling houses for the workmen and others by letter, 10 M, Morteville, No. 6, Place de l'Ecole de Droit, Paris. employed in the establishment, a sawing mill

, and several oula

buildings belonging to the manufactory. This concern possesses To be Sold by Auction, at the Audiences des Criées

many natural advanlages, which reader it superior to most works du Tr banal de Première instance, in the Palais de Justice, Paris, of the kid-from its sitnation hydraulic machines are rendered on Sa urday the 16.h of March, 1822, at twelve o'clock, a comme- unnecessary, the supply of eharcoal is abundant and of the best dous lio'el (Patrimonial), slualed Nos. 41 and 43, rue de l'ln

quality; the different buildings being of peculiar construction, and versitr, comprising three ranges of build ngs, with coach-bouses separate i from each other, no danser is to be apprehended from and stables, garden laid out in the English manner, plmuted with fire. The Felia, on which the mills are situated, never freezes, not trees of full growth, interspersed with plants and shrubs, and orna- even in the most severe winters. so that the works do not expe. mented with statues of white marble.--For further particulars and rience the least interruption. The Iron and Nails, the produce of conditions apply to M. Perin Serigny, avoué, No. 6, rue Villedot; this manufactory, are of superior quality, and Malborghetto is fawithout a tick i from whom the pr mises cannot be seen.

mous for the temper of its steel; the sale of all its productions is TOWN AND COUNTRY RESIDENCE. - Adjudication

I cry considerable from its advantazeous position, and its proximity

to the great roads of Germany, Italy, and Austria, the river L'rave, Définitive, ou Tuesday the 19 h of March, 1322, al twelve o clock, in the Hall of the Notaries of Paris, a Town and Country-house, si

and the neighbouring ports of Trieste and Venice, by which its

rela:jous with the mercantile towbs of Europe are gi eatly facilitated. Inatel No. 10, rue des Batailles, CHAILLOT. Besides the principa! T'aly not having any Iron works, and the imniense dislajice of Maldwelling there is a smaller one detached, a garden of two acres, borghetto from any establishment of a similar description, guaranice court yard, poultry yarr, coach-house, stables, and other appurte- an unfailing demand for its manufactures. The whole of the buildnances. The furniture may be taken at a fair valuation. Possession ings are substantial, convenjeut, and in good repair, the principay may be had on the 1st of May. The whole will be put up at 50,000fr.

part having been built in 1814 Apply to M. Tempé, 48, rue de Seine, Faub. St. Germain ; M. St. Pan!, The large and handsome Manor Horse faces the road to Italy, the 22, rue Neave St. Angustin or on the premises, bel weco 1 and 4. apartments are spacious and well lighted, and the cellars will contain To Let, or lo be Sold, at VAUCUULEURS, 3 miles from

2000 eimers of wine ; the view is very pictnresque and extensiret;

the other houses and the sawing nill are behind the ! hâtcau ; and the town and port of DINAN, near St. Malo. The House is fit for

the gardens, meadows, and arable land, are vei y fertile. the retreat of a small Family, is surrounded by large gardens, well Malhorghetto is situated in a populous part of the country, aboundfenced. Dependant are two frm-houses and 2S0 acres of land, in; with all the conveniences of life; the climate is temperaie, thu wood, water meadow, pas ure and arable. The lowest selling air pure, and the sky serene. The view of the valley of Kanalthal, price is (with facility granted for the payment). 3600 guineas; if with Venice on one side, and Austria and the Tyrol" on Ue other, let, 170l. per ann'ım.-Further particulars may be kuown by ap- leaves a favourable impression of the beauties of this delightfi 1 plying to M. Beslav, No. 89, rue Neuve de Seine, Paris.

country. The above 'val ation was made from the ayera e To Lut, completely surnished, an elegant Country

yea ly receipts of the Establishment, from 1811 to 1816, which honse, with a so thern aspect, situated in a very pleasant and sali

amonnted to 75,000 florins per aunum ; and from the inc eased debrio s part of the Deparimeat of the Seine et disc. The apari

mand, the receipts will be considerably augmented.

As many per m nts are all boarded, and the House has one storey besides the

sons will prefer ready money to the possession of the Esate, a sround floor. The pleasure and kitchen gardens are laid ont partly

sum equivalent in valive will be given, at the option of the purin the Eo:lish style. --Apply to General Lepic, 58, rue St. Lazare;

chaser of the nnmber which wins the IRON AND STEEL Works or

MALBORGHETTO. or to the Curate of Manu ecourt, Canton of Poissy, (Seine et Oise). The Drawing will take place at Vienna on the FOURTEENTH OF To Let, an apartinent, gentcelly fornished, consist

Marco, in the presence of the Imperial and Royal of a dining-room, a drawing-room, one or two bed-rooms, a

The price of each Ticket is FORTY Francs. Tickets p ay be prokitchen and sirvants'-room, at No.4, rue de la Barouillère, Fau

cured of the undersigned, as also prospectuses in English and I rerch, bourg St. Germaii.

containing full particulars, which may be had GRATIS. The under

signed likewise engages promptly to inform those persons who hoTo Let, from the 1st of April next, near the Champs

pour him with their comman's of the success of their numbers: Elysées, a convenient House, furnished.--Apply to the porter,

and also to make known, through the medium of this Jonrnal, No. 10, rue d'Ansoolime, Faubourg St. Honore.

the numbers which gain the principal prizes. Remillances for

tiekets may be made by Pank of England Notes, Letters or Bills of To Lel, a furnished apartment, with kitchen. Exchange on London, Paris, or any of the principal commercial Apply at No. 20, rue d'Artois, Chanssée d'Antin.

c ties of Europe.

Tickets may also be had of the undersigned Banker for a Lottery To Let, elegantly furnished, from the 1st of April to be drawn at Vienna, on the ist of March, 1822, for the ESTATE OF next, in a house where there are only two Families, a handsome

WOERDL and a handsome MANSION at Laybach.--Price of the ticket aparıment, comprising an:i-room, dining-room, saloon, 4 bed


W. H REINGANUM, Banker, FRANCFORT-SUR-Mein. rooms, dressing-room, 3 servanls'-rooms, kitchen, garden, 'coachhouse and stables. Price 1000fr. per month.-Apply between 1 and Teas.-Excellent Black, at 7 francs; and Green, at 6 o'clock, at No. 3, rue Chauchat.

& francs per lb.- '0. 19, rne Vivienne, bottom of the yard. Caen, Normandy --To Let, with immediate possession, or at quarter-day, a roomy House, that would suit an

Goubnoux, jun. Dancing-Master, No.g, rue Neuve Enslish Family, being near the public collcgiale school for boys,

des Capucines, r car the rue de la Paix, tearhes classes of both seves commonly «alled Lycke, and the royal ricing school Tais House

ut Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sa'urdavs, from 3 till 5 in the afteris sitnated I etween the rué B'coquei and the rue St. Martiu, in a

moon and from zuild in the evening. Persons perfected in Walteproductive garden, with a court yard behind, in which is a small

ins and Quadrille figures. Private les ons at home or abroad. stable and a well of good water. Rent 750 fr.incs.--- Apply (post

Persons desirous of speaking with M. G, are requested to apply at

the above hours. pa d), to M. LEFEBVRE, at English reading-room, rue Pont St. Jacques, CAEN. This city is about 5. leagues from Paris, and Wants a Situation as Cook and Servant of All Work, 3 from the se?-coast. Society is on a superior fouting, and great a native of France, who can give undeniable references.-Apply choice of masters in all branches of educntion on reasonable terms.

for Mariette, No. 22, Boulevard du Temple. N. B. The Venus Packet of SOUTHAMPTON, Capt. Forzzarrl, commander, usually makes a voyage to Cacn direct, at the full moon, Wants a Situation as Secretary or Guide, a native of during 9 months of the year.

Switzerland, 29 years of age, at present employed in a CountingVersailles. - To Let, in a House advantageously

house, and can give most satisfac!ory references.

Ile is well as

quaint. d with part of Frace and Italy, a d perfectly so with the known for the last 4 years, several furbished apartments. Board

routes in Switzerland and Savoy.-Address io M. Ř. No. 2, rue may be had if requireil.--Apply 8, Avenue de Sceaux, VERSAILLES

Grange Batelière. To Let, well furnished, lor 1, 2, or 3 years, a hand-

A niddle-aged Man, whose character will bear some and commodions Chatenu, situated near Gisors, 18 leagues from Paris and ta from Rouen, comprising all the necessary depen-

strict investigation, wishes to engage as Valet. No objection lo

travel and make himself useful. Thoroughly understands his busi. dencirs, with kitchen garden, and a park of 50 acres, laid out in the English style and containing artificial meadows. The privilege of

ness and speaks French. --Address H. K. 8, rue des Vieilles Etuves Sporting in the neighbourhool may be obtained.--For particulars Wants a Situation as Coachman, a young Frenchman, apply to M. Fourchy, Notary, No.5, Quai Malaquai.

who understands the management of horses, is well acquainted Board and Lodging, at Montmorency, may be bad

wih Paris, will make himself useful, and can have a good cha

racter. Apply f r Porra, au Restanrant, r?, rue de la Madeleine. during spring, on reasonable terms, at the house of Dr. DOMAIN.The object is society, and none need apply who cannot be well re

Wants a Situation as Cook, a French woman, 35 commender'. The number of Boarders is limited to four, if single years of age who has lived three years in an Fnglish Family who persons; and five, if a Family. The House is in a fine situation, and has just left France. Undeui ble veferences will be given. - Apply occupied by the owner and his wife, without children. There are to Mme. Fore', No. 9, rue du Marché d'agusseau, public conveyances from Paris 10 Montmorency every day.

Wants a Situation as Servant of All Work, a Frerch: G. KLOGA, Tailor, etc. of No. 102, New Bond-street,

roman, 25 years of age, who can act as Femme de Chambre if rereturns sincere thanks for enquiries made during his absence, and qui ed, uoverstands cooking, and cao give good references.begs leave respectfully to inform Noblemen and Genilmen that in a

pply to the porter, at No. 39, rue de la Chaussoe d'Aniin. few days he purposes rosuming his occupation in Paris at No. 7, ue Vivienne.

A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de A. Boucher.

Page 3

Non. Memler had compared it to a Pull Tax. Assum- 1 morning Lady Burdeti proceeded ló Bath to join the Teanton Tue fuappy pair spend the houey moon at Birdrup Parl; ing, for the sake of argument (though be by no means family there. The remains of Mr. Coutts are to be

Birdrupp they go to Newton Park, Somerset. Mr. Livelor is huir admitted the fact), that the poor man paid as much as removed on Monday morning from his late residence in to an estatc worth 30,000l. per animum, and it is said the lady will the rich man, the amount stated by the Hon. Member Stralton-streel, for interment in the family vault at

be equally opuleni.-J. Teschemaker, L.L.L. of Demarara, w Anne,

only surviving daughicr of the la e R. Shue, csq. of Sydostani, was greatly exaggerated. If each person paid so much Roylon Abbey, Oxfordshire."

kent.--At M rylebone, Mr. Wm. Goodhur!, of i rawf ru-streel, as 255. a year, the lax would produce not less thau

(From the Chronicle.)

N .nague-squire, lo Miss Sarah Rose, of Paddington-green.- At St. 14 millions a year. He (the Chancellor of the Exche- It is contidently mentioned, that in the will of this en drew's liolvorn, J. A. Droop, esq.ofstamford-hil, io Vaty, eldest

duusater of leury Bichmond, esq. of Jolm-street, Bedford-row. believed it night amount to about 25. a-head per Gentleman there is not a name mentioned but that of

DIED.-Athis apartments in the Albany, Piccadilly, Rear-Admiral annum, but certainly not any more.— The Hon. Mein- Mrs. Coutts. -Report, which usually exaggerates such John Williams Spranger. At Genoa, Liuui, D), 6. Slow, R. IV. ů ber, after a few more remarks, concluded by moving matters, says that this Lady cumes inlo a property little eldesť son of Daniel Stow, esq. of the Post Office. --At Coirpton

short of three millions. We have reason to think some

Mariin, on the summit of the Mcndip Wills, Mrs. Caudy, aged 103: the previous question.

she enjoyed good health, and had not any ailments (with the excepLord NORMANBY supporled the original motion.

offers have been made to certain brauches of the family, tion of a lilile deafuess) to the last few days of her lifc. - Robert Mr. EGERTON said that the continuance of the which have been rejected. Mr. Coutts was of a re- Parther, esq. of ird's-place, ller s.-Al llasings, Miss Mondresor,

of Rose-bill, kenl.-In Charles si reet, Bírk cley-saquare, the wie of Salt Tax would be a great injustice to the country; and spectable family, originally from Berwickshire; and the

Gcorge Finch, esq.- The wife of the Rer. Weeden Butler, M.A. of

Chelsea.--ln Hertford-street, May-fair, Lieut. Geo. Wesh, R. N.called upom the country gentlemen to stand forward family estate, now or considerable value, was till lately entered in the cess books of that County in the name

Mr. Richard Wroughton, laie of Drury Lale Theatre.-át Westand prevenat such an amount of expenditure.

bourne Greeu, Mrs. Harriet H (chinson.-At a very advanced aye, Sir I. COFFIN supported the motion. of “ Thomas Coutis's Heirs." His father was Provost

Nr. Storey, the magistrate who presided at the lule Shadwell-oilice. Dr. PHILLIMORE said, as the House had agreed to of Edinburgh.-Mr. Coutts, when he first came to - At Brightwell-place, Oxfordshire, Clara, second daighter of J.

Fane, esy. -A: Moulton, Mr. R. Gunni jo, senformerly of Great maintain the Sinking Fund, he could not vote for the London, was, it is said, a ship-broker. His brother

Hale Fen. At Newland Gloucestershire, Elizabeth, the widow of repeal at present. He thought it would be more ad- William was then a partner in the house in the Strand,

G. G. Bucarel, esq. late of Exmouth, Devon.-On Eaton Terrace, visable to abstain a little, and he confidently trusted and possessed oi considerable property. His first inar- Lower Grosvenoi-place, Helen, only child of the late R. Sterling,

esq. of Jamaica.-In Caroline-Street, Bedford-square, Arthur that the abolition would not be opposed next year. For riage having given displeasure to William, be for a long

Wm. Devis, esq. the reason he had given he could not support

time refused to see him ; but a reconciliation was al tion of the Honourable Member, but he declared him- lasi effected between them, when William was labour

PRICE OF STOCKS.- LONDON, MARCH 1. ing under a serious illness, from which he afterwards

Bank Stock 249 1,2

Omnium self an enemy to the principle of the tax.

recovered, and this reconciliation was followed by the 3 per Ct. Red. 79.112 Mr. Curwex, Mr. John SMITH, General GASCOYNE,

India Stock admission of Thomas as a pavıner in the Bank. Wil- 3 per Ct. Cons. 79718 Sir F. M. OMMANNEY, and Sir J. SEBRIGHT supported

ludia Bonds 40 liain died without beirs, and Thomas succeeded to all 5 1/2 Cent. go 318 Loug Ann. 20 418 the motion, Mr. LYTTLETON opposed it. his properly.

4 per Cents. 97 318 Ex. Bills (1000l.) 1 dis.

We learn from a correspondent, who happened by 5 per Cents, 102 518 Mr. Bright spoke in lavour of, and Mr. Alderman

Cons. for Acc. 79 118 HEYGATE against the motion.

chauce to call in al Colnagh's, the well known printMr. Gipps, Mr. C. BURRELL, and Mr. Bennett, (of

seller, yesterday morning, that among other rare colSk Wills,) called on the Country Gentlemen for the repeal

lections, he was shown a volume of engraved theatrical of the tax.

portraits, which had been lent to the late Mr. Coutts. The Marquis of LONDONDERRY professed that it

Opposite to each portrait is written a short biographical would afford him great satisfaction to say, they had

sketch. Appended to that of Miss Mellon, mentioning arrived at the period wher, consistent with the disher retirement from the stage in 1815, is added the

PARIS, MARCH 5. 1822. charge of their public duty, his Majesty's Ministers following note in the hand writing of Mr. Coulls :

On Sunday the Chancellor of France, and afterwards could recommend the repeal of the Salt Duty; but a

* When she married Thomas Coutts, Esq., banker, the Duke Decazos, had the honour of a private audience compliance with the motion, he said would lay prus

of the Strand, which proved the greatest blessing of his of his Majesty.

life, and made him the happiest of inen. 6. 'T. C.” trate the credit of the country. If Gentlemen were

On Sunday evening a grand Concert was given by sincere in the opinions they expressed on Friday night,

the Duchess of Berry.

THE NAVY. ly with reference to the Sinking Fund, they would not

Yesterday his Majesty held a Levee, which was nire become allies of the common enemy, whose object was

The following statement will, we presuine, entirely merously atiended, and ai 8 o'clock in the eveuing there to get a repeal of all taxes. If the Salt Tax was repealed, set the point al rest belween Mr. Hume and Mr. Cro

was a Drawing-room. the Hon. Member would come forward with his Lea- ker, on the expenses incurred in the building, repair- Yesterday the Prussian Ambassador had the honour ther Tax.—(Hear.)—The Noble Marquis then adverted ing, wear and tear, etc., of the Navy, since the con- of a private audience of his Majesty.

clusion of the war :to the retrenchments made by the Governinent, and

Ai 9 o'clock yesterday morning, Monsieur and the the prospect of still greater savings. If, upon an in- An Account of the Sums voted for the Wear and Tear of the Duke of Angouleme went to Vinceunes on a sporting

Navy, for the ordinary Repairs, for Building, Rebuilding and vestigation, a surplus remained, then he would allow


Repairing Ships of War, tic., for the purcha e of full, Masts, the House to discuss the propriety of repealing the Yards, Rigging and Stores, for his Majesty's Dock-yards, and Yesterday the Duke of Bordeaux and MADEMOISELLE tax. If public faith would allow the repeal due atten- also in Merchants' Parls, from 1815 to 1821 inclusive.

took their usual airing. tion would be paid to the subject.

A sui eral service was performed yesterday in the Sir T. LETHBRIDGE considered it his duty to speak

For For Merchant

Church St. Leu for the late Duke of Ponthievre. The Wear

For builling, Tards, Total plainly to Ministers. He felt that the landed interest

and ordinary rebr]dine,

Duke of Orleans attended upon the ovcasion. was likely to be sacrificed to the National Debt, and be

Tear. Liepairs. repairing, Indies.

The Chamber of Peers assembled yesterday, when called on the country gentlemen to come forward at this

the proposal of the Count Bastard to rectify his amaud. particular period in support of their own interest; if

ment upon Art. JI. of the Law Project upon the Press,

L. à they did not they would turn their backs ou themselves. 1815 2,386,500

46-2242 1,60,138 29,413


was adopted. The Articles from Ill. to XIV. inclusa Mr. J. MARTIN and Sir E. KNATCHBULL ex

535, 8) 1,199,6 3

65,928 3,023,270

sive, were severally adopted without amendment. 1817 531,050 364,625 1,076, 77


2,034 902 pressed themselves strongly in favour of reduction of


Al half-past 8 o'clock to-morrow evening the Duke 310,000 1,170,990

60,000 2,049990 taxes.

1819 533,000 310,000 1,085,130 60,000 1,950,4139

of Orleans will hold a Levee, and the Duchess a Draw. Mr. T. WILSON said, he thought the principle of

61,953 310,000 1,06,80 80,000 2,65,333 ing-room, at the Palais Royal. 1821

586,300 310,000 1,014,530 80,000 the motion good, but that the motion itself was far

1.990,880 The Louvre will be closed on the 15th inst. both to from wise at that moment.

6,131,153 2,602,456 8,566,8y8 438,141

artists and the public. Mr. BROUGHAM could not help remarking on the

General Sebastiani and M. Mechin are prevented extraordinary course of the debate. If any person -(Globe.)

attending in the Chamber of Deputies through indisbad heard all the language of every speaker that night, From the LONDON GAZETTE, Feb. 26.

position. with the exception of the Noble Marquis, and not heard P

BANKRUPTS.-W. Stevens, Northumberland

Dr. Bally arrived at Lyons on the 27th ult. from the conclusion of each speech, he would think that a street, Strand, haker.-F. Dore, Rerkeley-square, auc

Marseilles. more harmonious assembly never got together to dis- tioneer.-J. Larbaleslier, Angel-court, Throgmorton

The Count de Torreno, Member of the Spanish Corcuss any question. With respect io the Noble Marstreet, wine-merchant.-J. and J. Thomlinson, High

tes, arrived on the 25th ult. at the Lazirel of Behobia, quis, lei Gentlemen look to his dexterity in beguiling Hesket, Cumberland, innkeepers.---P. aud P. Sowerby,

near Bayonne, on his way from Madrid to Paris. the House in an unwary moment into the Resolution sen. and jun. Liverpool, provision-merchants.-G. Bur

On Sunday evening, numerous patroles of horse and on the occasico of the motion of the Hon. Member ton, Knoltingley, York, vessel-builder.-J. Wood, Ru

foot paraded the streets in the vicinity of the Church (Lord Althorpe.) He now turned round upon those gele, Stafford, miller.-T. Salter, Geist, Norfolk, far

des Petits Pères, and prevented persons stopping or who voted for the Resolution of that night, and told mer.-T. Sainley, Cottenhamn, Cainbridgeshire, dealer.

sorming groups. No disposition to disorder was mathem they were bound hand and foot by that vote, ne


-J. Hedley, and T. F. Wills, Sunderland, ship owners. ver to vote for the repeal of any Tax till there was an- -J. Hargraves, Liverpool, miller.-T. Corydon, Tor

We learn from Saumur, That Gen. Berton was seen other surplus revenue of five millions. quay, Devonshire, merchant.--L. Squire, Earith, Hunt

on lhe 26th ull, near Thouars, in the disguise of a peaspecimen Nuis Lordship’s Parliamentary tactics, and ingdonshire, tanner.-T. Hoyle and J. Lord, Map

sant. His band is entirely dispersed, and the troops he intreated the House io force the Noble Marquis to chester, cotton-printers.-S. Field, · Richmond, Sur

which had marched from the neighbouring towns at prove his good intention of reducing Taxes, if he rey, wine-merchant.-W. Ledden, Liverpool, mer

the first report of the attempt, have returned to their was so disposed, into effect. chant.-W. Rawe, Padstow, Cornwall, inerchant.-J.

garrisons. The gendarmes of Thouars had been made Mr. PEEL spoke at some length against the motion. Ansell, Filkins, Oxfordshire, farmer,

prisoners by Gen. Berlon, but were set at liberty the Mr. MABERLEY assured the House, that the amount

BIRTHS. --Of Sous: The Cutess Howe, at Gopsal, Leicester

moment that bis followers retreated. Three physicians of of the tax in question might be saved in the collection shire;-ot Sandford Graham, esq. M. P, in Portland-place;-of

of Partheney, and 12 of their accomplices, are already of the reyennc. Col. J. J. Cochrane, of the 3d Guards; -of Thomas Wm. Blome

in the prison of Thouars. Ten others are in that of Mr. CALCRAFT briefly replied.

tiel!, esq. in Upper Seymour-street;-of Edward Applewhaite, esq. Saumur, and the arrests still continge.-Six thousand

at Lindle -h:11. The House then divided, when the numbers were : Of Daughters: The Countess of Aylesford, at Parkington Hall,

Vendeans, it is said, were assembled at Bresspire, for In favour of the Motion, 165: Against it; 169 ; Majo- Warwickshire.-The Ladies of Henry Iloyle Oddie, jui. esq. in the purpose of marching upon Thouars, had it been rity, 4.

Upper Bedford-place, Russell-square ;--of K. S. White, esqj. of Lincoln's inn;-of R. Townsend, esy, in Upper Gower-strect:-

necessary.-A disturbance is said to bave taken place The gallery was not again opened, and upon a mo- of Herman Wm. Mertens, esq. in Leadenhall-sti eat;--o: R. Barclay,

at Theuzay and at the village of Vernoile, but perfect tion of Mr. Forbes, that Mr. Drummond be added to esq: at Leyton, Essex ;-of C. P. Meyer, esq. al Cheshunt;-of tranquillity is restored. the number of the Committee on Foreign Trade, a di

B. P. Witis, esq. in Brunswick-square;--of Ellward Burmester, The Journal de Paris states, that the report of dis

esq. in S. Helen's-place;--of Wm. Dickins, esq. in Caroline-sti eet, vision was called for, when there appearing to he but Beriford-sq are.

turbances at Nantes, Niort and Angers, was spread four Members in the House, it was of course adjourned

MARRIED.--At Canterbury, Robert Mosley, esldest son of Robt. by speculators on 'Change, and is void of foundation. a! hall-past two.

Felden, of Didsbury, Lancashire, to Frances Mary, youngest daugh'er of Major-General Ranısay, of the Royal Artillery.-At

The Swiss regiment which bad marched from Or-' Shrewsbury, the Rev. James Williams, Fellow of Jesus College,

leans to Tours, bas relurned to Orleaus. MR. COUTTS's WILL.

Oxford, and Hector of Llanideusant, Anglesea, to Frances, second The cause of Montholon and Bertrand versus Lafitie (From the Courier.)

daughier of Thios. Lloyd, esq. of the Sone House, Sbrewsbury. The will of the late Mr. Coutts was opened and read Ai St. Pancras, Mr. Joliu Burup, of Gloucester, to Susan, youngest

came on for hearing yesterday before the Tribunal de on Sunday cvening last, by his Solicitor, in the presence daughter of the late Henry De Wint, M. D. of Stone, Statfordshire.

Première Instance. - The Court will pronounce ils -The Rev. Edward Murray, second son of the late Bishop of of Mrs. Coutls, the Countess of Guilford, Lady Bur- St. David's, and nephew of the Duke of Atholl, to Ruperta Cathe

judgment this day week. dett, and others of his family. It first recites ihe narine, only daughter of the late Sir George Wright.-J. Tyrrell, esq.

A Committee has just been appointed to treat for the of Lincoln's-juin, to Mary Ann, only child of John Mackintosh, esq. ture and extent of his properly, to the amount of nine

purchase of the Zodiac of Denderah. of Exeter.-At, Burnham, Norfolk, the Rev. Philip Ward, M.A. to hundred thousand pounds, which he bequeaths to

On Saturday and Sunday several Couriers, with disHoratio Nelson, lbe ajopted daughter of the laie Admiral Lord Mrs. Coulls for her sole use and benefit, and at her

Viscount Nelson.-Wm. Bond, esq. of Stamford-hull, to Martha,

patches for the North, were sent off by the Minister own disposal, without mentioning any other person,

only surviving daughter of the late Thomas Draper, esq. of Isling- for Foreign Affair3.

ton-át Bombon, Hebert llawes, esy. to Miss V. J. Charlery --At or even leaving a single legacy. The mansion and furAbingilon, John Walter, esq. of St. John's College, Oxfor, A. M.

The followivg is from the St. Petersburgh'Gazette niture in Stratton-street, ani the villa on Highgate-hill and of lie Midille Templo, lo Miss Pearce, of Abingdon.—At Madras,

of the 16th ult.: - The Grand Dukes Nicholas and

Ja'nes Minchin, esą, of the Supreme Court at Madras, to Susan, were previously Mrs, Coutts's. Mrs. Coulis left her

Michael have left this capital do join the regiments of thie

eldest daughter of Peter Cherry, esq. of the Civil Service.-By speresidence iinmediately after the leading : the will for cial license, in Grosvenor-square, Wm. Langion, esq. (son and heir

Imperial Guard under their command.--Gen. Uwarow for the house of Mr. Coulis Truller; and the follohen

has put upon the order of the day his Majesty's inIlenryPowell Collins, esq. of Ilatch-court, Somerset, late M.P. for structions to pay particular altention to the dress ($

Page 4





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and for Money 98 348. The Market has since improv- IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. cd, and Consuls are now 79 118 114 for the Account. A good deal of business has been doing in the Navy 5

HOUSE OF LORDS, MARCH si per Cents. which have got up to 102 314. In Long The Earl of BLESINGTON gave notice of his inten- LONDON, MARCH 2, 18:22.

Annnilies also, which cl se on Tuesday, much busivess tion to move on Friday next, for leave to bring in a We know not how sufficiently to congratulate the

has been doing.-In Foreign Securities there is very Bill to facilitate the Registration of Deeds in Ireland. little doing, and they continue steady at yesterday's

ALTERATION IN THE CORN LAWS. nation upon the occurrence of last night in the House of Commons. The two lay-Lords of the Admiralty, prices.(-Star.)

Lord KING rose to ask for information on a subject

Extract of a lelter fvom Charleston, dated Jan, 21 :upon the retention of whom Ministers hung their ex

which had inade a great impression on the country, " It is reported here that the French Government has isleuce, were by a vote of the House abolished! Shall

vizi:-a report of alteration in the Corn Laws. It apdetermined to send Commissioners 10 Hayti, to treat we say that we rejoice that Ministers are defeated ?

peared by the votes in another branch of the Legisla- . with the existing Authorities there, and it is expected that their old majorities are turned against them? No:

ture, that a new Committee had been appointed to take ibat our Government will take suitable measures to se- into consideration the state of Agricu ture. A rumour we rejoice that the country is triumphant, and that a

cure every commercial privilege at that important had been beard of their intention to recommend an albeginning, however small, is made in the way of re- Island wbich nay le granted to French, British, or trenchment. That Ministers must be ashamed, mortified,

teration in the Corn laws; in cous-quence of that ruany other nation.”


it was natural to ask the Noble Lord at tbe head dispirited, by such disgraces as never assailed Ministers

Extract of a letter from Pensacola, dated Dec. 25:before, is obvious enough: that they will have the mag

of his Majesty's Government, whether the Coinmittee • We learn from unquestionable authority, that the intended to lower or raise the price of Corn? Any di-' nanimity to retire from the helm of a vessel which the

President of the United States approved the conduct crew navigates in their despite,

lusion upon that subject would occasion alarm in the not equally certain.

of Governor Jackson, in the affair of Callava, through public mind. Another rumour stated that a bounty But if they have the meantess to continue there, let

out; and, further, that the President considers Judge them, as we hope fervently they will, save themselves

was lo be given on the exportation of corn. A more Froinentin's jurisdiction exclusively confined to the from the possibility of similar defcats in future-by

absurd project in the Noble Lord's opinion could not laws in relation to the Revenue and Slave Trade.”- well be conceived. The Conimittee was forined of. theinselves selecting a proper course : let them be the

(Sun.) first to relieve the vessel from the useless lumber which

official persons and country Gentlemen. The officials

Exíract of a letter from the Agent to Lloyd's at Con- incumbers it, and impedes its free course : let them

were to support the taxes, and the landed proprietors slantinople, dated Jan. 25:- :-" The Turkish fleet, or deal out the scanty stock of provisions fairly, honestly

the rents. How both purposes could be answered the at least part of it, has sailed from the Dardanelles with Noble Lord was unable to decide; unless, indeed, they putting all upon short allowances till we are safely

troops and provisions, supposed for the Storea. There raised the price of corn. moored in harbour.-(Tines.)

He (Lord King) wished to is no account here of the proceedings of the Insurgent ask whether bis Majesty's Goveroment had formed any. 2

squadron.”-(Globe) The result of the Division on the Motion of Sir M.

opinion on this suhi.ct ? W. Ridley, for the reduction of the pumber of Junior

The Privy Council held by his Majesty at his palace The Earl of LIVERPOOL said, if the Noble Lord Lords of the Admiralty, will be productive of no little at Brighton on Thursday cuinmenced at six o'clock,

would refer to the debate upon ilie Corn Bill of 1815, s surprise. A Majority of 54 against Ministers on a ques.

and was attended by, in addition to the Lord Pre- he would perceive that it was n t the intention of bis

sident, the Lord Steward, the Marquis Cholmondeley, tion of economy and retrenchment! This is something

Majesty's Governmeni to raise the price. A Noble Lord St. Helens, Sir B. Bloomfield, and Mr. Thornton. Lord contended that Sos. should be the minimum new in the Parliamentary History of the country--we mean since the Revolution, when the Crown and Par

An alteration in the pricked list of Sheriffs for the pre- price, and he (Lord Liverpool) with a Noble Lord liament became, as it were, identified. Of the duties of sent year was sanctioned by the King in Council. "His

near him decided, if the Bill passed, that dos, should be Majesty gave an audience lo the Earl of Harrowby. these officers, some idea was attempted to be conveyed

the maximum. Nothing deserved more consideration, by Sir George Warrender, who filled the situation for

BRIGHTON, MARCH 2.—Tire King, for several days than the question whether it would not be helter 10

past, has laboured under the estats of a slight cold. several years, as he tells us, “ with much satisfaction

admit corii, subject to duty~ what the scale price may to himself.” We could not exactly make out, however,

Sir Wm. Knighton arrived fiom town on Monday, lo be yould depend on the nature of the regulations rewhat the duties were, though Sir George bad been

visit his Majesty.–Lord Harrowhy, Marquis and Mar- commended by the Committee, and which would he obliged to return to London even on the 5th of Sep Bloomfield, and Nir. Bullcr, left the Palace for town

chioness of Cholmondeley, Count Munster; Sir Benj. brought before ihe House. The object at the same time tember;" and the office, he said, interfered with his

would be to prevent excessive importalion as well as yesterday.

unlimited prohibition. private pursuits, which induced him to resign! This

Mr. Young made his first appearance at the Dublin Ear) DARNLEY defended the vote he gave in supe' description, we suppose, was intended to take it out of the class of mere sinecures, which never, of course,

Theatre on Monday in the character of Zanga. Miss port of the Corn Bill of 1815.

Dance is expected to join the com any in the course of The Earl of BLESINGTON adverted to the Distilleinterfere with private pursuits. Something, however, the present week.

ries of Ireland, and expressed a hope that a correspondwas necessary, for the reputation of the Country Gen

Sr. David's Day.--The 108th Annual Festival of tleman, after it had suffered so much from a succession

ence belween a Noble Lord and the Chancellor of the the Society of Ancient Britons was celebrated yester- Exchequer would prove advantageous to the Irish disof votes, ending with the continuance cven of the Salt Tax, in deijance of the loud complain!s of the country, Inn-lane, comprehended much rank and respectability, day. The assemblage al ie School House, in Gray's lillers.

The Earl of LIVERPOOL considered the conversaand the Resolution of a Committee of the House. Mr.

and the procession to St. James's Churchi, aided by tion irregular, and moved the House to adjourn. Gooch was immoyable as a rock. So

were many


the fineness of the weather, had an exceedingly showy Members, not only never before seen in the ranks of

Lord CALTHORPE said, the object of the Corn and pleasant effect. The Prayers were read at the Bill, passed in 1815, had been defeated by the system Economy, but distinguished for their hostility to it.

Church in the ancient British language, by the Chaplain The arguments in favour of the relevlion of these two

of averages. The Noble Earl delended the present Ollicers, which used to be cxcellent formerly, are now

to the Society; and a Sermon was delivered by the Agricultural Committee, and observed that be should worth nothing.-(CHRONICLE.)

Bishop of Chester,—The dinner was given al the Free- look forward with great confidence to the result of their masons' Tavern, and nearly 400 gentlemen were pre

labours.-Adjourned. sent. We bave neither space nor time to remark upon

The Duke of Wellington was in the Chair, supthe system of petty and picce-nieal attack which the opported by the Bishop of Chester and Lord Kenyon ;

HOUSE OF COMMONS. of his Majesty's Government are substituling terhury, Lord Buikeley, Lord Combermere, Lord

we also noticed Sir W. W. Wynne, the Dean of Canponents

Several agricultural and other Petitions were prefor the fair and honourable opposition of English Gen

sented, and laid on the Table. Hill, etc. etc. tlemen and enlightened politicians. It is obvious that

The gallery was filled with many ele- Three petitions were presented in behalf of Mr. no possible care, no excess of economy, can prevent

gantly dressed Ladies. The contributions to the charity. Hunt; one by Mr. WARRE, from Taunton, complainEmotions for the reduction of absolutely necessary ex

were numerous and munificent.-(Sun.)

ing of the rigorous treatment of Hunt in Ilchester gaol; penses. The wonder is that any person can be found

James Boswell, Esq. second son of the celebrated one, to the same effect, by Mr. HOBHOUSE, from Black regardless enough of candour and liberality to propose

Biographer of Dr. Jolinson, died on Saturday last at his burn in Lancashire; and one, by Alderman Wood, that the labourers in the public service should be deChambers, in Garden Court Temple.-(Post.)

from Bolton. Slight discussions took place on each, prived of the reward due to their exertions. By such

This morning a dreadful fire broke out in the pre- and they were all ordered to be printed. attempts the most shallow of observers only can be

mises of Mr. Bagster, an extensive bookseller and pub- Mr. HUME made several motions for returns relative duped; for while it is clear that such proposals are in

lisber in Paternoster-row, which raged with such fury to the Revenue and the Navy, which were ordered. consistent with justice, it is equally cvident that to pro

as in a short time totally to consume the stock and re- Mr, BENNET moved for a return of the number of ject and put them forth requires neither extensive

duce the building to ashes, and also communicated convicts sent out from 1817 to 1822.-Ordered. knowledge nor distinguished talent. The veriest

with the houses adjoining. of Mr. Molini, bookseller ; Mr. WILMOT presented a copy of an act relative to blockhead may in five minutes plan reductions, which

Mr. Kelly, bookseller; Messrs. Stopler and Ginger, Canadian Tithes. -Ordered to lie on the Table. the wisest and most powerful statesman could not in

stationers; Dolly's Chophouse, and of Mr. Farrand,

bootmaker ; the whole of which are greatly injured, as many years carry into effect withont causing great

Mr. BANKES moved for accoumls of the Capital public inconvenience, and, ultimately, increased expen.

and also some others of less consequence, when the Slock redeemed, of the Public Debt, with a calculation diture.-(New Times.)

fire was stopped in its alarming progress by the exer- of the effect that would be produced on the principal of

tions of the firemen, who had a plentisul supply of the Debt in the course of ten years, by the operation of Stock Exchange, One o'Cinck.—A very general

water. Froin the immense business carried on in this a Sinking Fund of 5,000,000l., and other papers conpanic prevailed this morning, from Ministers having

confined part of the city, it is feared the damage cannot nected with the same subjects. been left in the Minority last night, and large sales

be estimated at less than 50,000l. ; but we are happy Mr. GRENFELL wished to know whether it was have been done in Consols for the Annunt at 78 718: (Globe.) to hear that the whole of the parti' s were iusured:- the intention of the Chancellor of the Excbequer that

the present amount of five millions only should be ap

Page 5

tate that the Na'atilus, 18, Captain I. Chapman, and The health of Mr. Cobbett was drank with three Royal Highness received visits from the Duke and Dye hie Partizan, 18, Captain W. Lloyd, were to sail short- times three.

chess of Angouleme and the Duchess of Berry. y for England. The Athol had sailed for Porto Bello Mr. Cobbert, after returning thanks, entered into a Yesterday the Chamber of Peers rejected ilie Amendind Carthagena ( where the Tribune and Sybille were), full view of the agricultural question, and declared that ment of Count Bastard for coptinuing to decide offences be Tamar fox Vra Cruz, the Tyue for Campeachy, unless great reduciions were inade in the public expen- against the Press by a Jury, and Asi. XVII of the Law the B:stard for Barbadoes, io join the l’yramus. The diture, this country could never aqui see prosperous Project was adopted: Tribune had been the most sickly ship on the station. and happy days. lle concluded amidst much applause, On the 28th ult., it being the birth-day of Prince

The Intrepid transport, Licut. Pritchard, has arrived by giving as a toast, "Energy and prosperity to the Frederick of the Netherlands, his Belgian Majesty gave at Portsmouth from ihe Cape of Good Hope, which County of Sussex.”

a splendid ball and supper, to which 400 persons were place she left on the 15th of December, with part of Mr. Cobbelt retired from the room in a few minutes, invited. The 72d regiment on board, and a lew invalids from the and the remainder of the eveving was spent in a more A few days ago two Couriers passed through Calais 38th and 54 in regiments. The 21 regiinent has been particular consideration of that important question, as

way froin Copenhagen to London. at the Cape from the tiine of its cap!ure, 16 year's

since; it affected the individual interests of the farmers as- The persons arrested for attempting to insult the most of the men would willingly have remained and sembled.

Missionaries, underwent an examination on Tuesday. seitled. The remainder of the regiment is coming The City of Chichester was in the morning amused Their number is 58.-In the prison de la Force they bome in the Alfred and Borodino transports. The by the circulation of a number of hand-bills, tending are confined in a separate quarter from the individuals Hyperion frigate, Captain Lillicrap, had arrived at the to show the impropriety of listening to " Cobbert, accused of capital oflinces, robberies, etc. Cape with the Governor, Lord Charles Somerset. The who had so often called the fariners jolier heads.” On Tuesday the School of Law was the theatre of a late acting Governor, Gen. Sir R. Donkin, is returned

tumulluvus scene, excited by evil disposed perso: s, to England iu the Intrepid. The Hyperion was to re


whom there is every reason to suppose were for the main in command of the statiou (having the Menai, He

The Special Commission at Cork closed its labours

most part unconrecied with the School.-Professor ron, and Cygnet, under orders) until the arrival of Commodore Nourse from England, in the Andromache,

Portes, had, with his own hand, a few days ago, torn on Saturday evening last, when the Judges left the city, escurled by a party of dragoons. The last trial excited

down a s ditious placard, which urged the young sluwhen the Hyperion would go on to India. The Glasconsiderable interest; it was that of a respectable

dents to take part in ihe riotous assemblies, for which gow frigate, Caplain B. C. Doyle, had touched at the tradesman named Heffernant, on an indictment for sell

the Missionaries preaching at the Church des Petits Cape, having had two months' passage, and, after reing aminunition, for the use of the Whiteboys. Jtap

Pères was evidently nothing but a pretext. When this maining three days, proceeded on lo Ceylon, to land the Hour. Sir Edward Paget, G.C.B., the new Gover

respectible Professor commenced his lecture on Tuespeared in cvidence, that the Magistrates, having received information ihat the prisoner secretly vended

day, two or three insolent hisses were heard, The nor— The 38th regiment, Col. Sir C. Campbell, was preparing to embark for India, without waiting to be gunpowder, sent a person nained Fleming to his shop,

disturbers were immediately attacked and driven, out relieved by the 49th regiment, now ou the passage for wlo, on representing himself as an agent of the Insur

by the sound majority of the pupils ; but others armed with canes and sticks came to their succour.

The lugents, l'eadily obtained two pounds, with the promise that purpose. The settlers at Port Elizabeth (Algoa of a more amply supply when be next called. "On the

mult was renewed upon the place of St. Geneviève, near Bay) had again been disappointed by a partial failure of their second crop of wheat.-A new light-house plied with powder, balls, and flints ; on this occasion 26th January Fleming again called, and was agaiu sup

the other division of the School of Law, where the pu

pils were going in multitudes to attend the lectures of was erected at the Cape, on one of the points of Table

M, Poncelet. It was here that the most serious disBay, which was nearly finished ; another is ordered lo

a conversation also passed between the prisoner and be built at Port Elizabeth. The marine establishment Fleming, on the objects of the insurgents, which the

order took place. Provokid in the nost audacious at the island of Ascensiou is doing well. prisoner said never would succeed unless they formed

manner, the studious and well meaning youths rushed Extract of a letter from Madras, dated 18th August, a Sitting Committee of Twelve; to regulate the busi

upon the assailants, among whom were some whose

appearance and costume would not allow them to be 1821:--- Accounts from the Island of Ceylon siate,

The Magistrates, who were in anbush, and that the 16th regiment, which is now at Columbo, is Siw the purchase concluded, rushed in and apprehended regarded as devoted to the study of either law or medio

cine. The venerable Senior, and other Prosessors, ran ordered into the interior, and the head-quarters to be at

The Attorney-General called the attention of the

up upon hearing the noise. Already the combalants, Candy. The 45th regiment return froin the latter Court to one point which, in the event of conviction,

divided into two parties, appeared quite ready to use place to Columbo. The ad Ceylon regiment is stationmight be reserved for the consideration of the twelve

violence. A considerable majority rallied together at - ed at Trincomalee, under the command of Lieutenant

Judges, which was, that the prisoner had not actually

the cry-of, Ici les Royalistes! Vive le Roi ! Another | Colonel Smith.– The Leander, 60 guns, bearing the

sold the powder to the Whiteboys. The evidence

hand ranged itself opposite, and sent forth various exflag of Rear-Admiral Sir Henry Blackwood, is now at

claniations. With the cries of Vive la Charte ! Rien Prince of Wales's Island. The Liverpool frigate, Cap- | having been gone through, the Jury found the prisoner, -Guilty. The Court cordially and fully approved

que la Charte! were mingled, if we may believe eyetain Collier, is on her voyage to the Persian Gulf; the of the verdict.

witnesses, the expression of the most seditious desires. Topaze, Capt. Lumley, is cruising in the Bay of Ben

Baron MClelland said, it would be his duty imine

It is even said that a distributioc of money seemed to gal. The Satellite, sloop of war, is daily expected at Trincomalee from England.-A considerable number ditely to pass the awful sentence of the law; but un

have been made at some distance from the spot, to men der the circumstances it would be reserved until the

dressed like labourers.- The Seniors and Professor's of new roads have been already completed in Ceylon, decision of the Judges should be known. Meantime

were exhausted in fruitless efforts to bring back these by the indefatigable exertions of Lieut.-Col. Wright, he should only admonish the prisoner to spend the

misled youths, when the gendarines arriving, drove and the Officers of Royal Engineers in that Island."iplervening moments as became bis awful situation.

back the champions into the Courts of the School, and (Glube.)

Whilst the Jury were deliberating on their verdict

blocked up the passage. The young men, among in the above case, the Attorney-General rose and said,

whom the exasperation increased every moment, deCOMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. “ he was anxious, as that was the last opportunity he

manded the gendarmes to be sent away: Prosessor This Committee commenced its labours on Friday would have of doing so publicly, to say a lew words

Duranton, who had bcen much applauded at his last ' last. Mr. Gooch was chosen Chairman. It has been respecting the numerous convictions which had al

lecture, in which he expressed the most loyal sentierroneously stated that the Committee is constituted ready taken place, arising out of the unfortunate stale

ments, went out in his costume, and addressed first the of those Members who formed the Committee of last of the country, in order to remove any erroneous im

pupils, then the gendarmes, whom he induced to withSession. Such is not the fact. Sir W. W. Wynn, pression that may exist as to the sentences already pro

draw. The pupils then spread out again in the place for instance, who was on the Committee of last year, nounced that in those cases for which particular

of St. Geneviève, and the tumult recommenced. It does not belong to the Comınittee of this Session, and lerms, however remote, had been fixed, there would

was with difficulty that the remonstrances of the Prothere are nine new Members. be no commutation or mitigation whatsoever-they

sessors quelled the disturbance, which did not finish Yesterday the Committee proceeded to business ; would be all carried into execution. With regard to

until hall-past four o'clock. Those of the youths who there were about 25 Members present. the others, the elemency of the Government may be

evinced hostile feelings against M. Portes, appeared to The Marquis of Londonderry spoke at considerable exercised, and the parties transpo:ted; but that ele

yield less to the prudent remonstrances of their masters, length, and brought forward, a graduated scale of

ihan to the strength of tijeir antagonists. In departing, mency, be felt it necessary thus publicly declare, protecling duties. The plan of relief is in accordance would eutirely depend on the returning tranquillity of

some of them cried out, “ We are not strong enough with the opinions and recommendations of the Report the country, which could only be sincerely evinced by

to-day, but we will wait for you on Thursday at the of last year. The following, it has been stated 10 us, the speedy and general surrender of arms.

next lecture of M. Portes.”-lournal des Débats.) is the proposition of the Noble Lord on behalf of the The Cork Intelligencer, received this morning, states

6. The following,” says the Constitutionnel, “ is an Government; we, however, will not vouch for its that on Monday last an express arrived in that city,

exact relation of the events which took place on Tuescomplete accuracy. with the Proclamation of the Lord Lieutenant, placing

day al the School of Law. It is already known that

at the last lecture of Professor Portes some noise was To open the ports at 67s. with an import duty of the entire county of Cork under the operation of the 15s. Having been opened for three months, then 10 Insurrection Act.

inade. On Tuesday, upon ascending to his s at, the be a floating duly of 5s. Thus there would be a duty On Sunday last three of tbe insurgents, capitally sen

Professor was received with the applause of several of 20s. so long as the price coutiqued a1725. per quarter. tenced for burning the barracks at Churchtown,

individuals who exclaimed: A bas les Jacobins ! Two From 725. !o Sos. a duly of ros. per quarter. which occasion two policemen were murdered, were

Students said : “Gentlemen, there are no Jacobins From 8os, 10 855. a duty of 5s.

among us, there are only Frieuds of the Country.” Imconveyed by a strong military escort from Cork gaol to

per quarter. And all corn imported at prices above that sum, to Churchtown, where they were to susier on Monday

mediately several individuals, armed with canes, got up pay an import duly of 1s. morning. The following executions are appointed :

to strike iliesc two young men, whom they trod under This, it must be understood, is merely the proposi- Four at Carriganimmy, on the 28th February ; five at

their feet. The tumult was at its height when the Setion of Goycroment : there has been no decision on it Deshure, on the ist of March ;-six at Newmarket, on

nior presented himself, and succeeded in quelling it. ouly in the Commiilee. the 6th March ; and one at Kinsale, on the 8th March ;

The lecture of M, Portes passed without any confusion, seventeen are respited until 1st of April..

but when they froceeded to the lectures of M. Poncelet, CHICHESTER AGRICULTURAL MEETING.

The Dublin Patriot contains the detail of an attack


the Place of St. Geneviève, some of the Studenis On Wednesday a very numerous Meeling of Farmers

separated themselves from their fellow-disciples, with made by a band of disguised depredators on the cabin

cries of: Vive le Roi! Vive le Roi absolu! The latter, took place, at the Sıvan Inn, Chichester; Mr. Stephen

of a poor family at Blessington, within nine miles of Wooldridge in the Chair. About two hundred persons Dublin. The proprietor atiempted to defend his female

whose number was greatest, replied by shouts of :dined. Alter dinner, the farmers who were not able kindred, whom the ruffians were barbarously beating,

Vive le Roi ! Vive la Charte! But it did not rest here; on which one of the latter shot him dead at the feet of

a violeul contest ensued, and the Professors, who had to find room at the Swan, came from the other market dinner's for the purpose of hearing the discussion which bis grandmother, who has been ever since in a stale of

acquired the esteem and affection of the pupils, interinsensibility. was expected, as to the causes, extent, and remedy of

fered in order to put an end to the strise. They would The Limerick News contains an aceount of the for

have succeeded, without difficulty, if the vociferations the present distress under which the agricultural body suffered. cible entry of the seat of William Cox, Esq. at Bally

of the first disturbers had not excited the disorder The following toasts were given from the Chair : noe House, during the night of the 23d ult. Meeting

afresh. The armed force arrived to disperse the “ The King, and may he never forget his own words, with resistance, they shot Denis Bowen, a l'aithful ser

groups of Students, who then retired into the Court of

the School of Law, with shouts of Vive le Roi! Vive la viz.:-' that he held his Crown in trust for his people, vant of the family, through the heart.--(Courier.)

Charte! and protested that they would not go out till with three tines three.

the Gendarmes had disappeared. At length, one of 6. The memory of the injured and lamented Queen

the Professors sent them away, and the Students disCaroline,” in solemn silence.

persed. Such is the faithful recital of what passed af b The Royal Fainily, and may they never forget the

the School of Law. The Journals of a certain colour principles which placed their family on the Throne of

will wot fail to distort these facts, and to take them this Kingdom.”

afterwards for the text of their calumnies against youths, Mr. WOOLDRIDGE then addressed the Meeting, and

PARIS, MARCH 6, 1822.

studious, enlightened, and friends of the Charter and subsequent to some appropriate remarks, proposed the Yesterday, after nass, the King transacted business its august Author.” health of Mr. Cobheit, thanking him for the houour of with General Lauriston.

The Frank/ort Gacelte contains letters from llanhis

company that day, and with the hope that he would Yesterday a Cabinet Council was held, at which his over which announce that the King of England, who {ake the trouble of delivering his opinions to the com. Majesty presided.

is expected there towards the end of June, proposes i pany on that most important subject.

Monsieur is slightly indisposed. Yesterday his to pass July and August at the palace of Herenhausen

Page 6

and that lie will drink the mineral waters of Pyrmont, It appears that 176 sick persons from 43 infected ships which will be conveyed daily from their source.-Dur- had entered the infirmaries, out of which number 22

ADVERTISEMENTS, ing the residence of ibis Monarch in his German States, had died. Through the precautionary measures taken

To be sold, a strong serviceable Travelling Calèctre

with wheels and asle-ties nearly new. Price otr.--luqwre several objects of the highest importance für the inte. by the Board of Health, Port Mahon and the whole the HotiVivienne, No. 14, rue Bjvienne. rior organisation of the Kingdom of Hanover will be island never ceased to enjoy perfect salubrity, although To Let, well furnished from the isi of Aprilisest determined.

the seal of contagion and death was not 200 yards part of a blouse with gardien, pleasantly situa'ed near the Class Extract of a letter from St. Maura, (Ionian Islands), from the town.

Llysees, on the route to Versa il s, the i emaining part is ortu, :), of the 16th ult.-" The Suliots have defeated a corps On the 18th of December last several inhabitants of by the proprielor's family, which is French, Applyio lime.Grass of Chuschid Pacha's army, which was destined to com

No. 23, rue Granmont, where there is a burnished apartmentlo be!. Bagnères ascended to the summit of the Pc du Midi, pėl the Greeks to raise thie siege of Prevesa. According which rises 9789 feet above the level of the sea, and

To Let, compleicly furnished, an clogant Couniorto the bulletin of the Suliots, after a battie of six hours, which is entirely free from snow. It took them four

bouse, with a soattiern es ieci, si nated in a very pk ssaal andsi Lrio spait of the Depariment of the Sciüe et Oise.

Tea :their Captains, Giavella and Liasca, gained a complete hours to ascend, and three hours lo descend; in gene- pinis are !!voardır, and the House has one storey bees te victory, and made a great number of prisoners. It is ral it occupies six hours for the former avd iour hours

Kround floor. The pleasure and kichen gardens are laid on reing believed, that thissuccess will decide the late of Prevesa. for the latter. At the suinmil they were overtaken by

in the in Isi sule.-Aply to lineral Lepic, 8, rue St. lizare:

ur totho Cuia'e or Maureenri, Canton of Puiisy, (Ser:cc.12 Cijurschid Pacha has not more than about 12,000 men a squall of snow; their hair and their clothes were lest, of whom 5000 are Albanians. The Chimariots, an ladin with ice'; yet the thermoineter of Reaumur ex

To Lel, an apartment, gentielly furnished, cuisit

ins of anis, d. awins, und one or two bed-rooing, a hjiciente! Albanese tribe, distinguished by their valour, have de- posed to the open air on the summit, at noon, marked serva Is'-rom, at No. 4, rue de la Bai ouilere, Faub. St. Germa clared for Ali Pacha, and refused all the offers made by only one degree below the freezing oint, This under

Genteel Buard anu Lodging House for Ladies :: the Turks. If the report of Ali Pacha’s being delivered taking, accomplished with as much facility as in the

Gentlinen, No.6, rue St. Georze, Chaussee d'Autir. Cacb-bci up to Churschid Pacha be true, it is a capture of great

month of September, proves contrary to the prevailing inli Stabl. s, if required. importance to the Porte, which, without doubl, will opinion, the mildoess of the climate of Bagvères. In An English Gentleman and Liis wile are desirous of take possession of the immense treasures possessed by this town snow is rarely seen; the gardens are con- bciug accommodated with Beari and Lodging in a French lan air the old Vizier, in bis fortress of Janina. But the stantly adorned with the tiowers of spring, and the

of usinuction resuing in a fashionable quarter of Paris or ils entsGreeks maintain that the capture of Ali is a fuble, in

rous). A lberal price wili Le given. -- ply by letter to A. Lát plains never lose ibeir verdure. This delighiful climate the ollice o this pa er. vented to excite the courage of the Turks, and that, on is the adıniration of foreigners wlio pass the winier

DESSIN'S HOTEL, CALAIS.-L. QUILLACO, the contrary, Churschud Pacha is in a deplorable situa- there.-(Extract from No. 58 of the Journal des Voy

late Prisprjelor of this tviel, reunus hs sincere thanks to te is tion, being hemmed in on all sides by Greek troops.” ages, published by M. Verneur.

merous nd distinguished Taveilers W:0 honoured him with litir Extract of a private letter from Frankforl, of the ist The new Jews Synagogue was consecrated on Tues- patronage drugihe peril ne conduc elit. He now soleils simi

Lur la voies for his rela ious, Lessin anul ROTHERS, s cessors in tiie iust.--" On the 27th ult. several couriers were dis- day with great poinp, . A great number of distinguish

concern, who will spare no trouble or expense tu conduct it on the patched from this city to Holland, to give orders for the cd persons, the Protestaut Ministers, etc. were pre- same principle ot attention and civilty. Ii is now restored liis purchase, at Amsterdam, of Austrian State Paper, sent. The lemple was illuminated. Previous to the pris no spaciousness and convenience, and will include every varitiy

olemior: for a Traveller's acc modlariun. before intelligence could have arrived by the ordinary ceremony, the King's bust was inaugurated in the inail, of the rise which this paper had just experienced, Hall of the Consistory, upon which occasion an excel- WM. DRAKE's Litery Stabies, hotel and Buulu vard

de la Madeleine, Paris, fornie. lo fioiei Guange Ratelière. Jub and en account of the ictelligence of the capture of Ali lent address wiss delivered by M. Rodrigues. The

Saddle iiorses to Ler, als , Carriages of every description, by day, Pacha, and the probabiliiy arising therefrom that the sermon was preached hv the Rabbi, wbo look his text

month, or year.-Horses bought or sild. internal commotion of Tuikey would subside, without from Exodus, chap. XXV. ver. 8.--" The children of

Very good genuine Burdeaux Vmes, not sold by a the intervention of the other powers. It is notorious,

Israel shall build me a sanctuary, and I will dwell in dealer, Metoc, 1011, at 33fr. a dizen; white Sauterne, 1807, at that the Cabinet of Vienna atiaches the highest importhe midst ofibem.

Gotr. a dozen; Silse,he, 1811, al 20r. a clozin; and white Cane tance to the maintenance of the integrity of the Oitonan

CONCEPT.-There will be a Soirée Musicale, Vocal

Dlanes, 1818, a! !5fr. a doz n;lied, igfr. White Grave, 1814, at role

per Jozen.--Apply to Mr. Di claux, 21, rue d Anjou Si. Honore.and Instumental, given by the Misses Corri (of Lonion), in the Empire.- 1. Because the aggran disementof Russia, by Salle du Palais, VIRSATLICs, on frid y neil, the Sin of March, a!

A reduetion on the prices will be allowed if 5 dox, are sllal a time the acquisition of Moldavia and Wallachia, would place hallast seven in the evening.

GOURDOUX, jun. Danc. n3-Master, No.9, rue Neuve the Austrian Empire in complete dep.ndence upon

Firt Part.--1. Inol'urne for the Harp anl Horn, by MM. Labarie

des Capucines, rear the rue de la Paix, leaches classes of both seves and Galloy;?. Luet, by the Misses Currı; 3. Air, by M. Le Vosseur; Russia, as well wiih respect to its commerce by the 4. Air, by Misi Curri the longer; 5. Fantaisie for the Piauo and

on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, fiom 3 till 5 and Danube, as with regard to its military frontiers :-- Ilarp, by M. Labarre; 6. Air, by Miis Corride elder.

zullu in ibe even 11. Persons pe feeled in Walzing and ( aculie

igures. Private lessons at home or abroad.- Persons desirous of Because the only equ: valents within the reach of Aus- Second Part.--. Duet, by Miss Curri and M. Le Vasseur; 8.

speaking with M. G. are requested to apply at the above hours. a Iluntius Air on the liorn, accompanied by the liarp, by MM. Latria would be the provinces of Bosnia and Sirvia, pio- barre and Calav; 9. in iis with variations by Miss Corrithe elder; G. Klugh, Tailor, of No. 102, New Bund-street, vinces very difficult to conquer, and still more dillicult 10. Solo on he Harp, by M. Labarre; 11. Grand Trio de Fioria

having ieturned from Londin, respecfully solicits the favours of to civilise: – 3. Because the German manufacturers vanti, hy the Misses Coriand M. Le Vasseur.

the Nobilly and Gentry. Orders will be promptly attended 10,

Tickcis, 5f .cach, to be had of M. Corni, or at the Salle du Palais, derive, by way of Semlin and Trieste, a great quantity

and every means takeu to sve salislacion io those who may be VERSAILLES.

pleased to honour G.K. with iheir commands.-No.7,

rueVivienne of collon and cyeing materials, either from Macedonia

This day is published, by A. and Il'. Galignani, elegantly printed, and Thessaly, or from Smyrna; and consequently, the in 3 thick 'vols. 12mo. price ONLY 27 francs, or 9 fr. free of

M. DESIRABODE, Surgeon Dentist, begs leave to commerce of Vienna carnestly desires lo see tranquillily carriage through France.

acquaint the Nobility and Gentry that he stiil resides at No. 15.1,

Palais-Royal, Galerie des Bons Bufans, and respectrully soliciis a.

ITALY.-BY LADY MORGAN. j'eestablished upon these two commercial roads. Such

continuance of their favours. An el gait api rument to let furaishe I

Also LETTER TO THE REVIEWERS OF ITALY, b Larly Morgan, are the iplerested motives which fix the opinion of the

including an answer to a Pamp! Ict entitled “Observations upon Wants a Situation as Cook, a middle-aged EnglishAustrians, in spite of all philanthropic reasouing. It the clumnies and misrepresenta'ions in early doigan's laly. roman, who thoroughly understands French and English cooking, is on this account that we see the Stocks at Vienna rise 12me. p ice 3o sons or 35 free through France.

and can have a good character from her last place.--Direct la I.. E.,

LORD BYRON, in speaking of this work says, “LADY MORGAN'S or fall, according as the probabilities make fur war or

No. 4, rue Clichy. fearless and excellent Work.' peace between the Russians and the Turks.”

Wants a Situation as Femme de Chambre, a native of SELECT BRITISH PROSE WRITERS,

France, 25 years of age, who works well at her needle, understand Let!ers of January the 28th arrived at Marseilles WITII BICGRAPHICAL AND CSITICAL PREFACES. a little cooking, will make herself wetul, and can give unde iable from Smyrna, announce that the massacres are renewed

Thirty-ix volumes in 32', printed hy Firmia Didot, in royal references.-- Apply to the porter, No. 31, rne de la Chaussee d Antia in that unfortunale city. There is not a Turk but

Vellun piper, hoi-pressed, embellished with engravings from ori- Sinal portiails. Tie il vol. of this cho ce selection is just pub-

TO THE PUBLIC. thinks himself authorised to inake the Greeks pay

for lis'iei, viz. THE MAN OF FEELING, by Mackenzie, including the By Permission of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor his clothing, bis arms, and his horse, and if any one is in'eresting stories of Father Nicholis, ou sa Venovi, Larucie, ctc.

of Aust: ia, the followin: Estale will be drawn for a: Vienna, V12.discovered to have concealed his property he is put to and emb llished with an authien ie portrait of the au hor. Price 3fr.

The ESTE SIVE AND VALUABLE IRON WORKS AND STEL The beautiful and corr c style in which this collection is printed,

MINT FACTORY of MALBORGHETTO, la Carinthia, together with death. as well as its portable size, renders it a desideratum to the amateurs

the nail manufactory, manor house, ont-buildings, and depen 'ericies We learn from Constantinople, that the Divan is

of elegant and selec: literature. Subscripcions for any of the Works received by MALE PEYRE,

ap, ertaining thereto, the whole judicially value: at 550,025 forins

of Vienna. moking great preparations for war. Every Turk froin

To the above will be adued 1000 smaller prizes amountBooksell r, No. 4, rue Git-le-Caur, and A. and W. GALIGNANT.

ing to the sum of 75,000 florins. the age of 15 to 6o is compelled to take arms under


The Roy Works are siti ated in Carinthia, circle of Villac, near priu of the heaviest punisiment in this world, and the

the Domain of Nalborghetto, half a league from the frontiers of Bauk Stock slut.

4 Omnium inost terrible threatenings ol misery in the next. Con

Venetian Lombardy, and near the great commercial road from 3 per Ci. Red. shut. ludia Stock 247

Lover Austria lo laly, 43 French leagues from Vienra, 20 from stantinople presents the appearance of an immense 3 per Ct. Cons. 78 518 India Bonds 39

Veoice, 13 from Trieste, and 5 from Villac, capital of the circe! camp; its environs are covered with tents filled with

they comprise 2 fumuaces for iron, 2 for steel, and a nail manufactory 5 112

Long Ann. 20 9-16 318 Asiatic troops. New fortifications arise on all sides, and

two large houses for making charcoal, buildings for keeping te 4 Cents. shui. per

Ex. Bills (10001.) i dis. same, two rows of dwelling houses for the workmen and oliers several English officers who have entered the service of 5 per Cents. 102 518 Cons. for Acc. 79 118

emploveil in the establislıment, a sawing mill, and sever:) out

buildings belonging to the manufac ory. This concern possesses the Grand Seignior, superintend these works. An Austrian vessel recently arrived at Marseilles FRENCH FUNDS, MARCH. 6.--Bank aci., 1590ft.

many natural advantaces, which render it superior to most works

of the kind-from its situation hydraulic machines are rendered froin Constantinople, and another from Canea, bave 5 per cenis., jouiss du 22 Sept. 1821, gifr. 300. 250. 3. c.

unnecessiry, the supply of charcoal is abundant and of the Iest frught int-ligence from the Isle of Cyprus, which is

250 300. zic 3vc. 35c. 40c. 55 c. 3vc. 35 c. 30 c. qality ; t! e different buildings being of peculiar construction, and 35 c. 4or. 35c. 4. c. 35 c.

separate i from each other, no danger is to be apprehended from altogether favourable to the Greeks. The Turks are

bre. The Fella, on viuch the mills are situaled, never freezes, not driven out from nearly every point, and the few fortiD.tlo, end of the moods, opened at g fr. 25c - Tighest gi fr.

er en in die most severe winters. So tlal tie vorks do no! expefied places which they still occupy are so siluuled that

joc.--Lowest gi (r. 21 c.-Closed at gifr. 7c. rience the least interruption. The Iron and Sails, the produce of Annuites de 100 francs, a 4 pour ceni, 1067 fr. 50

this manufactory, are of s'perior quality, and Nalborghetto is fathey cannot hold out long.

Oligations oie la Ville, jouiss. du i oct. 1821, 1252 fr. 50 mous for the temper of ils sieel; the sale of all its productions is The following is from the Augsburgh Gazette of the Rentes De Narles 5 pour cent. 70

ery considerable from its advan'a cous position, and its proximity 2811 ult.-" We learn froin Trebišond that the Persian


to the sreal roads of Germany, Italy, and Austria, the river I rare,

and the neighbouring ports of Trieste and Venice, hy which its arniy has taken up its winter quarters near Bagdad 1 Month Panier, 25 fr 200. Cusli -- f1

relajons, win the mercantile towns of Europe arcgically facilitate. and Eizerum. Three Olloman provinces, are, it is 3 yomlis' Paper, -- fr. 40 1 Cushi 25 fr. 5r.

I aly not having any Iron works, and the immense distance of Wal

borghetto from any csaisIshnicnt of a similar description, guarantee said, in its power, and it is adiled that the Pacha of

au untaling clemand for its manu aclrs. The whole of the build.

THEATRES. Bagdad has submited to the Schah, and has concluded

ings are substantial, conveniçul, and ja good repair, the principat wiih bim a trealy, according to which, he will uni:e his

THEATRE FRANCAIS,- Sylla.---Les Précieuses Ridi

area ing been built in 16

The large and hanılsome Mancellors faces the road to Italy, the furces to those of the Schal in the approaching spring, cules. (Talma will perform.)

aparıments are spacious and well lighted, and the cellars will contain to continue the invasion of Natolia. Many persons

OPERA CUNIQUE.-L'Amant et le Mari.- La Clo

2000 eimers of wine : the view is very picturesque and extensive;

the other houses and the saving mill'are behind the Château; and cheije. suspect that these delays are connected with those of

the gardeas, meadows, and aral le la:!, are very fertile.

Rovat: ITALIEN.-11 Matrimonio Secreto (le Mathe Russian army upon the Pruth.”

Malborghetto is sitnatec in a populous part of the country, aboundA letter froin Grand Cairo states that Malzemed riage Secret.)

ing with all the conveniences of lie; the climate is temperate, this

ODEON.- Le Roman d'une lleure, - La Femme Ja- e ir pure, and the sky serene. The view of the valley of Kanallal, Ali, whose genius seems to expand every day, bas

with Venice on one side, and Austria acd tie Tyrol on the older, given orders to his Pachas to send down from Abyslouse.

leares a favorable inipression of the beanties of this del ghiul sinia and the Province of Sennar, into Lower Egypt

VAUDEVNULE.- La Nina de la Rue Vivienne.-Ra- country. The abore 'ral ation was made from the avera e

ya ly receipts of the Establishment, from 1811 to 1816, hich 40,000 negroes, to be employed in agriculture. This taplan.--Pierre, Paul et Jean.

ano: nted to 75.000 florins er annum ; and from the inc: eased de

VARIETES, -L'Homme Automate. - Le Soliciteur. · measure is worthy to fix the attention of commerce

mand, the receipts will be consi'erably augmented. As many peisince, besides the increase of population wbich it will

- La Femme Sage et Coquelle.Les Anglaise pour sons will prefer ready money to the possession of the Es atc, a

sum eg ivalent in alle will be given, at the option of the purRire. give to Lower Egypt, there will necessarily follow an

chaser of the minber which wins the IRON AND STEEL WORKS OF amelioration in the productions of the country, and in

GYMNASE DRAMATIQUE:--Le Garde Moulin.- Une

Journée à Versailles.- Les Mémoires d'un Colonel The Drawing will take place at Vienna on the FOURTEENTH of the consumption of European manufactures.

MARCH, in the presence of the Imperial and Royal Authorities.The Governinent of Sweden has granted on augmende Hussards.

The price of each Ticket is FORTY PRANCS. Tickcis u.ay he proIntion of 100l. per annum lor the support of the Swedish

AMBIGU-COMIQUE.---La Vierge du Monastère.- La

curedloftlendersigned, as also prospecti ses in English and French, E Bataille de Nancy.- Levez la Toile.

containing Pull part colars, which may he had GBATIS. The un'ere chapel in London.

sigued likewise engages promptly io iuform those persons who ho

l'OBTE ST. MARTIN,--Suzanne.- La Servante JusThe new fortifications at Brussels are proceeding with

nour him with their commans of the success of their numbers; tifiée.- Les Ermiles.-La Leçon d'Amour.

and also to make known, tirough the medium of this Jomal, tt great activity.

Gaité.-- Les Corsaires.-L'Héritage.-Un Tour the numbers which sain the principal prizes. Rennitances for We learn from Madrid that Riego lives very retired.

tickets may be made by Pank or England Coles, Leiters or is of ? He sees but few persons, and has refused every invitade Garnison.-- Le Bureau des Nourrices.- La Forét

Exchane on London, Paris, or any of the principal commercial Enchantée.

cries of Europe. tion to hanquets since his arrival in the capilal.

Ticke's may also be had of the undersigned Banker for a Lottery The Board of Health of the Isle of Minorca have just

CIRQUE OLYMPIQUE.--La Mort de Klébert.--Fayel.

to be drawn at Vienna, on the ist of March, 28-2, for the EstATE 02 published an account of their proceedings, during the

-Le Lanciei.- Chevaux dresses.

Woerde and a handsome Mansion at Laybach. ---Price of the ticket to

TWENTY FRANCS. prevalence of thic yellow lever in the lazaret of Mahon. A l'aris, de l'Impriinerie de A. Boucher.


Page 7

A paper las been read before the Geological Socie!s | Limerick, liaving been burned, is wholly destitute of Dito of different colours, with wave of of London announcing the discovery of an extrusive foundation.

sewed figures, printed or with borders, vaul or fosse in the North of England, filed with the (l'rom the Cork Chronicle, Feb. 27.)

or worked with gold, s.lver, ele.

prohibi: bones of elephants, tigers, lions, hyenas, and other The last a wful operation of the law was performed Tulls, silk, linen, or cotton, per Ib. ferocious wild beasts. The bones of the other animals against three of the unfortunale persons convicted Gaize and crape, white and with whiteare indented with marks in various places correspond- at the late Commission, on Monday, at Churchtown. woye figures, per lb. ing with the hyena's teeth, and the inference is, that These three Prisoners, Relehau, Mahony, and Brien, Ditto, with sewed figures or coloured these animals were cougregated together for the pur- were conveyed from this city at an early hour on Sun- figures on borders or worked with gold pose of promiscuous fight, or what is commonly called day last. They wire guarded by about 200 of the and silver

prohibited · Welsh Main, in which the hyenas proved victors.- military, horse and foot, why were under the direc- Ribbons for Order decorations

do. From various other observationis it is inferred that this tions of the High and Sub-Sheriffs of the county, Plain and coloured wove bandkerchiefs, tipscene was acted previous to the flood.

When the party arrived at Mallow, where it stopped pels and ribbons, per Ib. . . Five PER Cents. The following is the forın of the for the night, it was met by a large body of the pea- Diity, with borders, or worked with gold Jelter issued by the Bank of England, for such persons santry, who usu lly crowd that town on a Sunday to and silver ..

prohsil to fill up, who choose lo dissent to the plan for the re- hear Divine Service, and who appeared completely Stocking-gloves and waxed silk, per lb. duction of the Navy 5 per Cents. :

subdued by the soul-appalling ceremony of witness- All oher silk goods, twisted or knitted, single ** To the Governor and Company of the Bank of ing the procession. At an early hour on Monday or more colours, except buttons, per lb. 4 England.

the culprits were taken to the place of execution, Half Silk Goods, i, e. mixed with cotton or

Churchiown-hereand at Mallow, ive party was met by linen, single or more colours, per lb. .
I do hereby give notice, in pursuance of a Reso- a number of Gentlemei, among whom were Lord Done. Ditio, printed with border, or with wove, Jution of the House of Cominons, passed the 28th of raile, Messrs. Lowe, Purcell, Crone, etc. and an addi- or sewed coloured figures, or marked with February, 1822, that dissent from accepting tional force of the military. The hills about were crowd- gold or silver . .

prohibited Four per Cent. Annuities, with respect to ed with people, though few of them approached the im- Velvet Silk, or Half Silk, per lb.

4 per Cent. Annuities row stauding in --- naine ; mediate scene of the erecution, not above 200 men and Ditto, printed or worked with gold or siland that require to be paid off in money, ac- women. The Rev. M'. Kedy, Parish Priest of Michels

prohibited cording to the terms contained in the above-inentioned town, and the Rev. I. R. England, Roman Catholic Straw flats, per lb.

6 Resolutiou.

Chaplain to the city gol, then addressed the prisoners Artificial Flowers of every kind, per Ib. 6 · Agent or Allorney to said and ihe spectators, and exhorted one party to take ad- Woollen Gouds.-Cloth of every descrip** March 1822.

vantage ol the example afforded them, and of the other tion, per lb. lo en reat the inercy of heaven, by making an open Dillo printed

prohibited confession of their guilt and the justice of their punish- Cassimere, webs, and ladies' cloth, per lb. Majority in favour of Sir M. W. Ridley's Motion for

ment. To the last, however, the Prisoners declared Vig nia cloths, per lb. . * reducing iwo Lords of the Admiralty.

their inocence. After the execution, the bodies were Hon. J. Abercromby --J. H. Allen_*Visc. Althorp

Carpets, flannels, baize, and similar goods conveyed to the county infirmary for dissection, and in. - W. Astell *Sir J. D. A siley-*T. D. Acland


Ib. , terred in the yard of the county gaol.

Stockings, caps, gloves, etc. per lb. J. F. Barliam, jun.-*J. P. Beaumont-Sir T. Baring - Visc. Barnard--S. M. Barrelt-llon. H. Bennet

Letters received this morning from the County of

Mortens, camblets, durants, shalloons, ca

Jinancoes and siinilar goods, cambazxtts, B. Benyon–J. Birch-D. 'rou ne-Visc. Bury-11. | Kerry state, that vightly meetings of the deluded pea- Bankes—*J. Bastard--*£. P. Bastard-11. Bright-R. santry continue, and that on Monday night a shot had

serge, flag cloth, p'r lb. Bruce---*Sir J. F. Boughey-Sir C. , Burrell-*W. been fired al Captain Godliey, of Kilcoleman, eldest

Ditto printed and wove, different colours prohibites Barrell--*J. Benell-Sir W. E. R. Boughton-J. Blair son of Sir John Godfrey, by which he was severely

Cords of all descriptions, per lb. : : wounded; -John Baillie-J. Butterwortn-Juli Calcraft-John

and on the same night, a lenant of Robert

Tapes and fringes, woollen or mixed prohibiti · Carter--*Lord G. Cavendisto-H. Cavendish--llon.

Day, Esq. had his house and a pumber of

ows de

Shawls, handkerchiels, or scarss, Turkey H. Caulfield-- Visc. Clifton-N. Rid. Colborne- Luc. stroyeri, between Blengerville and Tralee.

apd cashmere, ad val.

25 per cen Concannon-Sir W. De Crespigoy--sam. Cromptou

Ditto, Silk, woollen, and cution, mixed . *S. C. Curwen-Thos. Cie vey-G. Chetwynd-P.


English, French, or German, and all with Corbett-G. 11. Cherry_*). E. Curteis-- *Sir Charles

coloured or wove patierns, similar to the Cole-E. S. Cooper-Hon. F. Clthorpe-N.Calvert

The following important document is stated on good Turkey or cashımcre, with wove borders, authority to be the new Russian Tariff, olicially pre

8 T. H. Davies-W. Denison--Thos, Denman - Visa. pared for promulgation, and wanting only the Empe

Borders for Shawls, etc. per Ib.

8 Duncanpon-*W. Dickinson-M. Dawsun-G. Dovelon

ror's sig, ature. Our readers will of course receive it Shawls, handkerchiess, and coverlets of -Visc. Ebrington--*E. Ellice-W. Lyerton-C. Eli

with due allowance for the cauges which may possison-Lord Eastnor--W. Evans-Sir R. Ferguson

cloth and cassemere, single colour, bly be inade in it before 'it ultimately receives the Im- without borders, not being printed, Lord W. Fitzgerald-Lord J. Fitzroy- Visc. Folkestone-R. Fraukland-R. Farrand-*). Fleming-C.

perial sanction.

Luty in Silver.

Dito, printed Forbes-J. Fleeming -*J. Fane-S. Graham-Pascoe

probibited Colton Goods, white, without gold or silver. Grenfell -*Sir W. Guise-ljudson Guney-G. Gipps

Hats and caps, beaver and hall beaver A. Metcals, canıbrics, calicues, quiltings, R.

prohibited *J. S. Gooch-Lord A. Hamilton-G. J. Heathcote


ticks, thickst ts, nankcens, velvetcens, etc. 50 --Lord A. Hill-Sir Rt. Heron-J. C. Hobhouse-Rt. Ditto with white figures


From the LONDON GAZETTE, March 2. Hust--*W.P. Honywood--W.L. Hughes-J. Hune

Ditto, single colours, per lh. -Lord Hotham-Ald. Heygale—Sir E. Harvey-H.

Average Price of Curu, by the Quarter of Eje Coloured nankeen East India and other. perlb. Handley-R. Heber_*G. P. Jervoise--W. James

Winchester Bushels, received in the week ended Fe B. Coiton Goods, transparent, as muslins, Col. Johnson--T. F. Kennedy-Sir J. D. King- Sir

23:- Wheat 475. 7d. Barley 19s. 4d. Oats 15s. 41

plain aud loom sewed lappels, etc. except E. Knatchbull_*G. A. L. Keck-*J. G. Lambton

Rye 23s. 3d. Beans 228. 3d. and Pease 23s. Ind. nets and patent lace per ib.

8 *Sir W. Lemon-*Sir E. Lloyd-S. Lushington-R. Ditto, worked with while figures probibited.

War-Office, March 1. Leycester-Hon. W. Lascelles-*Hon. H. P. Lygon- Dirto, single colvur's, per Ib.

3 60 *Sir T. Lethbridge-*F. Lawley--W. Leake-H. F.

6th Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Lieut. J. S. Brr. All printed coiton goods .

probibited. Lụtirell-J, F. Luttrell --*E. Liileton-John Maberly

mer, from buli-pay of ihe Regiinent, to be Lieutenari All cotton goods with coloured wave -J. Macdonald-Sir J. · Mackintosh-John Martin

vice V. H. Mairis, who exchanges, receiving the dil figures and stripes, except the particular

ference. Hou. W. Maule-Peter Muore-Johu Maxwell - Jchin

shawls and scarfs mentioned

prohibited. Mitchell--Sir P. Musgrovp-S. Marjoribanks-J. Mar

12th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Cornet and AAll collon goods marked with gold and

jutant H. E. D. B. Sidley to have the rank of Lienrval-Jolin Mansfield-Visc. Normandy - Hon. R. silver, and with tinsel ; also all cotton Neville-R, W. Newman --Right Hup. Sir J. Newport

ierant; J. G. Evered, Gent, to be Cornet, by purgoods with trimmings

prohibited. --Lord Nugent-Standish O'Grady ---J. O'Callaghan-

chase, vice Daubuz, promoted in the roth Lighi Dra. Linen and lempen Articles.-French camW. Ord-Sr H. Painel-Coronel Palmer-G. F.

goons. brics and dillo handkerchiefs, with

Ist or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards, W. 0. . Palmer– Thos. Pares---Henry Pierse-G. R. Philips-- white or coloured wove or printed bor

Stanley, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieutenant, by pui*Hon. W. Powlett-*Ruberi Price--Hon. G. Prohre

ders, and lenos, per Ib.


50 chase, vice Tinling, promoted. *F. Pyin-Sir H. Penruddock-D. Ricardo--Sir M. W. White linen of hemp and tlax, as also mixed

2d Regiment of Fost, Lieut. J. Nunn lo he Adjutant, Ridley-G. Robarts-- A. Robarts-Sir G. Robinson

with cotton, per lb.

25 vice Hunt, who resigns the Adjutantcy only:- 29th C. Kumhold--Lord J. Russell-T. S. Rice-W. Rick

Ditto dyed, per Ib.

30 Ditto, Lieut. C. G. Urquhart, from half-pay Rifle Briford-_*Hon. Rt. Smith-R. Smith-W. Smith-Abel Ditto, printed, wove or sewed with co

gade, to be Lieutenant, vice Sutherland, appointed to Sunith-S. Smith-R. Scudamore-- Earl of Sellon.-J.

loured figures ·


ihe 92d Foot.-- 26th Ditto. Lieut. J. Kyle to be CapScott-W. Siewart (Tyron:)--Lord J. Stuart-Sir J.

Canvass, per lh.

25 Saeiley-D. Sykes--*Sir J. Sebright--M. A. Taylor Table cloths, napkins, and towels, white,

lain, by purchase, vice Brooks, who retires.-Zoth

Ditto, Lieut. J. Tonson, from half-pay 20th Fool, to be ---Right Hon. G. Tierney-Wm. Thompson-Lord C.

Lieutenant, vice Sutherland, appointed to the 41st Townshend-C. A. Tulk--C. Tennyson-J. A. Warre

Ditto, coloured


Foot.—34th Ditto, Lieut. J. Huddleston lo be Captain, --Ed. Webhe-W. Williams-T. P. Williams-Sir

Dillo white, mixed with cotton or silk

25 by purchase, vice Fancourt, who retires.-37th Ditto, R. Wilson-Ald, Wood-M. Wyvill--Hon. H. Wes- Pocket handkerchiefs, per lb.


Capt. T. Valiant to be Major, hy purchase, vice Bartenra-*J. S. Wortley-W. W. 'Whitmore-Thomas

Ditto printed or coloured

prohibited. wick, who retires; Lieut. W. "Hay, from the 12th Wilson.

Dillo woven of different colours, per lb). 25 Light Dragoons, ty be Captain, by purchase, vice Va TELLER.-- Ralph Bernal.

Stockings, night-caps, and gloves, per lb. 50 liant.—41st Ditto, Lieut.-Col. W. 'Smelt, from the ad Coffee, unaltered, per pood .


Ceylon Regiment, to bę Li utenant-Colonel, without IRELAND. Wines and strong liquors unaltered, except

From the Dublin Mornin, Post, March 2.) shrub, liqueurs, corn, brandy, and wines

Ensign W. Armstrong, Lieut. E. Briscoe, from the On Tuesday a select party dined with our illustrious and spirits froin fruits or herbs . prohibited. ball-pay 6th Foot; Lieut. T. B. M. Sutherland, from Vicerov, at the Viceregal Lodge, Phenix Park. His Porter in casks and bottles unaltered, all

the 30th Fool; Lieut. W. H. Waters, from hall-pay Excellesicy's magnificent service of most richly gilt other foreign beer and cyder

prohibited. 5gth Foot; Lieut. W. Norman, from the hall-pay 21 plate, was produced for the first time. Many of ihe Sugar, raw, brown, yellow, and white, not

Foot; Lieut. J. Gray, from half-pay 1o4th Foot ; Lieul. ariicles and ornaments of this service arc of tho rarest re-boiled in Europe, per pood .

50 R. Hume, from hall-pay 100th Fooi ; Lieut. R. L. Ferworkinauship and of pure gold---even the knives and Ditto retined, as loaves, lumps, candies, and

rar, from half-pay Goth Foot; Lieut. T. Vincent, frosu torks, the handles of which are of agate, exhibil great crushed


hall-pay 37th Foot ; Lieut. A. Russell, from hall-pay costliness and beauty. These latter were brought by Beet

sugar and potatoe syrup, per pood

50 4816 Foot. - To be Lieutenants, without purchase. his Excellency from India. Gloves of doe and other skins, per lh.

47th Regiment of Foot, Lieut. T. Swayze, from the Among the personages present were-the Lord Ostrich feathers, per lb.


hall-pay York Light Infantry Volunteers, to be LieuChancellor and Lady Manners, the Lord Chief Justice Lace or net, silk, linen, and cotion, per Ib.

tenauti vice C. M.Donald, who exchanges, receiving and Mrs. Bushe, Mr., Lady Anne Gregory, and Miss Apparel of all kinds, braces, and pomatum prohibited. the difference.-57th Ditto, Paymaster G. H. Greeti

, Gregory, Earl and Countess of Errol and Miss Fiz- Wares. - Earthenware, wbite and single

from half-pay lale Corsican Rangers, to be Paymaster, clarence, Sir David and Lady Baird, the Earlof Meath, colour without gold or silver, paintings,

vice T. Shapier, who retires upon half-pay.-66th Ditto, the Dowager Lary Rossmore, Sir S. Bruce, Sir C. or borders, per pood .

60 Lieut. W. Kiogsmill to be Captain, by purchase, ve Vernon, Lord Norbury, Lord Frankfort de Mont- Painted and coloured porcelain

prohibited. Jordan, who retires; Ensign W. H. Wardell

, to be morency, etc. Silk goods.-Single colour, without gold and

Licuterant, by purchase, vice Kingsmill; T. H. Joh: The Limerick Advertiser contradicts, ou respec- silver, as satins, sarsnets, serge, grote

ston, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Wardell

. talile autbority, the statement of the shocking outrage dun, etc. (except tull-nett, lace, blonds,

-75th Ditto, Gent. Cadet Ř. B. Phillipson, from the on soldiers' wives, lately published in the newspapers, gauze, or crape, which are particularly

Royal Military College, to be Ensign, by purchase, rul A report of the village of Cappa, in the county of charged, per il


Hephurn, proinoled in the 83d Foot. -83d Diito, en

Page 8

men from 68,802, would not deprive Government of Mr.JURWEN wished that Ministers would com- by the Executors. The doing so was entrusted to the means of thtis putting it down; and this was all the mute te repeal of one shilling per bushel tax upon Mr. Wylde, who was only prevented from his inability reluclion he had asked. He thought it difficult to Malt fo the repeal of the Salt Tax.

to make his way to Brandenburgh House through the shape any proposition more consistent with the views Sir 1. WILSON inquired whether the Treasury throny of people, in line. — Tois inscription, however, of the otier side ol'the House than that which he had meant b coutinne to levy the fine on the sellers of was placed on the cuffin at Colchester, where it was suggested. The expense of the Military Establishment roasted wheat sold as such ?

torn off by force, and a scene of contest suppressed by for the year 1792, was between two and three millions; Mr. LJSHINGTON replied the subject was under military, which he would leave others lo describe, look al present it was belween seven and eight millions; a considcntion.

place in the Church. On the 16th of Angust they left disparity which be considered to be lov grcat, afer Mr. J)NES thought Ministers had made a most un- Colchester for Harwich, a distance of 16 miles, and if anaking every reasonable allowance. After alluding to fortunat choice in repealing the Malt Duly.

be were called upon lo describe the manner in which it the petty retrenchments of Ministers, and the personal Sir I. COFFIN coincided with the wish of Mr. was conducted throughout, he should say it was luobservations applied to him on a furmer evening by the Curwen,

neral “ going post.” Diferent parts of the funeral Secretary for the Colonial Department and General The lieport was then received, and the Resolution were sometimes a mile dislant froin each other. The Gascoyne, the Hon. Gent. brietly recapitulated the ar. agreed to

only solemuity that atiended it was, the allendance of guments he had before used, and concluded by mov- Sir M. W. RIDLEY presented a Petition from the people, who tlocked to witness it from the neighing, as an Amnendmeni, " That 58,8u2 men be sub- Newcastle-on-Tyne, prying that the sulject of linport- | bourin; towns. On arriving at Harwich the hearse stilted for 68,802."

ing Foreign Corn be reerred to the Agricultural Com- drew up immediately to the water side, and without Mr. WILMUT vindicated himself, and, his absent Inillee.- Referred accordingly.

wailing sufficient time for a human being connected with Friend (Gen. G.) from the charge of personality, and


the procession to get up to it, the coffin was dragged out remarked upon the Hon. Member's admirabile qualifica

Mr. BENNET said, je rose for the purpose of bring- of the hearse and hurried to the jetly, whence it was tions for leading the people of England inlo error on ing under the consideution of the House all the circum- lowered into a boat without the pall, or without the financial subjects, whien he represented that the reduc- stances attending the funeral of her lale Majesty. It presence of a single person accompanying the funeral. tion in the Colonies had only been to the ainount of

would be in the recolection of the House, tiial at the He believed that more decency would be ubserved in four lundred men. Having Shown the mistake, he latter end of July, ler late Majesty was seized with conveying the body of the coinmonest person out of one said that a motion sounded upon such calculation de re- that illness, which, aler some days of suffering, terh country to be buried in another.

In the boat was Sir jected with disdain, as well as because he thought tie minated her existence on the zih August following: George Nayler, the Undertaker, a Deputy Undertaker, military reduction had reached their mininum, and that During the whole of her illness nothing which could and Deputy-Deputy Undertaker, but no one of the serto go below that would be destructive to the interests be coustruell into decent respect was shown towards vants allached io lier late Majesty, nor was there any olibe country.-(Ilear.)

hier by his Majesty's Governinent. No notice was laken boat to convey them from the shorc to the ship. Thus Mr. HUME explained.

of her illness by any of the servants of the Crown, and was conducted the funeral of the Queen of England; The Amendinent was then pul, and negatived with- butoue of the Royal Fmily (the Duke of Sussex) took with no other rites, no more ceremony, and no more oul a division.

any notice of her, no more than if there had noi been decency than he had described ; and here ended the The other Resolutions were then read and agreed to. such a human being. As soon as her decease took controul of the British Government. When they reached

The House went into a Committee on the Annual place, due notice of ihalcircunstance was given to his ship-board the preparations were not completed, and Mall Tax Act.

Majesty's Goverumeut, through Lord Liverpool, by here it had been iniended to leave his Learned Friend Mr. LUSHINGTON, in moving the renewal of this one of hier Majesty's Executors. By him Lord Liver- lo conduct the remainder of the funeral, but that plan Act, sai I, that as it had expired on the 25th February, pool was made acquainted with her Majesty's testa- was changed. The vessel did not sail till evening, so he should move a Resolution that the tax of one shilling inentary bequests, and her last wishes. He (Mr. B.) that there was no call for all that hurry which renderd per bushel on malt case from that day.

bad with biro a copy of ber will, but at present he the travelling of the body more like ihe journey of a Mr. MONCK asked whether any allowance was to should only remark on one part of it. She said that fish cargo than of the curpse of the Queen of England. be made to the brewers in every three barrels of beer. three days after her death sive desired to be carried to The ship arrived at Stadt on the 19tli, where the body

Mr. LUSHINGTON said, thal the Chancellor of the her native land for intermeul. The House, perhaps, was brought on shore, and placed on some temporary Exchequerhad already explained the matter upon which would be anxious to know her motives for this request. stand till the church was in preparation to receive it. the Houi. Gent, askcd for information. It never had | It was not that she wished that in three days the usual The contrast betwixt the conduct of the Government of been customary to make any allowance for beer, but ceremonies should be hurried over, or that she did not Hanover and the people was remarkable throughout.en allowance of is. a bushel would be made upon all wish to remain longer than three days in that country The Municipaliiy demanded permission to attend the malt in hand, bel ween the 25th of Feb, and 4th of which had been bier stem and her stay in the hour of funeral, which was twice refused ; and no answer March, 1822.

piril aud adversity:-(Hear, hear.)--But when she being given to the third demand, they went down and The Resulution, remitting the is. a bushel tax upon was informed by the medical genueman, whose painkul attended it without permission; anu all the same demalt, was then passed. A clause was also inscried to duty it was to make the communication, that her com- monstrations were made by the people of Hanover as make an allowance 10 that amount, to be paid quar- plaint must terminate fitally, she vumbered the fuw bad been observable in England. The battery saluted terly on all malt in haud, between the days of the 251h days which sie calculated would put an end to ber ex- the corpse without orders.

The procession, the next February and the 4th March, 1822. These provisions istence, and by allowing three days beyond that, she day, moved on, and it was told ihat, throughout the were also extended to Ireland, and with these amend- considered thai it would be the anniversary of the day country, the same feeling; of hatred of oppression ments the Resolutions were agreed to, and the Report of her leaving England seven years preceding-and it were shown. He was told that nothing could be more ordered to be received to-morrow.

was on ihat day, which she regarded as the foundation touching than the affectionate regard and kindness Sir J. NEWPORT moved that there be laid on the of all her woes and all her injuries, that she wished her which the women shewed to her memory. The mourntable an account of all Grand Jury Assessments paid to corpse to relrace the fatal course she had then so unad- sul process on every where passed through roads the treasurers of the different counties in Ireland dur. viscaly taken. She had woelul cause io remember that strewed v. th flowers, till it reached Brunswick, where ing the last seven years, distinguishing each county: day, when she acted in opposition to the coursels of the body of the Queen of England was placed in the and also an account of the defalcalion by the insolvency bur friends, Lord Liverpool said in reply

to the com- tomb of her illustrious forefathers. The people of the of county treasurers during lie same period.-Ordered. munication of his Learned Friend, that Guverninent town of Brunswick showed but one feeling, save

Mr. LUSHINGTON brought in a Bill to amend the would defray the expenses of the luneral, and intimated and except the Government of the town. It would laws relating to the Receivers General of Land Tax their intention to comply with the request of ber Ma- hardly be believed that at this hour the Qireen of Engaud Assessment in Wales.-The Bill was read a first jesty, in causing the funeral to take place as soon as land had received no funeral rites. He knew it would time.-Adjourged at seven o'clock.

possible. His Learned Frieud was referred to persons be said that it was a custom in Brunswick never to per

whom he conceived to be the agents of Count Munster, form the funeral rites twice over, and the instance of HOUSE OF LORDS.- March 6.

relative to the ariangements to be made on the other the Duke of Brunswick, her father, being renoved An account of unclaimed Army Prize Money, a Pe of the water, and finding that nove liad been made, from interment in a small town near the field of battle tition from certain Landholders in Lower Canada,

he and the other Executors resolved to have nothing to the same tomb, would be cited. But it was to be complaining of Agricultural distress, and iwo other

to do with the conduct of it, but to leave the whole lo remenbered, that the ceremony was performed on the Petitions from the County of Gloucester, praying for

Government. On the 14th of August the funeral took first interment of the Duke; whicreas, in the case of her Agricultural relief, and for protecting duties against

place; and as to what occurred on that occasion, he late Majesty, it never was performed at all. The Queen the Importation of Foreign Corn, were laid ou the

(Mr. B.) having been preseut, saw, with his own eyes, of England resided now in the tomb of her ancestors, table.

what he should describe of it. He heard the protest beside the remains of her father and brother, who fell The Irish Population Regulation Bill, and the Irish

of Dr. Lushingtun, and what he first had to complain the victims of the tyranny of the despot of France. But Seizure of Arms Indemnity Bill, went through the

of was that at Brandenburgh House that becoming so- he doubted if the history of that tyranny afforded an Committees, and the Reports were received.-Ad

lemcity due lo the cxalted rank of the illustrious de- example of more degrading persecution and indignity journed.

ceased was not observed. The merely banging the than what was off-red to that unhappy Queen. Though

room with black was not suficient for a Queen ol ng- no ceremony or rite bad been performed, there was no HOUSE OF COMMONS.

land. Th re was also a sort of privilege clained and place of worship where the name of Queen Caroline Mr. Spicer laid on the table an account of unclaim- enjoyed by the Royal Family, viz. that their bodies was not uttered to Heaven, with prayers to God for ed Prize Money at Chelsea Hospital.

should be removed by Yeomen of the Guard. He did mercy towards her oppressors, that their fate might Mr. R. SHAW moved for an account relative to the not kuow of an instance of a burial of any of the Royal not be like hers. Before he sat down, however, he Window and Heartlı Tax in Ireland.-Ordered.

Family in which this custom was not observed. But inust recall the attention of the House to the conduct Mr. GRENFELL gave notice that he would to- here there were no Yeoinen of the Guard-their place of Government in what transpired as connected with morrow move for a relurn of all moneys paid to the was supplied by cominop undertakers'men. Not willi- this matter, in England. His Majesty's Government Bank of Ergland since the year 1793, on account of standing on the day of the superal it poured with rain, had been long awarc of the deep interest which the Loans and Exchequer Bills.

the streels were crowded with the people England. people of England took in the fate of her Majesty. It He also moved for a counts of all Silver Coin, coined The most respectable persons of the middling classes was natural to think they would take a course tending

were seen lining the pavement, all in black, and every to conciliate feelings, which it was not in their power lo and the amount remaining unissued now in possession House was crowded. Alter repeated stoppages, the obliterate. They had, indeed, no less a body to enlreat of the Mint; the quantity of Silver purchased by Go- fumeral reached Cumberland. gale; but on what occur- them to it, than tbe Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Comvernment since the 4th Nov. 1820, stating the prices red there he should vot say one word, as it was no part mon Council of the city of London. He then read to and other conditions annex.d 10 the purchase as far as of the question. Ministers were to be considered as the House the Resolution come to by the Lord Mayor, concerns the Mint; and of the amount remaining with the authors and perpetrators of the bloody deeds and Aldernen, and Common Council of the City of Lonthe Bank lo be delivered at 5s. 2d. perounce.-Ordered. calamities of that spot, in endeavouring lo force the don, ou the occasion of her Majesty's death (which ap

Mr. GRENFELL said that the dealings to which corpse by an obscure and byc wäy, in opposition to the peared in our paper at the time. This resolution he these accounts referred had been benelicial to the wishes of the public. The samne scene as he had de- thought was sufficient to teach the Government wbat public.

scribed at the west end of the lowo, awaited them at the were the feelings of the country, and respecting those Lurd EBRINGTON presented a Pelition from Tavi- suburbs.-Animated with but one leeling, the wbole of feelings they would not have objected to the funeral slock, and also one froin Devonshire, praying for Re- the people might be seen in the streets and suburbs of being attended by the corporation of the City of Lonfurm.-Ordered to be priuled.

London. The rapidity with which the journey was don. Had there been in the b east of Ministers-he Mr. HUME moved for several accounts audited by made from London to Harwich, was such as completely would not talk-about wisclom-hnt had they been gifted the Colonial Audit Board since the year 1821, also the to harass and faligne all who accompanied the funeral, with a moderate share of that prudence which was neupaudited accounts of that Board.- A few observations and almost too much for the juded animals to support. cessary 10 quality inen to conduct the meanest, humblest followed from Messrs. Wynn, Bennet and Lushington, In answer to all remonstrances, they were informed affairs of life, they would have seen that there was but after which the accounts were orciered.

that it was in obedience to Lord Liverpool's orders. — one course which could be pursued with safety, and Mr. HUME alsı moved for a relurn of persons, Civil It wa; part of the request of her late Majesly, that ar that was by conciliating the inhabitants of the inetroand Military, holding two Commissions, Pensions, inscription should by pl.icrd on her coffin to the follow- polis, which could only lie done by suffering the funeOffices, Hall-pay or otherwise, will their names and ing off. ct :-" Here lies Caroline of Brunswick, the in- ral procession to pass through the city. By what dates of appointment.--Ordered.

jured Queen of England.” Lord Liverpool said be melancholy fatality they came to a decision not to do Mr. LUSHINGTON moved that the Report of the could not give instructions for this being put on the this, but to drag the body of the Queen through byeCommittee on the Mult Tax be received.

cullin, but he believed he acquiesced in its being done lanes and out-of-the-way routes, he was now at a loss

Page 9

per the Greenlind also has been more inquirel ?or. Sperm 0.1 is very scarce; 501. has be:'n pard, aud 53), is uow demanded, but

Lost, on the 8th inst. betw en 4 and 5 o'clock in th ADVERTISEMENTS,

afteravon, a brown and white c Lured GREYHOUND, having a bas för ariivai 531, would be accep eu, lu Sed Uils no alteration. Ci FFEE. S.

Vente et Adjudication sur une seule publication, callar.- Whever will bis the same to No.53, rue de la Pepiniert.

s. d. Jamaica ord. fil

in the presence o: M. Binchuu, No ary of Paris, ani of M. Laprce, will be handsomly rewarded. 102 to 100 Surat

:.00 !13 to o 8 Windling 122 to 128 Bengal.

Copunissaire Pieur for the epartment of ihe Seine, in the o lice

o 5 311 to o 2 good and ine

Large apartment wanted. Wanted, by an Eug13. to 14) Sea ISLAND.

of the lornier, No. 34, rue de la Verrerie, on Saturday the 3uth of Havannab 105 to vio Georgia.

March, 102, at twelve o'clock, the House and Premises of a Sugar Ish Pamily, á House or large apartmen', well furnished, in the Brazil

Baber, with all the necessary mplements of made, situated a neigubauriood of the Tuileries or Boulevard des Ital ens, with two 105 to napland. o 8 "12 to 0 10 12 St. Domingo AUBERFILLEDS-LES- VERTUS, near ST. LESIS. The premises on

larze sitting-rooms and seven goud bed-rooms, besides servants': 108 lv kg N.-O.leans. 0 9 to o 12

which the business is carried on aie let on lease (seven years and a rooms and kitchen complete.-Apply lo M.. Julien l'lessis, Hotel de 120 to 1401 Mociia


Half of which are unexpire,,, for the yearly sum of 2,20 ufr. besides l'Empire, rue d'Artois. very scarce Iron, per ton, i. s. . Byurdou

L. s. d. the tares. The bal.e-house courses about jo Hamburzh ia bars ... 8 0 0 to 8 5 0 moulds (tour); 3550 Paris moulds; 1430 moul's (two an 1 threes) ;

To Lel, pleasantly situated in the Champs Ely: ees, SUGAR,

S. -P8.

5 00 to 6 Jamaica 6ne

a spacio is and convenient Hlo el with la ye burd. n. The par:jego moulds furlumps; 19:20 pols for lamps; u70 Wastard moulds; 70 to 56 -noops 10 10 0 to 11 10 0 170 puts; 630 large pots; allilie impleinenis, utesis Is, ani machinery

meli-s are atred up in the inodorn styl, and are ornameired with ood brown 58 to 60 LEAD on board, pig best,

handsome looking glass s. li would be found a sui able residence Brazil fine white

for carrying ou thi saiu b isjuess, suficient in quantity always to 33 to 37 h ve 12,0 m laves forrs) in moulds, with lumps eie, in pri portiun;

for a Fam ly of disucion; or if required would suit iwo Familias. brown 18 to --- mlled sheets p. ton 25 the housesold furniture, je i and table linen, kiichen uten ils, etc. etc.

To view the sain apply to the proprietor, on Testlays, Thur days Bengad nne white 38 to 46 in bars

25 will also be disposed o-For conditions of sale apply to M. Ba Cuau;

and Saior Jays, between 1 an i3, No. 3, rue Louis le Grand, where yellow 3416 3. STEEL-bl s'er p.cwi. M. Lapire, N. 15, rue du llazırd; or M. Joest, 19, rue de bundy.

There is a furnish d apar ment on the first floor to lei. Java 22 to 40 ---shear best

To be viewed by applying to the Concierge on the premises, on proChina and Siam

Caen, Normandy.-To Let, with immediate pos- 27 to 46 cat.

0 $40 ducing a note from either of the above Lentlenieu. COTTON COPPER--ore per cwt.

ses in, or ai qiaries-day, a roony House, that would suit an S. d, S. d. ---in cakes 100s. to ross.

English Family, being near the puilic colleriale schuol for boys,

To be Sold by Auction without reserve, at the Hall Pernambuco 1 11 d. of the Notaries of Paris, Place Chiclet, on the 26th of Mirch inst.

commonly called Lycee, and the royal icing school This louse Maranham · 0 10 311 to o 11 412 Tix on board per L. s. d. at 12 o clock, in the presence ot N. Deus, a va dsome Patrimonial

is situated ietween the rue B coynei and the rue St. Martii, in a Babia 0 10 114 to 0 11 cut, block

peductive garden, with a court yard belini, in which is a small Dwelling House, situated at ANTONY, repartment of the Se ne, near

0 776 Temerara

slable and a well of good water. Rent 750 francs.- Apply (posta 09 to 1 ---in bars

the route fur Orleans, 3 leagues from Paris. The House is of excel

0790 bourbon 011 - to s 3 - British spekter per cw!. . .050 o

pa d', to M. LEFEBVRE, at the English reading-room, rue Sant lent coustruction and has been erected about 30 years; it is two LIVERPOOL, MARCH 2, storeys high, an! cin'ains eight rooms bes des the ground floor, un

St. Jacques, CAEN. This city is about 51 leagues from Paris, and

3 from the sci-coast. COTTON.- A good demand generally this week. whici there are all the necessary domestic oil.ces, with large clars

Sociery is on a superior fouting, and great i oweds are about 1y8d. per lb. dearer, and Peruams as well as Bahias, beius below and spacious gruparies above. There is a court vad planted

choice of masters in all brances of education on reasonable terms. more ia request, have somewhat recivred their depression. The with trees having a grass plut in the centre; also poultry yard,

The Venus Packet o: SOUTHAMPTON, Capi. Fuzzard, makes a voyage sales are 11,000 bags, and consist of 4,000 loweds, al o 14d. to 10d.; stabling for 10 hoises, Lurse dove-house, bol-house, and other de

to Caen direct, at the full moon, durmg 9 months or the year, &io Orleans, at 10d. to 1211.; 470 Tennessees, at 7 14d." to 8314, ;

penódencies. The land, which is very fartike, 4 ac es 53 To Let, fur 6 or 8 months, elegantly furnisiied, a 230 Sea lelunds, at 131141. 10 20d.; 3) stawed, at 12 120; 2,40.)

perches laid out as pleasure and kitchen cardens, will siocked with Perhams, al 11d. 10 12d.; 1,500 Pabias, at jo 178d. to 10 mjd; 010 fruit trees, and abunda athy supplied with spring water. The looking

handsome and spacious apari ment, with coach-boiuse and stabl s, in Maranbans, at 10 318d. 10 10 7180.; 23, Paras, al 931451. to 10d.:* glasses and tistures are included in the price o be bid for the pre

a private llotel, situated in the rue de Rivoli, belong ng to a Frei ch 70 Mona Noras, at 10 1120.; 320 Nina Geraes, at 91140. 10 9 120.; mises. The ininiture will be sold fifteen days after the sale of the

Gentleman, who will be absent from Paris for the time specilitd. igo Demararas, at 10.118d. 10 11 3144 ; 110 Stats, at 63140. io 8d.; House.-To view the premises apply to the gardener; and for full

References and security will be required.--For address apply to he aud 130 Bengals, at 61. to 6314d. per lb. The import this Week is ther particulars to M. Lenis, Noary, 3, rue de Grenelle-St.-Ger.

porler, No. 21, Qusi 9,616 burs. maiu, or lo M. Saint-Paul, Avocit, 22, r e Neuve-Sl.-Augustin.

To Let at Tivoli, 17, rue Chichy, furnished ApartCOFFEE.-Of two small public sales only such as was suitable for


ments, with nse of the Garden and free admissiou to the tetes of grocers found buyers at 123. 1o 124s. for middling Duich; 108. 10

Tivoli. A Restaurateur and Ballis adjoinins, nuk-house, stables, etc jogs. for ordinary Jamaica, and 110s. to 1125. for good ordinary;

Définitive, on Tuesday the 19'h of March, 1322, al twelve o'clock,

in the Hall of the Wo:aries od Paris, a Town and Country-house, s; Some inquiry for Foreign, but being only for bags, of which there

Elegant, durable, and economical Carriage Wheels. is little here, nothing has been done in this surt.

tuated No. 10, rue des Batailles, CHAILLOT. Besides the principal dwelling the e is a smaler one detached, a garden of two acres,

ISAAC SARGENT, from London, begs lo announce to SOGAR. A good demand for B. P. which has brought a furiber athyas.c of 6d. 10 is, on browd and middling qualities. The qua,court yard, palırk yarı, coach-house, stables, and ojher apprrie

the Neb lity and Gentry of Paris, that having obtained a Patent nincc Tuc furniture inay be taken ala fair valuation. Posses-ion

from the French Goverument for manufacturing Wheels with ihe ity sold is 1,000 casks, and the stock, in first hands, is only abont 1,600 hhds. E. I. is without al era:ion; the only sale in Foreign may be had on the 1st of May. The whole will be put up at 50,00fr.

Beut Felloe or Rim, of one or vote ceeding two pieces, he has. is a few chests of good while Perquabuco at 36s.; Dema; ara Moapply to M. Tempé, 45, rue de Seine, Fauh). Si. Germain ;'M. St. Paul,

formed an Establishinent in tie Champs Elysées, Allee'd

Au'in lasses have sold at 21s. 22, rue Neuve Si. Augustin; or on the premises, between 1 an 4.

Vos. 21 and 2?, corner of Aver ue de Neuilly, r here there Wheels

of unequalle superiority are made up, with the est malerials, and Rice.- New Carolina very good, but a little broken, has sold To be Sold, the Patrimonial Estate of Soissy-SOUS- by the inost "pproved ionilou workinen, on terms consive ally at 17s. 68. to 18s., and inferior oid at 135. ETIOLLES, 61 agies from Paris, on the banks of the ine, com

lower than in England; by his process, the Rims are formed in RUMS.-Denierara 29 to 31 0.1. bas sold at 25. id. to 25. 2d. prising a lands:ime moriern-built Cha'cau rith its numerous depen

mature straighit crained Ab Timber, and the wheels therehy as e DYEW00D--No alteration. Percies, orangery, and a walied-in park of 60 acres, considered as

not only rende ed much lighter, Lul preserve a far greater degree SPICES.- For 150 bacs Pimento 9 ir d. has beco pard. the most agreeable and tas cfully laid out in the environs of Paris

oi so!:lity and strensth, and have been proved to s'istain more than * ASES.--In demand. Old Mcn'real Pots have broucht 35s., plentifully supplied wih walcı, and baviug abunvance of game.

double the work, without ever incurrii:s for repairs, one quarter Dew 365. to 36., 6d.; New York Pots 43s.; Montical Pearls 435.and The revenue of this Estate, containing 100 acres, of which 72 are

of the expense or 'ro:ble of those usually made on the Continent, New York 48s. HIDES --Sales steady at last week's prices; they consist of 1.600, is 20,000f:. per annum. Two conveyances so to aud

the Ma sive Folloes of wlich (seven in number) being always sawn return from the capital daily.--For further particulars apply 10

out of 1']m wood across the grain, and then fürme into a Circle or diy B. A. Cow and Ox, at 83;8d. 10 10 1811.; 1,700 salted, at 5 fl.; M. Rousse, Rotary, 'No. 97, rue Croix des Petits Champs.

Kim, with a peoportionale mass of Iron Bolls, etc. They very soon 1,000 salted North Am: rican, a: 4,3:41. 300 dry salted B:azl, at

become so s lil'aud impaired, as to require freqneni and heavy to 8314d. per lb.; and 8,100'llorse, at 6s. vod. tu

78. each.

A very handsome Phaeton, and a very good Dennet, charges to keep them in working condition. Speciinens of the Patent TOBACCO. - More inquired for. About 50 inds. bood' ord vary to both English-}. l!, to be sold, on account of departure, at No. 14 Wheel, win o her Bent Articles, indispensaisy requisite to comb ne miridi nz Virginia Leaf have been sold for export al 31. to 4 12d. Place Vendor. et

elegance with strength in the construction of Carriages, Tilburies, and 20 blads. good middling to fair, for Ireland, 51. 10 5 12d. per Ib?

etc. may be seen at the above address, where all orders are receivedt. To b: Sortie at the sale of 4 per cent. on the rett FRENCH FUNDS.

revenue, or excha sed for rural properit in France or in a foreign Teas.- Excellent Black, at 7 trancs; and Green, at During the last week the price of Stucks has, on some diys, varird

Counlry, a Pairin.onial Esja e situased on the Loire, bei wecn Angers 8 francs per Ib.-10. 19, rue Vivienne, bottom of the yard. opnsiderably, on others very little. On Mundy, t e market opened and Nantes, a Cha'eau and land produc n; annually

Wauted immediately, as Lady's-Maid and Houseal gi fr. 20 c., and closed, on Saturday, at 88 fr. goc. The higheil 36,000rr - pplyio M. Grimauldet, proprie or, No. 27, rue Neuve

maid, a young woman of unexcepitionable character, who can pcak price of the week was gi fr. 70 c., and the lowest 88 fr. 30 c.

St. Roch; or M. Piot, 1o. 18, rue Nerie de Petits Champs. The

Freuch and English --For ad ress apply at the office of this

paper. cause of this depreciatio was the seitlement of the accounts, ou

Two Capital Horses, fit for the Saddle, Cabriolet or kthursday, for the Dividends due o' the 22d inst.

Wauts a Situation as Man Cock, a native of France, T e certificates for the Lan opened, on Monday, a: 6114, rose, Carriage, to be sold. - Applý at N.). 414, Rue St. Honore.

weli acqua nied with his business, understands making pasiry, aud on Thursday, 10 7 112, and closed, on Saturday, ac 6 114 per cen!. M. ARON, No. 17, rue de l'Encrier, begs to inform cau he recommended from his last place.-Apply chez Mme. Derus, Tho Neapolitan Stocks lave varied from 08-18 !!

The Public that he will receive for sale, in the course of the pre ent No. 40, rue de Bourgogne, Fauloure St. Germain. Spanish Loan Bonds have been quoted from 60 314 to 61 314, and

month, a transport of from orty to sixiy chice English Horses. Laye been iu gr at demand.

TO THE PUBLIC. The Exchange market continues d: 11.-On Monday, London, at To be Sold, for 600 fr. a very capital Saddle Horse,

By Permission of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor three months, were done at 25 fr. 10c.; Frank fol, at ihree monihs,

z4 hanıls high.-To be seen at Hotel Sizet, rue du Faub. St. Honoré in demand at 4314 per cent., and but for sellers at that price ;

of Aristija, the following Estate will be drawn for at Vienna, viz. -Spanish in dem ind, and rather ligler; Naples an] Leghorn eas ly To be Sold, a handsome, strong, London-buill Lan- The EXTE SIVE AND VALUABLE IRON WORKS AND SIEL Dryociateil; Milan mich offered. On Tuesday, the only business viaule'.-Inquire of the porter, No. 4, rue Basse du Rempart.

MANT FACTURY of MALBORGHETTO, in Carinthia, together with done was 1.pon Genoa, Leghorn, Amsterdam and Frankfort, and a

the nail mannsactory, manor house, ont-buildings, and dependencies few upon Spain; London much offer:d at 25 ir. 20 C., and 27 fr. 10 c. To be Sold, a very fine English Forle Piano.- appertaining thereto, ibe whole judicially valued at 750,025 tiorins On Wed esday, London and German dul!; Milan, Genoa, Leghorn Squire at No. 34, rue Faubourg Poissonriére.

of Vienna. To the above will be added 1000 sur aller púrizes amount and Sanish, easily negociaieu . Najle, care, and much inquired

ing to the sum of 75,000 florins. for; St. Petersburgh in favo's; Lisbon quite nglected. On Thur:- To be sold, an English Piano, by Broadwood.- The IBON WORK's are situated in Carinthia, circle of Villac, pear day, London dull, and rather lower; Lienoa and Loghorn found Price 6 ofr.-- Apply to tlie porter, No. 22, rue de Varennes.

the Doniain of Malborghetto, half a leagte from the frontiers of

Venetian Lombardy, and near the great commercial road from Takers; Vienu and Augusta much ofered; Amsterdam ea ily n

To be Suld, wanting money, part of a dress in point sociated; Naples. Spanish and Portuguese, hisier; Frankfot in

Lower Austria lo haly, 48 French leagues from Vienna, 29 from lace, richly worked. 200fr., cost 600fr.; 12 ells of fine cambric, great demand. On Friday, London lorrer; all paper upon Italy,

Venice, 13 from Trieste, and 5 from Villac, capital of the circle ; excep! Neples, much offere?; Madrid d.}); Vienna and Augusta roofr. ; 12 handkerciers, ditto, at 2fr.; 18 ells fine cambric, 105fr.: they comprise 2 furnaces for iron, 2 for steel, and a nail mapujaclore On Satu:day, Naples the only paper in favour;

sme siperte blue, black and green cloth, at 25fr. the cll; an ell w.thont !ak-rs.

two large houses for mahing charcoal, buildings for keeping tl'y of black kersey mere for 12fr.;a mahogany billiard iable for hoofr. ; same, two rows of dwelling houses for the workmen and others spon all other places no variation. Marks are without takers; roulles scarce, ond much in demand a gold repea:er,, cost 4oof..; oue of the best Pianos in Paris employed in the establishment, a sawing pill, and sever:) out

for 650fr. cost 200ofr.; a bed, a secretary and commode, for 375fr. ; Ca it is very abundait.

buildings belonging to the manufactory: This concern possesses at 90 122: florins in favour.

and 6 bottles of excellent brandy, for 15fr.-- Apply to the porte, many natural advanta es, which reader' it supu vor lo most works This day is published, in 3 vols 12mo. hot-pressed, by A. and ". at No. 13, r с Ville dot, rue Richelieu.

of the kind- from its silualion hydraulic machines are i I enderec? Gulignani, price only 135r. or 15fr. free of postage throughout France-not one-third of the price of the London Edition,

To be Sold or Let, furnished or unfuruished, a

unnecessary, the supply of charcoal is abundant and of the lest

quality; the different buildings being of peculiar construc'ion, and WAVERLEY, BY SIR WALTER Scott ;

handsome Patrimonial Dwelling House, situated No. 98, AVENUE DE separa'el from each other, no danger is to be apprelended from The Pirate, 3 vols. 136. - Kenilworih, 3 vols. 13fr. -The Abbot,

Choisy-LT-Roc, iwo lea: ues anci a half from Paris. The apartments fire. The Fella, on which the mills are situated, ucver (cezes, not 3 vols. 13f1. Ivanhoe, 3 vol. 13f1.

are buarded, waiuscotted, and ornamented with pier classes.-- even in the most severe winters. so that the works do not expe

There is a garden of five acres Laid out in the English style, con- rience the least interruption. The Iron and Sails, the p:oduce of This dy is pu'lished, by A. and I'. Galig: ani, price 4 fr. 5oc. or tiining a spring of good water, with coach-house, stables, and every this manufactory, are of superior quality, and Nalborul.etto is fa5fr. free of postage throughout France--printed on vel. paper, necessary dependence.-- For particulars apply 10 the chief clerk of mous for the temper of its steel ; 'the sile of all its productious is GAIN, A MYSTERY, M. Ancelot, avoué, No.7, rue du Cimetière St. André des Arts.

ery considerable from its advanta eous position, and its proximity

to the great roads of Germany, Italy, and Austria, the river i ravé, i BY THE RIGHT HO VOORBE LORD BYRON.

and the neighbouring ports of Trieste and Venice, by which its Ato, by the sume author, Sardana; alus, a Tragedy, 6f1.--The worth the attention of an English Family, consisting of an en

relatious with the mercantile towus of Europe are greatly facilitaieti, i Two Foscari, a Tragedy, 6f:.- Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, a trance chamber, salle à manger, saloog with entry on a large terrace, i aly not having any Iron works, and the innense distance oí MalTragedy, 6fr.---The Pronecy of Jante, a poem, 2fr. 59.-Letter boudoir, two bed-rooms, several servants' apartments, kichen and borghetto from any establishment of a similar c'escription, suaranice on Bowles's Strictnres of Pone, 3fr.-Mazeppa, 3ft:--Beppo, f: cellars, witb or without a stable and coach-house, the while on the on unsaling demand for its manufactures. The whole of ihe bibitHoir of Idleness, 6fr.--Esclish Bards and Scotch Reviewers, Gfr. first storey.--Inquire at No. 20, rue de Proven: e.

ings are substantial, convenient, and in good repair, the principass The Curse of Minerva, Ifr. 500,

To Let, for 4, 6. nr 8 months, from the ist of Mav

part having been built in 1814. GOURT CALENDARS FOR 1822, PEACOCK'S

The large and bandsome Maior llouse faces the road to Italy, the next, an aparlmenielegna:ly furnished, situated No. 4. rue Neuve

aparimeals are spacious and well lighied, and the cellars will contain POCKET BOOK, MOORE'S ALMANACK, AND du Luxembour, compi ing anti-room, dining-room, saloon, two 201090 einiers of wine; the view is very picinresque rod extensives ARMY LISTS FOR MARCH.--To be had at A. and bed-rooms, kischen and servants'-room.--Apply to the purer. the other houses and the sawing milare behind the Châleau; and W. Galignani's, 18, Rue Vivienne.

To Let, at MONTMORENCY, for 6 months or one year,

the gardens, meadows, and an alle lanıl, are very fertile,

Malborzietto is situated in a populous part of the country, aboundFRENCH FUNDS. MARCH. II. --Bank act., 1588 fr: 75 a very conveni nt apartment, well furnished, comprising 3 rooms

in; with ail the conveniences of lie; the climate is temperatc, t.10 and kitchen, with the use of a garden. It is very pleasantly situated,

and the sky serepe. pure,

The view of the valley of Kanalthal, $ pes cents., inuing dn 22 Mars 1822, 8ofr. 10 c. 15. 8ufr comman ing beautiful and extensive prospects. -ply personally

with Venice on one side, and Austria and the Tyrol on the obes. Sofr. 5 c. 1oc 156. 1pc. Sgfr. 88f1. 95c. gnc. 85€. or by letter, post-paid. !o Mme. M...., No.11, rue llauteville, before

leaves a favourable impression of the beauties of this delighef i a 12 o'clock, Soe, 856. goc. 85c.

country. The above al ation was made from the averae Dton, e of the ninth, opener at 89fm, 25c --Highest Bg fr. To be Sold, or Let on leasc, partly furnished, a veat

yen ly receip's of the Establishmeni, from 1811 to 1816, vihich 30 c.- Loweni 88 r 55 c.- Closed at 881r. 60 6. Country House, in the English Collage s'yle, wih garden, coach

amounteli to 75,000 tlorins per annum; and from the increased de

mand, the receipts will be considerably augmented. As many perAnnuitós de inoo francs, a 4 pour cem', ingofr.

house, s'able, outbuildings, e'c. suitable for a Family of 6 or 8 per- sens, and onost desirably situa'ed (in point of view and convenience

sons will preler jeady money to the possession of the Es ale, a Olligarinusse la Vilin jn111ss. du i oct 1821, 1260 fi, of communication) on the road to 'St. Germains and the bank of

som eq ivalent in valve will be given, at the option of ine pur

chaser of the number which wins the IRON. AND STEEL Works or Restes De Naples 5 pour cent. 63 5:8 the river, between Mulniaison and Marly:-May be entered imme

MALBORGHE 10. EXCHANGE ON LONDON, diately.-To view the sanje inquire for the flouse formerly Mme.

The Drawing will take place at Vienna on the FOURTEENTI of Monet Parer, 35 % 15.

Richardi's, ChausSÉE DE BOUGIVAL. Cash-fr.

MARCA, in the presence of the Imperial and Royal Authorities. 3 Houthis' Paper, 25 fr. 50. Cool - fr.

To Let, with immediate possession, the CHATEAU DE

The price of each Ticket is Forty FRANCS. Tickets nay be proCOURSETLE, ' leagues from Caen and 5 from Tayeur, on the sea

cured of the undersigned, as also prospectuses in English and French, i THEATRES. cast, near the spot from whence the Rocher de Cancule, Paris, is

containing full particulars, which may be liad GRATIS. The under: su;plied with the oysters for which it is so famous. The Chateau,

signed likewise engages promptly to inform those persons who hoThema FRANÇAIS.-- Le Misantrope. - Le Barbier

nour him with their comminis of the success of their pombers; wlich has recently been thoroughly repa red and well fitted u de Séville.

and also to make known, through the medium of this Journal, it commands exterisive prospee's; and is approached hy a road on th: Does Casque.-- La Chambre à coucher.- La coas', newly opened.--"Game is ve y plentiful. A lona lease

the numbers which gain the principal prizes. Remittances, for be

may Şérénade, --Picaros et Diégo. bail if desiret. For pa riculars, apply to M. Garnoi, Notary, No. 45,

tickels may be made by Bank of England Notes, Leiters or Bills of rue Neurc St. Eustach, Paris; or to the Conciergeaiihc Chatean.

Exchange on London, Paris, or any of the principal commerciali Rival Italie ,--L'llaliana in Alzeri (l'llalienne

cties of Europe, à Aler)

To let, in a priva!c Hotel (which is ivhab led by the Ticke!s may also be had of the undersigned Banker for a Lottery proprietor only), a first floor, richly furnisherl, compri ing anti-room

Page 10

This iscepe spared a crime to the history of 1815, and saveil the

ADVERTISEMENTS. French Protestant Seminary for younz Ledies, count y from lue repracil of posteny, 'di was not society wen tua was a.. nie , but lie police. The police was bal uraiby, very PATRIMONIAL ESTATES. Adjudication Définitive,

No. 14, Berry-s reei, NANTES.— This Establishment, whicia Has suspicious; ou account of escap suf tiis nature it had

now been carried ou with the greatest success for several years, is ils precauti us at St. P laz e: ai nau sub ccte. th. prisoners tu vesa

on Saiu vay, lue 3jtho Niu ca 1022, "i tuelvo v'clock at noon, m recoinaucured in an especial manner to the Britisa putlc.

the A vieute des Cries du er bunal de l'remiere us a'rce for the tius of every kund; it ma e do nichary visits 'w all who were

Me. AVANCEE, by whow it is superuenieri, is barseli a Peulesbulieved to have any c uuection, witis une persJus escaped ; it was

Lepartment at the, at the salais de justice, Paris, of the tant, and has no other ussistan's iban ler own ..uglaters, who al no allowe Ilu VASIL * relation, a friend, å prisouer, wat woult per

Lomas aud Estles of Vion and LNJUESSE, situate in the of them are also wen.bers of the reformel chuch. The hic use mission from the pul ce; vor sucu permassion alle was reyu rud,

com... nes of Vigay Longuesse, arroudis. emcut of Pox10.SE, they occupy is situated in one of the biust agreeable ana bealus est

Siue ei Dise, in juurlits, iurce of which miay be formed mo one. tue aumes of imuns.wals visi, ing thouse detaine. ior politicud ouences

quarters of the city, and is provided with a laige guiden.

Iue we. e inserteu in a book as suspecied. This book was ruterrestu

Lot 1. Tue Claieau of' izny, wil ie oll-buildings, curt, jards, Duniber of the pupils is lia itet: 10 i wenty. They are talishi, at tise at the iiju of lhe e ca e in questi su; Ibu huises of all those who

bardens, puudoca, park, a house kuuwu by tae name oi Des Suurs, espease of the Esablishment, Geozapiny, H soy, Nyth logy, and! р. had viited the iwo p is uers were se is che, and a wag utne is

and about youces so percures of we.dow, .aliow land, the French Top ,ue, Milina, Ailihueue, and all kinds of needle that of ibu petituur, wluse compla ut ma, bef r: the Chamber.

situated in ide Muur ol Viny:-Lit. The large farm of Visay, Wurk.-lle P piis, who their pereuls wish , may alsu be nIt wuuli bei ecoll ciei tuai . Souline h.dio.merly becu aries

wil null, vu -1.ilungs, und about 225 ac ex o: aiable laud, also d'u- si uced in Misic, D 1.c.ns, Lrav .ng, and the Foreixn lanjuages, ed wy a Guve umeut urd.:r, and, heu p t upju liai, bad buen

aied in the Manor i Visuy. The sau farin is ietnae (Wuich but ihes ace saplisanets u e paid for separ tely. Partie lar ca e s

will expire in 13.5), lor Juf.pur annum. 3. hun," iably actjust d. but a ci iz n, vuce de a lied by a lettre de

Iue ferme lahen lo instructie young Les indicii ndgi u anu maradvuses. cuchet, was ever af wara -ed by piscentio...

de la comté viuwe Outbildin, au i de, endencies, logether was The new

E ca of 'hem is a lowe ia sep rabed, and not more than twee or about ou acres 5% peiche, of wavle laud, situa eli mu the bianuis of Prentei of the Police, was could no

suu' sle: p in the saule roou.

Inci. diet is al lic wholesome ad bilatuin ihol tranq: iuly w.ich the capital eu,oy ed un ic. his p.ek cessor, remitteil, on the Vabay and Lou, uisse. lii, tar.., tyle. ou kase (whuh will uspio

Tic Sun 1:0 ans op in drug i canly lie wh je reai, 26 h of Dec wibur, tv ac,mwissary ut Puce, one of ik se

- in 10 5), for ine yearly sum of 14uf..LV 4. In laige fan of The only did is allowed the pupil, bemps oue véch wi Michalinas wa sauts, of so s ea a com, mp iou is made at tue irelec»c, calicube Seigneure, with its oui-bul 11s and up. n- and olie vecka: Chrisma.-le pis: Nin hundre! 1. anis per i he osle usi le ubject of t. is wa runt Was tu seach for the

denie:, a m., and about my aces 7 Picues of measuwa utalio. aunum, P Jable q a:le ly; one quarter to be pad always m pris uners Wiso had ase puutiom S. Pulag e, but is real owjec! lauu, júrt ut which is planted witu Wilf.vs, situa.ed on the Muno.

Ech of he you s laiswill. ave lo posi e ie self wh of Luguese. Rue s. id iaiin is lel un lease (which will e pre in walo e amine the p peso. M. Souli, n . On ne 27th of Niceni

two pair f shee's, viie ozen of napk 11), a s.. r fusk and as

lver ber, h s ho.ise wus viidu b f.) e vay-light; th pup'r, of tuis man 185 , kur ihe annual sum of 8 jur. Iliese twiates have be oju - Spoon,

all win cu ait cles sne w li be allowed to take

away of Le te s we.e examined, and when tie jol er weats had at com

cialiy valueu at 300,936., aut a: the Adjudication Préparatoire, leaving the Semiraiy: Slowd the parents cesire il, Mme. har HER pl sucd ihu rual owicct tyniorme, the Prefic, that th: pin

which took place on ine 3.1 of Feb, uary last, web dlatego nale: wilifu nisu diese a ii les a hei wn cust n cas d. ration of fory suhe s had nit been d. cuve.ed. On the 30 huf December, M.

fur lut!, 50, volr.; lul 2, 1 11,0% of .; 1073, 75,000.; and first 4, fr ne per minum. Day B arders and Day Sculars vill be received 'Souligne seal a petit.ou to the Chainber or Leputies had was l'e

at tlis Semina y. 100, wifi.-io view the apply vu the premises; and for pari

Nient avce money or any kind will be requis ed. culis aud cuud ious of sale iu M. Galinis, inten: all - acid of

tool sha, Italian, and other Fuegn Languages, from 9 to 12 11 nos jecie by lue viu roi the lay. It was by the same means that tie Cuma.iiee proposed 10 but rid of the prescul puthsou. He (M. de

H. S. 1. tue Duke of Bourbon, at the Paluis bourbo; M. Genrea ,, Pirmittls, a nor ing to be un ber or the pupil..--Gulat, 12 G ha dia) and any o'bers had suppo cd, ta every F. encum. u s

avoue, No. 11, rue du Clure Notre Dame ; M. Delahaye-ane yet, i5fr.—SILSILF, loto rafr -Lancius, 9 to ni:-Drawiug an Paintho se was an invioiable as lum; that ii cuuld uut be entered in

avure, No. 3, rue Neuve St. Augustin; wr lu M. Nadau, N. 2, jur, 12 tuijfr.-tiatoare la p, iti per mon'..-Furthe parti

re de Louvois, Paris, the nig..te.cept 10 (ase v. le, mudalioa, o. alaru, ing cries iroin

culars may

wednov. of Mon ven cene, Nr. 17. r. ei upool, Pris viihi.. Tue epoter tu tam vtinerwis . Tue Diciee of To be Suid by Auction, on Tuesday next, the 19ih Lust, on ilie 8th insi, bel wien 4 and 5 o'clock in the the 6 h of Augus', 1866, which had been pa:sud p incipally to la: of March, 18. 2, a: welve u'clock al no 1), in the llall of them, a- afier.son, at brown and winte o lui ec GREYHOUND, having a b.ass cil.tulet.cpprehensivo di conscripís aud ucciieis, was uployed

rics, Place Calelci, l'alis before N.: alaí y, cloudy, haudsome clur.-ih ever wil: Ibe same tu du.5j, rue de la Pepiniere, tu deprive buuf a b ne vleul piovisou brio - est trom Eliblish and con motivats privale Hotel, situateu No. 16, i'u Neuve vej will be han som li jew riec!. Ly.slition. Powerful ations ia uced him to propose de Mathurins, nike €"a $x c du, Paris. The priucip. part oi T le cuce ef the pollon tu tue Muntei of the Juter or iud in the i, sil a eu between cour yard anu gå den, lav.v; a

Goerness.-An English Lady, who was been long Mailer of Justici. It was ume t, br ng Lack ihe police vitum wmuy on each si e, wih co chto se sacles, sell, and other con

acc. iom d w Tuit.ou, is evious of inceling with a Si'uation as tae bounda ics of the law; for, as you a, lius re vanou m their venience, audiepoenicis, the whole in u li oroigh sale of iepur.

Governe:s, ether in an enlist o: French Faniily. Sie is compepres at sa e, it was r.dc.lo s to say ibaith y were trie.

Were Tomeinte possc son may be iad.-For wekeis lu vew the je

lent to teach the Evelsh language 5 ammatically, Wrius, Antiibey iree wica the police cuald ester thir houses in the nighicould arrest t sem at teir us--could dive into their family sec eis, mists audior .urihir priicula, s aeil cor d l 01.s of sale ap;ly to

me ie, Geoir pay, and music, atitivas a 6 ou knowledge ut M. Latardy, Noa y, N.5, ru de la Cisaus:e d Antiu, mili whom Can give lue niosi i es, eclaili je erecs to the Larly she a piesilt and take poss ssiunfal heir pape smcsild ins It tuem 'wimu ini- the Title iced, cic. are de, si ed.

resiles with, as well as to viher Enlısa Familiis, 10 in Paris, in pinity in the Gua ubuns s anci's.Die luem in the s rexis.

which sie turin rly .lled the same situaiion.--Yor adeiress apely M. DE CURCELLES.- ha sa fo.

To be Solu, a V.trol and Alvin Manufactory, silu- at the olice of us papei.
M. DE CHEZÉ.-You insult the en l'tary who did their du!y. ated near Die, pe, and the only one in the Di parta ent of the Se ne
N. DE GIRARDIN.-Yuus) are irve, s udious yuuih, lupe of the luferieure, lu th ca lie freiesi pert «f the suods na utucured

Wauted, for the EUROPEAN ACADEMICK INSTITUTION, cou'ry. arı d. posid of To see the same ap;ly to N. Quchouille the elder,

No. 5), Avenue de St. Cloud, Versalles, a gooit nceride woman, Vo ces on the Right :-Hope of the facious. DIEPPE; a d for further paruiculus iv Ñ. Letcy, e, Avia, y, risc de la

like cha 5 of Cu childiei's luer. ve who ha lived in a Siloul M. DE GIRARDIN.- arc tayfice then, when hey must no longer Aiuti iz lite, Roi En.

in En land will be preserred, asc mbing art wishing the boys will allend ide leci ures? You i'kewise are frei, Buw. whailianis of

enti eny de volve on ner. A Muthiema calanii Woring Mas er is also Paris, but you must not walk any more in the Jurd n des Plantes. To be: Sold, the large and valuable farm of Rungis! wanted. It is indispensable bat be write a bue haud, and ina ve (vi let murmurs.) Yes, Gevlen, we are free, as they are comprismus 410 acres of a abie land, in one p ece, j le sues irm th- be n ac ustumed to file roulde of School busi ess in Asia, warte the sen.bla c. vi a Representative Guverneut does ca, al, ou ide routes from laris to lou ainebleau and frum Ver. No personal a picarious cau be a!tended to.-Letters (quos-pais), not exist, and wirere desputiim la, uo,as,amed the mask and the saí. les tv Choisy-le-roi, prudcing a revche oi 20,rrot :-(See Nes containing relerinces, will be answered without unnecessary del. y. fornus of liberty.

SENGER OP ::7th rev.) Pily to M. Goruoi, 8, 1 ue Neuve Si Ellstacle N. DE PUIMAUI IN coull not refrain from expressing his astonish

French Language and Board and Lodging. meut, that whenever ibere were consp. acies, or re vuits in the

To be Sold, au eligible Estate, siated ru uu Pout, A personi esirous of learuing s, ced ly the French Language, inay be country, a party nas iu be found in wat Chamber tu a vucuie opposijete i arrou:11, a: ANTON), near Paris, comprising alle sant accumnio'aied with Joard and Lodging in a Frech Pro esser's the co sp.rà yrs and ribl.-Vi, lunl marmurs.) Tuere were aud commod os Dwelling House, fui nishell or uifurnisl eu, with Family -- ply to N. Demay, No. 72, rue de Richelieu. funds by the end ius ui Guveromel: were supplied. These coach-ho, se, slables, franary, pudry yard, elc.; a s» 16 acres of funds were the cau e of the fun. Ils which were witnessed. very fertile ground adjouing willed ioum, and laid out in plea ure

A Gen.leman who altends in some of the first FamiM. DE CURCELLES.-Prove it. an 1 kichen gardins; the copla ns a paiil on two storeys

lies, and who has i ng been accustomed to teach the i nglish, i alin, M. DE POTNAURIN. - 1h se funds supply !h::se intolerant dis- hig!ı, a basin if spring wa.e, Com which the nose is supplies, and

aori Grek Languages by a níost dar and ca y Deshod, wishes to turbe.s, who, very evening, golo insuline pri sts, and would mas- is well planter willa fine tree ; tbe la'lir is s'ockeu with croice fruit

have a few inore private pupils, lo whose improvement he would sac: e them if they could. Instigat, r, lo rivi bad butu ofien alked Irces. A lvi-10use contains alaus, urange tre s, and esotii pl uls,

pay the greatest a'len ion. He would like sise sive lessons iu ol, bu: tie fac s as the Tribine uf mat Cha:uber was the blertest may be taken or but at the o, l'un of tie par ciasc1. The postawives

French, if req ired. --Add ess to M. S. at the office of this paper. instigator. (v olea: Cuafisija on th: L'it.) So far froin ihe pu- al Ausony every d.):-To be viewed by applying to the gard ver

The First Leller to the Duke of Bedford is underlice being fo:mi aule, he thought il noi suti.ciunily strong to reach on tire premise ; all fither part cular, hlow of M. (humbeite, the malef.ctors aud prush con parators, Noiary, Place des Victure; or to N. Saint-Paul, avocat, No. 22, rue

going another edition in England, to whicu is added a Second Letter. M. B. CONSTANT j'vlesied ajalust the sentinzen's erp'e sed by Neuve St. Augustin.

from the same haid, uit wted; both are to be had of, the last Speaker', which eviden ly iusul el tue Chambe.; and

Galinnani, for 43 ous; Iso T'lie Letter to the King, just publisiseil, Pro such thay bume arzumeni, in support of the petiti n, as liai ad pid

To be Sold, the valuable and desirable Estate of by the same author', a 5:) so .s. by N. de Gra diti. he present was not at me for eulogising the INVAL, on which there is a manufac!ory for Oil and another for hoice, when tua: poi ce d.s ega: desh: ex:sing laws when the Goal Shis, siivated in the commune of CotRCELLES, half a lea; ue

Palmer's Orijinal English Depól, No. 35, PalaisNalivoal is

Royal, (entance to the Caf. des Mille Colonne ), for the fullowing pes hitaires, like you lis vi France-valnt eac agia- from bisors, 18 from Pails, aud 12 from Rouen. The principal part tipas) industrious classes were exposed to cavalry cha ges of the property is situated ou an island of about two a res, and

Arucles:--Bramah's l'aient Locks, Pens, and Handles; I rookmans hen the sireel, of ihu cap al isa'd beco.ue, th: ough lauliss comprises dwelling-iwases and otier buildings, five mills double best Drawing Pencils; Smith's Tooth Brushes and Lavender Waler, violence, the fease of consternation and alarm.-o.ild it be mounted, one lor ol and the other for goal-skins, out-buildings for

Rusp ni's, Purhinson's, and a variety of Tooth Powders of ackuowbelieve, that a respectable Pays ciavi, tie bro b r of a Diply, prejar.g the skius, picious slied, crying ground, hilo garilen

Jed, ed scellence ; Prince s Russia il and Dye for the Hair; low. hail be'n chaised upoi, and fined as a rebel? Would it be Fround, and about hicres, 72pches or a able, ineadow and pas

Jand's Macassar; Atkinson's Curliva Fluid; all kinds of English believer, ihal Professor Toenard ad been insulted and meuaced, lure land surroundin: the island, in the vicinity of which there is

Siap-, Brushes, Whips, ku sia Wiling De ks, Dressing Cases, fur eud-ovori o to prołect tus pup Is ainst the viul ace of au excellent fishing From the immense quantly and constant supply

Pochet Books, and the best selected ariicles of Steel Manufacture. a med forc :- Viola esclamations. Vuic's: They were rebels.) of water, this situation is sui alle fur auy kind of manufactory

A varie'y of Patepi Medicines.--Way and Martin si lacking. These were fucis, and such enco a agement was given to the polci,

India.- English TEA WAREHOUSE, No. 47, rue that they did not spare the Membe's of 'he Chaber. Geil. Des Paris !o M. Tempa, Notarv, 43, rue de Seine, Farb.St. Germain.

Neuve St. A .listin, next door to Ho el de l'Amirauté, ind near marray had barn in uled by a p lice ugent. He pined vut the invidual, auri was po m sed that he should be pun sh d, but his

Au English Town Carriage to be sold, with harness,

ther e de la Pai. M. ANET respectfully informs the Pullic, livat

he has no cumue vion with the Grocer in the sanie street, who las rePin shen! ad be a promotion to the lo p cho ship Genen al of etc. complie - Apply to the porte , No. 15, re Gaillon.

cently exhibited lis well known sign of INDIA. M, A., Tea-realer ibe Polic':-(Vices on the Risit:-So much i e belter.) The Olli- Wanted, a second-hand English Chariol, in good

to H.S.A. the Duke of Orleans, s Ils nothing b: ! Tea, being percers of the Natinal Giardi, who hasi wiluess d the ins 11, co. Id not

Travelling condition with honour ela n ta ir coinin issions; dicy had resigne :

Slialed that mi ed with other ariiçks of grocery, il injures the quaTlie

- App y by leller, to Mme. de Prulay, No. 48, rue Neuve des liat urins,

lity ani flavour of that plant, so very susceptible of contracting other students ba! been provided by cres of Vive le Roi absolu.-in

olours. All l'ea sold by M. A. will be signed with his name. terrupt on for a couside: able time), and the march of a Mons.ry, Mrs. Tommasini begs tu inform Ladies and Gentlewhich ihrea:ened to de "ive 'hem of their chi stitutional 1 berty: mon that she has a few vacancies in her Board and Lud;ing House,

To Travellers.-Every kind of VOITURE DE Poste, To pass to the ori er of ihe day op 'n a subject on which the Na!iun No 6, rue St. Geor, e, Claussee d'Ani.

for Calais and all other routes, io be sold or let, at Ilyel Meurice. find ;taat, would involve t Chamber in imm nse resp susa

No.33, rue Si. Honoré. bility, and wo: Id authori e ibe out.ay s of thic Police. For his To Lel, well turoisied, lor' 1, 2, or 5 years, a haudpar, ha regard-et their coud ct as revuling and saus inary, and some and commodo is Chateau, sivua:ed near Gisons, 18 leagues

Wn. DRAKE's Livery Stables, Hotel and Bunlevard would protest against their cim's. i he Ura:or coucliidid by si- from Paris and 10 from Rouen, comp ising all the necessary depe

de la Madeleine, Paris, formerly Hotel Grange Patclière. Job and cund ng tire proposit on of M. de Gira din. denciis, wit' kichen gar::en, audpark of jo ac: es, laid out in the

Saddle Horses :o Lei, also, Carriages of every description, by day, Tae MINISTER of th: INIERIOR spoke in justification of the ma- English stylc and cn'aning artificial meatlons. Ne privilege of

month, or bou:ht or sulil. sures tha bad been adop.ed io na na n the tranquillity of th: Sporin: may be ob wine!. -A; pixio M.Fourchy, 5, Quii M.Ja. uai. capital. Tie collecti o of rioto's a semblies had alarined The

Very good genuine Bordeaux Wines, vot sold by a p aceable citizens, avd is sucı proceedings baci bein unnoticed, T. Lit, furnished, a very handsome Country Resi- dealer, Medoc, 1911, at 33fr. a duzen; white Sauterne, 1817, at julier and lborty w ru unm an n; wor.s. The pup's bail b: en dence, with a deo laid out in . e English style, lar e park coolain

4 fr. a dozen; S.[se, be, 1915, ai 21!r. a vlozon; and wise imcompl m nied a stidious, wise and norlejl, but could such ing a canal with a bat,mos! agreeally siuared at ECILLY, Letween

Llanes, 1818, at 15fr. a doz n; Peil, igfr. While Grave. 18:4, at 26fr epi'hets b. appli. d to those who had exc ed tumult in the very the river Scine a ti the Buis le Bulogne-For particulars apply to

per dozen.-- Apply to Mr. Duclaux, 20, rue d Anjou Si. llopure.-places wh re they receivid intruci on. It was iha: Cuty of the M. Lacan, the proprietur, No.6, rue d'tianuvre, oi whoni ickets

A redretion on tie pr ces will Le allowed it 5 duzare subial a time: Authorities to matit in th: public peace by all the means in their to view the islan inay be had. power, an! those who applauded, or soushi to excuse the seditious,

English Palent Medicines direct from the Patenlees were certainly the most dingerous roes tu liberty.

St. Alarco Hotel, Porla St. Marco, 502, LEGHORN. may be had at 'ENARD S, Chemist to bis Royal Highness the Dutc of Tho order of the day, as proposed by the Commi'lee, was then D). THOMSON respe ifully informs the public, that he has opened a

Clouces cr, 19, ruc Vivienne . -- Prescriptions carefully prepared. pat and adopad.

private Jlotel in Leghorn, for the accommodation of Travellers, Afie: several olher petitions haul been reported, the Law Project who may be desiro is of enjoying British comforts in Italy at a mo

J. BRYON, No. 28, Granic Rue Verte, Faubourg

St. Honor derale cypease. T. e situation is excellent, cumina'idi's a beautif I for a pension of 1,00 fr. to Drs. Francois. Bailly and Pariset, anit

bias a real choice of Englisi: Horses to le', for Lad es Onr oto 5 ofr. lo M. Janarry and the two Nons of St. Camilla, was view of the sea. it is near to most of the "ritish residents, the

and Gentlemen. Handsome abriolets, Tiburys and Carria, es, by Carlislar Office, the new theatre, and the public latlıs.

tie dar, crk, or month. - Iloises taken at Livery. aeopled with but one dissentient vo'cem djourned.

B FRENCH FUNDS, March. 12.-Bank act., 1588 fr. 75

A French Family, intending to spend the summer

S. WAuts, Imoved from the Grande rue Verte loka season in a pleasant and agreeable Country-horse, two miles irom

He Cour des Coches, No. 15, rue de Sureuve, at the back of lep! 5 prer cous jours du 22 Mars 1812, 88 fr. 3. c. 4. e. 50c. Paris, are desirous of lahing an English Yuush fiom 12 to 16 years

Church of the Madelein, las the 10110.1 to iníorm the Public, he 6.c. 4o.r. 45 c. 50 c. 45c. 50c. 45c. 4oc. 30 c. 35c. of age as juma e. The Gentleman having been c'even years a

buss, sells and excanges llorses.-Lales anı! Cenilemen's Horses 25c. 3r. piisoner of war in Eolaud, and accustomed to Tiulio, for the last

to lel, br the car, vcck on mouth.-lloses slaod at Livery. eight years, he would uuderiak Dinn, end of the monil, opencil a: 88f1. 406.-Michesi 88 fr.

10 iusruct the yo ilig Gentlemin Ladies are l'espectfully in foroved that, it the Filijke

in French, Tial an, Arithmetic, Geography, Histoʻy, ec.—For ad- 700.- Lowest 83 fr. 20 C.-Closed at 88ır. 30 c. dress apply at the office of this paper.

n'}}" NYEUP, No. 26,' ru" de la Monaye, they will rud workel

Silkscal Graniis, ir marvis. to 5 r. worti fr.; S lk Stockin:sta Annuies de 100 francs, i 4 pour cem. Tobilifr. 25

Tolet, eleganıly furnished, from the 1st of April,

a hir.; le agies and R js, from 3ir. 15s. to hir. Jos.; Korked Oisligacions de la Ville, jouiss. du 1 oct. 1821, 1260 fr. in a house where are only iwo Families, a handsome apartment,

Mirelines ár. ; Cambrir Ilanike chief, a: 35s.. 4os, cic. ec. RENTĖS DE Naples 5 pinr ceni. 69 compris.ns anti-room, dining-room, saloon, four beil-rooms,

GOUNDOUX, jur. Dancin' Master. Nw.g, i'ue Nuve EXHANGE ON LONDON. ''rising-room, Threr servan's -rooms, hilchen, Farden, coach

des Capucines, car the ruc del Paix, lea les clases of both sexes 1 Month Paner, 25 fr. 15 c. 1. Casti - fr. hous' anıt siables -- App'y between 1 and 6, at No. 5, rue Chaucha!

ou Tesdays, Thurs:lays anvi Sa'u dars, f om 3 till 5 m from 3 Months' Paper, 25 fr. 5c. | Cople fr.

To Let, in a private llouse, situated No. 3, rue Cas

qullu in ihe even 1:. 'Per ons pe fec'est in Walizina and Qadhilie

glires. Privat lessons at h me or abrad.-P'er ons desirous of Liglione, corner of rue Monthabor, near the l'u'leri s, Terrace di

speiding wil M. G are icquested to apply at the above hours. THEATRES.

Rivoli, a lrandsome apariment on the first floor, elegantly furniileil,

and deco; and in the best style. It cousi ts; on one side of the G. KLUGH, Tailor, of No. 102, New Bond-strect, A CADENIE ROYALE.Iphigénie en Tauride.-Flore staircase of an aut:-chumber, a Jining room and a drawing-room,

having re'uned from London, respectfully s licts the farours of et Zéphir.

tiro beu-chambers and two clo els; und ou the otier side, of a kilcien, and a chamber beyond is,

the Nobilly and Gentry. Orders will be pr mply a ledad 10,4 THEATRE FRANÇAIS.- Marie Stuart.--Le Marie et

and every nicas nken to ; ve sais ilco tu tho co le loay he l'Amant.

The Proprietor of a hands:me House, very agreeably

please in holour G. K. * jih ihrir cimmands. -N0., rueVivienne, OPERA COMIQUE.

situated on the bauks of ile Loire, 4 leagues south of Ởrle ns, on the -Adolphe et Clara.- La Féte du

Wanteu mmediately, a, Lady's-Maid and House in big road to Tours, where there i alrealy a select suciety.f French Villa; e Voisin. and English, is desiro' s of having to or thiee a bisional Boarders,

maid, a young on an of unexce; tionable charac'er, who can peak

Frnch and English - For ad rss apply the oice of this cra Family; Fo fur: her particular aply to me. Ve sve bivirre, VANDEVILLE.- Hlaine aur Femmes--La Chercheuse

he ME. N-SUR-LOIRE, or at the olice of this materi-Excell nt shooting. d'Esprii.- Une Journée à Paniin.

A young English woman is desirous lo meet with a Alamily desiro:ts of living separate could be accommodated with a Situation in a Family retrning to Enland. She speaks Freuch, A l'aris, de l'Imprimerie de A. Boucher.

Page 11

Yesterday the Chamber of Peers adopted the Law i muskat shot, had never received a halfpenny of pay, cation, and thus they were delivered from the phantom which is

called moral responsibility. The present administration bau tak err Projra relative to Journals and Puriodical Publica- nor any kind of recompense. His flight was extreinely all ils agen's under its own immediate protection, but a similar seLions,

rash aud dangerous. 'Ali Pacha, who suspected this curity was wanking to the nation and the Budget. Malcos caso A Russian Calvinet Courier arrived on tlie 8th inst. projects, caused bim lo be strictly watelied by two

stowed the necessity of a law to render Ministers responsible for

the robbery of the public purse. It depredalions were committed at Brussels from St. Petersburgh, and after leaving dis- auillerymen. Caretto availed himself wot a moment at the Treasury, Ministers cie..sed themselves by a leging the insulpatches for the Prince and Princess of Orange, pro- when die latter were engaged in loading a canaou, to ficiency of their regula ions, and an additional arti Je in the Bud, et ceeded to London. descend the parapet by means of a rope. The rope

covered all their fails. If they were driven out of office by public

opinion, they retired laden with titles, majorats, honours and The Messrs. Rothschild have recently been created ing too short he fell and dislocated his arm. With

pensions, as though they deserved well of the country, A list of Barons by the Emperor of Austria.

wuch difficulty, and under a constant five from the fort- Pensionis lous obtained had been seen lately. The Bulletin des Lois Iu a list of petitions distributed on Tuesday to the of Ali, he arrived at the Turkish camp, where he

aunowiced that the new Cabinet had made a golden bridge for the ress

old one. If Ministers were to be thus recompensed, whatever be Deputies, and wbieh will shortly be reported to the was received with joy, and where he contributed with their merits, it would be well to create ihem for lite tor e onomy, Chamber, is one of Mr. Douglas Loveday, respecting the greatest activity and skill to reduce the fortress of (Laughter.)-With respect to the Chamber which'voles if he would his daughter, and one from a M. Daticour on a similar Ali. Being iulimately acquainted with the fortifica

say little, as he was i poa tender ground, but he could not refrain

from re- marking that he majority, by taking possession of all the subject.

tions, which had been raised in part under his direc- power and setting up unconstitutional pretensions, had given itself a The judgment of the Tribunal de Première Instance, lion, he informed the Turks of the points they must at

colour of party which alti acted universal attention to the elements of in the cause of Bertrand and Montholon versus Lafitte,

which it is composed. As pair.ots, they ought all id nuite to alleviate tack to produce an effect. Already the ramparts pre- the burden which oppressed the country. If this was no done the was, that the offer of M. Lafitte to transfer to the sented in every part considerable breaches; the Turkish responsibility rested with the majority, who could have donc it, Caisse des Consignations the sum due from him to the boats, armed and stationed upon the lake, prevented

bu would not. The p:ople paid the taxes without resistance, or

even marmuring, and merited contidence; but in proportion is estate of Bonaparte, should be accepted; that the persons entrenched in the fortress escaping by water, more money was demanded their liberty was contacted. The mtransfer should be made at the expense and risk of and moreover the banks were covered with troops tion was discontented with the adoption of masures which betray

ed distrust, and could not feel congeniality towards their authors. those to whom the property should be hereafter ad. the sinallest supply of provisions could not be conveyed

He rejoiced that the eye of the public was fired upon the marela ;

of the Administration, and that they were suffie ently adva: ccd in demand, at least for the present, but

were liable to the appeared, when the Turkish Generalissimo offered their constitutional educa ion, to appreciate the perpetual struggle costs of the action. This decision was founded upon

between power and their liberties. Some recent elec'ions, espeagajo to let him make his escape; but this time the Ol

cially at Paris, where the Government bad most influence, spoke the following reasons :--- That the letter of the 25th toman Agent, availing himself of the disorder that pre- vol ines upou that subject. The remedy was slow but sure, beof April, 1821, by virtue of which M. Montholon pre- vailed, communicated his proposals not only to Ali, but cause it was the result of opinion. In speaking of the application of

the Budget, the Orator would contine himself to the Naval and Colosented himself as the drawel of Napol on could not be to his relations and the chiefs of his guard. All these nial Department, and to that branch of the Ministry of ke Interior valid, since the signature bad not been legally verified

persons conjured Ali to accept the proposals offered ; which related to the Clergy. The Budget required, for the support and recognised ; that the draft would have been ren- be remained inexorable, and after having commanded

of the Catholic worship, 23,900,000 fr., to which was to be added

ecclesiastical pensions amounting to 9,500,000 fr,,, forming a total dered nugatory by the death of the drawer; that, inore- all in the fortress to follow him, he proceeded towards of 33,400,000 fr., and yet there were in France 7,445 parishes withover, the letter stating that the draft could not be an arched chamber which contained his treasure, and ost pastors. The Colonies, with the navy necessary for their procashed till after the death of the drawer, it resulted where he caused several barrels of gunpowder to be

tection in case of war, was estimated at an expense of 65,000,000 ft. therefrom, that it was constituted a will, and was not

Would it not be betier to acknowledge their independence, and

make commercial treaties with them? The cut. In the couveyed. Every one calling to mind the threatening

was worthy a draft; that as a will it could not be valid, since is of Ali to blow hiinself up rather than surrender, hesi- of the cons.deration of the Chamber and the was not in mapoleon's hand-writing. That the extracts tated to follow him, and his brother-in-law, or, ac

public expenditure very large reductions might be made. The ex

peuse of collecting the kevenne, in 1821, amounted to 1.38,866 880 fr. of testaments and codicils, in virtue of whicii Messis, cording to other accouuts, one of his sons-in-law, ap- This was more than 15 per cent., wherras before the Revolution Montholon and Bertrand present themselves as testa- proached him and said that he must change his resolu- it was only 10, and in England, at the present moment, it' wa only mentary executors, cannot suffice for their being ac- lion. Old Ali, with a firm arm and å stedfast hand,

6 14 AJI'l.seless oflices should be abolished, and all large salaries

should be re.ucd. The Salt Tax was a most oppressive impost, knowledged in that capacity; that justice could not fired at him a pistol which broke his arm. In a mo- and ought to be taken off. The present was not intra to 'rule ordain the execution of a will of which it did not know ment, all the individuals present, fcaring that he would

France by forc, by terror, or by ciaft., She must be governed with all the parts, as some might be modified, or even de- fire another upon the barrels of powder which were

reason, justice, good faith and economy. To employ other means

was to foster disconteut in the heart of the people, and to prepare stroyed by others; that, moreover, the wills and co- near, fell upon hiun, seized and bound him.' A voice fresh storms. Minis'ers' would say, that they io goverti with readicils in question should be autograph, and could not exclaimed, "It must be finished!". Instantaneously, son, justice, good faith and economy, but France wordd give them

a reply at the next elections. In conclsion, he would propose be executed until after the observance of the formali- the individuals present, struck with the idea of ob- amendments upon the special applicatjoa of the subis voted, upon ties prescribed by article 1,007 of the Civil Code." taining the Sultan's pardon; drew their subres and the the collection of the tazes, and upon the Salt Duty. Extract of a private letter, by express, from Semlin head of Ali rolled in the dust. A deputation of the

M. STRIEYS DE MATRINHAC pointed ont various recue ions which

might be made, especially in the taxes which pressed upon the of the 25th ult. - The Tartar courier of the ordinary principal Albanese carried it to the camp of Churschid lower classes, and hoged ihat the Min sters whom Providence had post has just brought letters froni Constantinople of the Pacha."

grauted to the King-(bursts of laughter)--would tid means to do 13th inst. The tragical end of Ali Pacha is confirmed ; (Letters of ļhe 12th ult. arrived at Venice from

their duties both towards the Monarch and his subjects. He re

probated the enormous expense of collecting the lases, and wisted but as these letters are not yet delivered, I can only Corsu confirm the above account in all the principal to see the salaries of the judges and the priesis augmented. give you wbat is related by the courier.--Three Tarpoints.]

M. LABBEY DE POMPIERES inquired, what contidence could be tars sent from Janina hy Churschid Pacha carried lo We learn from Vienna that Moritz Bethman is at this

inspired by Ministers who were always occupied with their our

instead of the pnblic necess.ties, and who placed no linits to their Constantinople the head of Ali. The Sultan command

moment in that capital, for the purpose, it is said, of extravagance? 'To satisfy the cravings of high functionaries, the ed this bloody trophy to be carried, with great cere- negociating a loan of 30,000,000 of florins for Austria. cupidity of courtesans, they incessantly told their master, that rich mony, by the Commander of the guard of the se- It is added that the house of Rothschild will have a

subjres would become dangerous, that wietchedusess alone was

humble and submissive; that poverty was the most secure ram. raglio, through all the principal streets and squares of share in the transaction.

part of the Throne. It was this that they persuaded Louis XIV., the capital, and afterwards to be presented to the A serjeaut upon duly at the Place St. Michel, who ihat all France was his ; that bis si biects ought to consider it a

favour that he left them any thing of their own property; that in grandees of the Empire assembled at the seraglio. The held in custody, during the recent tumult, two pri

sóripping them he was doing justice-in allowing hem to live was head was then exposed over the principal gate of the soners, notwithstanding an effort to rescue them, has granting a boon.--(approbation on the Left.) The Oralor specified Palace. The enthusiasm excited by the view of this beeir promoted to the rank of a sub-lieutepant.

various branches of experiditure which he considered, and

announded his intention of moving for several reductious when the trophy was beyond description. A multitude of Last evening parties of gendarmes and troops were details of the Project came under the consideration of the Chamber. Turks followed the procession exclaiming, “See the stationed in the vicinily of the churches where the Mis- There was not a Ministr whose expenses might not be reduced head of the Devil Ali! Long live the Sultan !-

at least one twentieth, sionaries preached, but no tumult took place.

M. Roux DUCHATELET read a paper which occupied him an hout Death to traitors and rebels !"--The procession was Io consequeuce of the yellow lever having ceased in and three-quarters, in a voice so feeble that he was inaudible in composed of the oflicers of the Janissaries, the heads Spain, the Portuguese Governinent have given orders

the Gallery. Many Deputies, who gathered rond th Tribune,

seemed la listeu with great attention.--Adjouraed at six o'clock. of numerous corporate bodies, and several deputations for the troops forming tire smitary cordon, on the of the aulemah, or decors of the law. Bread frontiers of Portugal, to relura to lieir respective garand other provisions distributed

THEATRICALS. to the sisons.

ACADENIE ROYALE DE MUSIQUE.-Elisaleth, a new poor at the mosques and other religious estab- Iu a recent Sitting of the Portuguese Cortes, M. Jishments. The Greeks and the Franks acted pru- Barrala made a motion that the titles of Clergy, No

Serious Opera, in two acts, by Rossini, and the redently in remaining at home. In passing by the camp. bles and People, employed to designate various classes

vived Ballet of Flore el Zephyre, were the performof Adrianople, the curiers spread the intelligence of of citizens, should be declared unconstitutional.

ances for Mme. Fodor's benefit. The plot of Elisabeth the fall of Ali. The warlike fury of the Asiatic troops The Barcelona Journals contain long details of a tu

is as follows:-After having reduced the rebels in hurst forth at once with such force, that the Grand mult which took place in that city on the 24th ult., on

Scotland, who had risen on the death of Mary Stuart, Vizier, to appease them, stated that he was upon the account of a Lieutenant-Colonel of the National Guards

the haughty Earl of Leicester comes to present their point of marching upon the Danube, to exlerininale having lieen superseded. No serious mischief occur

hostages to Queen Elizabeth. At this moment he rethe infidel Muscovites, and only waited the return of a red, are on the following day tranquillity was re

cognises his wife, who had disguised herself as a youth messenger from Constantinople. It is said that this stored.

to follow hini, and Henri her brother, both children disposition of the Ottoman troops is kept up by the The danger of travelling in Spain is so great, that

of Mary Stuart. It appears that Leicester had pria presence of several European officers, especially Eng. passengers by the mails, etc. are not allowed to carry vately inarried Mathilde, ou learning the secret of her lish, who direct the artillery. There are also in the more than 25 pounds weight of luggage, nor more

birth, and, as the favourite of tbe jealous Elizabeth, camp of the Grand Vizier, a certain number of Poles, money than is necessary for a journey of three days.

he naturally dissimulates in her presence on this emwho demand, in case of war, succour of the Porte to We hear that 23 courriers de malle (mail coach

barrassing occasion. The inquietude of Leicester, re-establish the kingdom of Polaud in its integrity guards) and 22 supernuineraries in the same service,

however, leads him to confide bis situation to the Duke under a native king. The English and Austrian Aris

of Norfolk, who, jealous of his success and favour at bassadors will have, under these circumstances, some

have has recently been discovered that in the regiment Leicester, is wife, and his brother-in-law, to be ardifficulty in restraining the violent party in the Divan, of Hulans, in the Hanoverian army, a woman has served supported by an enthusiastic muliitude. Even the

rested as traitors to the state. as a private soldier since the formatiou of the corps in

A Jurkiug remnant of learucd and sensible Turks, being enslaved to the doc- 1815. This Amazon has always been distinguished

tenderness for the Earl leads the Qucen to his prison, trine of fatalism, see, in the catastrophe of Ali, a proof by her zeal in the service and her bravery.

where she offers him the means of escape. He refuses of the will of fate, which, according to cm, declares

to accept it, from the fear of thus seeming to allow his itself in favour of the Oltoman Empire.”


criminality, delerinined also lo share the latc of MaThe following is an extract of a letter from Salonica,

Silling of the 12th inst.

thilde. How is the Author to get his prisoners out, which gives details of the circumstances which accom- The Order of the Day was he opening of the Debate upon the and bring about a happy dénouement ? Nothing more

Law of Finance for the Public Service of 1822. panied the death of Ali:-" This tyraut, who united

casy. Tire soldiers revolt in behalf of Leicester-break N. GUITTARD rose tirst. He wold take, he said, a general survey the vices of a monster most of the qualities of a great of the Budget in its several relations to the present state of France,

the prison gates-enter-fall at the Queen's feet (doubl. statesman and warrior, was the slave of unlinited ava- the arlministration which demands it, the Chamber which votes it, less wondering “how the devil she came there')-the

the peaple who pay it, the application made of it by the Ministers, rice; which vice was the cause of his death. Churs

Earl orders them to submit, and Elisabeth, touched and the reluctions of which it is susceptible. In examining its rerachid Pacha had offered to him a free escape from his ion to the actual state of the conntry, the Orator said, that if the by the scene, liberates Leicester, his spouse, and his fortress and from the Vitoman Enapire, upon condition

Charter kad been fullferi' in the spirit by which it was dictated, it spouse's brother, and sends Norfolk, of course, into

would have originated institutions, noble and liberal as its author ; that he should take with him only what was necessary

banishment. The music of this Opera, if it does not seven years had elapsed and these institutions had not arisen. The for a jonrney to Malta, where he would be maintained mode of election and the liberty of thie pross, as regulated by the

present so much contrast as in most of Rossini's works, at the Sultan's expense. The Turkish Generalissimo

Charler had been s pplanted, but amidst these mutations, the possesses more of that unity so desirable in such pro

Budget was immutable in its annual increase, and, under the pomoffered him not only the most solemn promise of a safe

ductions. Many of the choruses aod airs are of supe. pous name of financial prosperity it engulphed public and private conduct on the part of the Sultan, but moreover all, interests., From 8,5 m llions in 1820, ii rose to 896 millions in 1821,

rior merit; a duct between Norfolk and Elisabelh, the securities possible for the executiou of this conven

nd to gny millions in 1822. Ifto this sum were added the vario s and the finale of the pure act are particularly fine. No

local imps's, the fines, confiscations and expevs, s, it would be Lion ; for example, a guard of his own choice. The swelled io an amount equal to at least two thirds of the territorial

thing could be more finely and expressive than a duet old tyrant of Epirus refused all, unless he would be al- revenue of the whole kingdom. This escessive taxation diminished by Elisabeth and Mathilde, in the second act, it falls lowed to take liis treasure, notwithstanding that his afthe consumption of various articles, and thus was deeply injurious

“ Like snow in the sea, to cymmerce and prop je:ors. If the immense capital swallowed fairs were growing worse and worse. One of the

“ And melts in the heart as instantly." up by the taxes circulated in iis natal channels it would flow back events which hastened the catastrophe was the flight

to its source, and spread life and vigour ibroughout the social sys

The other pieces, if less remarkabl., are composed of the engineer Carello. This man, although he had

tem. A great part of it was employed to endow sinecures and un- with considerable taste, and the most profound science.

profitable beings. With regard to the administration which derendered to Ali Pacha the most important services in mands the Bidei, it seldom happened that the same Ministers

The Overture is a most charming composition, and the defence of his fortress, and had lost an eye by a were in power when an account was to be rendered of its appli- produced a powerful sensation in favour of the piece,

Page 12

tios. to 1125. 6d. per cwt. The p.incipal transaction to-day was the public sale ut 1,556 bags Cherbou al 28. to 3s. per est. lower;

The Gentlemen Sportsmen who have applied to ADVERTISEMENTS,

M. dioger, No. 19, rue de la Pais, in order to purchase some of but little demand privately, and goud St. Lomingo Was ostered at

Col. Thorntoit's blood Horses, llounds, ure informed that 107s. per cut. The stock of w. 1. is 1,53y tous.

To be Sold by Auctiou, This Day the 16th, at the

orders have been sent to the keunel to bring them up to Paris. O SUGAR.--- 5. P. in steady demand, but sales I mited; in Foreign Basar français, No.11, rue Cauel, a great v riety of Carriages of

their arrival, voice will be given in this paper of where they the principal transaction was a sale of 230 chests or low to svod alı descriptions with horses and harness. -Hoises and Carriages sold

may be seen. white Havangah, which weni at last week's prices, but not briskly. by comunissiun. Horses taken in al bait for air. buc. per diem. The B. P. market was flat to-day, and yet : atier higher prices were

To be Sold by Auction, on Tuesday next, the igih

On the ist of April next, several apartments and obiain. d for low qualitirs. The stock of B. P. is 2,30c.sks less

chambers will be vacani in the English Boarding house, No. 2030 than at this time last year. March, ai twelve o'clock, in lue llall of tbe Noiaries, Place Châtelet,

rue Pigaie. REFINED SUGAR.-The market dull, though full prices have been Paris, i handso:ne and commodiuus private Hulel, situated No. 16, paid; there are buyers of low lumps at 675. per cwt., but very rue Neuve des Mathurius, Claus»ce d inlin. The princip. I part of To Lel, for 4, 6, or 8 months, from the 1st of May How are offered.

The building is sil a ed betwceu court yard and garden, a nell, an apartmeni eleganıly furnished, situated No. 4, rue Neue Cocoa.–Ofixo parcels of Guayaquil brought to auction, part wing on each side, wich coach-house, stables, wells, and other con. du Luxembourg, comprising auti-room, dunk-room, saloou, two only was sold at 363. per cwl. venleuces and upon.eucies, the whole in a thorough state of repar. beil-rooms, kitchen and servants -room.

1.- Apply to the prier. kuns.-An extensive demand, and about 3,000 puncheons soll, Immediale possession may be mad.---For tickets to view the prewhich has caused an advance of id. to 2d. perballon. A public sale mises and for particulars apply to M. Batardy, Notary, 5, rue de la To Lel, with immediate possession, a very desirable to-blay or 89 puncheons of Jamaica fully supported the a ivance. Chaussee d antin, with whom the Tide Deeds, etc. are deposited. Country House, turnished, situaleu 4 leagues from Paris.

It is The stuck is 26,808 puchon, and price of proof is. 6d. per

two storeys hugh, has a carriage entrance to a paved court yard, lon.

To be Sold, a valuable Patrimonial Estate, situated contaiying coach-louse an i sjabls with granary; there is also a FRUIT. A public sale on Wednesday went off with more spirit in the centre of the very teriile province of Limagne d'Auvergne, poulry yari, two wells, a prod cive hichen garden, a small than the laie sales; it cousisted of 1,000 tapnets Faro Fiks, at 445. a quarter o a league trvin Issovie, anu in ...e v.cony of the minerai flower garden, a house for the gardener, etc.--For particulars apply per cwt.; 1,020 dr.ims Turkey Figs, at 72s. lo 73., 34 boxes Bluon wa ws 0. Mnt d'0, Nery, Vicus, anu Sauveterre, producing an in N. Binet, No.3, rue del Homo.e-Arme, au Marais, Paris. Raisins, al 745.; 6 bris. Jordan Almonds, at iol. 15. to 10l. 18s.; annual reveu: e of 8,50ufr. of that part of the Estate in the jo bales hard softshell Almonds, at 6os., 29 serons Faro soft shell occupation of the proprietor, which coinpris s a substamiial Dwel

To Let, wilia inmediate

possession, the CHATEAU DE ditto.. at 70s. to 778.; double baskets ditlo., 1oss. to 1098.; 6 half- ling House, well turnished, and recently put in thorough repair, a COURSEULE, 4 leagues from Caen and 5 from 1 ayeux, on the seabarrels Prunes, at 56s.; 500 small bores mperial French Plums, at large inclosure, kitchen garden in tuil culivution, a gard n laid uut coast, near the spot from whence the Rocher de Cancale, Paris, is 21. 105. to 81. is.: 120 baskets ditto, at 81. 8s.; 150 q:. chests diito, at in the English style, containing foun ains, a hath-room, elc. Ilie supplied with the oysters for which it is su famons.

The Chateau, 61. 6s. lo 61. 8s.; 139 hali-c:usts French Plums, at gos.; 147 bris.

Huuse is delightfully situa ed, and commands extensive pro pects; winch bas recently been thoroughly repared and well fitted u Black Smyrna Raisins, at 45s. to 46s.; 128 bils. Caraborna dist),

it is tit for the immediate reception of Family:-For frike parti- it commands extensive prospects; and is approachet by a road on the al 48. to 508.; 80 bil,. L pari ditt, at 35s.; and 150 brls. Legler- cul irs apply to M. Truberi, Sotary, No. 148, rác Montmartre. coas!, newly opened. --Game is ve y lleolul. A long lease may be geck ditto, 35s. to 375. per cwt.

had if desiel. Fo particulars, apply to M. Garnul, Notary, No:45, DYEWOUDS.--Not inuch doing, but prices steady.

Sule of Curiosities, etc.-Tue Sale of the Ellects rue Neuve S. Eufach , Paris; or to the Cancione al lhe Ciateau.' SPICES. – Pimento heavy of sale, and prices declined 1781. to of M. Duval (reuring from business), No. 7, Quai N laquai, will . per Ib.

recommence on Monday the 18th insi. and following cays, at eleven To Let, eiegantly furnished, from the 1st of April, INDIGO.---Steady at the former prices. The stock, sold and un- in the morning and six in the evening, The Stock comprises a great

in a house where are only !xo Families, a handsome, variety of porphyry, granite and oriental marble culuniis and vases; compris ng anti-room, : ;-room, soll, is about 7,000 chests. The Company's sale, on the gth April,

su von, four bed-rocnis, will consist of about 60o chests.

some suunituie of the 15th century, among which is a seu piured dressing-room, thre: serva.iis sooms, kitchen, harde), coació

ebo Irish Provisions. The quantity sold from the commencement

uy cabinet; groups, statues and busts in marble auid bronze, house and stables.-- Appiy between 1 and 6, at 0.5, rue Chaueuat. of the year to this time, has been much less than during the cories

piine plly antiques; ca. ved irorjes; armour and cuiras es; peujonding period for several years past. duluns and candelabres; China, Japan, Se res, and Dres en Purce

To Let, leaving Paris, an apartment newly fur"TALLOW.-ls again about is. per cwt. lower, and not much laine; warlike implements mounred in silver, etc.; sntiff

' and other

nished, on the first lloor oi the lioise which fornis the corner oi the doing. boxes in eniously moodud and ornamente i will painted sub;ects

Bulevard des Capucines and the reneuve Si. Augusiin, --PorceVils.--But lil le done in Fish; Greenland is rather lower. of different kinds; coral buits and crosses, carve, enanielled and

laine and plait id ed.- Apply No. 18, rue Neuve Sl. Augustin, CUFFEE.

between 2 and 4 o'clock. s. d.

set with precious stones; about two hindie histórical and land

s. d. Jamaica ord. 102 to 106 Surat

о б 12 to o 8 scape paintings of the three Schools; and vario s other articles ; -middling

5 CALCUTTA AND BENGAL.–Now lying at Liver 122 to 128 Heugal . o 5 314 to o 7 catalogues of which may be ball ot M. Bonnefuns, 14, rue Si. Ma.c;

45. I pool, to sa l the ist of May, the New Ship Columbia, - good and line. 130 to 140 SEA ISLAND, or M. Paillet, appraiser of paintings, 24, rue Grange Baiežiere.

2 550 ions Regi,ter, JAMES CHAPMAN, Commander. Tuis Huvannah 105 to vio Georgia .

to 1 10

To be Sold or Let, completely or partly fuçuished, Simp was built espres dy for the India Tiade, bas spacious accommoBrazil

104 to in pland ...0 8 112 to 0 10 12 St. Domingo

dations, and will carry a regular Surgeon.-- For passage, etc. aprly 106 to 108 N Orleans .0 9

the Horel D'ECKMUHL, situated Nos. 107, and 109, rue St. Dominique Java

to Messrs. 110T INGLER and Co. at Paris; or "Messrs. CROPPER, Faubourg St. Germain., Tbe mansion, court yards, and gardens 120 to 140


Benson, and C«. Liverpool. very scarce Trov, per ton, L. s. d.

cover a superficies of 3400 joises. This Hotel is one of the most

L. S. d. handsome and best situated in Paris, and is much celebrated for its Bourbou

in Las
8 0 0 to 8 5 0

TRAVELLERS going to Switz :rland, Italy, Germany, sp.endid decorations and the magnificent style in which it is titled SUGAR. S. S. pis

or Franche Comie, are respectfully informed that M. RIPARD JoJamaica fine

up. The furniture, paintings, bronzes, and statues are productions 70 to 76 ----00ps 10 10 0 to 11 10 o of the most eminent artists.-To treat for the above apply person-

DENET, of the Hotel du Parc, DIJON, bas excellent accou moda, -Food brown 53 to 0) LEAD on board, pig best, ally or by letter, between the hours of io and 4 o cock, 10 M.

tions for Families and sugle Gentlemen, ou very 1.o erale te, mis. -Brazil fine white 35 to 37 Bandıand, No. 8, rue du Faubou: 8 St. Honore, who will give

There is a Tabl: dllote, iicstaurant, Cale, Wines of the first q, a-brown

18 to -Build sheets p. ton tickets to view the premises. To see the Title Deeds, etc. apply to

lily, spacious coach-houses and stabling, and every other conie, Bengal fine white

38 to 46 in bars

25 00 M. Noel, No:ary, 10.343, rue St. Honore.

mience. It is situated near the Theatie the Promenades and Balls ---yellow

24. 10

30 STEEL-blister p.cwl. o 40 o Java 2. to 40 -shear best

An Englsh Gentleman, an amaieur of the Fine Arts

To be Sold lor 36,00ofr., with every facility granted China and Siam

etc. is desirous of attaching himself as Plysician in the suite of 27 to 46

0840 for the payment of the porchase money; or lei for 1,8wfi. per ann. COTTON COPPE --ore per cwt. a very commo lious Town and Couniry House, with fine garden,

Family or an lovalid residing on the Continent, or travelling for a year d. S. d. --in cakes ::.. toos. to 105s. situated on an en neuce, al the PORTE DE ROUEN, in the commune

or two, Family attention aud society will render the salıry of the leasi Pernambuco 1 o 114 to 1 --shcetsp.ib. 117|2d.

consideration. References to the most eminent medicul men, in of Mons-aux-Malades, Seine Inferieure), commanding varied and Mai anhain

London and Paris, can be giveu.-Leiters addressed to S. R. at the · 0 10 314 to o 11 [2 Tin on board per L. S. d. extensive prospects. Apply in Paris to M. Bertinoi, Votary, No. 28, Bahia

office of this paper will be aliended to. ...0 10 164 to o ni

cwi, block

0 77 0 rue Richelieu ; 10 M. Dubuis, lotel de la Douane, No.40, Q. ai du Demerara .0 9

in bars Håvre, KOLEN; or to the garilene', on the premises.

ENGLISH MEDICAL Ball, No. 26, rue Neuve des Bourbou

- to i 3

British spelter per cwl. LIVERPOOL, MARCH 9. To be Sold, an excellent Saddle Mare; she

Petits Champs, near rie de Richelien. The Proprietors of the above well

goes in a Cabriolet --To be seen at No. 12., r e Carmartin,

Estab ishnient having just rerurned from Loncon, have the honour COTTON.-A brisk demand particularly for Brazils; but owing

of acqua uting the English Nobility, Gently, and their friends in to the general d sposition to sell, no advance can be noticed, Yes- To be Sold, an Euglish Mare. To be seen at Briggs's general, res dent at Paris and in the vicinity, that they have just retérdag 3.0 Demararas were sold by auction, al 9314d. to in ud. Livery Stables, No. 31, rue Montmartre.

ceived a genci al assortment of English Driss, Chemicals, Galenicals, The sales by private contract consist of 4:300 Boxes, at 8d. 10

and every Patent Medicine ol' repute, selected by themselves at "Jjd.; 1,020 Orleans, at 8718d. to 314 *; 390 Alabama;, at To be Sold or Let, furnished or unfurnished, a Apothecaries' Hall, and the respetable house of Savory, Moore 73114. to 9 318 !.; 400 Sea Islands, at 140. 10,221., 150 stained, at handsome Patrimonial Dwelling House, situated No. 98, AVENUE DE and Davidson, Chemists to the Royal Famuly, as venders of whose 1od" to 12 14 16.20 Pernambucos, a 14d. to 12 118d.; 3,1940 Choisy-Lo-Roi, iwo leagues and a half from Paris. The apartments proprielory nied cines (some of whic, are here enuncrated) Hey Maranhams, al 10 12d. (o ud.; 1.900 Bahias, at 10318... 10 id; are boarded, waiscoited, and ornamented with pier blasses. - have been specially a pointert, vi': : The Parent Se dliiz Povie e: s, 190 Mina Novas, at 10 12d.; 930 Peruvians, at 8 p2d. to 10 1141.5 There is a garden of five acres laid out in the English style, con

Seltzer Powders, Chelte ham Salls, Leamington Salls, Coucrete 9 Sierrian, at 6,114d.; 200 Demnararas, at 9 314d. to 11 [22., 40 Bar- tining a spring of good water, with coach-house, stables, and every

Acidulated hali, Aerated Soda Pouders, Aera ed lemonade Pophadhes, at 9:5180.; 200 Surais, at 65811. to 112d.; and 510 bengals, necessary dependence.- For particulars apply 10 the chief clerk of

ders, etc. etc. at 6 1180. 10 6 3,4d. per lb., making a total,' ind ding those sold

The Proprietors of the ENGLISH MEDICAL MALL, M. Ancelot, avoue, No.7, rue du Cintiere St. Anire des Arts, PARIS.

in selu ning thanks for the very liberal support the Es all shment by auction, of about 15,300 bags. The import this week is 14,375

bas met with, be, al the same time, to assure their friends of the has.

To be Sold, the Patrimonial Estate of Sussy-sous- continuation of that cire and accuracy in dispensing Physicians' COFFEE.-The little business done is confined to small lots of Erolles, 61 agnies from Paris, on the banks of the Sine, com- prescripiions according to the London pharmicope.a, ubich bas Plantation to the grocers at previons prices. prisiug a han some modern-built Cha'eau wuh ils numerous depen

, to SUGAR.--The public sales of Plantation bro ight forward this dencies, orangery, and a walied-in park of 60 acres, considered as above list, they have likewise received an ex eas ve assortment of

have co sisted chilly of brown and midlling Antigua, and the most agreeable and tas'efully laid out m the environs of Paris English Sauces, Pickles, and Cuisups, among which are Essence of in rior St. Lucia, which went of heavily at a reduction of Hill is. plent fully supplied with water, and haviis abundance of sane.- Anchovies, Mushroom and Walnut (atsips, lod a Soy, Ilarvey's per cwt.; 100 bhds, of good Dentara: a sold with spirit at an advance The revenue of this Estate, cánlaining 500 acres, of which

Suce, Reading Suce, Camp Vinegar, Cavice, Piccadilla, Currie


woodlind, is 20,000ft: per annum. Two conveyances go to and Powder, Superline Durham Mustard, and prepared Jamaica Ginger. b sides which some good yellow E. I. lias been sold at 17s. per cwt, r turn from the capital daily.--For further particulars apply 10 N. B. Town and Country Orders execuild as hitherto with the Nothing done in Foreig.. About 300 puncheons of good Demara a M. Roisse, Notary, 'No. 9, rue Croix des Petits Champs.

ulnot punctuality. Molasses have been suid at 24s. per cwi. RICE.--Uf 300 Tees of good new Carolina bronght to auction on

Town AND COUNTRY RESIDENCE, Adjudication A French Family is desirous of having an English Thursday, only a small part was sold at ios., be ng a reduction Définitive, ou Tuesday the 19th of March, 1822, al twe've o clock,

Lárly or Gonileman to Board and Lodge. Every attention will be of full 6d. per cut. In other descript ons nollning done.

in the Hall of the Notaries of Paris, a Town and Country-house, si- pail. --Apply to Mme. Durand, No. 10, rue Louis le Granil. Cocoa.--Some inquiry but no sales made.

tuated No. 10, rue des Batailles, CHALLOT. Besides the principal Rums.- - Dull. 20 dwelling there is a smaller one detached, a garden of two acres,

PALMEn's Original English Dépol, No. 35, Palaisand 26 to 3o 0. C. Puncheons Le.nararas sold proof at is. 6d., at 2$. 1 d. 10 25. 2d. per a lon.

court yard, poultry yard, coach-house, stables, and other appuie- Royal, (entrance to the Cafe des Mille Colonne ), for the followirs DYEWOODS.-Logwood steady and prices folly supported. In

The furniture may be taken at a fair valn tion. Poses ion

Articles :--Pramah's Paleni Locks, Pens, and Handles; I rook man's Fustic but few sale, In Nicaragua wood the sales consist of about may be had on the ist of May. The whole will be put up at 50,000fr.

best Drawing Pencils; Smith's Tooth Brushes and Lavender Water, 40 tons small ai 181. 175: 6el. to 211. 2$. 6d., and 60 tons solid at Apply 10 M. Tempe, 43, rue de Seine, Faub. St. Germain ; M. St. Paul, Rusp ni's, Parkinson's, and a variety of Tooth Powders of acknow 181. 10 4. piston. ,,Of inferior French Madder rools, 150 bales 22, rce Neuve St. Augustin; or on the premises, between 1 and 4

leda ed excell Ke; Prince's Russia Oil and Dyelor tbe Hair; Rowhave been sold at 44s. per cwt.

Jand's Maccas-ar; Athinson's Curlin: Fluid; all kinds of English Spices.-In Ginger and Pimento nothing worth notice.

To be Soll, a very valuable Estate, eligibly situated Soap, Brusies, Whips, Rusia Writing Deks, Dressing Cases, Askes.- l'ors are in fair reques'; about 200 Montreal have been adjoining the high roa'l, 5 leagries from Paris, comprising a commo

Pocket Books, and the best selected articles of Steel Manufacture. sold at 36s. 1o 36s. 6d., and ahoat 63 New York at 3s. per cwt. dious Chateau anel de perulencies, with wallerl-in park of 86 acres,

A värely of Patent Medicines.--Day and Martin's ! lacking. Paarls are steady at 45s. to 45s. 61. per cwt. for Montreal, and

an orangery well stocked with orange trees, a farm-house with the 48s, for Loston. necessay ouz-build.ns coulisuous, and about 1000 acres of land,

J. BRYON, No. 28, Grande Rue Verte, Faubourg Talcow:- Very dull of sale, and prices barely supported. Yel380 of which are wood, park and meadow, and the remainder arable,

Si. Honor , has a real choice of English Horses to let, for Ladies low Candle 53s. to 545. per cwt. producing a revc ue of 10.000fr. per annum. In he plea ure

and Gentlemen. Handsome abriolets, Tiburys and Carria, es, by Ilides... The only sal s are 300 North American salted al 4,314d.,

grounds there are natural fountains which throw the wa'er from the day, week, or month. --Horses taken at Livery. and a small parcel of dry B. A. Cow and Ox at 9 578dper 'Ib.

2010 :5 feet high.-For furtiver particula s apply for M. Menier, at Oils. The sales in Olive are limit.d. the off'ce of this paper.

TILLBROOK'S DINING ROOMS, No. 17, rue Lepelletier,

facing the 'pera House-DINTRS for Partus and FAMILIES, by Tax and TURPENTINE..!f 1,000 brls. of Turpcnt'ne offered by auction, ouly 400 were sold at 14. 3d. per cwt. The salrs in Tur

To Let, furnished, at No. 25, rue Joubert, Chaussée giving nulice, are served in a style of comfort suited so the English consist of 1,730 brl. Carolina ai 13s. 6d. to 14s. per brl. d'Antin, from the 10th of April next, a bandsome apailuent, with

Gentry. A plain English Dinner every day at five o'clock. -TOBACCO. - More in dema d for the trade; some siles also have coach-House an i stables ---To bo'seen between 2 an 15 o'clock.

N. B. Weekly Boarders on md rale terms. been marle for export of ordinary Kentucky at 2 118d. to 24d., and of Virginia at 3 1140, per lh.

To Let, furnished, a pleasant and commodious

GOURDOUX, jav. Dancino-Master, No. 9, rue Neuve Country House, with court yard, poultry yard, sabling for cight

des Capucines, hear the rue de la Paix, teaches cła ses of both seres FRENCH FUNDS, MARCH. 15.-Bank act., 1588fr. 75 horses, coach-houses, coy-houses, ho-house, 'large garden, elc.

ou Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 3 till 3 and from sillaled in the wood of ROMAINVILLE, near Pantin?, ruc de Montreuil

i till u in the even ng. Persons perfec:et in Walizin; and (adrille 5 per ceols., jouiss. du 22 Mars 1822, 88 fr. 80 c. 85 c. 86 c. the last house on the left, ihree quarters of a league from the Barrier

figures. Private los.ons at home or abroad. -- Persons desirous of 90%. So c. 85c. Dor. 85c. Soc. 8 tr. 88tr. 95c, goc. of Paris, comprising on the ground cor a dining-room, la ge saloon, speaking with M. G. are requested to apply at the above hours. 95c. 8gfr. 88fr. 95e. 89fr.

billiard-room, bo doir, 2 sleeping-rooms, dressing roonis, bath- M. CRÉNIEUX, Horse Dealer, of No. 50, rue Basse Dirto, end of the mouth, opencil al 88fr. 800 Highest 89 fr.

room, kitchen, bake-house, English water closet, with all the neces150.- Lowest 88 fr. 80 C.-Closed at 8gfr. 10 c. sary ont-offices, etc. and 12 rooms on the firs! and second floors,

da Renipart, and M. CHARLES DEVEDEUX, of No. 18, rue de For further particulars apply to M. Dumou jer; lluissier, No. 12,

Pondly, respecf lly inform the publi. that they have just received Annuilés de 1000 francs, à 4 pour cent. 1068fr. 75 rue du llelder, Chaussée d'utin.

10 Horses of different kinds from England, which are cxposed Obligations de la Ville, jouiss. du i oct 1821, 1260 fr.

for le at the stables at the Porte Maillot, Bois de BOULOGNE. HENTES DE Naples 5 pour ceni, 69 112

To Let, with immediate possession, a very conve- A Gentleman, perfectly a quainted with business, EXCHANGE ON LONDON.

nient Town and Country House, with court yard and large garden, situated No. 6, rue St. Pierre, CHAILLOT. --For lernis apply to

and who has residesl' in France some time, will leave Paris for in 1 Month Paper, 35 fr. 20 c. Caslı 25 fr. 15 c. M. Bonnemain, No. 372, rue St. Ho ore.

Dublin on the 26th inst. to re uru about the ist of May. He wil 3 Months' Paper, 25 fr. 10c. Canlı 25 fr. 50.

take care of papers or execute any commissions in any part of ma To Lei, on the roth of April next, at No. 40, rue Ireland, as he is perfec lx acquainted with all the principal towns in by

that coun ry. d'Artois, a very handsome apartment, richly furnished.

lie would execute business in any part of England on THEATRES.

onde his road.-'ddre s A. B. chcz M. Neve, Libraire, 9, Palais de Justice

oth THEATRE FRANÇAIS, - Le Philosophe Marié.E- To Let, in a private Hotel, in an airy and pleasant douard en Ecosse. situation, near the Pont Roval and opposite the Tuileries, an ele: ant

Wants a Situation, a young Van, 29. vears of age, apartmen:. recen lv furnished in the most modern style, comprising

who speaks English, understands cooking in :he Engli h style, waits OPERA COMIQUE. - L'Auteur Mort et Vivant. dining-room, sleeping-room, saloon, boudoir, dressing-room kil

ingatiable, tc. No objection in travel --Address to George Boyce, Maison à Vendre.Le Mari de Circonstance. cheu, servant 's-room, cellar, ele, Price Zoufr. per month. Apply

No. "6, rue Chantereine, Maison du Bins. ODEON. to the porter, No. 21, Qvai Voltaire.

Wanti a Situation as Cook, a native of France, : Royal ITALIEN.-Le Nozze di Figaro (le Mariage Large and small apartments furnished to let, al rears of ag , who is weil acqua n'ed with every branch of hapa de Figaro.) No.5, rue Mondovi, close to the Tuileries aud Place Vendome,

business, and ca: have a good charac'er from the Family shie now

lives wiil.--For aldress ai lliittlic Tailors, 61, rue Silazare. VANDEVUJE. - M. Guillaume. La Chercheuse Pass}:-To Lei, near the Barrière St. Marie, Passy,

Wanted imm: diaiely, as Nursery-Maid, a young d'Esprit. -Pierre, Paul et Jean.

a convenient Country llouse, well papered and ornamented with looking flasses, having hower and kitchen war!eas, coach-house and

woman of unexceptionable charac'er.-For address apply" at this CIBQUE OLYMPIQUE.-- La Prise de la Flotte.-Cice

oifice of this paper. słablcs, etc.-Apply at No.9, rue Vineuse.

00 vaur Dressis:- Le Paysan des Vosges.

A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de A, Boucher,

Page 13

jections were principally to the office of Third Secre: 1 present at its discussion ; but he did not think it a case PRICE OF STOCKS.-LONDON, MARCH 14. tary of State and the Board of Trade. Considering all of equal importance with the present, or one involving

Bank Stock shut.

Omnium these circumstances, he came to a conclusion different so important a principle. He voled for this reduction 3


Ct. Red. shut. India Stock from his Hon. Friend, and could not admit that the of- on the ground that the office was totally and absolutely 3.

per Ct. Cons: 591189

India Bonds 48 fice was either useless or inefficient. He had heard useless ; he would not appeal to the Committee of 1817; 3

112 Cent.

Long Ann. it argued, that the duties of the State should be per- its Report was not so impressive as the Resolutions of 4 per Cents. shut.

Ex. Bills (10001.) 1 pm formed by men to whose ambition office would be a tive House of Commons in 1812 and 1813. If they 5 per Cents. 102 114

Cons. for Acc. 79 318 sufficient reward; or by men of wealth, to who.n a did not abolish this office as useless and unnecessary, pecuniary recompense would be indifferent. But such

they would cast an imputation on the recommendaprinciples were altog. ther inconsistent with those fa- tions of the House at those periods. miliar to the nature of our Constitution, to those also Mr. ROBINSON and Sir J. Mackintosh mutually exlaid down by Burke, who had said, and said it with plained. profound wisdom, that the State should not require Mr. WYNN supported the motion, and said he

PARIS, MARCH 18, 1822. the unpaid service of any person. The people ought believed it was by no means the wish of the people to The Prince of Canino (Lucien Bonaparte) accompaa' not to abridge the influence of the Crown; but notwith- strip thé Crown of its legitimate influence, which was

nied by his son, arrived on the 10th instó at Frankstanding the pressure of the times, he believed them to

the best safeguard of the Constitution.

fort; he travels under the title of Baron de Musignano. be still ready to admit it to a proper extent, and to sup- The Marquis of LONDONDERRY said there was From thence they proceeded to Brussels, where the port its dignity. Not only should these considerasuch a mass of official labour to perform, that he most son will marry the

eldest daughter of the Countess de Lions be taken into account, as the most material, but solemnly declared, that, if those connected with the Survilliers (wile of Joseph). there were many others of a subordinate nature, de

circle of Government whose whole attention were not At one o'clock yesterday his Majesty held a Levec, serving of notice. From the reduction in oslices, the

required, were removed froin office, the machine could influence in them was considerably diminished. The

which was attended by the Chancellor, the Cabinet Minot go on.

There was always a strong corps of altack nisters, Prince Castelcicala, Prince Talleyrand, the Duke present question was one of great public interest. He

on the other side of the House, and it was absolutely Decazes, many Peers, Marshals, Deputies, Generals, could uot conceive a principle of greater importance

necessary that some of the Members of Government etc. etc.

If the House agreed than that which was now at issue.

should be present to defend the citadel. With regard Died.-On the 14th inst., in the Rue de Monsieur, to the reductions now demanded, they did not certainly

to the second branch of the question, be certainly did No. 15, Lieut. Col. J. B.' A. Blackwell, Chevalier de St. Louis, Offic endanger the safety of the State, but they sauctioned not admit that the office was an inefficient one. The

cer of the Legion of Honour, late Commandant of the town and a principle inconsistent with the substantial interests of Hon. Member for Corfe Castle, lie thoughl, was not

castle of La Petite Pierre, in Alsace, etc. Colonel Blark well was the country. He would vot say that it was a question bound to vote for the present motion, merely because

born in the year 1964, of the respectable family of that name long

known in the county of Clare, in Ireland, but was brought up, and of safely, but he contended, that if they deterniined to he had brought in the Bill which had been so frequent

educated from his infancy in this country; he ent red very early m reduce ihe office before them, the same principle would

life in the French army, and surved throughout the wars of the ly alluded to. Although this office had been included in Revolution with distinction and honour. His funeral was attended apply with increased force to all others, and no limit that Bill, it had been decided not to be a sinecure office. to the Cemetery of Père La Chaise, by a considerable number of his could be drawn to the extent of ils operation. On con- If the House sanctioned the motion, declaring one Post

old brother soldiers, Irish and French, and by many of the most stitutional grounds he therefore called on the House to

respectable individuals among his coutrymea vow visiting Paris. master-General sufficient, they would introduce a system reject it ; on conscientious grounds he opposed it himof innovatiou and revolution in the whole Revenue ma

• CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES. self, and without imputing any disrespect to Gentlenagement of the country. There was no one source of

Sitting of the 16th inst. men on the opposite side, he considered that they wanted the Revenue collected by a single individual : indeed

Various petitions for retrenchment, etc. sent up by to establish, by the present vote, a principle of most the admitting of such a mode of collection was never

the Finance Comınillee were disposed of. injurious tendencs. considered a wise principle in Revenue matters. The

The Order of the Day was the renewal of the DeSir J. MACKINTOSH said that the Right Hon. Gent. present was undoubtedly a bold experiment upon a

bate upon the Budget. (Mr. Peel) had shown a great deal of dexterity in en- Revenue of two millions. It was a proposed saving of

The President read Article III. for a grant of larging on the minor part of the question, and passing 2,5001, a year, but he really believed the reduction, if | 672,850,7'1 fr

. for the general expenses of 1832, and slightly over its more important features; he had taken carried, would effect the Revenue. The merils of Mr.

remarked that this , up the time of the House in commenting on the inore Freeling he fully admitteu; but a consideration of in

viz. for the Civil List 25 millious, and for the Royal trivial details, but he avoided the important principle. dividual merits ought not to affect the general ques

Family 9 millions were not open to discossion. It was contended by him that we should not destroy an tion, combining the two branches of the question, he

The Civil List and the Allowance to the Royal Faoffice that had been so long established; but what arthought the best fiscal arrangements would be ensured

mily were adopted. gument could that be to that House, that had abolished by not disturbing the office, and by negativing the mo

The Committee proposed to reluse the grant of i offices existing at the time of the Plantagenets. They

tion. He called upon the House, in the manly tone of

180,000 fr. demanded for the Presiden.y of the Council could not consider them as efficient, merely because the Hon. Member for Yorkshire, to follow the example

of Ministers.--Gant refused. e they were held for so long a time. His next argument

of that Hon. Member, and not truckle to a spirit which

The REPORTER stated that previous lo coming to a was, that the year 1792 was held up as the model for

the reduction to he made in the number prevailed abroad, and which, if increased, would be I our establishment now, and these offices were then ex

The means of betraying the people.—(Cheers.)

of the persons employed in the several Administrative isting. But were the Tellers of the Exchequer not in

Departinents, he had to propose that half the saving being at that time ? We are told that since 1792 the

Sir J. NEWPORT called upon the House to stand effected by such reduction should be at the disposal of revenue of the Post-office has increased five times; if

with the people, and secure their affections by reduce the Minister in whose Department the reduction was it had so, then two Postmasters-General were not suffiing the public expenditure.

made, to be applied as a temporary indemnity to the cient for its managemeut; and, if they were, they must

Sir I. COFFIN supporled the motion, Lord NORMANBY briefly replied.

persons discharged, in proportion to their services, ir have made a job of one. Such points were the mere

which indemuity should never exceed the maximum shifts of argument, not the fair and open mode of meet

Strangers were then ordered to withdraw, and a of their retired pensions. king the question. One of the Hon. Member's other ar

division having taken place, the nuinbers were-For the A debale ensued upon this article which was altera

Motion, 159-Against it, 184-Majority in favour of de guients was, that a great duty devolved on the Post

wards adopted. » masters-General, in appointing persons to fill the variMinisters, 25.

M. CASIMIR PERRIER mored that a statement of the 1 ous situations in detail, and that it would be danger


temporary indemnities granted in pursuance of the forcous to the Constitution to have such a power committed We were excluded for some time, and on our re-ad

going article should be annually distributed to the Memto the Treasury. But he would insorin the House that mission to the Gallery, we found

bers of the Chambers.-Adopted. a Report was in circulation to which much credit was Mr. AUME on his legs, commenting on several items

The next article was for a grant of 150,000 fr. for | attached, that this transfer of patronage had actually in the Ordnance Estimales, the details of which, be

the salary of the Keeper of the Seals. Adopted after taken place; and the Treasury were said now to pos- contended, were pot satisfactorily explained. The Hon.

an amendmentol M. Rodet for reducing it to 100,000 fr. Sess that very power which was held to be unconsti- Gent. moved for the following returns: The first suin

had been rejected. tutional, and on which an alarm was attempted to be was that of 55,00ol. voted for the Depots at Guernsey

The grant of 776,000 fr. for the Central Administraraised. He was convinced that his Noble Friend did and Jersey.

tion of the Keeper of the Seals' D.partment, was pronot seek to diminish the importance or emoluments of The first molion was agreed to with an amendment

posed by the Comınittee to be reduced to 746,000 fr. the Postmasters-General-he could have no objection moved by Mr. WARD_6 as far as the saine could be

-Lesser sum adopted. that one person meriting the confidence of the House inade out.”

The grant required for the King's Councils was raud of the country should have the appoiolment, with For accounts of the manner in which the following 900,000 fi: an ample income and a full remuneration.-Why might sums were disposed of : 15.000l. for beds and bedo

The Committee proposed to reduce the sum of í not all the duties of the office be discharged by one Post- steads; 40,000l. for stores, 15,000l. for contingencies ;

265,500 fr. for the Ministers of State lo 200,000 fr. master-General ? Were they so coinplicated, so ex- also the several sums under the head of repairs ; the

M. Etienne moved that the grant be refused in toto, tended, or of such varied importance, that the attention number of persons to whom the 14,000l. had becn paid, it principally consisted of financial calculations.

A debate arose upon this article, which we omit, as of one person would not be sufficient ? He would

under the head of clerks of works; account of the house · call on those Gentlemen who have declared that they rent paid for all houses belonging to the Ordnance.

M. Etienne's amendment was rejected, and the article, would vote for retrenchment and economy-would they All agreed to.

reduced by the Committee to 834,500 fr. was adopted. 1 Listen to such an argument, that no useless office could For a Copy of the Estimates of the Works to be done

-Adjourncd. · be abolisbed without destroying the necessary influence in Demerara, „for which 10,oool. had been voted.

FRENCH FUNDS. is of the Crown. The manner in which his Hon. Friend Agreed to.

The transactions of the Stick market last week were not rfume (Mr. Bankes) treated the subject of the influence of the Mr. BROGDEN brought up the Report of the Mutiny

rous. The market opened, on Mouday, at 89 fr. 25 c., and closed,

on Saturday, at 89 fr. 40 c. The highest price of the week was Crown was perfectly constitutional. He agreed with Bill.

89. fr. 40 c., and the lowest 88 fr. 20 c. him that it never was considered as a primary princi. Mr. HUME here relerred to a siatement made by a

The certifica:es for the Loan have varied from 6 414 10 6 314 per el ple, but always as merely an auxiliary one. Had not Noble Lord, that the Articles of War were a part of

On Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, notring done.

In the Neapolitan Stocks and Spanish Loau bonds very little done. the Crown influence enough ? The vomination to all the law of the land; he wished to ask the Noble Lord, At the latter part of the week the Exchange markei was rather F office--the collection of 60 millions of revenue--the con- whether these articles were ever considered as such in

brisk. On Monday, London in demand; Vienna, at three months, trol over 70,000 soldiers—the patronage of the Bishops Courts of Justice.

easily negociated; short bills upon Germany much offered : Naples and of law appointments-the patronage of India and Lord PALMERSTON was sure that if any man com

scarce ; Madrid in fa'our; Cadiz in limited demand. On Taesday,

London in favour : Milan and Spanish, especially Cadiz, easily negothe Colonies-were not all these sufficient ? And did plained loa Court of Law of a punishment, to which he

ciated; the paper most in demand was Naples, Leghorn, Genoa they not constitute an influence greater than ever had

and Vienna." On Wedaesday and Thursday, London scarce, and in was sentenced according to the Articles of War, that demand; short Madrid and Cadiz, at three months, easily negociated; been beld before in this country, or by any other Go- the Court would refuse the application, on the ground bills upon Italy; Vienna and Augusia, in favour. 'On Friday, Louvernment in the world ? If they attempted to deprive that the sentence had been passed according to the Ar

don lower, and in demand ; Leghorn and Genoa, advantageously the Crown of its power over one of the thirty-five Co- ticles of War.

negociated; Naples lower ; Frankfort easily negocated; Madrid

and Cadiz, found takers; German bills in general very doll. Ou Jonies, they might be charged with attempts to destroy Mr. HUME alluded to the case of a soldier, who had Saturday, Spanish and Frankfort bills in demand; aples, Leghorit the influence oilhe Crown. Let not such motives be been sentence to a punishment for not subscribing to a

and Genoa, 'at three months, in great favour; paper upon Germany imputed to them; the limit was clear and well defined ;

without business. school; and on application to a Court of justice, the Roubles extremely scarce, and in demand at 98; marks and they never could oppose the proper influence arising Court held that the sentence was illegal.

florins doll. from the appointment to all useful offices. If they were The SOLICITOR-GENERAL said it was not com- FRENCH FUNDS, MARCH. 16.–Bank acla, 1588 fr. 75 bound to use w paring relrenchment, even so far as petent to a Court Martial to inflict a punishment for not 5 per cenus., jouiss du 22 Mars 1822, 89 fr. 26 c. 15 c. 10c. the disinissal o minor clerks-whose case, he would subscribing to a school, because the sentence was con

15c. 200, 15c. 3oc. 25c. 200. 25fr. 200r. 30c, 25. say, deserved the attention of the House--it was a cruel trary to the Articles of War.

Ditto, end of the month, opened at 89fr. 30c -Higbest 89 fra necessity to dismiss them, and at the same time, on the The Report was then agreed to, and ordered to be 40 c.-Lowest 89 fr. 156..-Closed at 8gfr. 40 c. naked ground of iniluence alone, to retain this office of read a third time to-morrow.

Annuités de 1000 francs, à 4 pour cent. 10681. 75 demonstrable inefficiency. If they did so, how could The Marine Mutiny Bill was reported, aod ordered

Olvligations de la Ville, jouiss. du 1 oct 1821, --fr. they refute all the caluinnies that bad been showered to be read a third time tomorrow.

RENTES DE Narles 5 poor cent. 69 518

EXCHANGE ON LONDON. on the English Constitution of late years. Referring The Alien Bill was read a third and passed,

1 Month Paper, 25 fr. 20 c. 1 Caslı 25 fr. 15 c. to the question of the Lords of Admiralty-he was not Adjourned at half past eleven.

3 Months' Paper, 25 fr. 10c. 1 Cash 25 fr. 5.c.

Page 14


To Let, furnished, the whole or part of a Country This lay is published, price 4 francs, No. II, of House, situated 5 Icari es from Paris, between the routes to Lonb.

GALIUNAI'S To be Sold by Auction, To-morrow, the 19th day of jument and La Cour de France. There is a park of 5 acies with a MONTHLY REVIEW AND MAGAZINE.

March, at ewelve o'clock, in the Hall of the Notaries, Place Chatelet, small river running throigh the same on which there is a boat.-

CONTENTS:--Sardanapaliis, a Traget's; The Two Foscari, a Tra. Paws, i handsome and commodious privale Hotel, situated No. 19, Als) a Billiard.-Apply to M. de L-, 94, rue du Faul. St. Ilonoré.

se. y; Cain, Mystery; by Loril Byron.Illustrations of Japan, rue Neuve des Mathurius, Chaussee d'Auiin. The principal part üf

To Let, furnished, a Country House, pleasantly si

consisting of Private Alemoirs and Anecdotes of the reigning Boss the building is sit at ed between court yard and garden, baving a

nasty; by M. Tilsingh. - History of Cultivated Vegetables, colis


tuated at GARCHES, near St. Cloud, cuinmanding an wing on each sile, with coach-bolise, stables, wells, and other con

prising their Boracal, Medic nal, Edible, and Chemical Qualities; veniences and depin leucies, the whole in a thorough stale of repuir. prospect of Paris, the Park of St. Cloud, and its vicmily, with a

by 11. Phillips.--Obuvres lu dites de Mat. la Baronne de Star, Immediate possession may be had.-For tickets to view the pre- jet d'eau before the house, a pleasure and kitchen garden of 3 acies,

bliees par son Fils; precedeos d'une Notice sur le Caractère e anises and for particulars apply to M. Batardy, Notary, 5, rue de la court yaru, po ltry yard, double cuacli-isvuse, stabling for six Pus de . Chaussee d'aniu, with whom the Title Deeds, etc. are deposited. horses, etc. To view the same apply tu M. Sevin, gardener, on the

on Gall and Spuizhein's System of Physiognonny and Phi Doloan premises, and for terms to the proprietor, No. 353, rue 51. Hovore,

ky John Abernethey, F.K.S.-May lou Like Il; by a County To be Sold by Auction without reserve, at the Hail

Table d'Hóle, at St. GERMAINS.--Alter the ist of Clereymaa.-Sketches of the Character, Manners, and Prese: of the Notaries of Paris, Place Chaielet, on the 26th of March inst.

Coudiin of the Scottish II:6.Jand. rs; by Col. D. Stewart.-S. ** at 12 o'clock, in the presence of N, Denis, a la dsome Patrimonial April an Englishı Table d'Hôte will be established at the Honel

lieosiana ; a Cabinet Picture or Men and Maoners. No. 11. Dwelling House, situated at ANTONY, department of the, near D'ANGLETEKBE, St. Germans.-Dinuer on ia le at hal-pası five.

Women. Moore's Irish Meloties. - l'leasant and Unpleasai the route fur Orleans, 3 leagues from Paris. The Hou;e is of excel


People.-decumni of a Journey from Cucula to Caraccas in 182 tent construction and has been erected about 30 years; it is two Neuve Si. A ruslin, next door lo llo'el de l'amiante, d rear

-Ti German D; ama.-Grı it and Litle Things.-MISCELLAN, storeys high, and contajos eight rooms besides the ground floor, on

Hydi ogrupay:-Vienna.--Asiatic Society in India.-Other Tims the rule de la Paix. M. A uf.t respectfully informs the Pulic, that which there are all the necessary domestic oltices, with large collars

--Boleman Parls.- Lobsters.-- Bou Moi. Avecdote.—Punning he has no conexion with the Grocer in the saine street, who has rebelow ayd spacious Sranaries above. There is a court ya d planted

Made Eisy.-- New Palents.---New Publications.-Literary Repori. centiy ethibited his well kuown sign of INDIA. M. A., Tea-cealer with trees having a grass plot in the centre; also poultry yard,

to 11.'S. A. the Duke of Orleans, sills nothing but TEA, being per- -rigmal Poelly. stabling for lo horses, large dove-house, hot-house, and over desijadded that mixed with other articles of grocery, it injures the qia

In presenting the Second number of the MONTHLY REVIEW AND pendencies. The land, which is very fertile, comprises 4 acres 58

MAS, AZINE to the Public, the Propriсtors caimot refrain from otle lity and flavour ulthal plant, so very susceptib evi contracting other perches laid out as pleasure and kitchen gardens, well stocked with odows. All Tea sold by M. A. will be signed with his name.

ing their gjateful achnowledzments for the liberal encou: agement fruit trees, and abundantly supplied with spring water. The looking

y have already experienced. , .ts success can only be glasses and fixtures are included in the price to be bid for the pre- Warehouse jor Genuine English Patent Medicines, insited by stumping it with a high and respectable character. They mises. The surniture will be sold fifteen days after the sale of the

J. A. Renard, Chemist tu II. R. II. the Duke o Gloucester, -0. 19, hav. spar«d no exertions to renuer it the compendium of all that líouse.---To view the premises apply to the gardener; and for fur

ruc Vivienne, PARIS, has the following articles constantly on sale is nov), interesting and amusing to Liierary amateurs and readers ther particulars to M. Denis, Nolary, 3, rue de Grenelle-St.-Ger

from Savory, Moore, and Go, by appointment: The Paleni Seidlitz in seteral. The peculiar advantages combined in the plan of their mail, or to M. Saint-Paul, Avocat, 22, r e Neuve-St.-Augustin.

Powuers, Chcitenham Salts, Soda Powders, prepared Charcoal work, consist not only in an extensive varie'y of selections from To be Sold, pleasantly situate in theChamps Elysées, Dentrifice, Smelling Salis, De Velno's Syrup, Essence of Peppermint

all the Britislı Periodiques, but a so in a judicious scparation of the and Lozenges, Black Drops, Ipecacuanla Lozenges, etc. Also Henry's

« Gold from the dross," in giving articles of intrins:c value without a spacious and convenient Molel with large garden.' The apari

Caicinel Magnesia, and Aromatic Vinegar.--Soda, and all Mineral that alloy with which the best per.odical works of Great Britain aie men's are fitted up in the modern style, and are ornamented with

Waters, Indian Arrow Root, Tapioca, Fine Lint, Hunt's, Dixon's, necessurily bill dui. handsome looking jlasses. It would be found a suitable residence

Scott's and Anderson's Pills, Ainerican Soothing Syrup, Daily's GALIGNANI'S MONTALY REVIEW AND MAGAZINE comprises a for a Family of distinction; or if required would suit two Families. To view the same apply 10 the proprietor, on Tuesdays, Thursdays,

Elixir, Gowland's Lotiou, Dr. James's Fever Powders, Sicer's Opi- Ceutical Analysis of every new publication on the Arts and Sences, and Saturlays, between 1 and 3, No. 3, rue Louis le Grand, where deldoc, Stouglion's Elixir, Thompson's Cheltenham Salts, Castor vil, plistory, biography, Poeuy, Philosophy, Commerce, Agriculture,

Inventions and lu proven ents, Works of Imagination, etc., Ruspinis Dentifrice and Styptic, Gollen Ointinent,' German Coin there is a suit..sud apariment on the first floor to let.

Plaister, Acid of Sugar, Purified Epsom Salts, Magnesia Lizengis, every de cription of Literary Intelligence. To be Soid, an excellent Saddle Mare; she goes well Huxham's Tincture of Bark, Jamaica Ginger and Essencr, Dr Wil It will appear on the 13th of every month, in numbers containing in a Cabriolet.-To be seeu at No. 12, rue Caumartin.

son's Tiucture, Eau de Cologne, Double Lavender Water, etc.- seven sheets closely printed in a tine and clear type. Also Cephalic Snull, Windsor and other Scented Soaps, etc.—Pre-

PliCS OF SUESCRIPTION To be Sold, an English Mare. - To be seen at Briggs's scriptions carefully prepared --CUPPING PERFORMED. - Also may be

In Paris 36r, a year;-20fr, six months.--ufr. three months. Livery Stables, No. 31, rue Montmartre.

had Durham Mustard, Mushroom Ketchup, Essence of Anchovies Throughout France, 40 r. a year.-?fr. six months.--12fr. 3 months. and other Sauces, Cayenne Pepper, Lemou Acid for Punch, etc. etc

Foreix i Countries 41fr. a year.-?4 r. six months.-13fr. 3 months A sınall Travelling Calèche to be sold for 25 Napo

Subscri tions received by A. and W. GALIGNANI, 18, rue Vivieure, Icons.-Ing ire of the porter, Hotel du Danube, rue Richepanse. M. ARON, No. 17, rue de l'Encrier, begs to inform and by all Bookseliers and Postmasters throughout France ani

the Public that he will i'eceive for sale, in the course of the present Foreign countries. To be Sold, a Hors, Harness, and Tilbury (all month, a transport of froin forty to sixiy choice English llorses. English), for 130cfi.-- Apply to Charles, the Coachman, No. 87, rue

BOOKS TO BE SOLD CHEAP. du Faubourg, Si. Honore.

A Gentleman, perfectly acquainted with business, Chambers' Dictionary, by lecs; Asiatic Jouinal, about 45 Num.

and who has resided in France some time, will leave Paris for bers, 30 ut which are bound in 5 vols. dvo.; Foster's Travels over To be Suld, a handsome Cilèche, nearly now, the

Dublin on the 20th insi. lo re urn about the ist of May. He will land from Bengal, 2 vois. tolo; Gialam's India, with plates; hapr perly of an English Oliicer, with irunk and imperial. Price take charge of papers or execute any commissions in any part of tural llisto y, with coloured platts, 3 vols 8vo.; Lavater on Phyjour.- Apply to the porier, at No. 10, rue Godot, Boulevard de Ireland, as he is perfec:ly acqnainted with all the principal towns in siognomy, 4 vols. 8vo, with plates; Scott's Works, Edinbugh ej la Madelcitie.

that country. 1'e would execute business in any part of England on tion, 6 vok. 8vo.; Garrick's Use; Wraxal's Memoirs ; Prati's

his roati... dilress A, B. chez M. Neve, Libraire, 9, Palais de Justice. Works; Hi ole's ariosto; Owen's Travels ; Harris's Works; Mu. To be Solni, a Patrimonial Ei tale, situated 5 leagues

phy's Tacitils; River Police ; Jones's War in Spain; Vincent's and a half from Paris and three from Versailles, comprising a com- SAMUEL Briggs, Hackneyman, No. 31, rue du Faub. Niarchos; Life or Franklia: Va'entias Travels, with piates; malious Chalcal, we'l furnished, and surrounded by water, with Montmartre, has on sale or for hire. sood Carriagas, Tilburies, and Volney's Travel, into; Smith's Wealth of Nations; ywe's a park of 8o acies divi ed into meatlows, woods, vineyards, and able horses, with careti drivers. Horses taken in at Livery. Emba

sy to Ava; Burke's Kellee ions; Dr. Walls's Works, 6 vols. corn fields; two kitchen gardicus in excellent cultivation; two fish

folio; and other Works compris ns 137, volumes. The original price ponds well stocked with lish; a in.l), aud zio acres of land in the Wn. DRAKE's Livery Stables, Hotel and Boulevard

of Watts's Works was 81. The whole to be disposed of for bio fr. viciuity. The park is bounded by a viver. The avenues leading to de la Madeleine, Paris, foncrly Hotel Grange Batelierc. Job and Also a select Stock of Fishing Tackle, new and of the first perfection, the Charcau, and the limits of the Esta'c are border it will ashes, Saddle Ilor es lo Lc, alsa Carriages of every description, by day, being chosen by a very skilful sportsman in England, for 500 fr. elins, and Italian Poplars. The annual produce amounts to 18,600fr. month, or vear.-llorses bought or sold.

Apply at No. 30, Rue Rochechouart from twelvet Ihree. The free of taxes.-For parijcular's apply to N. Narjot, Notary, No. 77,

Books are worth the attention of auy resident Englishman, and the

A Gentenan who attends in some of the first Fami, que St. Anne ; or M.'Parb:er, avure, No. 19, Quri Malaqsuai.

price (cmandel is less than the quarter of their original cost. lies, and who has long been accustomed 10 teach the English, Lalin Tu be Sold very cheap, an excellent Travelling Cir- and Greek Lanuages by a mos! clear and easy method, wishes to This day is pubi:bcd, and may be had of M. DELONGCHAMPS. riage, commodious, fit for a long journey, dickey before and be- have a few more private pupils, to whose improv ment he would No. 22, Rue de la Fe Lade, near the Pace des Victoires, and of

ini, pole and liwoniere.-To be seen chez M. Baptiste, Loueur de ray the greatest attention. He would likewise vive lessons in A. and W. GALIGNANI, No. 18, Rue Viviennie. Carosse, No.5, rue Pinon. French, if required. -Adress to M. S. at the office of this paper,

A COMPLETE EDITION OF THE To b: Sold, a very strong, handsome, bay, English A Gentleman of great respectability, 22 years of age


Précédés de la Vie de Carmontelle, d'une Dissertation historique GIling, a remarkably food roadster, and has carried a Lady two (and Member of the University), is desirous of obtaining a Situation

et morale sur les Proverbes, et suivis d'une table explicative de sinners; lie would make a beautiful Tilbury or Cabriolet Horse; as private Tutor in a Nobleman or Gentleman's Family, cither in

l'origine et du sens des Proverbes contenus dans l'ouvrage, de he carries himself remarkably well, is perfecily sound, and particu

England or France, or to trarel. Having received the best Classical larly quiet.-Inquire for Augusic, the Croom, at the Hotel d'Angleeducation he will be found fully competent to prepare his pupils for

leur concordance avec les adages latins, espagnols et itchiens,

qui présentent le mére sens moral; de reflections et d'anec1erre, rue des Filles St. Thomas.

College should it beredmired. The most satisiac ory references will be given.-- Address to M. W. at the ofice or this paper,

dotes analogues au sujet. To be Sold, a pair of bandsome Carriage Mare:?

In the early part of January we announced the ist volume of this 6 years old. --Apoly to the Coachman, llotel de Londres, rue Mon.

G. KLUGH, Tailor, ol No. 102, New Bond-street, Work, the rep tation of which renslers any enleg um on our part

unnecessary. wao :-To be seen from glo 1 o'clock. having returned from London, respectfully solicits the favours of

A re-perusal of these Proverbs atords the riaver the Nobility and Gentry. Orders will be prompily attended to

inceeased light, a 'd several dramatic writers have not disdained An excellent grand Piano Forte, of Stodard's, in the and every means taken to & ve satisfaction to those vho be

to d av from this fruitiul source the materials for composing nauy best condito, and Harps by different makers, tu be Soll or Let, pleased to honour G. K. with their cinmands.- No.7,

admirable comedies. Foreigners wihing to have a corríct idea of a' Nr. 6, Cul u Sar Cendrier, Claussee d'Antin.-- Apply to Mile

Freuch manners sho ld consult CAUMONIELLE, who has depicted Le Brn, from 12 till 4.

Coachman.- Wanted, in a small Family where there them faithfully and accurately ; each caracter represented bas ils

is no night work, a steady single Man, nalive of England or Switzer- appropriate diction, and the style of the vi hole is within the comExchan ( of Carriages.-A Gentleman proposes lind, as Coachman or Groom; he must be thoroughly master of his prehension of all clases of society. to change an English Charol, filter up as a Dormeuse, against a business, and must have an undeniable character froin bis last place

Tre second volume has just appicared; the third will be published Caleche; or he wil sell his Carrage for 2000fr.--It may be seen at for bone ty, steathiness and subriely:-- For addi ess apply ai the in a few days, and he forth in the monih of Aprł. Price of each M. O g's, Sellier, No. 30, rue du Bac. ofice of this paper.

volume 6 tr., or 7 fr. 50 c. sent free of postage to any part of

France. Wauied, a second-hand Boglish Chariot, in good Wanted, in a French Family, where there are Trav Wing condition --Apy by letter, to Mme, de Prulay, No. 48, children, Board and Lodging for a Lady with a chill 2 years old;

This day is published by M. NADELMANN, Musi:-seller to rue Neuve des Mathurins, as to learn the French Language is the object of the advertiser, no

His Majesty Louis XVI, English Establishment will be treated with. Let'er's addressed

ELEMENTARY COURSES OF MUSIC AND THE To Let, well furnished, a bandsome and commopost paid, for II. B. at this oflice, will meet with die altention.

PIA NO FORTE, dious Contry House, sitiated at VILLENEUVE ST. GEORGES, 4 leagues from Paris, with pleasur: kruunds and kitchen garden of A young Lady, accustomed to Tuitions wishes for a With Instructions for playing that Instrument after 25 acres.- Apply 1o M. Fs alel, 'No'ary, VUCENEUVE ST. GEORGES, Situation as Governess in a Family, or Companion to a Lady:-Sbe the manner of the most celebrated Masters, or M. Thiertel, avoue, No.19, rue de la Monnaie, Paris. Teaches Music, with the various branches of Female education, the

BY J. B. REY, rudiments of Italian and Drawing. She can have relishest recom- Of the Académie Royale de Musique and Professor of the Piano To Let at Tivoli, 17, rue Chichy, furnished A partmen 'ation from a Lady o! rank wliose Family she now resides.

Forte. mients, will use of the Garden and free admission to the Fétes of Apply to A. H. at the office of this paper.

This Vork, by its clcarness and precision, considerably l ssens liveli. A Restarrate:sand Paths ailinining, milk-bouse, stables, clc.

the dilliculties experienced by persons commencing the study of

A young Man, 54 vears of age, native of Germany, To bet, leaving Paris, an apartment newly fur

Mus.c. The principles of the science are thoroughly treated in a speaking German, French, and understanding English, periecily concise and succinci in uner, accompanied by a propriate definitions nished, on the first tioor of the lio: se which forms the corner of the

acquainice with Paris and the care of horses, is de irons of a SituBenler ard des Capucities and be rie Neuve Si. Augustin.-Porce.

of the several terms particularly adapted io the capacity of youtli, ation as Coachman. lie is possessed of undeniable recommendations and well worthy the attention of prsons who have obtained sone 1a inc and plate if desired. Apply No. 48, rue Neuve St. Augustin, as to probity, sobriety and good conduci, and can be recommended proficiency. The preliminary observations are followed by a Ganut, between nd 4 o'clock.

buy persons of respectability in the me'ropolis.--Amply to the porter, which connecis gradually and system::t: ally. The difficulúrs of ex

No. 18, Place Vendome. To Let, from the ist of April next, on the ist floor,

cution with the speculative rules, by which means the lea ner is

in a short time enabled to comuence the Piano. The s'bsequent at No.8, rue de la Paix, a handsome apartment, elegantly furnished, Wanis a Situation as Femme de Chainbre, a native of eomprising , rooms.-Apply to the porter.

paris ara me hodically!, showing the good eficcts produced France, 23 years of age, who understands dress-making and hair

by combining theory wih practice, and the uplity of sy adation dressing, and can give hectable relerences in l'aris.-Apply to the To Let, finnished, at No. 50, rue St. Anne, near

in the development of the fins princ ples of that cnc anting serpof; the rno de Grammont, an apartment on the first iloor, comprising puter, at No. 20. rues mois,

Treinzino sanithor had pri viously given proofs of the profound 3 rooms, with linen, plate, and every convenieuce. If desired, the Wants a Stuation as Cook, a steady middle-aged

knou levne of the science which he prosesses in a work enti led occ pier might be accommodated with Board in a French Fainily, French woman, perfectly acquainted with her business, and can have

Exposition de l'Harmonie, which has be-n adopted by the Go. al whose lable there is a small and s lc pirty dine every day.. a good character from hier last place.-Apply to the porter, at No. 22,

vernment for the use of the Musical Classes of all the Cathedrals

in the freucb Kingdom. To Let, on the roth of April next, at No. 40, rue rue d''njou, Faubours St. Honore.

In the present work M. Rey has rerdered an important dibriois, a very handsome apartmeni, richly furnished,

Wants a Situation as Cook, a native of Flanders,

to the public by facilitating the progress of the learner in the sea who understands ling business well, and can give respectable refer

quirement of an accomplishment so univers.. Ily admired; and it On the 1st of April next, several apartments and

is confidentli e pecled that a work formed on this plan will be ences in Paris.--Apply to Alme. Servajon, No.21, ruc Si. Lazare. chambers will be vacant in the English Boarding House, No. 20,

doli app:ecated. rue Pigale.

Wants a Situation as Man Cook and Indoors Servant, To be had of the Author, No. 4, Rue Papillon, Faubourg Poisa young Frenel, man who will make himself useful.-Apply for

sonn ère; and of M. Nadermann, 'No. 46, Rue Richelieu, pasi* Large and sınall apartments furnished to let, at Pierre, at No. 64, rue r'es Petits Champs.

de lancien Café de Foi. No.5, rue Mondovi, close to the Tuileries and Place Vendome.

Rus in Urbem. – To Let, a large and clegant apart-

Wants a Situation as Femme de Chambre, a young

TUCATRES. Frenchwoman, 22 years of age, who understands lier business in all ment, richly furnishel, on the first flour cf an Italian Villa, com- its various branches, and can have a good cha acter.-Apply at

A CADEMIE ROYALE.-Tarare.- Nina. manding au extensive and beautiful pro'p ct, with garden, stables, No. 37, rue Miromenil, Fa: bour: St. Bonoré.

THEATRE FRANÇAIS - Sylla.-Les Bourgeoises de "kirchen, cic. in the healthy and desirable situation of the Champs

Wants a Situation as Valet, Footman, or Travelling

Qualités. (Talma will perform.) Elysees.-Apply before one o'clock, No. 66, rue de Chailloi. To Let, a furnished House, composed of two large Servant, an active young Frenchman, 26 years of age, who speaks

Opera Comique.-L'Ami de la Maison. - homo English and German, and will make himself useful.-Address to et Juliette. apar men's and a small one, with kitchen, servants-rooms, sables,

L. F. at No. 3, rue de la Souudière. coach-house anul garden. Apply, No.37, r::e de la Chaussee d'Antia.

VAUDEVILLE. — L'Eril de Rochester.
The apartment on the first floor may bé let sepa, ale if desired. Wants a place as Femme de Chambre, a native of cheuse d'Esprit.-- Rataplan. To Let, completely furnished, a haudsome set of

Fiance, 22 years of age, who is fully competent to the Situation, and VARJETES. - L’liomme Automate.

caube well recommendeti. Apply for Mlle. Sophie, No. 51, rue de apartmen's au premier), dislit!u!ly sitrated dear the Bulevards,

Jeune llomwe. - La Chercheuse d'Esprit.- Herthen Bourbon Villencuve. and overlooking gardens. They consist of large dining and drawings

GunnASE DRAMATIQUE.--Une Journée à Versaillt. room, three bed-rooms, kichen and servants'-room. To be let Wants a Situation as Bailiff, a single young Nan, who for 3. 40.6 months, price 35 fr.-- *pply 1, rue del Ecucile Tuler es understan 's the management of Lan 's in the most modern style of

- Les Mémoires d'un Colonel de Hussards.- La De Inishandry, as practised by tbe first Asriculturisis in England. The moiselle et la Dame. To Travellers.-A return Carriage with three or

Page 15

ing the four years that he had been President, he found Lord BINNING and Mr. BATHURST defended the We have received the Spanish Journals up to the oth tiem to amount to 1800; many had been sent out with conduct of the East India Company.

inst. but their contents are of very little importance.ouly slight alterations, but about one-tenth of the num- Dr. PHILIMORE vindicated his conduct wilh re- On the 4th inst. a Deputation of the Cortes carried up ber were so much altered as to lead to long and compli- spect to the Salt Duly.

to his Majesty the Address of the Congress in answer cated discussions. During his Presidency he found Mr. CREEVEY spoke in reply. They had had a to the speech from the throne. The Address is merely that one military dispatchi alone consistedi vi 199 papers, grand theatrical display from a performer, who, it a repetition of the s ntiments expressed by the Presiwith 13,511 pages. T:ere was another docuineat in was understood made his last appearance for some time dent on the Day of the opening of the Session. The which 2588 pages formed the modicum to be read

to come on the present stage. The Right Hon. Gent. new klinisters have rendered an account to the Cortes through. Yet this was the lille sinecure, this was had lalked of an idle-newspaper-reading Secretary, in of the state of their several D partments, from which it the lule offiee which was to share half and half with his allusion to him (Mr. C.); but he had not been idle appears that their affairs are in the greatest disorder, half the colonies in the world.-(Cheers.)- Aster en- in his office; and could much more fairly retort the and their funds exhausted. - The King and the Royal tering into the way in which the dispatches came up charge on him who had been an idle Ambassador Family have left Madrid for Aranjuez. to the Board, and into other circumstances connected at Lisbou-(loud cries of hear, bear!) and receiving a Extract of a private letter from Leghorn of the 6tli with the office, the Honourable Gentleman proceeded | large salary from the public for doing nothing.

inst.—"It appears certain that an arrangement bas been to notice the number of Commissioners kept up: It Å ster a few words Trom Mr. Baxter and Mr. A stell, concluded between the Hellenists and the United States was, he said, the opinion of Mr. Fox, certainly no the House divided. For tlie Motion, 88– Against it, of America. The former will cede a port to the Amemean judge of the necessities of the Government of 273— Majority, 185.

ricans, and will receive in exchange a fleet completely India,' that there should be sixteen Cominissioners On the motion of Mr. Peel, the House agreed to the armed and equipped, but which will immediately boist kept up:

Oh! but seven of them were not paid. appointment of a Select Committee, to inquire into the the Greek flag. It is known that the Americans have Oh! but vine of thein were; besides the extensive pa- state of the Police of the Metropolis. Among the mem- long desired the possession of a port in the Mediterratronage they had must be taken into consideration. He bers named were-Col. Wood, Mr. Secretary Peel, nean, and that they offered considerable sums lo obtain should like to know how Gentlemen would prove that the Solicitor-General, Mr. Buxton, Mr. G. Bepoct, the isle of Elba, the port of Syracuse, but the inthat individual was not paid who had the patronage Lord Lowther, Mr. Wm. Peel, Sir J. Mackintosh, Mr. fluence of the English had bitherto successfully opposed arising out of 10 millions of revenue in India.' Nine of S. Rice, Mr: Ald. Wood, Mr. Lamb, Mr. Macdonald, every similar negociation. these Commissioners were paid in solid money, the and Mr. H. Sumper.

The Frankfort Gazelle announces that the differences others had in their possession all the patronage of The ATTORNEY-GENERAL moved for leave to between the Court of Prussia and the Duke of Anhalt India.—(Hear, hear, hear!)-He should be the last may bring in a Bill to extend the Laws against the Re- Cociben are at length amicably arranged. to support an office that was useless, and if the Commis- ceivers of stolen Goods to the Receivers of certain Se- We are assured that, in passing through the States sioners did not perform their duty, he should discharge curities for Money.--Granted.:

of Austria on his way to Leghorn, Prince Michael them with as little ceremony as he would an idle, loiter- The Mutiny Bill and the Marine Mutiny Bill were Suzzo has been detained, and placed under surveile read a third time and passed.

lance, ing, newspaper reading Secretary:~(Cheers and laughter!) A curious anecdote had been told a few The House then went into a Committee on the Malt By an Ordinance of the Einperor Alexander of the nights ago of an unpaid Commissioner going to the Duty Repeal Bill, and the further consideration of the 13th of January, Prince Boris-Kaurakin, pephew of office of ihe Board of Control and demanding admil- Bill

was postponed until to-morrow.

the late Ambassador of Russia at Paris, has been protance; he was told that no Board was sitting, nor could The other orders of the day were then disposed of, moted to the rank of a Privy Councillor. they tell him when it was probable a Board would sit. and the House adjourned at half-past twelve o'clock. A grand National Fete was celebrated at Lisbon fon Now the inference meant to be drawn from this was


the 26th ult., the anniversary of the day when his Porplain—that the office was perfectly nugatory. But in Bank Stock shut.


luguese Majesty touk his oath al Rio Janeiro to the his opinion that unpaid Lord had no business there ; 3 Ct. Red. shut.

per India Stock

bases of the Constitution. the business of the office required a person perfectly 3

Ct. Cons. 79314 per

The following is the Constitution of the Spanish

India Bonds 48 conversant in the various details. There were 2,000 3 Cent.

Corles:– The ordinary Corles consist of 145 members, 112

Long Ann. volumes of 700 pages each deposited there relating to

4 per Ceuts, shut. Ex. Bills (1000l.) 3 pm,

of which there are-one Grandee, lwenty-eight Ecclethe business of the office, and when he had made him


Cents. 102 5,8 per Cons. for Acc. 79 112

siastics (among whom there are one Bishop, fourteen self perfectly master of all they contained, then might

Dignitaries and Canons), two Castilian noblemen, 7 he be initiated into the place.-(A laugh.) That Noble

lwenty-seven Proprietors, ten Merchants, one MapuCoinmissioner was like the lady in Blue Beard, who

facturer, six Magistrates, cight en Advocates, five having seen the ninety-nine rooms filled with curio

Meinbers of Universities, twenty-three Officers (among sities, was miserable because she could not get admis

whom there are four Generals, four Engineers, four in son to the hundredth.-(Much laughter.) The rational

PARIS, MARCH 19, 18:22.

the Artillery service and four in the Marine), five Phycourse to pursue, and the one he had always pursued, Yesterday the King transacted business with the Mi- sicians, seventeen Agents of the Government, five Exd

was to divide the business amongst different hands, nister of the Interior, and afterwards held a Levee, Ministers, and two Deputies from the Canary Islands. and then let all the results be brought together for a which was numerously attended.

Among these Deputies two formed part of the Cortes decision. And even if that Noble Comunissioner had

We are happy in announcing that his Majesty enjoys of 1812, and one of those of 1814.-Two Members, been admitted into the inner room, he would have found an excellent state of health, and that yesterday he went

Messrs. Valdes and Castejou, were elected by !wo proEM them all employed on most interesting subjects. But

vinces. out for an airing. It is said that the Court will go to there was one more argument behind, one which he felt St. Cloud this year earlier than usual, and will remain

Extract of a letter from Odessa of the 15th ult.:great difficulty in staling. It was said that it was un- there for a longer period, in order that the Palace

"Our Authorities haye received orders to make prepaseemly, at a time when many had scarcely the means of the Tuileries may undergo considerable repairs. rations for the reception of the Emperor and Einpress, of subsistence, that others would wallow in affluence; Monsieur is still confined to his apartments. The

who are expected to arrive here in the beginning of and that observation was levelled at the holders of office. complaint of His Royal Highness is a slight attack of the May. The roads and streets are consequeuily underIt was the deceitful language that was softly whispered gont.

going repair. It is said, that their Majesties will pass d to the distressed, by tliose who wished to take advan- On Sunday the Duchess of Berry went 10 Rosny,

the whole summer berc, and their presence will attage of the miseries of their country. “ Here you find where she will remain for several days.

tract a great number of the Russian and Polish nothese rolling in affluence, whilst you suffer these dread- A few days ago a soldier on duty at Bagatelle lost two

bility. ful privations.”. These had been the arguments used fingers by the accidental discharge of his musket. On

The Berlin Gazelle announces, that Prince Hardenin other countries, which have been the forerunners of Saturday the Duchess of Berry sent for Win to herberg, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, is much occudestruction

apartments, and presented to bin the sum of 2000fr. pied on account of dispatches of the lighest importSees no contiguons palacc rear its head, The Coinmander and other Officers of the regiment

ance received from St. Petersburgh. It adds that the To shame the meanuess of his humble shed

waited upon her Royal Highness on Sunday lo offer passage of couriers through Berlin, with communica-There could not be a more dangerous principle than their thanks for the liberal donation.

tions between the Russiau Cabinet and those of Engthat it diffused misery without being able to relieve it, The Chamber of Peers assembled on Saturday, and

land, France, and the Netherlanus, is very frequent. and before the House admitted such a principle they appointed a Committee lo examine the Law Project re

Recent letters from Philadelphia announce, that should look well to the consequences. Between the lative to the accounts of 1820.

French Commissioners are expecied at Port au Prince. property of office and the tenure of personal property,

We learn that the Count de Chateaubriand, Ambas

L'Ami de la Religion announces that the Scotch 1

there certainly was an iinmense distance; but in that sador of France in England, will set out for London in Clergy have just sent to France one of its Bishops to distance there were various and innumerable grada- the course of the present week.

claim of the Governinent the estates which they fortious ; and it was through those gradations that the

The Minister of the Interior has just granted a sum

merly possessed in the Kingdom, and among others spirit of confiscation generally coinmenced, from the of money for the relief of the Spanish resugees, who

the colleges where their Missionaries were educated to 1 first attack on the emoluments of office, to the over- having been compelled to quit Bayonne and other preach the Gospel in Scotland. They have already, throw of all property; and therefore the House should places on the frontiers of Spain, had been for some days

adds the san.e Journal, preferred their claims to prelook well to the consequences of such a practice.- at Toulouse and Bordeaux in great distress.

ceding Administrations who rejected them, but they (Hear.) If an office was useless. let it be abolished at once ; but let not that be held forth as an eye-sore,

peared in the Moniteur of Sunday, announcing in the extreme mildness of the winter, and the prewhich was necessary, and of which the liolder was in- N1. de Beranger having been convicted on Dec. 8th, mature appearance of the spring, seems to be general titled to a remuneration for his services. It was on a , before the Court of Assizes at Paris, of publish throughout the whole of the north of Europe and Asia. principle like this, that confiscations had forinerly been ing a seditious and prophane work, entitled Chansons, On New Year's-day, at St. Petersburgh, the ice of the levelled against Jews and Papists, b cause they poshad been sentenced to 3 months' imprisonment, and to

Neva was not strong enough to build ihe Russian ice sessed property which ohers conceived they ought pay a fine of 5ofr.–The Coort tad also declared the mountains, which is an usual ceremony on that day. pot to possess. He should, at all times, resist this

seizure of the work definitive, and had ordered that all On the 22d ult. the temperature at St. Peiersburgh was principle of putting the holders of office in this class of copies of it already seized, or that might hereafter be

like that of the spring. The winter was remarkable in privilegium odiosum. It was impossible that offices seized, should be suppressed and destroyed.

Siberia for mild winds, particularly at Tobolsk, where could be useless, without a combination and conspi- A sermon will be preached to-morrow at the church there was scarcely any snow; at Berezoff, nearly racy of all the parties concerned in them; and no man of St. Vincent de Paul, rue de Montholon, faubourg

under the Polar circle, a heavy shower fell on the 16th possessed of bonour or honesty would coutinue in an

Poissonnière, before the Duchess of Angouleme, by the of December, a phenom non unheard of in so high a ollice, without a determination lo discharge the duties

Abbe Feutrier, after which a collection will be inade latitude, and which is the more surprising since it is of it. Ou the whole, he thought the office of Presifor the benefit of the Institution for educating poor chil

known that the cold becomes more intense in the direcdent of the India Board hig!ıly useful and necessary, dren of both sexes.

tion of the East, although he himself might not have been fitted for it.

M. Beranger, and his pripler, M. Beaudoin, were

Two persons, convicted of having formed part The best part of his business was that of taking the

brought to trial on Friday, before the Court of As- Zaldivar's band, were executed at Seville on the 2nd high political duties, and leaving the administrative sizes, upon the charge of having reprinted the above ultiino. duties to the Vice-President. Although in another Chansons, in a work entitled, Procès fait aur Chan

The Police of Marseilles have just discovered a troop state of things, in which the head of the Government

sons de P. J. Beranger. The prosecution was found- of children completely abandoned to thelt of every demight be brought to bear more immediately on the ed upon a statute which pronounces a penalty against scription. India Company, the present Board might be inessica- any one who reprints a condemned publication. The

Within a few days the Dutch coast has been visited cious, he now thouglit it bighly useful, and suflicient Jury acquitted the prisoners upon the ground that al

with a tremendous hurricane. for every purpose ; and it was an establishment which though the Chansons were reprinted in the Procès, etc.

The new telegraphs between Orleans and Bordeaux Parliament should not now be called upon to alter.yet the latter was not a republication of the work pre

have just been completed, by which a line of communia (Loud cheering.) viously condemned.

cation is established from Paris to Bordeaux. Mr. BUXTON opposed the motion. Several pupils of the Royal College of Toulouse hav

Four Siberian sheep, destined for the Menagerie of Mr. C. WYNN thought the motion made merely a ing been detained on the 3d inst. within the precivets

the Jardin des Plantes, left Marseilles on the 5th inst. of the College for a breach of discipline, assembled a

for Paris. peg on which to hang the Mover's remarks on him and his friends. The Hón, Geni, asserted the independfew days after, and broke all the windows of the Prin.

On the oth inst, nine of Gen. Berton's band, in the ence of himself and family,


. Gendarmes seni io the spot took them into cus- custody of the police, passed through Loudun on their tody

way to Poiliers

Page 16

No. 2201.


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1239 obseryeů, too, that there is not a word in tbis letter, d that the Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry about the dangerous practises pursued by some into the state of Ilchester Gaol be laid before the House.

Members of the House, and particularly the system Subsequent to a few remarks by the Marquis of LansLONDON, MARCH 16, 1822. acted upon by Lord Althorp, Lord Normanby (that down and the Earl of Liverpool, the motion' was agreed We bave had the good fortune to obtain a copy of proinising young Nobloman,” to use the twaddle of

to. the letter from Mr. Arbuthnot, alluded to by Lord the Chronicle,) and Mr. Creevey." What, then, does

SYSTEM OF TITHES IN IRELAND. John Russell, from a Gentleman lo whom it was ad

the letter contain ? A simple announcement of motions The Duke of DEVONSHIRE said he held in his dressed, and who was residing in the country at the

that are to be brought forward by the Opposition- hand a Petition from the Mayor', Alderinen, and Comtime he received it. It bas been stated to us, at the

declaration that the Government of the country cannot mon Council of the City of Waterford, in Ireland, ame time. that similar letters were only sent to Mem

be carried on, unless motions of this kind are success- praying that the House would take into consideration lers of Parliament then in the country, in the habit of fully resisted, and an opinion expressed, that the Op- the present distressed state of Ireland, and that they oting with Ministers. The following is the copy in

position had determined to break down the means would make the system of tithes in that cougtry a subnesbon :

of administering the affairs of the country.” What! ject of serious and deliberale inquiry. The petitioners [PRIVATE.]

have we arrived at that state, that to express a consci- stated that they were the owners of the tithes of 13 Downlog-street, March 8, 1822. entious conviction of the dangerous tendency of certain parishes; and that, provided any plan could be devised MY DEAR SIR-On Wednesday next, the 13th instant, a motion is be made by Lord Normanby, to abolish the office of one of the

measures, and to call upon the friends of Government for making a salutary alteration in the system, they ostmasters-General, and on the 14th, the day following, Mr. to resist the success of those measures, shall be deem- would ınost readily submit to any reasonable sacrifioes reavey makes a similar motion againsi the Board of Coatroul.

ed a breach of the privileges of Parliament ! Let us of the property which they possessed, either in consentIn this manner the just and necessary influence of Crown is tom day to day attacked; and as other Motions of a similar nature only suppose that a similar letter had been written by ing to a new modus, or any other alteration in the sysre to be made by Lord Althorp, etc., it will be quite impossible Mr. Hume to Iris little minority—that Ministers and tem that Parliamentin its wisdom might think expedient. br any set of men to conduct the Government of this Couutry, mless practices of this kind shall be successfully resisted.

their adherents were described as aiming at the de- -He was happy to say that he concurred in the sentiIt seems as if the Oppos tion, in despair or coming into Office, struction of the country in some particular plan-andments expressed by so respectable a body. He hiinhad determined to break down the means of administering the that he summoned the said little minority to defeat such self was the proprietor of the tithes of more than 20, Afairs of the Country; and as this subject is become most serious, I have no scruple in apprising you of what is now passing, with

plan--would it not have been contemplible in the Mar-parishes, and he, as well as the present petitioners the hope and expectation that you will think it necessary to attend, quis of Londonderry (supposing some honourable in- was willing to make great sacrifices of the property he Ind thus to lend your aid in 'stemming the torrent of such dan- dividual had placed such a letter-though written pri- held in them, provided the Government would introgerous innovation. Your's, most sincerely,

vately and confidentially, in his hands), to have made duce a different mode of paying the clergy, ferling, as (Ibid.)

C. ARBUTANOT. a forinal complaint to the House upon the subject ? We he did, how much he would gain by ihe peace and (CHRONICLE.)

deem it necessary to add another word to sbew, at good order which such an altered system must pro

once, the arrogance and the folly of the principle that duce. He was confident that the Clergy of Ireland A curious question of privilege was brought before the bas been assumed.(COURIER.)

would not object to any arrangement of this kiml; and House of Coinmons, last night, by Lord J. Russell. We

he placed every reliance on the readiness of both Houses allude to the letter wbich, according to the Noble Lord, Two Postmasters-General are,as necessary as two of Parliament to direct their attention to this subject. had been received by a friend of his, from Mr. Arbuth- heads to the human body : their retention, therefore, None of their Lordships need be startled at the idea of pot, containing certain expressions which he quoted, was boldly, if we may not say audaciously, justified, on altering the system iu Ireland, from a fear that a siand which, as applied to the members of Opposition, be the ground that it was necessary there should be a di- milar change wonld be attempted in England ; because thought nearly concerned the rights and privileges of rect influence in the House of Commons; otherwise the they must all know that there was the greatest possible that House. Before we nolice the letter itsell, we have wheels of Government could not go on. If so, we difference in the state of the two countries.- (Hear.). a few words to say upon one or two other points. should say, let the King at once send a number of men He conjured their Lordslips, as they valued the in

In the first place, we cannot adequately express our (officers of the guard, for example)openly and avowedly terests of the kingdom at large, to attend to the prayer sentiments of that conduct which is involved in the fact

into Parliament, to vote whenever called upon, or or- of the present Petition, which he was confident spoke of such a letter being handed over to an Opposition dered into the House. Would this-or could any thing the sentiments of all the intelligent people of Ireland. Member for the purpose to which it was applied. The

else—be more offensive, than to see sixty servants of (Cheers.) plain and manly course would have been for the indivithe Crown, as much under orders as any Guardsmen,

The Earl of LIVERPOOL commenced by coniplidual, whoever he was, if he thought the application an step into the House and dispose of a question against menting the Noble Duke on the candid and able manner improper one, to have stood up in his place in Parlia

the strong hopes and urgent claims of the people ? In in which he had brought the question before the House. ment, and made his complaint. But to allow a private the division of last night, Minister's had only a majority The subject was one which had lately occupied a large and confidential communicatio: to pass from his own of Twenty-five-a majority, we again say, which de- share of the attention of the Noble Lord, who was at hands into those of another, politically opposed to the cides the merits of the question against them, and indi

the head of the Government in Ireland ; and of those writer, and for an object so personal and offensive, does cates, we apprehend, the no very remote dismissal of with whom he corresponded in this country. From appear to us incapable of being vindicated upon any of

one of the Postmasters-General. But the inisfortune the present subject he wished to remove one or two the admitted principles which regulate the transactions in this and all similar cases is, that the reform, be it prejudices, which seemed to have taken possession of of private or public life.

great or small, loses the merit of a favour by coming the minds of some persons. The present disturbances The next consideration that strikes us, is the extreme

loo late-by being the result of constraipt rather than in Ireland did not altogether arise from tithes. These sensibility-or, we should rather say, the pettish irrita

of free-will. The House, as in the case of the Lay might, in some degree, be the causes, and therefore bility, of the Opposition, whenever they are attacked. Lords of the Admiralty, is dragged into a declaration they were worthy of consideration ; but they were far They would arrogate to themselves an entire monopoly

that the appointments are necessary, and then is from being the sole causes. There was another point of abuse and of illiberal imputation; and, indeed, they obliged to give them up as useless.- TIMES.)“

to which he must advert ; the present was uot a queshave the inonopoly. They are daily and hourly, in Par

tion belween the Clergy and the community of Ireland: Jiament and out of Parliainent, on bustings and in ta- We regret to see that the Bank means to claim 2000l. for he knew that more tban one-third of the tithes of verns, accusing Ministers, and the supporters of Minis

per annum for the management of the new stock created that country were in the possession of lay impropriators. ters, of designs the most hostile to the liberty, the pros: in the 4 per cents. Now, we think the Bank ought With regard to the collection of tities in England, he perity, and the bonour of the country. It is their

rather to study the spirit than the letter of the terms on must also state that the Clergy were not the persons eternal theme of reproach, and no great reserye of lan- which it manages the national debı; and though there who were inost severe in the exercise of their right to guage, or delicacy of insinuation, is employed. But if it be hinted that the system they themselves act upon is

may be nominally a greater number of hundreds in the them. Ministers had not overlooked the question of

four, than there were originally in the five per cents., tithes in Ireland, but had turned their serious attention dangerous—if they are described as “ determining to by the addition of the bonus granted, yet the sum total

to it, with a view of adopting a remedy, as soon as posbreak down the means of administering the affairs of the of the interest is diminished by as much as Govern- sible. As lo what the remedy should be, was, howcountry,” they bristle up, like a chased and angry boar,

ment saves from the scheme. Why, then, should the ind utter loud and vehement complaints at the audacity

ever, a question of great difficulty. Without considercharge of management be increased.-(Times.)

ing whether a conmutation of tithes in Ireland would of presuming to question their integrity, their honour,

We understand that two persons who have signed be advantageous to the Clergy in point, or whether Scir patriotism, their unsullied purity. We their dissent, one for 50 thousand and the other for 70

the individuals who now paid lithes might not, in case his mummery; and we despise still rnore the paltry at

thousand, pelitioned the Bank to be reinstated again, of such commutation, be obliged to pay more in anempt which it involves, to fetter the free and fearless

to which the Bank could not give their consent.--(Sun.) other way, he conceived that an alteration in the preexpression of opinion. We participate in all the indig

sent system would go a great way to producc tranquilHalion manifested by the Marquis of Londonderry, at he idea that no pen must write, no tongue must utter, IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT.

lity in Ireland—(hear), aud avert those evils by which

the country was agitated. A notion had been enlerorsooth, a word, or a thought, derogatory to their


tained, that it was impossible to make any alteration in eerless virtues, their matchless wisdom, their spotless The Royal Assent was given by cominission to the 5 the system of Ireland, without introducing a similar gotives.

per Cents. Reduction Bill, and the Judges of Assize one in England. He could positively state that there But we deny that there was any thing in the letter Commissions' Bill. 71 Mr. Arbuthnot which could fairly subject it to the

was no similitude between the state of both countries

Mr. Brogden brought up from the Cominons the in this respect. And those who objected to any atteraanimadversions which were bestowed upon it last Mutiny Bill, the Marme Mutiny Bill, and the Alien Bill. tion in England might fairly and fully enter into the might.

Read a first time.

question so far as related to Ireland. - And whatever We beg our readers to note the word “privale” at Lord ERSKINE presented three Agricultural Petithe head of the letter, and to judge accordivgly of that

application he should direct to this question, he would tions.-Laid on the table,

recommend it to others to consider it, as he did, solely breach of confidence which made it PUBLIC. Let it be Eac DARNLEY, after referring to Mr. Hunt's case, as an Irish question. With regard to the disturbance

Page 17

Longstaff and Mr. Jeans.

Mr. Lewis opposed her

Law, of Sfandon, Herts.-John Barnes, esq. of Narrow-stree!, Europe to be silent in their presenec, let them put t on his own part.

I imebouse:- At Shrewsbury, the Rev. Benjamiu Edwards, l'ector
of Frode sley, Salup. -Donald Siewart, esq. of the Mile-eur:-road.-

sileoce a single fictious orator. Ministers had been Mr. Ileath opposed her on a preliminary objection, Mr. A. Fordyce.--I Chestiuni, Herefordshire, Elizabeth, daughter reproached for not giving sufficient protection to conthat she had not jucluded in her schedule a certain do- of the lare S. Cattley, esq. of Canberwell.

The internal commerce of the country-the. cument relating to property. He called Mrs. Long

trade belwcen the proviuces had never been more staff to prove the existence of the document.


flourishing ; it was this internal commerce that constiMr. Pollock objected to the course, but tlie Court

Bank Stock sbut. Omminen

tuled the strength of England and of all other stalęs, be 3 overruled the objection.

per Ct. Red. shut. India Stock

cause it depended upon themselves and nature, and was 3 Mrs. Longstaff then stated that she had seen in the

Ct. Cons. 79 3,8 per India Bouds 49

nol subject to the caprice of foreign powers, wlio en3 Cent, shut, Lady's possession whilst she lodged in her apartinents, 112

Long App. shut.

Lrenched themselves behind a'system of custom-duties a paper which the Lady said was signed with the sigo

4 Cents, 'shut. per

Ex. Bills (1000l.) 5 pm.

5 manual of liis late Majesty, and wbictı bequeathed lo

and prohibitions. Upon the subject of thieir difierences Cents. 102 718 per Cons. for. Acc. 79 314

with the United States, he (the Orator) had no doubt her the sum of 15,00ol. but that it was not to be pru

of their amicable adjustment. The British cabinet duced til after his Majesty was dead.

were not so communicative as the Hon. Gentleman (M. Mr. Pollock then examined the Insolvent, who said

Bignon) seemed to believe; the opposition frequently that this was a matter which was addressed privately

stated, not what they knew, but what they gniessed. to the King: It was a paper witnessed by Lord Chat

France was not to treat with Si. Domingo because Enghain and the Earl of Warwick.

PARIS, MARCH 21, 1822.

land had recognised the independence of Amnerica. It The Chief Commissioner said the Insolvent was

Yesterday the King transacted business with Ge- was an erroneous maxim that a commercial spirit ought bound to deposit the document in the office.

neral Lauriston, and afterwards presided at a Cabinet always to be the spirit of a governinent, and that expeMr. Pollock said, he hoped to have been able to pro- Council.

diency ought to be its first rule. What was expedient duce the paper, and 10 have obtained the perinıssion The Duke of Angouleme went to Versailles yesler.

to day was frequently inexpedient in its remote consoof ibe Court to it, but as unfortunately he was day.

quences. This country hał supported the revolt of not in a condition to do so, he leared an adjournment Yesterday the Duchess of Angouleme attended Di- America ; he would ask what harm had it done to would be necessary:

vine Service at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul. England, and what good had it done lo France; AmeMr. Heath said it must be with costs, or he should Yesterday the Prince Royal of Denmark inspected rica was still English, and French Louisiana had pray the Court to strike the case ont. the Hotel Dieu.

become American. To acknowledge the independence The Court directed the case to be adjourned to the Count de Balmair, Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor of St. Domingo would be to renounce their title to it, and 25th of March, with liberty tu amend the schedule and Alexander, arrived at Paris on Tuesday,

should France, like Esaut, sell her birth-right for a little file documents within a week, on payment of the costs On Monday Dr. Audou-rd arrived at Paris from his sugar? The object of ilue Liberals in employing all of the day. journey to inspect the sanitary cordon.

their efforts to parcel out territorial property to infinity The Insolvent rose and said, she wished to instruct The lectures at the School of Law will re-commence was to secure the ascendancy of a democracy. Ile hei Counsel. The paper was represented to her as to-morrow.

(the Orator) would tell the Hon. Deputy who spoke

M. Jean Massard, Engraver to the King, and Member yesterday, that no independent state was ever preserved The Chief Commissioner said, it was iminaterial of the Royal Academy of Painting, died a few days but by its aristocracy, orever perished but by its demo what the documeut was. ago at the age of eighty-two years.

cracy. The Hon. Gent. had given lessons to Ministers, Mr. Pollock then obtained tea vè to rectify some de- The Police of Madrid' have recently adopted very ri- he (the Ora.or) would also give them a lesson ; he would ficiencies in the notice to one of the creditors. Here

gorous measures, in consequence of the great influx of say " be firm." the business ended for the presint. strangers into thal capital,

General Foy said that is, according to the last Lord Sidmouth, Gen. Wetherall, Ex-Sheriff Par

A great number of Spaniards, whose attempts at in-speaker's assertion, there could be no such thing as a kins, and several other persons of distinction, were surrection in Galicia and Navarre proved abortive, political balance anong the powers, France should aima on the Bench.

have luken refuge upon the frontiers of France. Forty- at becoming stronger than her neighbours, and that BIRTHS.-01 Sons: The Ladies of the Rev. Thomas Bisse, in six recently arrived at Toulouse, and a greater puinbes before a grant was made to the Minister for Foreign Lower Grosvenor-sireet;-uf WC, L. Kecnc, esq. Great Russell- at Bordeaux, all of wlion are in a state of extreme Affairs, they oughl lo put forth an effort to raise tue Street, Bloomsbury;--of Brevet Major Nixon, of the 17th ivot, at Newport, Isle of Wight;—ot E. Layton, esq. in Haus-place, Chelsea; wretchedness.

country to that rank which it was entitled to occupy. -or liichard Gosling, esq. in Devonshire-street;-of James Moody, The Pacha of Egypt has lately made very advan- The secrecy with which the Ministers conducted their esq. of Nuuter-street, Brunswick-square;-of Wm. Sandys, esq. of

tagrous proposals to several artists, such as painters, diplomacy could only be accounted for upon the ground Great Qlieen-street, Westminster;-of Geo. Lai clay, csq. in Cadugan-place, Sloane-street,

sculptors, etc., at Marseilles. The persons by whom of culpable passions. France was a land of equality, Of a Son and Heir: The Countess of Dartmouth, at Sandwell- they have been accepted will shortly sail for Alexan- but her enemies sought their support in the European hall, Staffordshire. drra.

Aristocracy:-(Murmurs on the Right.)- It was eviuf Daughters: Lady Levinge, in Rutland-square, Dublin ;The Ladies of the Ilon. Mr. Colville, at Langley Farm, Keat;-01 Sir

Died.-In Paris, on the 14th insti, J. $. Smith, dent that in Europe an alliance was formed against the Du tley Hill, al Carlow, Ireland; of J. W. Bacon, esq. at Frien- R. N. To his bravery, as an officer, were added all the virtues nations. The Minister for Foreign Affairs demanded house;—of Dr. Denoison, of Guilford-street;-of Edward Impey, characteristic of British scàmen---silicere, generous, gool-tempered,

15,000fr, more than last year, and not a word was said esq. at Torquay, llevón;--of Rebello, esq. in Burton aile clionate and honourable ; he en .eare i himself to all who knew Crescent;=of Dr., of the oth Hussais, at Brighton;-of hini, and the funil of anecdote, whici le retained almost to the respecting his Department. When it was considered the Rev. J.W. Vivian, in Sidmouth-street, Mecklenburgh-square;- last hour of his existence, rende ed hinı an ornanient to society. thal in general a column of observations accompanied of Captain W. B. Dashwood, R.N. at Ryrie, Isle o! Wight.

his application for grants, this omission naturally exMARRIED.-At Lower Tooting, Mr. H. W. Lord, to Miss Gibson,


cited suspicion. The public money was undecessarily of Upper Tooling.–At Whissen ine, out of a puor-house, Richard

Silling of the 19th inst. Norton, aged 70, and Elizabeth Hains, aged 74, after a long court

expended; there were physicians, with salaries, who ship. The bridegroom walked to church with the assistance of two

The Order of the Day was the renewal of the debate

had no palients to cure, and surveyors whose only suicks, and the bride is so nearly in darkness that she was obliged to upon the application for a grant of 740,000 fr. for the employment was to lay out the gardens of the flutel bave her hand guilled in makin: the cross in the register.-Ai Wey

interior expenses of the Minister for Foreign Alliirs, bridge, Surrey, Lient. Nathaniel Barwell, R. N. to Susan Aune,

Wagram; one person was paid for not making a booking daugher of J. C. Middlelqu, esq:-AL Prestbury, the Rev. C. 1. C. M. DE MONTERON opposed the reductions which had and another for moking ove, and perhaps a book too, Lurmore, to Frauces, eldest daughter of the late T. Brooke, esq. of been proposed, and would vote for the whole sum, as which altacked the Charter and the public liberties. Church Minshull, Cheshire -Ai Marylebone, and afterwards pri

he considered it necessary. An Hon. Gentleman (M. vately, according to the rites of the Church of Rome, ile Chevalier

He (the gallant General) would ask what advantage the Pierre Felix Marie, son of the lale Baron de Narrange de Brevannes, Bignon) had said yesterday that France ought to have country had derived for the last 5years from the Minister to Anne Susanue louisa, daughter of the late J. C. Bert, esą Lieute- had a share in the occupation of Italy; but, if such an pant Governor of Essiquibo, West Indies.--At Chel endam, Hugh

for Foreign Affairs ? — With respect to Spanish AmeMarsy Ryves, esq. only son of the late Edward Ryves, esq.of Limearrangement had been made, the opposition would have

rica, no envoys had been sent, no consulates had been rick, to Rebecca, widow of the late Thomas Laur, jun. e:q. of the been the first to cry out that the national honour had

established, no relations bad been sought, but the OlliGrange, b.eylon, Essex.-Ac Benton, Wm. Clerk King. csq. B. A. of been cornproinised by French soldiers havivg been put Bene'i College, Cambridge, ouly son of Captain C. King, R.N. of

cial Journals had treated the patriots in a hostile inan Lowestofl, in Sustulk, to Maryllizabeth, second daughter of under an Austrian commander.

ner, had branded them as rubels, had insulted their Wm. Clark, esq. of Benton-house and Belford-hall, Northumber- M. d'EstCoRMEL proposed the abolition of the office Chief, whose name would be handed down to posteland.- Beverley, Capul Cure, esq. of Blake-hall, Essex, !o Froile. of Director General des travaux politiques, by which rica, eldest ta ghier of the Late Lieut.-Gen. Cheney.--Robt. Geo.

rily, associated with that of Washingloo.-(Murmurs Bankes, est, pa master of the 16th foot, 10 Mrs. Burne, sister and

30,000 fr. would be saved to the country, and com- on the Right.)-The offers made by St. Domingo, co-heiress of the late Thomas Trumani, est. of Stamford, Lincolu- plained of the facility with which improper and un- which had been refused by France, would be readily shire. --At Chaibam, Lieut.-Col. Dashwood, of the third gards, second son of Sir Henry Dashwood, of Kirtlington Park, Oxford

skilful persons obtained places in the public offices. To embraced by other countries. A large sum was desluire, 10 Caroline, fourih daughter of Sir Robert Barlow. Lient- remedy this evil he would propose the establishment manded for the Ambassador at the Brazils, but no such Col. Perceval, to Alicia Charlotte Palmer, the chest daughter of of a diplomatic school, where individuals might be inSir Wm. Henry P Imer.-Wm. Haid ng, esq. of Berley, Stafford

embassy was in existence. Fora long period they had shire, to Emma. third daughter of John Gilbert. esq. of Chester.-

structed in the relations subsisting between France and had no Ambassadors at some of the principal courts of At St. Pa cras, Thomas Wallin, esq. of Danes-bill, Nots, to Mary,

the other Powers, and thus be filled to discharge | Europe. Al ibis moment there was not one at London. daughter of W. Stoves, esq. of Kentish Town.-By special license, various functions with advantage to the State. at the Duke of Devonshire's, at Chiswick, the llon. Ellis Agar, lo

He (the Oralor) would enquire of certain Gentlemen Miss Howard, second daughter of Lord and La ly Morpeth. After

M. DE Boxald rose to make some observations upon wheiler their Ambassador to the Court of St. James' the ceremony the briuiogroom and brido set oft for Vinct. Clifilen's the speech of an Hon. Deputy (M. Bignon) who had received an allowance of 300,000fr., and an outfit 10 scat, at Kochampton.-- A St. George's, Bloomsbury, the Rev. Thus.spoken yesterday. The Chamber had heard inuch Hyde Ripley, vicar of Woolton Bassett, Wilts, to Caroline Augusta,

write articles for the Paris Journals.-Whilst France daughter or G. B. Tyndall, esq. of Lincoln's-inn-fields. about a political balance. He would leave such diplo

was sunk in apathy other powers were active, and no DIED:- In the Temple, James Boswell, esq. Commissioner of macy to the politicians of cafes and colleges.-(Violent

doubt congratulated themselves upon having the power Bankrupts.-At Tottenham, Mrs. Frances Franceis.-At Windsor, murmurs on the left.)-It never did and never could

to fix the destinies of Europe to the exclusion of Wm. Gorton, 21.-41 St. Lucia, in January, Col. Edw. Copson, exist in Europe. As little could, what was called indeof the 5th fooi, son of T. Copson, esq.--The wife of Mr. Twenty

France. In the Russian ultimatum even her name man, of Maddox-street, Hanover-square.-In giving birth to her pendence, be realised, States, like iudividuals, naturally

was not mentioned, which showed her weight in the sixib child, the wife of Mr. Micrael Slater, of Gracechurch-streci.., depended upon each other. The strength of a state

general scale. The influence of Austria in Italy was At Malaga, from the fatal eilects of arsenic, given by mistake for a consisted in the extent of its territory, in the contiguity of such, that she had a Prince ready to place upon the dose of cream of tartar, the wife of Wo. Kirkpatrick, est. of Malega.-At Brlle-Vue, Worthins Wip. Test, esq.-The wife of

ils ports, in the disposition of its fiontiers, and this throne of the Church in the event of ihe Pope's demise. Nr. Titos. Wright, oue of the principal door-keepers of the House strength France possessed under her Kings. Every Spain complained that the factious of Navarre found of Lords.-In Great C mberland-stice, the wife of John Ra king, eso,-The liev. Wm. Shore, virar of Offerion, Devon, and brother

thing had been sub-erted by the revolution, from which, retuge in the lazarets of the Pyrenees, and received to Lord Teignmouth. At Badminton, Lord H. Somerset, Uird son

it was true, they had just escaped, but the country was their pay from the hands of Frenchinen.. A Spanish of the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort.--At the Vicarage, Sonving, still bleeding with its consequences, and groaning Journal even stated the paine of the banker wbo furthe Rev. John Roberts, D.D. ove of the fellows of Eton College, and vicar of Sonuing and Bunhim.- In the cloisters of Windsor

bereath an immense debt. In such a state of things nished the funds, and the persons into wbose bands Castle, the Rev. Geo. Ileath, D. D, a canon of Winilsor, and fellow

the course of Min sters was right, in taking no part in they were paid.-The Orator concluded by proposing · of Eton College, and vicar of Siourmiosier Marshall, Dorsetshire.- the affairs of Naples and Piedmont; a pacific mediation In Crawford-street, the wise of Wm. Finch, esq.-At Binstead, the

a reduction of 466,5oofr. Rev. Henry Taylor, LB. rector of Spridlington, Lincolnshire. At

was the only part for France to adopt. The temporary' The MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS said that lic Brighton, Robert Wilmot, esq. late of the fih dragoons, ellest son

sojourn of Austria in Italy was the security of Europe. would not go over the wide extent of ground which of Sir R. Wilmot, of Chaddesilen.--- Al his apartments, in Dartmouth-street, Westminster, Rear-dmiral Guyott.--At Porchester,

Oiher powers, e qually interested, betrayed no fears, the preceding Oralors had occupied, but would conHants, the wife of Rear-Admiral Cooke, of ihat place.--In Fen

and though but iwo Powers should exist upon the fine Ciniself to a very few points. The secrecy with church-treet, James Boss Thornton, youngest son of the late Continent, France would be one of them. He would

which the affairs of his Department were couducteu Thomas Thornton, osn. of Scarborough, Yorkshire.-.las. Montagu, make the same reply to what had been said relative to exq., aged roi.--At Hawthorn Hill, Berks, Whitshed Keene, esq.

was contradicted by the speeches of the Hon. Grotleof what place, and of Sackville-street.-lo Skinner-street, the wife

their refraining from interfering in the affairs of Greece.' men themselves, who entered into the inost minute and of Mr. John Litwyche,--Catherine, second daugh'er of A Sayer",

The policy of this country was to preserve her own esq.-At Demerara, the wife of Mr. Sergeanl Rough.- At South

delicate points with regard to the foreign relations of ampton, of apoplerv, General Richardson.-At St. Petersburgh, territory, and leave her cominerce to the national

the country. He could assure the Chamber that the Jan, 26, Dr. Robert Simpson.--At Show-place, near Newbury, Sir genius aud industry. The principle of external

present Ministers had lost no time in endeavouring to Joseph Andrews, one of the Depnly Lieutenants of the county of strength in a state was in its internal strength, and the establish such relatious with the United States of AmyPerks. Samnel Anrirew's l.lovd, esoj. of Newbury, Berks. The wife of Richard Bradley, esq. of Upper Montague street, Mo tarue-sqr.,

latler was founded in respect to the laws and obedience rica, as would have the most favou able jufluence upon Mar Jehone--la P.II Wal, the Lady of Sir Scrope Bernard Morland.

lo authority. Before arinies were sent to a distance commerce. With regard to Spanish America, France Ai Worlington, Suffolk, Rice Jamas, esq.-Ai Crowsley Park, let the few miserable factions be reduced at home; Oxfordshire. John Aikins Wright, es.-Al Richmond Hill, Surrev,

was not behind, since its independence bad rot been the widow of the Rev. Rob. Mark Del losse, L.L.B.-At Huntroyd

before they attempled 10 govern the world let them recognised by the United States, and so European Legendre Starkie, cs.-Elizabeth, only daughter of the Rev. 'H' govern their own universilies; belore they required Power bad as yet sent Envoys or Consuls there. - Har

Page 18

From the LONDON GAZETTE, March 16.

standing the repeated summons of the Superintendant M. BOGNE DE FAYE pointed out various reductions

of the College, and the Rector of the Academy of Paris. Crown-Office, March 16.

wlich might be made io the amount of 140,00ofr. After some time they consented to open the door to the The MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS rose to correct MEMBER RETURNED TO SERVE IN PARLIAMENT.

Almoner, the Abbé de Causans, wlio by bis exhortaTown of Drogheda.—11, M. Smytu, Esq. in the roum of II. Mt

a statement made in a preceding, sitting, that the ex

tions succeeded in producing temporary tranquillity:calte, Esq., deceased.

penses of trauslation in his Department, which formerly They resolved, however, to pass the right thus enWhitehall, March 16.

were 15,00oli, per annum, were now 50,ooofr. In trenched, and it was not till yesterday morning, when The Kin; has been pleased to nominute and appoint the under

the translation olice there were in 18:4, fourleen mentioned Officers to be Companions of the Most iton. Military

preparations were making to force open the doors, that clerks at an expense of 41,000lr. ; in 1816, eight clerks Order of the Bath, viz.:--Lieut.-Colonels Frederick George Heriot, they came out and retired to their respective quarters. at 32,000fr, ; in 1822, six clerks at 22,000lr. --Theaton the hall-pay of the late Canadian Voltigeurs; veorge Jenkinson, An investigation is taking place to discover the ringof the Royal Artillery ; Colquhoun Grant, of the 541h Kegiment

tacks made upon their Ambassadors were just and (lite Asustant-Qarier-Master-General to the Troops in France);

leaders, and the Academic Council will determine their illiberal. Their allowances did not exceed those of Samuel Hall, o ine 6th liezim nt (lule of the 8gih licgiment); aud punishment.

the diplomatic agents of other Slates, and they had alNathaniel Warren, of the 15th Regiment.

Letters from Irun, and other towns on the frontiers ways done their duty in sustaining the dignity of the

of Spain, announce the death of the Curate Mering. Average Price of Corn, by the Quarter of Eight Winchester

nation and the interests of commerce. Bushels, received in the week endled on the gih of March, 1822 : The King of Naples has issued a decree forbidding M. Bogne de Fare maintained that what he had ad

Wheat, 40s. 10d.; Barl y,,10s. 8d.; Vais, 105. od.; Rye, 20s. 8d.; the return, withouthis Majesty's special pardon, of those Beans, 215. gd.; Peus, 23.. 411.

persons to the Kingdom, who quitted it in consequence

vanced respecting the translation office was correct;

the six clerks received only 22,000fr,, but there was a of the events of July 1820, under pain of being tried War-Office, March 15.

Principal in the office with a salary of 12,000 fr., and ist Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Coruet W. C. Smith, from hall- by a Court Martial and executed within 24 hours. This three retired clerks with pensions amounting to 12,000fr. pay gth Light Dragouns, to be Cornet, vice F. A. Bradb ruc, who provision applies also to foreigners who may penetrate besides which there were three historiographers. er cuanges. -5th Ditto, Lieut. J. Gurdiner, to be Lientenan!, vice into the Kingdom without being furnished with regular The various reductions proposed were then put and A. Bake., who exchanges.--7th Ditto, Coruet T. Lucit, lo we Curnet, vice P. Wright, who e.changes.

passports, and who may be suspected of intentions to rejected, and ihe grant applied for voted, ist Regiment of Foot, Lieut, S. Blake, to be Paymas er, vice disturb the public trauquillity.

Upon the application for a grant amounting to Daniel, cuismissed the service.-4th Dirio, Hospital-Assist. W. Parsy, Il is rumoured that the Court of Berlin has issued a 1,500,000fr. for the supplementary service, to be Ass.staut- urgeon, vice Morrah, ceceased.-10th Ditto, k.

manifesto declarative of its neutrality in the events Keily, Gent., to be Easign, vice Le Marchant, promoted. 28th

M. BOGxE DE Fare proposed a reduction of 150,000fr., Ditto, Capt. D. S. Bardley, to be Major, vice Ross, who relires; which appear likely to take place in the east.

and complained of the refusal to lay a statement of the Lieut. E. E. Hill, to be Captain, vice Barclay; Ensign J. C. Browne, The following is an official statement of the numto be Lieutenaut, vire Hill; R. Gibson, Gent., to be Ensign, v ce

items before the Chamber, Browve.-34th Ditto, Cornet and Sub-Licut. W. Locke, to be Liel

ber of English who have visited Paris from 1815 to M. CORNET D'INCOURT said that the accounts were tenant, vice Huddleston, promoted.–36th Ditio, T. Alcock, Gent., 1821 inclusive, upon the correctness of which the ful- laid in detail before the Committee, and that if Gento be Ensign, vae Graham, promoted.--331h Ditto, Assist.-surgeon lest reliance


be placed. J. Thomson, to be Assistant-Surgeon, vice Shaks, appointel to the

tlemen occupied themselves less with political discus

1815. 82d Foot.-41st Ditto, Capt. G. F. loul on, to be Capiain, vice W.

13,822* individuals.

sions they would have more inlormation upon the FiWatson, who exchanges.-520 Dillo, Ensign W. Vivian, to be En

15.512 ditto sign, vice Sunderland, who exchanges.--- giis Dirto, Lie 1. J. P. Pe


16,618 ditto nefather, to be Captain, vice Halford, promoted; Eusiyn G. Chi

M. Manuel reprobated the obstinacy with which

1810. ebester, lo be Lieutenant, vice Penefathe: ; J. M. Drummond, Gent.,

19,838, ditto

documents were withheld sroın Deputies, and entered to be Ensign, vice Chichester.-60tDitto, Serjcaat-Major J. A.


18,720 ditto

into long details respecting the relusal of Ministers to Wolff, to be Adjuiant with the rank of Ensigo, vice Adams, de

18:20. ceased.-75th Ditto, Quartermaste:-Serjeant J. Dandy, to be Quar

19,040 ditto

treat with St. Domingo; upon censuring the march of

1821. termaster, vice M.Phail, deceased.-79th Dito, Ensign A. Cameron,

20,184 ditto

the Administration in very severe terms, the Orator to be Lieutenant, vice E. Cameron, deceased; Ensign W. Boates, * The Soldiers of the Army of Occupation are not included in this to be Ensign, vice Cameron.-31st Divio, Lieut.-Col. A. Cruagh, to number.

was called to order three times by the President, and be Lieut.-Colonel, vice Millins, who exchanges.-820 Ditto, Assist By the recent fire in the library at Lucca about 7000

the Chamber deciding that he had forfeited his parole, Surgeon A. Shanks, M.D., o be Assistanl-Surgeon, vice W. Milligin, who retires.-83u Ditto, Lieul. W. 11, Law, to be Licutenant, vicc volumes were destroyed. Some fine manuscripts were

the Hon. Gentleman sat down amidst a burst of tuinult H. Vereker, who exchanges.-933 Ditto, Lieut.-Gul 11. Milline, to also consumed; among others, the Martyrology of

on the left side. be Lieut.-Colonel, vice Creagh, who exchanges. Florentini, a Pliny, a letter of Galileo, and several let

The grant was then voted. ist West Judia Kegiment, Capt. G. Fo:d, to be Captain, vice Gordon, cashiered. ters of learned men of the 15th and 6th centuries.

The Řeeper of the Seals presented the Law Project Ist Royal Veteran Battalion, PaymasterT. Small, to be Paymaster. The valuuble picture of Paolini suffered inuch from the

upon the Press, as amended by the Chamber of Peers, -30 Ditio, Ensign A. Greenliam, to be Eusign, vice Cameron; EnSmoke.

and announced ibat Lis Majesty approved and consented sign C. Laichell, to be Quartermaster, vice Yellon, appointed Ad

to the amendment. lis- jutaut.

The Stockholm Gazette states that a petition bas BANKRUPTS.-G. Judd, Farringdon, Berkshiro, cordwainer. been presented to his Swedish Majesty from the tailor's,

A warm debate arose upon the questions, whether G. Dalmaine, Chandus-street, Covent-garden, embroiderer.). Sim- hatters, shoemakers, and other artisans, praying for

the whole Law Project should be read or the amendkins, Storc-street, Bedforu-square, tailor.-E. Chittenilen, Ashford, protection against the attacks of the women of the

ment only, whether it was necessary to send it back to Kent, ironmonger.-W. Scoli, junior, Norwich, co fectioner.-H. Day and H. Holmes, Tottenham-court-road, liuen-drapers.-W. town, who in the evening throng the streets of that

the Bureaus, and whether the whole Law or the aipend. Brett, Stone, Staffordshire, grocer.-J. Rose, Ibstock, Leicester, capital.

ment only was open to discussion. Amidst much tu. Srocer.-E. Bishop, Cheltenham, tailor.-T. Parker, Carincott-Mill, Bubti.-On the 19th instant, in the Rue de la Paix,

mult it was decided that the entire Project should be Somerselslice, mealman.-M. Rose, Berry-hills, Packington, J.eicester and Derby, farmer.-T. Pitts and T. Collison, Beverley, the Lady of Henry David Erskine, Esq. of a daughter read, that it should not be sent to the Bureaus, and

that the amendment solely was open lo debate. York, woolleu-drapers.-F. and E. Petitpierre, South-street, Finsbury-sqnare, merchants.—R. Maddock and J. Tweed, Rosemary


CHAMBER OF DEPUTTES. lane, timber-merchants.-W. Button, Bicester, Oxford, inn-keeper. -J. Muthorp, Pool, York, maltsler.-J. Ligh:foot, Eccleston, Lan

Sitting of the 20th inst.

THEATRICALS. caster, miller.-E. Glover, Hardshaw-within-Widdle, Lancashire, The Order of the Day was the renewal of the de- The benefit of Mle. Volnais, at ile Académie Royale shopkeeper.-W. May, King's-Head lavern, Newgate-street, ta- bate upon the Budget. vern-keeper.-J. Hort, Great St. llelens, Londo'', coal-merchanf.

de Musique, consisted of Raoul-Barbe-Bleu, Mme. be

-P. Builer, Little Bolton, Lancaster, mannfacturer.-G. H. Ed Upon the proposal that 5,630,00ofr. be granted to the de Sévigné, and the first act of la Garza Ladra. The und wards, Craven-streel, Westminster, swine-merchant.-K. Lepping- Minister for Foreign Affairs to meet the exterior ex- Opera of Ravul-Barbe-Bleu com cuced the perform:

well, Croydon, Surrey, linen-draper: –J. Kirkland and J. Badenoch, Coventry, ribbon-manufacturers.

penses of his Department,

As a Poem, this work is below criticism, but M. BRUN DE VILLE et rose to move a reduction of the fine music of Grétry throws an aloning halo and CORN-EXCHANGE, MARCH 18.-Owing to adverse

300,00ofr.— The attempts made by some Gentlemen to richness around it. Derivis both sung and acted in a winds, we have had very few arrivals from the Coast,

justify the acts of the late and the present Ministers, superior style. Mme. Paradul, as Isaure, was warmly but a good supply of Wheat by laud carriage from Kent had, in his opinion, completely failed. An Hon. De- applauded; in the famous cabinet scene her triumph and Essex, besides a tolerable quantity which remained puty had said, “why endeavour to reduce St. Do- was complete. Lemonnier, though evidently indisover from last week. Supertine samples obtained last iningo, blood enough' has alrea:ly been spilt there." posed, acquitted himself very well in the part of Vergy. Monday's prices; but there was but little demand for He admitted this truth, and would go fartier, sor he -The Comedy of Mme, de Sévigné, which followed, the inferior qualities, the price of Flour being rednced

regarded the conquest of St. Dumingo in its present served to increase the’reputation of Mlle. Volnais, and E's 5s. per sack. Fine malting Barley being scarce, and

state of military discipline as impossible ; but that was to add to our regret at her departure from the stage. in demand, is fult is. per quarter dearer, and there a reason why Minister's ought to have entered into a Her part was in Mme. de Sevigne, which requires to be was rather more demand for the ordinary sorts for

commercial treaty with the natives.-The provinces filled by talents of the first order, and Mlle. Volnais exgrinding: Oats sold on full as good terms as this day

of the Rhine and

of Belgiumn which this country had ceeded her usual excellence in puurtraying it. Mlle, he

se'nuight, having bad but moderate arrivals. In Beans lost, had becoine French, the hearts of the iubabitants Mars performed Marie with her accustoined talent. i's and Peas there is no alteration).

were still French, and the territory would again be- Damas, Cartigny, and Mllc. Demerson, were much ap 2

Wheat (English)305 to 56s Small Beans..... 228 to 24 come so at one time or other; but because the present plauded in their respective parts, and the Coinedy of Rye.......

205 to 28s Tick Beans............ 19 to 21s moment was not favourable to regain them, were they M. Bouilly was altogether represented in a very satisa Barley.

Vals (Potatoe)....... 23s to 25$ Malt. 4'is to 50s Poland)..

therefore lo renounce every species of commerce with factory style.- At the conclusion of this piece Mlle. White Peas.........., 245 to 26s Feed)........... 15s to 203 their interesting neighbours?--Ministers had been silent Vulnais was loudly called lor ; she came forward, esBoilers......


455 to 5os

whilst a Power, which had ever been the rival of corted by Damas, and appeared sensibly affected in Grey Peas.... 225 to 245 || Rape-sced. Bol to 341

France, had taken quiet possession of Italy, and had making her adieux, which were received by the aus PRICE OF STOCKS.-LONDON, MARCH 18.

even established garrisons upon the froutiers of this dience in a tnanner the most flattering to her talents and } Bank Stock shut. Oinnium

country. Their indifference to events in the East was her feelings.-The spectacle terminated with the first be 3

per Ct. Red. shut. India Stock

equally culpable. The advantages derived to this act of la Gazza Ladra. An apology had been pres 3 per India Bonds

country by its Ambassadors at Foreign Cuarts was a viously offered for Mme. Fodor, who was suffering 3 112 Cent, shut, Long Ann. shut.

fallacy. Chargés d'Affaires to Courts of the second under a severe cold; she was received, however, with 4 per Cents, shut. Ex. Bills (1000l.) 3 pm.

order would be quite sufficient, ' and the Embassy at the warmest acclamations, which her approaching dehe

5 per Cons. for Acc. 79 718

Na, les might be abolished, for the Ambassa dor at parture rendered more interesting. The first dancers ch

Vienna could negociate all that related to Naples with exhibited in this brilliant representation, and the rethe Austrian Court.-(Violent inurmurs.) – There ceipts of the night amounted to upwards of 11,000fr, could be no necessity to allow their Ambassador at The return of Mme. Pasta to l'Opera Italienne the other London 300,000fr., at St. Petersburgh 250,00ofr., at evening, excited the most enthusiastic and upbounded

Vienna 200,000fr. A great saving might also be inade applause from all parts of the house. That celebrated PARIS, MARCH 22, 1822.

in their travelling expenses, establishments, etc. Ain- syren appeared in Zingarelli's Romeo et Julielle as

bassadors cost the country nearly 9 millions per annum, Romeo, and never did she evince her fascinating skill Yesterday the King transacted business with General and yet their presence in foreign countries was scarcely to greater advantage. Lauriston, and, afterwards took an airing towards known, except by their splendid equipages and hotels. The fine opera of Anacreon che: Polycrate. is Vincennes,

By reducing the allowances of the three Ambassadors shortly to be revived at the French Opera. Yesterday the Viscount de Châtcaubriand, Amhas- he had mentioned to the salaries of Ministers at home Mlle. Idalise, pupil of M. Maze, came out on Monday sador to the Court of St. James's, had a private audi- (150,000fr.), the saying would be made which he had night in the Ballet of Nina. A pas de trois was selected ence of his Majesty, to take leave upon his departure proposed to deduct from the amount applied for. for the occasion, in which she exhibited much promise, for London.

M. DE CAUMARTIN in proposing a reduction of but more fear. We must suspend our judgment on her Yesterday the Duchess of Angouleme visited Mon- 280,000fr., reminded the Chamber that two expenses pretensions till we see her again. SIEUR, who still continues indisposed.

included in the public service of this Department in The receipt on the thirty-first representation of Sylla At one o'clock yesterday tbe Duke of Bordeaux and 1820, would not occur during the present year; he was upwards of 5000 fr. MADEMOISELLE took their usual exercise.

meant 400,000 fr. which were expended at congresses, Samson, it now appears, does not quit the Second On Wednesday a disturbance took place at the Col- and the purchase of the Hotel Wagram. Abuses ex- Théâtre Français, with which house he has signed a lege of Henry IV, in consequence of several pupils hav. isted in The Foreign Department which called loudly new engagement. ing demanded in vain for some of their comrades to be for correction ; for instance, the Consul of the United At the Théâtre du Vaudeville, les Deur Portraits, sot at liberty, who were detained in the hall of disci- States exacted ufr. for every passport or document to ou Vingt Ans d’Absence, a new Comédie-Vaudeville, pline, and for the dismissal of one of the Masters ; they which he afixed his signature. The reduction proposed has been brought out. The following is an analysis of barricadoed themselves in one quarter of the estab- would bring the grant to the same amount as that voted the plot :-Mme. Durand, a buxoin widow of fifty, lishment, and obstinately refused to go out, nolwith- for 1820.

burned before her parriage with Cupid's celestial tires,

Page 19

was celebrated on Thursday by a funeral service in the FRONS. Considerable business dcre, at an advance of abuut 2d.

ADVERTISEMENTS. per galioa; by private cniract Leeward Island proo has been sold Chapel of the Palace at Vincennes.

is. 70. to is. 8d. per gallon, Jamaira low over proof to 19. On Thursday an extraordinary Courter arrived at

Lady's Wardrobe, etc.- To be Sold, at No. 40, iod., 16 to 20 po ceni, over proof 15. uid. to 2s. Id.; and, at a Paris from London with dispatches for the Russian public sale on Friday, of 127 puncheons, 27 to 31 per cent. over

rue Neuve St. Eustache, on Thursday the 28th, Friday the 29tb, und

Saturday the 3oth of Marcia iast., at ien o'clock in the forenoun. the Ambassador, and after a few hours delay proceeded on

proof, went of at 25. gd. to 3s. per gallon To-day the demand has greatly !, and it would be diflicult to sell on the same

Wardrobe of a Lady, Body Linen, Diamouds and precious Stoues, his rond to St. Petersburgh. terins as before. The present stock is 26,012 puncheons.

Jewellery, Paintings, Instruments for physical experiments, Bronzes

Househ. Id Furniture and other effects. "On Thursday the 28th wili FRUIT.-No alteration in prices. Denia Raisius, in baskets, in The Viscoltat de Chateaubriaud will set off on Tues

be s. Id the Lady's Wardrobe, consisting of Cachemir Shawls, Eps. demand, and are held at 4os. per cwt. Turkey Raisins very heavy day for London.

lish Lace, and body lineu of fine holland; necklace, cross and com ol sale. We hear that the Count de Torreno, who is at this SPICES.-On Thursday 435 bags of Pimento went off more briskly.

set wiih brilliants; several ornainents, turquoises, rubis, emeralib,

and fine pearls; a beautiful brillant surrounded by, roses; severas

IRISH PROVISIONS Very dull of sale, and rather lower in price. moment in Paris, will be appointed Minister Plenipo-.

Snui boxes, one of orien al agale, eic. etc. On Friday will be sol !

Taliow.ihe market is heavy at the reduced prices. fentiary of Spain to the Court of the Tuileries.

Oils. -Fish are rather lowe: A parcel of Souta-Sca has been

aby, it 40 Paintings of duferent Schools, Engravings by Vernet, and

Instruments of vario :s kints. The Frankfort Gazette contains an article which bönght in at 21). los. Seed Oils are stationary. Whale fins are

On Saturday will be sold, the

Household Furniture, consisting of drawing-room furniture, sofis, beld in few bands. positively contradicts the iutelligence received respect


looking classes, etc.—Partic.,dars may be known of M. Begou,

s. d. 3. d. ing the death of Ali Pacha, and adds, that he harasses Jamaica ord.

102 to loo Surat

No. 1, r e Taianne.

...0 6 93 to o 8 his enemies by his stratagems and military maneuvres,

-mi thing

121 to 128 Bengal. 0 5 314 tu o 7 To be sold, a very valuable Estate, eligibly situated and has recenily compelled Churscluid Paeha to retreat.

- good and tine 130 to 140 SEA ISLAND.

adjoining the high road, 5 leagiles from Paris, comprising a comnioHavannah 102 to Joy Georgia .

to I 10 A decree of lise Minister of the Interior, dated the 1st

dious Chateau and depenrencies, with walled-in park of 86 acres, Brazil 102 to 100 pland .. 112

to o 10 1?

an orangery will stocked with orange trees, a farm-bouse with the of March, fixes the quaranline of travellers coming from

St. Doniingo 104 to 1ų x.Orleans o 9

to 1

necessai y cu-build.nys contiguous, and about 1000 acres of lanı, Java

120 to 140 any port of Spain into the Lower Pyrenees to five days,


384 of which are wood, park and meailor", and the remainder arable, Mocha very scarce Iron, per ton, L. s. d.

Ls, d. and that of goods susceptible of infection to to days.

producing a reve ne of 30,000fr. per annum. For further para iBourbon

8 o o to 8 50 cula s apply for M. Neuier, at the ottice of this paper. The Chamber of the Council de Première Instance


S. pis....

5 0 0 to 6 0 0 have decided that there is no ground to proceed against

Jamaica fine mi to 0-.-hoops

For Sale, price 2000fr. two handsome grey-coloured

1o to o to II 10 O ood brown 39 to 61 LEAD on board, pig best,

Coach HORSES, the property of an English Gentleman, bonghit by the Editor of the Constilutionnel, relative to the seizure Brazil fine white 35 to 37

him at Vicana in Juue last.-May be secu every morning, till twelve, of a number of that journal a few days ago.

-brown 18 to -milled sheets p. ion

at No. 20, rue Pigale. Bengal fine white 38 to 46 -in bar's

. 25 00 -yellow

To be Sold for 8vofr, a handsome grey Galloway,

24 10 30 STEEL-blister p. cwt. o 48 o CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES,

Java -shear best

perfectly quie', and equal to carry any woighl.-Apply at No. 22,

0 0 0 China and Siam

Silling of the 21st inst.


rue de S renne, Faubourg St. Honore,

084 0 The MINISTER of the INTERIOR presented a Law Project for the

COTTON COPPER-ore per cwt.

To be sold, a handsome Eoglish Calèche, with five

s.d. grant of 1,500,00ofr. to carry into execution the objects intended.o

--in cakes

loos. to loss, .

Pernambuco 1 be adopted in pursuanre of the sanitary laws. Ordered to be exa

14 to 1

Trunks (shold travelling be the object of the purchaser), as also à -sheels p.Ib. 1012d.

L. s. d. Ma anbam . o 10 311 to o ji 112 Tin on board per

pair or English bay coloured Horses either for riding or drivins, mined in tbe bureaux to-morrow.

with barness, elc, The above to be sold immediately, solely on The Order of the Day was the renewal of the debate upon the

Bahia ....0 10 14 to o IT cwt. block

77 0

account of the proprietor quitting Paris directly for England. To Demerara Badzet.

. 09

to 1

o---in bars Bourbon ..011

be seen from '8 ull 1 o'clock. Pric of the whole pooo frs, or l'pon the proposal for a grant to the Minister of the Interior of

- 10 i 3

Britisiu spelter per cwl...050 o Horses alone 3000fr. Inquire fur J. Smith, Coachman, 13, rue Royale 1,065,0 fr. Tor the expenses of geceral administration, the Com

LIVERPOOL, MARCH 16. mittee hat recommencied a reduction of 50,000fr.

COTTON.- Very little done in the market in the carly part of tu To Let, furnished, at a very moderate rent, a Kouse M. BEAUSEJOUR thought the red ction proposed much too small, the week, but the demaud has improved towards tbe clos , and a id garden, with coach-house and stables, delightfully situated at The 'grant applied for was 3,000fr. less than that voted last year, and the sal s amonnt to 6,4700 bags. Boweds have declined about 114d. No. 12, Avenue de Belle-Vne, SÈVRES, containing dining room, mio doubt the Minister considered it an important dimin tion. by a per lb., but other sorls, though dull, are withoni material altera- drawing room, b lliard-room, servants:-hall, kitchen and baih-room similar progression, in about 400 years they would arrive at that tion. 'l'he sales consist of 2,800 Boweus, at 8 L4d. 10 100.; 430 on the ground floor. Above stairs 11 apartments including dressingamount which o gbe to be voted this year. To avoid the inconve- Urleans, al 30 912d. to 11 314d. 130 Tennessees, at 8 114d. to 8 7181.; rooms, likewise a large grenier, the whole newly fitted up.-For nience of waiting so long he would anticipate 2222 and propose in- 560 Sea Islands, at 13 3144. 1o 19d.; 10 stained diito., at 120.; 510 particulars apply to W. D.5, rue St. iacre, Boulv. Poissonnière. stead of 1,665,000fr. the very reasonable sum of 465,000fr.- Perpams, at 11 114d. to 19d; gio Bahias, at jod. to 11d.; 150 Ma(General Laughter.) ranhams, at ud.; 30 Miua Novas, at 10d.; 560 Demeraras, at 10 1144.

To Let, on the ist of April, a furnished aparunent, M. CORNET D'INCOURT supported the proposal of the Committee. to 11 314d.; 100 Barbadoes, at 95j8d, to 93145; 160 Smals, at 63144.

with coach-house and stables, sua'ed norr the Quai Malaquaj. II. MECHIN complained that the Minister of the laterior rendered to 7 1720.; and 100 Bengals, ai 614d. io 8 1/2d. per lb. The im

For terms and tickets to view the same apply to M. Leduc, avccat, Do account of the annual recep's arisin, from the farm of gamin; port this week is 9,4 g bags.

No. 27, rue de la Sourdière, between 12 and 2. houses, which amounted 10 5,500,ooofi. Out of this sum it was said COFFEE.--The business done is confined to a few lo's of Jamaica tbat 2,000,000fr. were applied to the expeuses of secret police.- and Demı rara, at about former prices, viz.: Demerara middling

Rural Economy:-M. LE GUORION, land owner, Upon that subject he should make some observations wheu Sec- 124.; Jamaica ordinary 103s. 10 iiSs. 6d., good to fine ordinary

residing at Meung-sur-Loire, four leagues from Orleans, on the tion 15 came before the Honse. u12s. to 16s. 6d., mildling 1215. to 123s., and good middling 1285.

roule 10 Bl is, has, after three years' i escarch and inumberless expeM. BEAUSÉJOUR explained. But little inquiry for Foreign; a few bags of good St. Domingo

riments, succeeded in making a composition for roofing farm-souses, M. GINARDIN disapproved of the generality of the acconnts, the have sold at 107s.

which eXectually prevents fire from increasing by means of commudetails of which oug!t to be laid before the Chamb.r.

Sugak.--At a public sale 1,000 casks of B. P., consisting of Bar

nication. The luventor calls it Ignifuge; it co sists of squares or baled the charges which had been made in scveral branches or the ba'oes, Antigua and Lemerara, went at steady prices for brown

pannels made with a vegetable production which is found every Home Department, by which useful and respectible men had been and mid ling, but at a decline of 15. on good and tipe qual ties. Of where in great abundance; these sq: ares or panncls are covered superseded by favourites. The instructious given to Prefects, etc. a few chests of Bahia offered, only two small lots were sold at

with a plaster of very adherent qnality, which can neither be inrespecting passports were oppressive, and Paris was as is in a state of 175. for brown, and 24s. g'. før tine yellow to very low white ;

inred by fire, nor aflected by humidity or the alternate changes siege. The delays and verations to which travellers were subject 200 bars of yellow, bui sul, Bengal' were withdrawn for want

from heat to cold; the matcrials of which the plaster is composed were insupportable ; snch a state of things was monstrous, and must of buyers.

are also equally abundant. This mode of rooling is both liglit and come to an end. He would conclude by inquiring of the Minis er Rich... ithout alteration About 200 tierces of fair new Caro- sold, and not more expensive than thatches of straw or heath, the of the Interior wbat were the items for which he demanded a grant lina have been taken hy tne grocers al 175.; of 800 bags of fair

use of which is atieniled with so much danger. The inventor of of 1,665,00ofr. white Bengal of red at auction, only a few bags found buyers at

this important disco ery has given satisfactory proofs before the After some observations from M. e Lameth and M. de Puymaurin 125. 3d. to 125. 6d. per cwl,

Royal Society of Arras for the Encouragement of Arts and Sciences, relative to the printing of M. Girardin's speech, which was nega- Cocos.Nothing doing.

who presented him with a gold medol, accompanied by the most tived,

RUMS-In good demand, and considerable business done, chiefly flattering 'es imony of their approbation; and, by a Royal OrdiThe MISISTËR of the INTERIOR said that his colleagues and himsel: in Demerara common U. R. to proof is. 3 12d.

s. 50., strong

nance of the 16th of January last, a Brevet d'Invention has been were ever ready to give any information that was necessary, but 18. 11d. to 2s. id.; and in Jamaica 12 0. P. 'Is. 6d., and 16 O.P. granted him.-M. LE GUobion, previous to enjoying the right which they were not called upon to render an account to the Chamber of is. vid. to 28. id. per gallon.

his Patent inlitles him to in France, is desirous of making the method every change or every transaction which took place in their re

DYEwoods.-In ios wooil, the only sale, is about 20 tons prime known to a person wishing to enjoy a similar privilege in the sueciive Departments. Relative to the vexations of the police, if Jamaica at 10 gu neas; old 'is offered at iol. About 60 tons Ni- Prilish Dominions. the Huu. Deputy had produced facts, he (the Minister of the Interior) caragua wood have sold at 37). 155. for solid, and 221. for small; would have replied to him. As to what had been said of the instru.. and a small lot of Coba Fustic, on the quay, at 121. 15s. per ton.

Gorerness.-A Lady who has long filled the Situtions given to Prefects, the Circulars were all public, and therefore SPICES.-Nothing doing. *.

ation of Governess, is desirous of making a sinilar engagement in there was nothing uncons itutional in them.

Asfs.- Vinntreal Pots are steady, and bring 37s. for good.

respectable Family. She is qualified to tcach the English Language -M. DE GIRARDIN rep'ied that since the Hon. Gentleman required!

HIDES.-1,300 North Amer can silted have been sold at 4 314d.

grammatically, Music. Writing, Arithmetic, an i Geography, and is as facts, he would proluce them. lle would first tell him that Genper lb. In other kinds nothing done.

a compe'ent knowledge of French. The most satis'a tory recrHarmes wer: placed at all the ou:le's from Paris, who demanded the

TOBACCO.--More in de mayd by the trade; abont 200 hhds. Vir

ences will be given. Address to Mlle. E. No. 77, Avenue de St. Cloud, pa-sports of travellers; such measures had never been adopted era

VERSAILLES. givia stemmed, having been taken at steady prices. The demand cpt in times of serious disturbance. He could procluce an instance

for export is trifling. of a merchant who came f om Rouen to Pars every fortnight pon

English Patent Medicines direct froin the Patentees bsiness, who had recently been de lained at St. Denis and was arier.

may be had at RENARD's, Chemist to his Royal Highness the Duke of This day is published, by A: and IV. Galignani, price 3fr.; or wards accompanied to Paris by a Gendarme because he had not a

Gloncester, No. 19, rue Vivienne.-Prescriptions carefully prepares)

3fr. 5oc. free of carriage to any part of France, pa sport. Such rigour was highly detrimental to commerce. He eould also tell him that a Depnity had written on en important sub

LETTER to -- on the REV. W. L. BOWLES' A Gentleman going to Italy upon professional busiject to the Minister of the Interior, who had not condescen led 10 Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope;

sin ss, will be happy to charge himself with any legal commissions: ieply to the letter; as soon as it was known that the temple de ti

For address

apply at the office of this paper.

BY THE RIGHT HON. LORD BYRON. ca ed to the great men who had shed lus're pon France was to be

Also, by the same author, Cain, a Mystery, 4fr. 5oc. Sardana- English MEDICAL HALL, No. 26, rue Neuve des appropriated to the Catholic worship, be had requested of the Mi

a Tragedy, 6ft.--The Two Foscari, a Tragedy, 6fr.- Marino Petits Champs, near rue de Richel eu, continues to supply the nister' that the morła remains of oltaire and Rousseau might be viren up to his hrother and himself to be deposited in those tombs

British Nobility and Gentry, and the Public in general wih tle most

select assortment of English Drufs, l'aten Medicines, Sauces. a poem, 2fr. 5ac.-Mazeppa, 3fr -Beppo, 2sr.—Hours of Idlefrom which they onght nicver to have heen taken. The Minisier kept silence and that silence justified all that had been said respect

neis, 6fr.- English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 6ir.-The Curse of Pickles, Mustard, ctc. Physicians and family Pra seriplions arranged

Mi erva, Ifr. 5oc. in, what had become of those remains.-Violent murmurs on the

in the same manner as in London. RICO),

FRENCH FUNDS, MARCH, 22.The MINISTER of the INTERIOR said that if he was not mistaken

--Bank act., 1597 fr. 50

An English Gentleman wishes to recommend the first letter of the Hon. Gentleman reques'ed him to arrange the 5 per cenis., jouiss du 22 Mars 1821, 8yfr. 70 c. 65 c. 70c.

Swiss Servant who speaks Italian and English, and has lived some

time with him. He has excellent Testimonials from a former mazier. affair with his (M. Girardin's brother; with that Gentli man he had

65c. goc 65 c. 70 c.

Apple by letter add essed to 1. F. at the office of this paper. several conferences upon the subjec!; urrent business hal led to

Ditto, end of the month, opcued at 89 fr. 600 - Highest Sg fr. their suspension, but if applica ion had been made he would have

Gentlemen Sportsmen are respec:fully informed,

qnc.-Inwest 89 (r. 6. c.-Closed at 89'r 20 c. ke;n quite re dy to have reneweil theni.

that the Spoi ith, Dó.s from choice breels, trained under the orders Annwinés de 1000 francs, i 4 pour cent, 10gatr. 50 After some des liory observations by seycral Hon. Deputies, the

of Colonel 'I HORNTON, advertised a few days since, have arr ved grant was voted with the red ction proposed by the Committee. Oiligacions ile la Ville, joniss. du ! oct 1821, 1975 fr.

within a short distance of Paris. -For tickets to view the same apply A grant of 5115,00 fr. was then voied for the establishmcut de RENTES DE NAPLES 5 pour cent. 69 718

to M. Koker, No. 18, rue de la Paix. bienfaisance et conduite des condamnés anir fers.

EXCHANGE ON LONDON. Another grant was proposed, but the numb. r of Dennties present

Go'erness.- A Lady of high respectability, who has not being sufficient to co siitute a Chamber, the Sitting was ad. 1 Month Paner, 25 fr. 15c. Cash - fri

been accustomed 10 teaching in Families of distinction, wishes for a journed. 3 Wordles' l'anima 15 fr. 5c. 1 Couch

similar Situatior. Her experience a d acquirements in the various

branches of female education, she flatters herself, wili answer the TIE MARKETS.


utmost expectations.--Address Miss M. No. 193, rue St. Honoré. London, TUESDAY, MARCH 10. THEATRE FRANCHI$.-Sylla.--Les Fausses Infide- SAMUEL BRIGGS. Hackneyrnan, No. 31, rue du Faub. COTTON.-Less activity in the demand, bul E. I, has gone off lites. (Talma will perform.)

Montmartre, has on sale or for hire, cood Carriages, Tilburies, and steadily, most of the parcels offered having been taken at full prices.

able horses, with careful drivers. Horses taken in at Livery. The sales of the week'arc. in bond, 100 bags Pernambuco, al ü 374d.

Orera Comique. - Blaise et Babet.- Le Paradis de

A Gentleman of great respectability, 22 years of age Mahomet. to 12d.; 10 Surat. at 6 18:1. to 70.; and 800 Bengal, at 5.3130. 10.6 1140. per lb. Total 1, smo bass.

Royal ITALIEN.-Romeo e Giuletta (Roméo et Ju

(and Member of the University), is desirous of obtaining a Situalian Cortee.Until to-day only two public sales have been brong'it

as private Tutor in a Nobleman or Gentleman's Family, either in for warul sinde onr Jast, consi: ting of 1,060 bags and barr. Is of Fo- lieite.)

England or France, or to travel. Having received the best Classical reign, and about 30 casks of Jama'ca; the Havannah went at is. Odeon.- Les Marionnettes. - Les Deur Ménages.

education he will be found fully competent to prepare his pnpils for 0 29. lower; ibe Jamaica at pr vious prices; the coloury sorts of

Collere shonli breuired. The inost satisfac'ory references wil

VAUDEVILLE. Les Portraits. 'Brazil brought, on Friday, an alvance of full 29. pir cit., but the

La Chercheuse be given._Address to M. W. at the office of this paper. demand has been very languid, and to-day Brazil went at 25. to 3s. d'Esprit-Rataplan.

PALMER's Original English Dépôt, No. 35, Palaisper citt. less than on Friday. St. Domingo is nominal at johs. to

VARIETES. Les Voleurs Supposés le ci-devant jois, la other descriptions very li'tle dove. The stoek of W. I.

Roral, (entrance to the Caf, des Mille Colonnes), for the following Jeune Homme-La Chercheuse d'EspritLes Frères Articles:-Bramal's l'aleur Locks, Pens, and Handles; Prookmans is 1,179 tons. SUGAR-B. P. in stearly demand at an advance of is. pero crt.; Férocès.

best Drawing Pencils; Smith's Tooth Brushes and Lavender Water, ordinary brown Jamaica and St. Vincent 56s. to 578.; strong work

Rusp'ni's, Parkinson's, and a variety of Tooth Powders of acknow.

GYMNASE DRAMATIQUE.- Une Journée à Versailles. ing Jama ca 625., bright yellow grocery 6.1s., bine zis. colonry Gre

leri ed excellence ; Prince's Russia Oil and Dye for the Hair; RowMarla and Demerara 57. per cwl. Ai a public 'sale nf E. ). finc

-Les Mémoires d'un Colonel de Hussaads.-La De- land's Maccassar; Atkinson's Curlin: Fluid; all kinds of English White Ren:) brought 815. 6d. per cwt. (duty paid); 41. chests of moiselle et la Dame.

Sonpe, Brushes, Whips, Rusia. Writing Desks, Dressing Cases, White Havannah, put up on Friday, were withdrawn at 435. per cw.

Packet Books, and ihe best selecred ar icles of Steel Manufacture.

AMBIGU-COMIQUE.- La Vierge du Monastère.- La -The stock of B. P. is now 3,538 casks liss than at this time last

A varie'y of latent Medicines.-Day and Martin's. ! lacking. Balaille de Nancy:-M. de Verseuil.

TILLRROOK's Dining Rooms, No. 17, rue Lepelletier, Rufiyen SOGSR-The marker very heary until Friday, since Porta St. Martin.-The first represeptation of Le mih tere has been a brjak remand for lumps, and the prices are

facio; the pera House.--DINERS for Parties and FAMILIES, by Chateau de Kenilworth.-La Servante Justifiée.

riving notice, are served in a style of comfort sui'cl.o the English . 03s. per cwt. higher, or.linary I mps having been sold at Sos.;

Gentry. A nain English Dinner every day at five o'clock.

CIRQUE OLYMPIQUE.- La Prise de la Flotte.- Les in naves not so much do e, and prices not more than 15. higher.

N. P. We kly Borriers on mod rale lerms. TEA.-At a lite sale Bohea -vent 1!2d. per lb, hicher, Congou, Meúniers.- Le Revent. enminon and snorl, wen! 1120. lower. fine id hizher: Tw rokay

Wn. Drakt's Livery Stables, Hotel anıt boulevard

PYRORAMA, Palais-Royal. 1), 137, on Exposition de 390, to id, lower; and Hyson 6d. !o 8d. par lb. lower, thc • mer

de la Madeleire, Paris, formerly Hotel Grange Batelière. Job mi Levine 402 Sreatly out of consumo ion, Tableaux transparens sur Verre, et Mécaniques Music

Saddle Horses !o Let, also Carriages of every description, by dat, Fr...120 public waters of Carolina, comprising bin casks. have

cales très-admirés. à voir et à vendre. Jours d'Expo- month, or year.-Horses nousht or sold. Sov vt about is, 6d, lo ver, i principal part hare is bein sold * 378 to 30. 61., a id a fe- !uls än is. 64. per ent. sition : le Dimanche et Lundi, Mercredi et Jeudi.

A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de A. Boucher,

Page 20

upon the origin of the Zodiac of Penderah. He disapproved the

ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Versailles, a com: si autwg prizes to cacugrase lwerature, as if lefi lo itself, it would

fort ble Family House, situated in a pleasure ground, and baving lipd its own way, aod be les liable to error. Giving prizes To be Sold, a band some strong London-built Chariot, Garden, coach-house and stable --- For add, ess ap ly at this othee. to autliors whose works the Government approved, was yield uz

adapted for lown or Travelling. To be seen at the Hotel de la Paix, into the hands of Ike Administra:ion be right to decuie wh ch were que de la Puix.-luquire of the porter.

A Gentleman going to Italy upon professional busia 600it books, and which were bad. He would propose a reduction

s'ness, will be happy to charge himself with any legal commissions of 6,000 ir,

To be Sold, an English Dermett, Horse and Harness.

For address apply at the olhice of this paper. M. NÉCHÍN moved, that the works purchased by the Government The Venpott is by Hopkinson, and nearly new. inquire at the should be made public by means of the ress. Bureau of Meurice's Huiel, rue St. Honore.

To Let, the whole or part of a pleasant Cogulry The umneadmins were rejected and the grant voted.

House, sit aied two kagues from Paris, containing 10 rooms auet Upon the article for grant of 190,000 fr. for Cummissaries of To be Sold, on reasonable terms, the property of a saloon, completely furnished, court yard,, stables, and Police, Census of Theatres, etc.,

Genueman, who is parting with bim having no further occasion for bardeu. Plate, inen, and kitchen utensils may also be la The Committee proposed a reduction of 11,200 fr.

kim, a capital little Horse, 14 lands high, warranted soud, perfectly Apply to M. Phillippy, Banke , No.58, rue Meslee. M. BAGNE DE FATE moved a redaction of 60,000 fr., and com- gentle, and rema,kably sood action.—Apply at No. 6, rue Chanchat.

To Let, &, Quai de Billy, near the Champs ,

les plained of the arbitrariness of the dramatic censors, and the mutilation of theatrical pieces.

To be Sold, an excellent Piauio, in mahogany, mount- & well furuished çunvenient House, with court yard, flower and M. B. CONSTANT spoke in favour of the reduction.

ed with gilt ornamients, with 6 vetaves and 5 pedals.-May be seen kitchen gardens, coach-house, stables, etc. M. DE GIRARDIN e impiantied of the lit!le information laid before by applying to the porter, No. 27, rue Taitboul. the Chamber, and inquured we her a Contmissary. General was

To Lei, Troin the 16tb of April, the six remaining stationed at Bayonne to pay the Spanish counter-revolutionists, and To be Sold by Adjudication, in the Hall of ine No- mouths of the term of a very convenieut and quiet apartment, wow support the army of ihe Fath; public opigion said so, and public laries of Paris, on l'uesday the gth of April, 1822, at noon p:ecisely, in the occupation of an English Fan ily; Rent foolr.--Apply to the opinion was frequenily right. Every Miui ter liad his Journal, i wyt previously disposed of by P. vale Contract, an excelleut

po: ter, Nui 100 (bis), rue du Bac, Faubourg St. Germain. aid from tie Etoile to the Foudre, all tbese Journals attacked the Countiy House, situaicd Grande Rue de la Fontaine, a: CHATILLON, Opposition Members.

Cauton of Sceaux (Seine), with court yard, coach-house, stable, and To Lel, a modein-built Chateau, Turnished, 36 N. DE CASTELBAJAC saw no ground to accuse Ministers of with- a garden of about 1 acte”6 perches. To view the

same apply to leagues from Paris, on the dirert roid' to Lyons. The siruation the holding informatiou; 150 orators had already been heard upon the

most Budges, and out of thenr llie Ministers had spokei thirty-nine

times M.Garnot, Notary, No. 45, çus Neuve St. Eustache, who has for sale b. e of the best in France.-- Apply to Messrs. Boivin and Co. No. 109 He regretted to see the length to which party spirit was carried.

the desirable Farin of RUNGIS, situated in the Plain of Long Boyau, rre d'Artois. The ainondiments were thon severally rejeeled, and the grant, 3 leagues from Paris, producing a nett revenue of 20,000fr. per anni

To Let, furnished, a Country House. pleasantly sias reduced by the Commi tee, adopted. --Adjourned.

To be Sold, a pair of bay Chariot Horses, five year's tuated at GARCHES, near $1. CLOLD, commanding an extensive

old, perfectly sound, and traielio double and single barness; they prospect of Paris, the Park of Si. Cloud, and' i's vicmily, with of the 23d. inst.

are also fit for the saddle. A fair trial will be given. Price 24oofr. - jet d'eau before the house, a pleasure and kici eu garden of 3 acres, The Ord r of the Day was the debate upon the amendment made Also an English Town and Travelling Charidi, bilt by an eminent court yani, po ktry yard, double cuach-horse, stabling for sis by the Chamber of Peers lo Art. 11. of the Law Projrci, relative to Maker, un its first wheels, and which has been but little used. It is horses, etc. To view inç same apply to M. Serin, gai deger, on the the Pr ss. The amended article is couchid in the followin; terms: in every respect perfect in iis materials and execution, and will be premises; and for terms to the proprietor, No. 353, rue St, Houore. "Every at ack, by any of the same meaus, against the Royal sold much under the original cost. The purchaser will have the dignity, the order of succssion to the Thrope, the prerogati es benefit of the certificate of its entry into France, which amounts to

To Lel, for six months or more, an apartinent on apperiaining to the King by birth, those by virtue of which lie Boofr.-Inquire for George, No, 15, rue Pigale.

the first floor, composod of 6 rooms, a kitchen and cellar, recently Taul d the Charter, his constitutional Authority, the inviolability

furnished, and very comfortable, No. 14, rue de Bourgogne, Fauof his person, the prerogatives or the authority of the Chambers, To be Suld, a Travelling Calèche, in good repair.- bourg St. Germain. shall be punished by imprisonment of from three months to tive Inquire of the Concierge, Hotel de Breleni rue de Rivoli, where it years, and a fine of from 300 to 6,000 fr."

may be seen M. LABBEY DE POMPIERES entered into a long argument i io show

and small apartments, newly and comfortably furnished. Apply at from the history of Frauce, that tảe only power possessed by the

To Gentlemen Breeders.-To be Sold, a rich co- No. 25, rue Sı, Anne. King, wilh regard to the Charter, was to piake the offer of it, an! loured Stalliou, 16 hands high, 6 years oll, handsome head and neck,

Large and small apartments furnished to let, at that bis pcolile ha l power 10 acceptor to reject it, and concluded short buck, and free from blemish, from the bood of that famous by moving, that the words " those by virtue of which he granted Horse, HIGHFLYER¢ that devier was beat.--Pedig ee and particulars No. 5, rue Mondovi, close to the Tuileries and Place Vendome. Les the Charter," be expanged. He staied, moreover, that he voled inay be known at No. 28, Grand Rue Verie, Faus. St. Honoré.

A French Family, intending to pass the summer in against the whole La Project

To be Sold, a bay Gelding. 6 years old, fit for the the country, are desirous of letting the whole or part of their apart M. CUFFLET repeated the grounds upon which the Project was founded, aud voted for the arriended artil.

saddle, and goes also in barness; a capital trotter, warrauted sound ment, elegantly furnished, situated in the vicinity of the different M. MANUEL Cunsidered the Charter as a contract between the and free irum blemish. Price 150fr.-Inquire No, u5, r o Grauge

places of public 'amusement.--Apply before 12 o'clock, !o M. le Throne and the Nation. Before the revolution the Kings o: France Batelère. To be seen betwer n 16 aud 20'clock.

Chevalier kerboure, No. 37, rue Traversière St. Honoré. could not change the Consti'ulioa of the States of the King om.

To be Sold, the property of a Connoisseur, several A French Family residing in a respectable and conli the King, sanied be Chariér by any righ! which he held froin his Astronomical and Mathematical Instruments, of English wake, and venient part of Paris, would be haj

py to accommodate, as I qarder, ancestors, ha conld then change it. The admission of suer a prin.

fit for immediale use, comprising an astronomical circle, a parállac- Lady or Gentleman, who will ineet with every attention, and ciple was dangerous, and he would, therefore, vole againsi the

lical stand, qu«di anis, sextants, etc.-Apply to M. Leaoi,

Naval Pro,ect.

select French society. Apply to Mme. Borely, 3-4, rue St. Honoré. N. BAZIRE rrgretted the renewal of discussions upon the origin Engineer and Member of the Kureau des Lungisudes, ou the ist floor,

Boa d and Lodging in a most respectable Establish of power, as thy could not be atiend-d with advantage. The No. 13, rue de l'Uuivei sita, Faubourz St. Germain.

ment, advantageously known by English Families these same yea's, Kine, in his opinion, had a right !o grant the Charter, a right To be Suld, a landsome English Caièche, with tive where there are at present vacant both large and small apartments, inde tructible and inherent in bis Crown. He reigned, he was Trunks (51.0. ld travelling be the object of the parchaser), as also a

handsomely furnished. The House is delightfully situated near the King before ihe Charter er sted. The House of Hanover derived

pair of Englisi bay coloured Horses eiber for riding or driving, Champs Elysées and Bois de Boulogue.-Apply, Maison de Teines, its litl: to the Crown from the contract which it hail made, but

with harness, etc. The above to be sold immediately, solely on No. 18, hors la Barrière du Roule. to red ce the lezitimacy of the King o: France to a similarity with account of ihe proprietor quilting Pasis directly for England. To that of the House of Hanover, there must be a new revolutionbe seen from 8 ull i o'clock. Pric of the whole 7000 frs. or

* A French Lady, having already one English Genthchange of dynasty-a reciprocal treaty–a new Charter. Tlie anHorscs alone 3uvofr. loquire for J. Smith, Coachman, 13, rue Royale

mait, is desirons of accommoda ing two more with Board and cient doctrine of hereditary in destructible right ball always been

Lodziny. Terms very moderate, and situasjon azreeable.--Apply to the doctrine of France. The Orator concluded by voting for the To be Sold, a Patrimonial Estate, situated 3 leagnes Nme. d'Ambois, No. 56, rue de Seine Neuve, Faub. St. Germain. ameodment made by the Peers.

and a hals from Paris and three from Versailles, comprising a comGen. Foy and N. Manuel supported M. Labbey de Pompières modious Chalca, well furnished, and surrounded by water, with

A most respectable French Family, baving a large anegdment. a park of 80 acres divided into neadows, woods, vineyards, and

apartment, offers to Board and Lodge an English Gentleman and A tich: II., as amended, was then ad.pted.

coro fields; two kitchen gardiens in escellent cultivation; two fish- Lady, or two Lad es: they would have the use of an excellent Harp Upon pitting the quesion upon ihe entire Law Project, there ponds well stocked with fish; a mill, and 2'10 acres of land in the

and Piano. (Single Gentlemen will no suit, it not being a Board appcarod a majority of 245 against $9.

vicinity. The park is bounded by a river. The avenues leading to ing Honse). Apply for cards at the office of this paper. The d bale upon The Puugel was then renewed, and the following grauls were made with very little opposition.

elms, and lialian

poplars. The annual produce amounts to 18,600fr. For the Clersy, not including the pensions paid out of the Treafree of taxes.-For parsiculers apply to M. Narjot, Notary, No. 77,

No. 2, rue St. Hyacinthe, near the Luxembourg. The table is well sury, 23,900,000 fr. rue St. Anne; or M. Barbier, avoue, No. 19, Quai Malaquai.

served. Terms : 50 fr. per monti for the demi-pension, and toofre For the support of worship not Catholic 5,5,000 fr.

per month for pension entière. For high roads and bridges 30,500,000 fr.

To be Sold, will immediate possession, a desirable Upon the proposal of a grant of 2,400,000 fr. for constructions

M. E. Pinet, 6, rue St. Nicolas, Chaussée d'Anting Couolry Kouse, furgished, situaled 4. leagues from Paris. It is and edilces of general interest at Paris and St. Denis, two storeys high, has a carriage entrance to a paved court yard

Member of the University of Paris, sives lessons in French and Lalin The Committie rect mmended a reduction of a million of francs. containing coach-house and stables with granary; there is also a

at home or abroad. Persons desirons of perfecting themselves in the N. DE CAYROL objected to the reduction, which seemed to him

French Language received as Boarders. poul ry yard, two wells, a prod ctive kitchen garden, a small to favour a project announced in a demi periodical work, of attaching flower garden, a house for the gardener, etc.--For particulars apply Rhenisli Wines, from Johansberg, if the vintages of the old Opera House, in the Rue de Richelieu, to the iibliotheque ti M. Binet, No. 3, rue de l'Homme-Armé, au Marais, Paris, Royals. Such an appropriation of bat building he highly disap

1806 and 1808, to be sold in botiles.-Apply to the porter, No. 54, proverl. He wished to see the Bibliothéque undergo a thoro.15h To be Sold, pleasantly situate in the Champs Elysées,

rue St. Dominiq e. rep.xir, and a fountain erected on the site of the Opera House, a spacious and convenient Holel with large garden." The apart- Instruction on the Harp.-A Lady (é ève of Mme. Häich wonld serve as a monum'at 10 the Memory of the Duke of men's are fitted up in the modern style, aud are 'ornamented with

de Geolis), wishes to procure a few scholars whom she would Berry upon the very spot where he was assassinated.-Aljourned, handsome looking glasses. It would be found a suitable residence

instruct on the Harp at her mother's house; or, if required, at their for a Family of distinction; or if required would suit two Families.

own homes. She would not object to go once or twice a week FRENCII FUNDS.

To view the samne apply to the proprietor, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, few leagues from Paris. She can give the very best referenees as to The numerous variations in the price of Stocks during the week and Saturdays, between i and3, No. 3, rue Louis le Grand, where

her abilities, etc.--Address to Mme Pipa d, 19, rue Fb St. Honora tbere is a furnish d apartment ou the first floor to let. paye pise to considerable tonnsactions. The market, fo the end of the month, opepel, on Monday, at 8g ôr. 60 c., and closed, on SaturTo be Sold, the valuable and desirable Estate of

CALCUTTA AND BENGAL.--Now lying at Liver day, a! go fr. 10c., the highest price of tie week was go fr. io c.,

pool, to sail the 1st of May, the New Ship Columbia, INVAL, on which there is a manufactorý for Oil and another for and the lowest 89 fi. 1o c.

550 1'ons Register, JAMES CHAPMAN, Commander. Thus Goat Skivs, siiualed in the codimune of COURCELLES, 'half a league Tha cért ficutes or the Lorin have varied from 4314 to 2218. from Gisors, 18 from Paris, and 12 from Rouen. The principal part

Ship was built expressly for the India Tiade, has spacious accommoIn the Neapulian Stocks nothing clone. Spanish Loan Bonus are

dations, and is ill carry a regular Surgeon.--For pa-sage, etc. apply rather higher. of the property is situated on an island of about two acres, and

to Messrs. HOTTINGUER and Co. at Paris; or 'Messrs. CROPPER, comprises twelling-houses and other buildings, five mills double Jo the early part of the week the Exchange market was dulli

Venson, and Co. Liverpool. mounted, one for oil and the other for goal-skins, out-buildings for towards the Jaiter end business was more active. On Mouray,

preparing the skins, spacious shed, drying ground, lime kiln, garden DESSIN'S HOTEL, CALAIS. - L. QUILLACO, London paper was in great, demand a! 2) fr. 15 c., and 25 fr. 56;

ground, and about 6 acres, 72 perches of arable, ineadow and pasin Madrid aud Cadiz, muc don ; Naples, al three months, done at

late Proprietor of this Hotel, returis his sincere thanks to the no. ture land surroändink the island, in the vicinity of which there is merous and distingnished Travellers who honoured him with their 432, and Augusta, at three months, ai 247 512; Frankfort, at three excellent fishing. Froon the immense quantity and constant supply munihs, scarce, and in great demand. On Tuesday, London out of

patronage d ring the period ha conducted it. He now sol cits simiof water, this situation is suitalle for any kind of manufactory favour: Vienna and Augusta, at three months, in demand, Spanish

lar favours for his relations, Dessir and BROTHERS, S:ecessors in the For further partic.lars apply, on the premises to M. ilutin; or in in great favour; Italiani tonu stiictay at the quotation. On Wec

concern, who will spare no trouble or expense to cundict it on the Paris to M. Tempé, Notary, 48, rue de Seine, Fanb. St. Germaju. besday, London scarce; all paper in demand except Portugal; Leka

same principle of attention and civility. It is now restored to its horn rather lower; Frankfort very scarce ; Vienna and Augusta To be Sold or Let, lurnished or urifio'nished, a beau

pristide spaciousness and convenience, and will include every variely ens ly negocialed. On Thursday, London and Spånish in less d

of comfort for a Traveller's accommodation. tiful Country House, known by the name of La Folie de St. James, mand; Vienna, Augusta and German scurce, without much demand;

with garden" laid out in the English style, containing a canal with a J. BRYON, No. 28, Grande Rue Verte, Fanbourg Leghorn und Antwerp mnch ing ired fur; Genoa and Naples easily boat; also a park well stocked with game, situated at Neuilly, be- St. Honor, has a areat choice of English Horsos to let, for Ladies wegociatrd. On Friday, London and Naples dull: Madrid and

tween the 'Bois de Boulogre and the Scine. -r'or particulars apply to (adiz dearer; Genoa, Leghorn and Gerninn, easily negociated

and Gentlemen. Handsome ( abriolets and Tilburies by the day, the proprietor, No. 6. rue de Hanoyre.

week, or month.-Horses taken at Liverv. O Baturday, a run upon London paper; Madrid and Cadiz in. favour; Naples argentiy ollered.

To be Sold or Let; furnished or unfurnished, a India. ENGLISH TEA WAREHOUSE, Nor 47 rite Florins, inarks, and especially Roubles, are in very great de-, commodious thuse, in thorough repair, which would conveniently Nenve St. A enslin, next door to Ho el de l'Amiraute, and near mand, and cash is abundant. acepmmodate two Families. Apply to the porter at No. 47, rue

the s'e de la Pair. M. Aner respectfully informs the Public, that FRENCH FUNDS, MARCH, 25.---Bank act., 1595fr. Ville 1 Evêque, Faubour: Sr. Honoré.

he has no conucrion with the Grocer in the same streel, who has re

cently exhibited his well known sin of India. M, A., Tea-dealer $* per cents., joving du 22 Mars 1821, 86 fr. go c. 85c. Snc, To be Sold or Let, a pleasant Country llouse, with

to M. s. II. the Duke of Orleans, sells nothing but TEA, being pera Soc. 8. c. 85c. gnc. 85c. 9oc. gofr. Syfr. 95c. yofr.

garden, situaled on the Pelouse, No. 33, at CHANTILLY. The House Sofr. 95 c. gofr, 8gfr. 96. gnfr, Sgfr. 95c.

is in thorough repair, the apartments are boarded, and furnished lity an tilavour of that plant, 'sa very susceptible of contracting other

in a modern style. Apply on lhe preinises or to the portei", No. 43, Ditto, e d'of the'mooth, opened at 8ptir . 900-tighest go fr.

orlours. All Tea sold by M. A. will be signed with his name, rue St. Anne, Paris, * 10c.-Lowest 8, fr. 800.-Closed at gofr. 10 €.

M. ARON, No. 17, rue de l'Evcrier, begs to inform Anouilés de lopo francs, a 4 pour ceol. 10,511.

Part of a House, comprising six rooms, furnished,

the Public that be will receive for sale, in the course of tbe preser.t with cellar and the use of a garden, to Let, at No. 22, boulevard du O'ligationes de la Ville, jouiss. du i oct 1821, 1980 fr.

month, a iran port of from forty to sixty choice Puglisb Horses. Mon! Parpasse. BentsS 'DE NAPLES 5 pour ceni. 20

Chapeau Rouge, No. 16, rue aux Fers, near the EXCAANGE ON LONDON, To Let, elegantly and completely furnished, in a

Halle. "M. PETITOT, Silk Mercer and dealer in ribbons and fancy i Mouth Paper, 25 fr: 15c. Cash - fri private Hotel, for 6 or 8 months, a handsome and spacious apart

trimmins, resp ciflly informs the pu' I c that he is selling of his m nt, with coachi-honse and stables, belonging to a French Gentle3 Months' longer, 25 fr. 5%,

immense Slock, particularly worked silks, at very reduced prices, man, who will be absent for the time spécitied. Refe, ences and

Prep:ratory to laying in an extens vc assoriment of silks and ribbons security will be required. Apply to the porter, No. 34, rue de Rivoli,

for the summer fashions. This Warehouse is wel known for its THEATRES.

To Let, on the ground floor, at No. 24, rue Taitbout, great variety of elegant ball dresses, trin.mings, and every article A CADEVIĘ ROYALÈ. - Aladin, near the Lalian Boulevards, hane'some apartment, richly dece

for ornamentin; Ladies dresses. THEATRE FRANÇAIS. -- Le Tyran Domestique, rated, and furnished in the most modern styl., with donble coach

Wanis a Situation as Cook, a native of Flanders, who OPER CONique.- Le Nouveau Seigneur:- Le Pahouse, stablir for 4 horses, etc. Price 1600 francs per month.

understands her brisit ess well, will make, t.erself useful, and can Tadis de Mahomet.

To Let, in an Hotel occupied by the Proprietor only, have a good characier from where she now lives. ---Apply chea

M. Beaumont, No. 27, råo leuve S. Augustin. ODBON.--Les Deux Ménages.-- An Iromaque. an apartment on the ust fioon, richly furnished, consisting of anti

room, dining room, livo salons with balcony, several sleeping. Vauls a Situation as Femme de Chainbre, a native of VANDEVILLE.-Les Deur Gaspards.- Le Nouveau rooms, kitchen, coach-house stables, etc.-Apply 40, rue d'Artois

France. 19 years of age, who has no ohjrction to travel. RespectPourceaugnac.--La Chercheuse d'Esprit.

G. Klugu, Tailor, d No. 102, New Bond-street,

able references will be given. -Apply ches llne. Gouchon, No. 14. VARIETES, -Le Mariage à la Hussard. --Le Solicihaving relurned froi Londh, respectfully soliciis ihe favours of

Page 21

M. DE BOUARIENNE withưiew his amendment, as the

ADVERTISEMENTS. utility of its object seemed to have been generally admitted, and the full amount required bad been voled.

To be Sold, a handsome strong Londoo-built Chariot,

adapte i for Town or Travelling. To be seen at the llotel de la Paix, M. DE GIRARDIN proposed that the sum of 80,000 fr. rue de la Paix.--Inquire of the porter.

required for the church of St. Geneviève should be rePARIS, MARCH 27, 1822.

To be Sold, an excellent Calèche, with new wheels, fused. The Hon. Gentleman took this opportunity to which has been put into complete order by the proprietor for a At hall-past 12 o'clock yesterday, the Ambassadors a few questions to the Minister of the Interior. A journey to Italy. 'Price 120ofr.-Apply at No. 2, rue St. Nicaise. and Ministers of Foreign Powers had the honour of bea law bad been enacted in 1791 for converting the above To be Suld, a handsome Euglish Calèche, with live ing received by the King. At 3 o'clock his Majesty church into a burying place, for the great men whose Trunks (sho.ild avelling be he object of the purchaser), as also a took an airing towards Argenteuil. works or deeds had shed lustre upon their country.-

pair of Èn;lısı bay coloured Horses either for r.ding or driving,

with barness, c'c. The above to be sold immediately, solely on The Chamber of Peers assembled yesterday, when Tbe same law stated that the legislative body should

account of the proprietor quitting Paris directly for England. To Count Mollien presented a Report upon the Accounts decide on whom this honour should be bestowed. The be scen from 8 till 1 o'clock. Pric, of the whole 7000 frs. or of 1820 ; and several Noble Peers spoke upon the com- translation of the remains of J. J. Rousseau had taken

Horses alone 3ooofr. Inquir« for J. Smith, Ciachman, 13, rue Rojale petency of the Chamber, and their mode of proceeding place in pursuance of a law passed in 1594. Now under To be sold, furnished or unfurvished, a large and as a Judicial Court. ihese circumstances it appeared questionable whether

commodious Country-house, sui rounded by a walled-in park uf His Majesty has been pleased to appoint M. Hugues a mere Ordonnance warranted ihe appropriation of

50 acres, with a stream 25 feet wide running through the same,

situated Faiburg Si. Faron, MEAUX, (Seine et Marne). Daly com Pouqueville, his Majesty's Consul al Patras, to be a the edifice to a different purpose and the removal of muu ca ions between Paris agd Me .nx in 4 hours--For pa ti ulars Knight of the Royal Order of the Legion of Honour. the remains which had been deposited there in virtue apply to the proprietor, on the premises, or

to M. 'Villecocq, Ai the desire of his Majesty, the Abbé Frayssinous,

Notary, No. 12, ruc Lasse d'Orleans, Paris, of a positive Law. Aster entering inlo lengthened deChief Almoner to the King, will be preconized, in the tails upon the original intermeut of Rousseau, lhe trans

To le Sold or Let, a Country 'llous, pleasanily first Consistory, Bishop in partibus of Hermopolis | lation of his remains to the Pantheou, and as he learned

situated a' ANDILL), with a park of 18 ac es, flower and kitchen

gardens, and orchard. The lio ise domn ands an extensive view of (Esypu).

from the Journals, theirsubsequent removal, the Orator the delightel valley of Montmoreicy. For particnlars apply to On the 17th inst. the Count de Salignac-Fénélon, begged to enquire of the Minister of the Interior what M. Devale!, No. 10, ri e St. Christopie, Parvis Notre Dame. French Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Hesse had become of these remains, why he had omitted to To Lel, elegantly and com, letely furnished, in a Darmstadt, bad an audience of the Grand Duke to pre- reply to his letters respecting them, and for what reason private Hotel, a handsome and spacious apa, im nl, with coach-house sent his letters of credentials. the inscription over the entrance to the Pantheon,

and stabies, belonging to a French Gentleman going into the coun

try.- Apply to the porter, No.34, rue de Rivoli. Mme. Cainpan, who at 15 years of age was reader Aux grands hommes la palrie reconnaissante liad been to the daughters of Louis XV., afterwards an altend

To Lei, furnished, at a very moderate rent, a House ant upon the late Queen Marie Antoinelle, and late Su- The MINISTER of the INTERIOR said he found no dif

d gardeo,' with coach-house and stables, elightfully situated at

No. 12, Avenue de Belle-Vne, SÈVEES, containing dining room, perintendant of the Royal House of St. Denis, died a ficulty in replying to the Hon. Geutleman's questions. dra x ing room, billiard-roum, servants-bail, kitchen and bath-room few days ago, aged 7 years. The building being appropriated to a religious purpose

on the ground floor. Above stairs 11 apartmenis including dressingThe Countess of Adhemar, ci-devant Marchioness.

rooms, likwise a large grenier, the vi hole newly filted up.--For there was an evident propriety in obliterating an in

particulars apply to W. D. ., rue St. Fiacre, Boulv. Poissonnière. de Valbelle, died a few days ago, at the age of 86 years. scription that was not religions, the remains were still She had been a lady of honour to the late Qucens

To Let, well furnished, for 1, 2, or 3 years, a handin the church of Si. Genièvive; and a reply to the Hon. some and commodious Chaieau, situated near Gisors, 18 leagucs Marie Léczinska and Marie Antoinette,

Deputy's letters was rendered unnecessary by the con- from Paris and 10 from Rouen, comprising all the necessary depenThe law relative to the press and seditious publica- serences held between him the Minister of the Interior)

dencies, with kitchen garden, and a park of 50 acres, laid out in the tioos, by engravings or any other mode, was published and the Hon. Gentleman's brother. The letters re

English style and con'aining artificial meadows. The privilege of

Sportin; may be ob'ained. - Apply 10 M.Fourchy, 5, Quái Malaquai in the Bulletin des Lois on Monday, and consequently ferred to required the removal of the remains of Rousis now in o, eration. seau to the place of their original sepultuie, but he

To Let, 8, Quai de Billy, near the Champs Elysées,

a well furnished convenient llouse, with court yard, flower and It is said that General Donnadieu is appointed In- would observe that the law upon which the Hon. Gen- kitchen gardens, coach-house, stables; ele. spector of the troops destined to form the sanitary cor- teinan had laid so much stress was an obstacle to a com

To Lei, from the 16th of April, the six remaining don on the side of the Pyrenees, pliance with the demand of his letters.

months of the term of a very convenient and quiet apartment, no w M. Berwick, a celebrated engraver, and a Member M. de GIRARDIN maintained that the remains had been in the occupation of an English Fanily: Ret 14001r.--Apply to the of the Institute, died at Paris on the 234 inst. removed to a spot beneath ths peristyle of the Church.

porter, No: 100 (bis), rue du Bac, Faubourg St. Gern ain. On Sunday, several Piedmoutese, who figured last M. DE LAMETH moved that the grant should be re- Board and Lodging in a most respectable Establishyear in the disturbances in Piedinont, were arrested in duced lo half, and that the rest should be borne by the ment, advantageously known by Eoglish Families these sonu vea s, Paris, where they have resided for some time under

where there a e at present vacant both large and small apartments, city of Paris as its appropriation to the Catholic wor- baodsomely furnished. The House is delightfully situated near the fictitious names. They were conveyed to the Prefec- ship rendered it the property of the city;

Champs Elysees and Bois de Boulogne. Apply, Maison de Ternes, ture of the Police.

N. Bonner said that Paris must not be considered No.18, hors la Barrière du Roule. On Sunday the Count de Marcellus, Member of the as merely the chief place of the Departinent, but as the Board and Lodging in the Country --A Landed Chamber of Deputies, was robbed of his watch in the Capital of France.

Proprietor residing at Meung-sur-Loire, three leagues from Orleans, Church of St. Sulpice.

M. DE CHAUVELIN agreed with his Hon. Friend that

one of the most agreeable and salubrious parts of France, could

accommodate one or two Gentlemen, or a small Family, with The celebrated Canova has recently exhibited at Paris ought to bear half the expense, which would be Board and Lodging. -For further part.culars apply to M. RousseauRome, a group representing Mars and Venus, which ro burden as ils revenue amounted to forty millions.

de-Belair, MEUNG-SUR-LOIRE. he has just fivished for his Majesty the King of England. Year after year an increased suin was demanded for TRAVELLERS going to Switzerland, Italy, Germany, This group may rank with the chefs-d'æuvre of this this same church which, according to report, was about or Franche Comte, are respectfully informed that M. RIPARD JOdistinguished artist.

DENET, of the Holel du Parc, DIJON, has excellent accomoda to be appropriated to the Jesuits. It was to be re

Lions for Families and single Gentlemen, on very mor'erale terms. -In consequence of various revelations made to M.

gretted that the Gentlemen who had visited Westminster There is a Table d'Hôte, Restaurant, Café, Wines of the first quaToustain, Colonel of the 451h regiment of the line, in Åbhey had not been 'stimulated to follow the noble ex- lity, spacious coach-houses and stab lins, and every other can e

It is situated near the Theatre the Promenades and Baths. garrison at La Rochelle, ii sub-officers of that corps ample set by England in the sepulture of those men who were taken into custody on the 19th instant, and three deserved well of their country.

PALMER's Original English Dépôt, No. 35, Palaisorbers on the fullowivg day.

M. DE MARCELLUS thought that upon a religious tem

Royal, (entrance to the Cafe des Mille Colonne :), for the followin;

Articles :-Bramah's Paleut Locks, Pens, and Handles; Brook man's ple the cross ought to take place of every profane in- best Drawing Pencils; Smith's Tooth Brushes avd Lavender Water, CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES,

Ruspini's, Parkinsou's, and a variety of Tooth Powders of acknowscription. M. CASIMIR PERIER inquired for what cause the

ledged excellepre ; Prince's Russia Vil and Dye for the Hair; how,

Jand's Maccassar; Atkinson's Curlins Fluid; all kinds of English Silling of the 25th inst.

works of the hotel upon the Quai d'Orsay were sus- Soaps, Brushes, Waips, Russia Writing Desks, Drersing Cases, After some petitions of no particular interest had pended.

Pocket Books, and the best selected articles of Steel Manufacture, heen dispos d of, the Chamber passed to the Order of the The MINISTER of the INTERIOR said that the hotel

A variery of Patent Medicines.Day and Martin's I lacking. Pay upon the Budget. was originally intended for the Minister for Foreign

ENGLISH MEDICAL HALL, No. 26, rue. Neuve des Upon the proposal of a grant of 2,400,000 fr. for Affairs, which plan had been changed by the purcbase

Petits Champs, near rue de Richelieu, continues to supply the consiructions and edifices of general interest at Paris

British Nobility and Gentry, and the Public in general wih lhe most of the Hotel Wagram. It was in contemplation to select assortment of English Drugs, Patent Medicines, Sauces, and St. Denis,

complele it for a new Palace for the Chamber of De- Pickles, Mustard, etc. Physicians and Family Prescriptions arranged The Committee recoinmended a reduction of a mil

in the same manuer as in London. puties, but this Project required mature consideration. lion of francs.

The two amendments were then rejected, and the A Gentleman going to Italy upon professional busiM. DE BOURRIENNE proposed that the hotel in pro- grant voted wilhout reduction.

sin ss, will be happy to charge him elf with any legal commissions: gress in the rue de Rivoli, should be appropriated to

For address apply at the ofice of this paper.

A grant ol 2,201,526 fr. was voted for the extraorihe ireasury, and that the part of the present treasury, dinary works in the departments, excepting that of

J. BRYON, No. 28, Grande Rue Verte, Faubourg altached to the Biblioti.èque Royale, should be annexed the Seine.

St. Honoré, has a "reat choice of English Horses to let, for Lalies to the latter establishineni, which was much too small

and Gentlemen. Handsome ( abriolets and Tilburies by the day,

Upon the proposal of a grant of 12,728,966 fr. for week, or month.-Ilorses taken at Livery. for its valuable contents and public convenience, and the expenses of the departments, comprehending salathat the other treasury buildings should be sold for the

M. ARON, No. 17, rue de l'Encrier, begs to inform ries of Prefects, Secretaries, etc, etc,

the Public that be has received a transport of from forly to sixty pul:lic benefit.

The Hon. Deputy said, in support of M. DE CONCELLES complained vehemently of the choice buglish Horses. his ainendment, that the arrangement proposed would mal-adıninistration and bad construction of the Prohe economical, and would secure the Royal Library

LAROUX, Tailor, (froin Stultz, London), No. 72, vincial prisons, and proposed au augmentation of rue Richelieu, near the rue de Menars.-Orders creculed in the most from much danger arising from fire. In that institution 200,00ofr. for their improvement.

fashionable style on the shortest not ce. neither fires nor candles were allowed to be lighted, and Several Members made observations, but the number M. CHARLIAT, Embroiderer, No. 2, rue Colbert vet it was cortiguous to the trcasury where fires and of Deputies being insufficient lo constitute a Chamber, (à l'entre ol), respectfully inf rms the public. that he has an exterde lights were very numerous; the suflering a building lo the Sitting was adjouried.

sive an (legaui assortment of Embroi éry, l'all and Court Dres es, be erected at ihe other end of the library, near the

Orera Dresses, and other articles o the most beautiful descriprion,

which, being made under his inspection, he is enabled to oltcr at Arcade Colbert, was, in his opinion, highly censurable.

FRENCH FONDS, MARCH. 26. ---Bank act., 1596 fr. 25 unosnally reasonable prices. An allowance of 6 per cent made to M. Hely D'OYssel opposed the proposition of the

5 per cents., jouiss du 22 Mars 1822, gofr. 10 c. 50. loc. dealers and persons :iving large orders. Committee, and in reply to the last speaker said, that

15 c. 201 c. 15 c. loc. 25 c.

A native of France, of highly respectable conevery measure of precaution had been taken to preserve

Ditto, end of the inonth, opened at gofr. -C-Highest go fr. nexions. is desirous of a Situation as Travelling Companion to on 35c.- Lowest go fr. -Closed at goir 30 c.

English Lidk. A short reii'ence in London has rende ed her some. the library against danger from fire. M, DOVERGIER DE HAURANNE objected to the propoAnnuités de 1000 francs, à 4 pour ceni, 105fr.

whit familier with English marvers, No Salary required. --Apply sal of the Comınittee, and also to that of M. de BourriObligations de la Ville, jouiss. du i oct. 1821, 1275 fr.

10 Mme. J'ullot, No. 1, rue l'uffault, Faubourg Niontmartie. RENTES DE NAPLES 5 pour cen!. 7o

Want Situations, a Man and his Wife; the man as enne. He regretted to see the public buildings com


Indoor Servant and will make himself nseful; the woman as Cook, menced in various parts of the capital falling into decay. 1 Month Paper, 25 fr. 15 c. 1 Caslı - ft.

or Servant of All Work. No objcction to town or country. In the The works of the church de la Madeleine had heen 3 lionths' l'aper, 25 li. 5c. Cish-fr.

same Family would be preferred.---Address or apply to Mme. Blaise

No. 17, rue St. Roch). renewed i wenty times, and the position of the pillars changed repeatedly at an immense


Wants a Situation as Femne de Chambre, a native of tbat structure was abandoned.


France, 21 years of age, well acquaintd with hér busine's, under

stands a little cooking, and can give respectable references.--Apply M. Cornet D’INCOURT pressed the amendment of the

THEATRE FRANÇais.- La Femme Jalouse.- La Re

to the por er, at 10. the c la Paix. Committee. ranche.

Wants a Situation as Valet ar Courier, a middleM. Louis was of opinion that the completion of the

OPERA COMIQUE.-Félicie.---Gulistan.

aged Frerchman, who speaks Jialian, Russian, Spanish, German, botel in rue de Rivoli and the transfer of the licasury

Odeon.- Les Deux Ménages.- Le Paria.

and a little English, his :ood certificates, and can give respectablo to it would in the end effect a considerable saving to the

VAUDEVILLE.-Encore une Folie.- La Chercheuse references -- Arply by letter to 1. at the ofice of this paper. public, as the business of the treasury, was at present d'Esprit.--- Rataplan.

Wants a Situation as Valet or Groom, a native of carried in different places very remote from cach

VARIETES.- La Lecon de Danse.- Le Comédien de England, who «p-aks French fluently, understanels the mana eneot other. Paris.- Le Ci-devant Jeune Homme.- Les Frères

of ho' ses, and lived three years in his last place, from wlich he can

have a good character. No objection to travel.-Direct to James The MINISTER of FINANCE agreed perfectly with M. Féroces.

Spencer, No. 3, rue Chaucha'. Louis.

CIRQUE OLYMPIQUE. - La Prise de la Flolle.-Le

Wants a Situation as Valet or Foolman, a young The proposal of the Committee was rejected, after Régent.-Lc Moissonneur.

Map, 26 years of asi, who perfectly understands his business as an whicb,

Indoor Servant, has good certificates from Families he has served, A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de A. Boucher.

and can have an unexceptionable character from where be now lives. Apply by let'er to D. 10.21 (bis), Quai Volteire,

Page 22

the western side of the Barony of Kinnalea, have been and Viscountess Killeen, Hon, and Rev. J: Butler, 1 low. In 1810, it appeared, from the Report of a visited at night by armed parties, in search of arms and Colonel Howard, Henry Harris, Esq. the patentee of Committee of the House of Commons, that there was money. the Dublin Theatre.

then an excess of 26,000l. over and above their clear On Friday night, the house of Daniel Ding, of Bally- To avoid bringing the Gentry from the disturbed dis- profits; and at present, afier the payment of their diregan, was visited by a party of between 40 and 50, tricts, the celebration of Patrick's Day has been post- vidends, a balance remained of 55,000l. applicable to who fired into the house, and succeeded in obtaining poned at the Castle of Dublin until further notice. the


of the Act. Now he admitted that some A numerous and highly respectable meeting of the diminution of the rates levied on the West India trade A few evenings since the house of H. Barry, Esq. Nobility and Gentry of the county of Tipperary was had taken place; but the question was, had those rates

Doneraile, was a third time visited by an armed held in Clonmel on Friday. The meeting was convened been reduced to the point to wbich they ought lo have party, who left a letter insisting on his parting with by the High Sheriff, for the purpose of voting an Ad- been reduced ? For to the extent of the difference beone of his principal tenants; also with a very capable dress to his Excellency the Marquis of. Wellesley, on tween the reduction which had taken place and that person, who, for the last six years had the instruction

his appointment to the situation of Lord Lieuteuant of which might have taken place, had the conditions of of poor children at the school of the deinesue,

Ireland. The Address was moved by the Earl of the Act been unfulfilled. He then enumerated the vaOn Sunday night, a small party of nocturual legis- | Donoughmore, seconded by Lord Lismore, and unani- rious items of expenditure by the Company, which le lators attacked the house of Mr: Meade, below the pike. mously adopted by the meeting:

thought necessarily called for explanation ; and con(From the Cork Chronicle.)

cluded an able and temperate speech, (through which The same night, they severely flogged a man of the Wednesday Jeremiah Hartoett, alias Jerry the Kid, want of space prevents us from following him), by name of Ward, in the outlets of the town, being charged was brought from Clonmel to his old quarters iu the reading a Petition to the House of Commons, couched as a spy. They also visited several farm-houses in the

city gaol, whence he and two other convicts broke out in moderate language, admitting the security which vicinity, extorting contributions.

in August last. The character of this man for stratagem West India property received under the restrictive Fifteen prisoners, charged with a breach of the In

and enterprise being such, that Mr. Welsh himself had dock system, but praying for an investigation into the surrection Act, and burning houses, have been for

go for him, renders bis apprehension in the present Acts of the West India Dock Company, and a revision warded to Rathkeale, escorted by a strong party of the stale of the country of no trilling importance.

of the laws respecting them; of which Petition he Rifle Brigade and 3d Light Dragoons.

moved the adoption by the Meeting. Two men were apprehended and brought into New


Mr. FuLi ex seconded the motion. castle Bridewell, this day, for the abduction of a fe- A Meeting of West India Merchants and Planters

After some observations by Ald. ATKINS, Mr. Hiemale, near Castlemahon, by a party of Whiteboys. was yesterday held at the City of London Tavern. C. BERT, Mr. CARRINGTON and others, the petition was

On Wednesday evening Mr. Scott, steward of the Rose Ellis, Esq., M. P., was in the Chair. After the re- put and carried, and Mr, Ellis directed to present it to Countess Dowager of Ormonde, was fired at when solutions of the last meeting were read and confirmed, the House. entering the front door of his house, on her Ladyslip's The CHAIRMAN observed, that the President of the The Committee was then appointed to watch the demesne, at Castlecomer. The contents of the gun Board of Trade had giveu notice of a motion for a bill, proceedings of the House of Commons, upon both this shaltered the glass in the fan sash over his head; but opening an intercourse between the Colonies and Ca

and the Dock Company's petition, and confer with the he providentially escaped all injury. This is the second nada. At a meeting like this of West India planters other Committee as they thought necessary.. attempt on Mr. Scott's life. We regret to say, that and merchants, it would be idle to take up their

time Mr. HIBBERT was appointed Treasurer of the West notwithstanding an immediate pursuit, the ruffian by in descanting on the advantages resulting to the Colo- India Fund ; tbanks were voted to she Standing Comwhom this diabolical attempt was made, succeeded in nies from this measure. But it was said to be detri- mittee, and to Mr. Ellis, the Chairinan ; after which effecting his escape.

mental to the interests of other bodies. As be bad re- the meeting adjourned. Six thousand Police are immediately to be raised. ceived a communication from the chairman of the shipFour men charged with being deeply implicated in

BOXERS. owners, stating that it was likely to interfere with their the murder of Mr. Brereton, and four other persons iuterests, he would submit to this meeting, whether

The much talked-of great ma'ch, so long desired by accused of being principal Whiteboys, have been ap- they would not think it proper to take soine steps to

Martin, is at last made between him and Randal, for the prehended.

strengthen the measure, lest it be opposed by other enormous sum of one thousand guineas, to take place In the neighbourhood of Castle Island some arms bodies. He did not make his suggestion, from any

in September. Martin has his Summer work cut out, have been given up. The people are taking the Oath want of reliance on the President of the Board of Trade. as he is matched to fight Ab. Belasco (the best Jew E of Allegiance, and returning to habits of industry and But he put it to the Meetiug to say, whether they would

fighter since Mendoza), on the 7th of May, for 200 peace. not thiuk it right, in consequence of the friendly dis

guincas, and 50 aside is deposited. The light with Four men and two women have been brought into position manilested on his part, to strengthen the hands

Randal made on Monday night, is of more ipleresi than Dingle by Counsellor Hussey, on charges of White- of Government, by some public demonstration in sup

any which could be made, and we have made the folboyisın. The roads were crowded a few nights ago, port of the measure which it had brought forward.

lowing extract from the articles of agreement:-- about seven miles from thence near Ballinvoher, on the Mr. HIBBERT said, that in contemplatiou of such a

Monday, March 11.-John Randal and Jolín Mardirect road from Tralee to Dingle, with Whiteboys, contingency as that just alluded to, a petition had been

tin agree to fight in a 24 feet ring a fair stand-up bat+ who were swearing in all directions.

prepared, which he would submit to the Meeting for

tle, half minute time, for 300 guineas aside, and a bet of On Thursday night last, two men were found drink- their adoption, to be presented to the House of Com- 7oo guineas; 150 guineas is put down this day in the ing in a house at Ballynagera, near Crotlo, and there mons, as a measure of precaution. The petition avoided

hands of Mr. Bland, and a further deposit of fifly a side arrested by Mr. Kitson, and his assistants. On thein the subject of grievances, and contined itself to the

to be made good at Mr. Franklin's on Tuesday, tl:e 4th - were found a blunderbuss, two cases of pistols, some strengthening the measure of Government, by praying

of June, and the whole stakes to be made good on gunpowder and balls, and a piece of a scythe, fastened for an open intercourse of trade between the colonies Tuesday, July 2, at Spring's, and Mr. Bland to he stake in a handle, to be used as a sword. When these fel- and America. He then read the petition, and moved

holder.' The place of fighting to be named by Mr. lows were taken, they declared, that if Mr. Kitson its adoption by the Meeting:

Jackson, and the fight lo lake place on Tuesday, Sepcame somewhat later, their apprehension would not Mr. MITCHELL seconded the motion, which was put

tember 3. An umpire to be named by eachi parly, have been so easily effected. They were secured and and carried ; and Mr. Ellis was directed to present it

and Mr. Jackson to appoint a referee. brought to Listowell, where they still were held in to the House of Commons.

N.B.- If either party does not make good the stakes custody, at the date of the account received by us. After some additional members were named upon

according to agreeinent, the defaulter to forfeit the deSince the arrest of those persons, 27 stand of arms have the standing Committee,

posit. been surrendered to Dr. Church.

The CHAIRMAN stated, that the most convenient The money was put down by deputies, and the real (From the Dublin Patriot.) mode of pulling the meeting in possession of the subject

backers are at present in the back ground. The Kilkenny Moderalor laments “that those for their consideration was to read the resolutions of cheering indications of restored tranquillity which the the standing Committee. The Hon. Gentleman then

From the LONDON GAZETTE, March 19.

BANKRUPIS.-R. S. Thomas, Hanbury, Worcester, farmır.-general state of the county of Kilkenny exhibited for read the resolutions, which directed certain documents W. Co; land, Jale of Holt, Norfolk, miller.-T. Kenyon, late of nearly the last three weeks, have given place, within a to be read to the Meeting, wbich consisted of- first, Rooden-lang, Prestwich, Lancaster, flour-dealer.-S. Biewer, Alfew days, to much less satisfactory prospects of do- a letter from Mr. Mitchell, the Chairman of the West

derton, Sulfolk, corn-merchant.-N. Ketcher, Bradweil, Esce

shopkeeper.--S. W. Dacke, now or late of Ked-Lion-square, picmestic peace. A gentleman," continues that Paper, India Dock Company, to the Chairman of the Meeting, toe dealer.-C. Miller, Abchurch-lane, merchant.--G. Oiley, ew" on whose authority we implicitly rely, has commu- calling on them for their co-operation in applying to Bond-street, tilor.-W. Handford, Tavistock, Levonshire, linen. nicated to us accounts of several very daring acts of Parliament for an extension of their privileges ; second,

draper.-T. Tickell, West Bromwich, Stafford, ironmaster.-W.

Davidson, Philpol-lane, Fenchurch-street, merchat.-W. C. Keene, violence, committed on the night of Friday, or rather a memorial from the West India Duck Company to Mary-le-hone-line, Middlesex, fai rier.-R. Herbert and W. Puck. early on the morning of Saturday, by an armed and the Board of Trade, the urging expediency of continu- master, St. Mary Axe, London, wine-me: chants.-W. Vaill, jud.,

Brock worth, Gloucestershire, corn-clealer. very numerous body of marauders.' It then proceeds ing the 'compulsory legislative provisions by which to detail the proceedings of this banditti, which con- vessels in the West India trade were compelled to dis

EARLY SPRING-SONNET. sisted of housebreaking, and the robbery of arms and charge their cargoes in that Company's Docks, but

Winter is past-the little bee resuwes other property

which provisions would otherwise expire in August Her share of sun and shade, and o'er the lea It is our pleasing duty to acknowledge a communica- 1823; and deprecating any change in those regulations, Hums lier first bymnings to the flowers' perfumes, tion from the Parishes of Ballymarlle and Collin, which which were an integral part of the warehousing sys, And wakes a sense of gratefulness in me: states that.14 guns, one pistol, one sword, with some tem; and third, a petition from the West India Dock

The little daisy keeps its wonted pace, ammunition, had been this week sent in to the Magis- Company to the House of Commons, praying for a re

Ere March by April gets disarın'd of snow ; trate, the Rev. J. Meade, and to the Rev. T. newal of the dock restrictive system. Mr. Ellis added

A look of joy opes on its smiling face, O'Reilly, Parish Priest of that district.

that the standing Committee had further resolved, that Turn'd to that Power that suffers it to blow. Never, perhaps, was a more impartial, upright, and the Chairman should offer to the meeting their opinion Ah! pleasant time, as pleasing as you be, discriminating adeninistration of the law witnessed, that a petition should be presented by the Wcst India than in the trials before Sergeant Lloyd and ihe highly

One siill more pleasing liope reserves for me; merchants and planters to the House of Commons, When suns unsetting, one long summer eine respectable Bench of Magistrales that attended in the praying for an investigation into the acts and expendi

Flowers endless bloon, shews winter ne'er destroys ; Court since the opening of tre Commission. It is the ture of the West India Dock Company; and a revision theine of universal and deserved applause.-(Cork

Oh may the good man's righteous end be mine, of the several laws and regulations which had been

That I may witness these unlading joys. Chronicle.)

passed respecting them. They admitted that the proWe heartily congratulate our readers on the almost perty landed had been protected; but the value of

PRICE OF STOCAS. - LONDON, MARCH 23. total cessation of disturbances in this county for the

Bank Stock shut.

Omnium protection depended ou the conditions upon which it last week, the City and Liberties are in a similar happy

3 Ct. Red. shut. per

India Stock was obtained. condition—if we except a few comparatively trilling Mr. Palmer rose to propose a petition framed in the 3 per Ct. Cons. 80 118 India Bonds 51

3 lawless acts of insubordination which took place near spirit of the recommendation of the Committee; but he 112

Cent. shut,

Long Ann. shut. Newcastle, the entire county has maintained a state of

Ex. Bills (1000l.) 3pm. should first say a few words to explain the grounds | 4 per Cents. shut. tranquillity, nor have we heard of any outrages in the upon which that recommendation was founded. The per

Cents. 103 718 Cons. for Acc. 80 318 neighbouring counties.

Committee had neither given its assent nor denial to Without doubt, the severe operation of the Insur- the application of the West India Dock Company for rection Act has mainly contributed to the restoration of their co-operation, but had adopted a middle coursesecurity and peace-siill we think this calm will be but pamely, to reserve their decision upon it until they had deceitful until all the arms are delivered up, which first received an explanation of soine of their transachave been so extensively plundered from the peaceable tions. Mr. Palmer then took a review of the conduct

PARIS, MARCH 28, 1822. and loyal. To arrive at this object, every possible and expenditure of the West India Dock Company, Yesterday the King transacled business with Gen. exertion should be used.-(Limerick Telegraph.) from the period when it was established by an Act, the Lauriston, aud afterwards presided at a Cabinet

On the 13th inst. were apprehended, James Fitz- conditions of which, he contended, had not been fulfilled. Council. gibbon and James Bridgman, who are fully committed By the provisions of that Act, they were allowed to At 8 o'clock yesterday morning, Monsieur and the for the murder of Richard Going, Esq.-(Limerick take 10 per cent. until the expenses of the establish- Duke of Angouleme weat lo Versailles on a sporting ex• Chronicle.)

ment were paid. Then certain other expenses were cursion. (From the Dublin Morning Post.)

lo be paid, after which such a reduction of the rates Yesterday the Duchess of Angouleme took an airing DUBLIN.- ARRIVALS-Lord James Hay, Viscount was to take place as existing circumstances would al- in the Bois de Boulogne.

Page 23

On ihe 224 inst. the Geographical Society held its A grant of 5,500,000 fr. was proposed for the ex- not doubting that it will speedily convey bim Imongst arst general and annual meeting at the Hotel de Ville. pense of reliet to colouists, and men of letters, secret the dark-eyed Houris who adorn the promised paradise The Marquis de Laplace, Member of the Academy of police, etc.

of Mahoinet. By the means of a young Frenchman, sciences, was in the Chair.After the Central Coma M. DUname' moved that the su:n of 900,000 fr. for who happens opportunely to be at hand, opium is submiltee bad rendered a brief account of their adminis- the Colonists of St. Domingo should be augmented to stituted for the poison required. Nadir drinks and ration, the Society resolved to estnblish the following 1,100,000 fr.

falls asleep. Suon transported into the gardens of Naoriz's :-1. A prize of 1200ft:- To determine the direc

M. Mecury proposed that the sum of 2,200,000 fr. than, in the midst of the inost beautiful companions of ion of the chains of mountains in Europe, with their required for the secret police should be reduced to Zénéide, he wakes, happy to find himself dead, as he amilications and successive elevations throughout their 2,000,000 fr. The original sum was voted.

supposes, and, moreover, in such agreeable society. whole extent. 2. One of 1200fr. - To discover the A grant of 2,424,200 fr. was proposed for the pur- By his valet, however, who happened to die a few origin of the various tribes .. attered over the islands of poses of public justruction.

hours after him in a similar mauner, he Icaros that he great Ocean, lying to the South East of the Continent Messrs. Roder, CAUMartin, and Robin SCEVOLA, Zénéide is still living, and that he (Nadir) was, when of Asia. 3. One of 6oofr.-Statistic and Cominercial moved for reductions which were opposed by M. Cu- he so rashly committed felo de se, residing at her fa-, Itinerary from Paris to Havre de Grace. The first and

vier, King's Commissary; between the latter and Gen. ther's house. His despair at this int·lligence may be third prize will be adjudged at the general meeting in Foy a conversatiou took place relative to the recent well conceived. He would be very happy now to take 1823, and the second at that of 1824.-M. Roux read events at the Jardin des Plantes, alter which the grant poison to carry him back again to the earth from whence a paper upon the state of Geography in the middle ages, was voted.

(he imagines) he came. In this dilemma the ever conparticularly from the commencenient of the 13th cen- The PRESIDENT said, that the grants for the Home venient young Frenchman, who is an inhabitant also tury to the end of the 15th ; and M. Malte-Brun read Department being finished, the next in order were those of this sham paradise, under the name of Ismaël, steps a menoir upon the primitive habitations of man, consi- for the Minister of War.

forward, and kindly offers him the means of returning dered with respect to natural Gcography.

Upon the proposal of a grant of 1,770,000 fr. for the to the world below for two hours precisely - by M. Huyut, a distinguished architect, has recently re- Ceritral Administration of the War Department, Shrewsbury clock.” A band of Calmucs and Tartars, purned to Paris after a journey of five years, during The Committee proposed a reduction of 50, ovo Ir. taking advantage of the fete in the earthly paradise, which time he visited and explored Greece, Asia Minor', Gen. GERARD complained of the extent of expendi- happen just now to scale the garden walls of Nathan. Uppar and Lower Egypt, and Nubia. Besides the re- lure in this branch of the Administration, and repro- Pillage, and all its concomitant horrors, are usurping lation of his travels, he has brought with him a great bated the appointment of high functionaries in the room of the place of pleasure, but Nadir puts himself at the number of valuable plans and designs.

Directors General. The total amount of grants required head of Nathan's slaves, he expels ihem, od delivers Last week the police officers seized at the house of for this Departınent in 1822, amouoted to 188,471,000 his dear Zéuéide from their iu hless hands. Nathar, an individual living in the Cour du Dragon, faubourg francs, and it did not cost the country much more when by way of recompensing bis valour, cousents to NaSt. Germain, a depot of arıns, consisting of about 30 France ruled the world. The General concluded dir's union with Zénéide. But, alas! the iwo lalal muskets, pistols, sabres, etc. These arins were con- by eulogising the warriors of the old army, wlose hours are elapsed, and the unhappy lover must return veyed to the Prefecture of the Police.

renown he said would be eternized like that of the lo the Paradise above, and leave his Mistress and all The King of the Netherlands has recently appropriat. plalanxes of Macedonia, or of the legions of Rome, his blissful anticipations. Here again the young Frenched funds for the support of poor children, whose pa- and whose immortal captain would march down the man, who has, in his true costume of an officer, been rents are detained in prison.

declivity of ages the equal of Alexander and Cesar.- gallantly tighting against the brigands-bere again this On Sunday the 17th inst. a new Protestant Church (Laughter on the Right: approbation on the Lest. convenient and marvellous instrument of the Author, was consecrated at Marsilly, near la Rochelle, towards

It being ball-past six o'clock, the Chamber ad- comes on the part of himself, and tells Nadir the erection pf which a considerable sum had been journed.

be his free to remain and taste the pleasures of Paradise granied by the Government.


on earth with his Zéveide. The mystification is soon M. Valentine Haüy, Instructor of the Blind, died a

discovered, and Nadir and his fair one are united. few days ago, at the house of his brother, the Abbé The Opera Concerts, during the Holy Week, will be

Notwithstanding the utter improbability attached to Haüy, Professor of Mirreralogy, at the Jardin des given on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Beethoven's Oratoriv of ihe Mount of Olives will be perà developments, happy allusious, and a pretty fair

the character of Nadir, this Opera abounds in comic = Plantes. M. Haüy was a Knight of the Russian Order

formed. The solos are to be sung by Mme Albert and of St. Władimir, and had received froin several soyeMM. Nourrit and Dabadie; the pieces, together by all

sprinkling of wit aud lumour. The dialogue is upon Ercigns, and particularly from the Einperor of Russia

the choristers of the Opera. MM. Lefont and Moscnelės

the whole good. The music is easy and agreeable, and the King of Prussia, marks of their esteem. It was will be heard at these copcerts.

but with few claims lo originality., An air suig by. under his superintendance that schools for the blind

Ponchard in the second aci is, however, delighiful;

Two new dancers are come out at the Opera, viz. have been established at St. Petersburgh and Berlin. a pupil of Coulon's, and a Mlle. Idalise Grenier; the

there are several other pretty pieces which were well In the Department of the Somme, a great nuinber of

received. The dresses and decorations are brilliant

; buildings have lately been wiltully set on fire, even in lady was the most successful, as she liad the most es

the successful Authors are Messrs. Scribe and Mélesa

sential quality-coofidence. Tithe open day. To prevent the recurrence of such out

Mme Fodor will sing for the last time at the French

ville for the words, and for the music Messrs. Kreut. rages, the authorities have established military stations

The Noces de Figaro, aud a

zer and Frédéric Kreube. : in several yillages in the immediate neighbourhood Opera on Sunday nexi

. new Divertissement, by the first performers, will be

TaćatRE DE LA PORTE SAINT-MARTIN.–First repre. where they have taken place.

represented. We are assured that a contract bas been made for

sentation of the Chateau de Kenilworth, a Melodiame

Talma, as we before stated, will not take his in three acts. The subject of this piece is founded upon considerable alterations of the column in the Place Vendôme. The white marble steps at the foot of the

holiday tour this year. He is lo have, in lieu of it, a the romance of Les Enfans de Marie Stuart, by Miss benefit assured at 20,000 fr.

Lee, which has already l'urnished a work in Italy, enmonument are to be replaced by granite, which will be

Second Tueatne Français. -First representation titled les Pages de Leicester, and Rossini's Opera of prolonged beyond the pallisades; the latter also will be of the Deux Ménages, a Comedy in three acts and in

Elisabeth. Sir Walter Scott's roinance of Kenilworth, prose:

has also enabled ille Authors to give additional interest A magnificent design with a pen, by Michel An

Two old college chums lave entered into a commercial partner- to their Melodrame, particularly in the terrible de gelo, is now offering for sale at Brussels. ship. Their Banking-house pr spers. They form about the same

nouement borrowed from that work. Our recent anaAt Idria, in Austria, a poor woman recently gave time the project of respectively entering mio matrimonial pariterbirih to four daughters, one of whom is since dead ; ships, which resolve they soun put into executwo. Dorsay, 'a riend

lysis of Elisabeth, as well as the knowledge every of pleasure, fickle and incon tant where woman is concerned, es- body possesses of Sir Walter's romance, renders it uus the three others are in good health.

pouses Clementine, one of the best creaturis in the world, and so The Richmond Enquirer, a journal published in fall of contidence, That she never conceives the smallest s ispicion

necessary to go over the details ol the plot. In justice, ot her hsband's faith. Bourdeuil, on the conírary, a suber, steady,

however, we must say, that it is not undramatically Virginia, contains a letter from soine Missionaries who

reasonable, siay-ai-home, constant spouse, has the luck to be uniled combined, and with the assistance of good decorations have resided for a short time in the midst of the Che- 1o one of the most bigoited d votees of the "green- y'di moast.r.”

aud good acting, is likely to make a rally for the Porterokees. This letter announces that, according to all Mme. Bourdeuil, like many o'her Malames, is not content to be appearance, their efforts will be attended with success.

happy, but is continually sending other brains on voyages of dis- Sl.-Martin interest.' An allegorical divertisement in

covery, to tin, if possible, some lule speck in her gude man's the second act, in which the Genius of Commerce inThe schools established by these Missionaries are fre- constancy-something deiective in his actions to seed her jealous quented by a multitude of young savages of both sexes, fire wittial, and lo affyrd her a decent plea tv play wit the artillery of

vites to her féte all the people beneath the sway of

Elizabeth, presented a very imposing display. The and the Cherokees in general show themselves desirous “ I trow, quoth Thomas, women's tongues of aspen leaves are Tritans and Nereides sporting in the water in honour of instruction.

made." The Institution of M. REQUIÈRE, No. 20, rue Pavée A mistake, of which poor Bordeail becomes the victim, unhappily

of the Quren, are particularly effective. In fá pas de St. Sauveur, the Prospectus of which accompanies our Journal, is affords her an opporiun ty of ind:dying in her jealous propensies.

Cing, well designed, though rather too long, Mlle. well worthy the attention of fathers of' faanities. He has been seen rambluz aho at the house ot'a Mme. Monthalon;

Florentine was not the least distinguished by her taste DIED. - At Paris, the 230 inst., aged 40, univer

in a luckless port-folio found on him, is the portrait of a fair and beautiful woman, and

and spirit. The machine at the end of tie 31 act, sally regrettel by all who knew him, Richard Charles Head Graves, " Prouf of confirmation st: ons as Holy Writ,"

which precipitates Amélie, the unfortunate wife of esq. of Michleton Hous, Gloucestershire, Jate husband of the a tradesman calls upon lourdeuil, talks of a Bill payable to order, Hon. Cassandra Graves, sister to the present Lord Save and Sele.- and signed with the latter's name, which he (the tradesman) had

Leicester, into the abyss that terminales her life and He was a good Husband, Father, and Friend, and universally re- received in payment from a lady. This is a hundreal times more sufferings, is horribly effective, and the catastrophe, as gretted by his numerous friends at Paris, He has left a disconsolate than fool enough for Madanie's sensitive failing, and scen is of re- in Sir Walter's romance, excites the inost powerful widow, with a son and daughter, to deplore his irreparable loss. proaching, and scolding, weeping, and threatening, and imploring, and curtain-lecturing, and all the et ceteraes oi a jealous wile's

emotions. The symphonies, solos, etc. were well exerage, full in piiloss showers upon the aston shed husbands head. culed by Messrs. Daupral and Mengal. Elisabeth lost CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES.

The denouenient proves that Mme. Bourdewil is any thing but an in- none of her dignity in the hands of Mme. Allan-Dur-
Sitting of the 27th inst.

jnred angel in petticoats-that her husband. 500d, casy man, has been abased withont rhyme or reason, and that Dorsay has been a gay

val: the character of Amélie and her misfortunes could The MINISTER of Finance presented a Law Project and sly deceiver, having under, a feigned name, made love lo Mme. not fail to excite interest, even if Mlle. Huyens bad for reducing the minimum of the annuities inscribed Montbalan, who, by the by, happened to be his wife's frienil, and done less justice to it.-Messrs. Buirie, Lemaire, Cicéri, upon the great book of France, fixed by the law of

virtuous enough to reject his suit. Moreover, the sail Dorsay, t was that the suspicious portrait belonged to, and, to sump

Alexandre and Blache, were announced as the Authors. August 1793 at 50 fr. to 10 fr.

climax of his stratagems, the Bill payable to order, and signed by THEATRE DE LA GAIETE.-A new Melodrame in M. B. Constant rose to make some remarks relative

Bourdeuil , was put into circulation by Dorsay binsell.

three acts, has just come out here, under the title of to the sum voted for the special variable expenses of the

The first representation of this piece did pot pass off

Paoli or les Corses et les Génois. The analysis of departments. The Hon. Gentleman complained of the without considerable opposition. "Not that it was defi

this grand spectacle is as follows :confusion in the accounts, in which the inost hetero

cient in many dramatic qualities of high order, but Paoli, the dis inguished General of the Corsicans, having sustaingeneous expenses were classed together. As an in

these were blended and obscured with blemishes, un- cd a def at, relies to the most inaccessible mountains, and gets stance, he said, the sum of 1,300,000 fr. was required pardonable in men of such acknowledged talent as the

a report circulated of his death. Oblisd to quit the Isle, he con

firles' bis infant daughter to the faithful Pieiro, and departs for for the destruction of wolves, travelling expenses of | has since been pretty well withdrawn, and the sterling Genoese, he returned the top to Corsopa de les ideel trang

Authors are known to possess. The dross, however, France. Aiter many years, always pursued by the hale of the Electoral Colleges. (Laughter.) The Orator, referring parts more closely

united, by which means the dialogue ring of the curtain the mountainrers are Scen placed on the rocks to the corruption at Elections was called to order by

is more in march with the plot. Its flatlering reception and amongst the ruins of an ancient monastery, surrounding Pietro the President. In concluding, he reprobated the par- amply repaid the Authors for following the fashion

of on the second night in its condensed form, must have and cagerly demnandiug news of Paoli. Euflanned with vengeance

thry only wail for the appearance of their chief, to fly to arıns, Liality displayed in printing the Electoral lists.

and extirpate their Genoese tyranis. Yet they are uncertain of bis The MINISTER of the INTERIOR rose to repel thc in

the day--retrenchment: their names are Messrs. Pi- fate, and Pietro cannot resolve their doubts. The drums of the sinuations of the last Speaker, which would lead to the card, Wafflard, and Fulgence.

Genoese are now heard, and the mountaineers di peis Verino,

a Florentine Colonel in the ser ice of Genoa, has, in the mean time, idea that the servants of the Crown employed the most

By an official notice ihe Odéon is henceforth placed

fallen in love with Celanie, whom he discovers to be the oughter fraudulent and criminal means at Elections. The whole under the same regulations as the French Opera.

He cavalieily enough offers to marry her, and ibe Lenor of their lives was a reply lo such suspicions.


affrighted dams I is about to fly; he detains her, when a s'ra fer

appears, and delivers her. 1h s stranger is......... Paoli. He soon Upon the proposal of a grant of 1,818,223 fr. for ge

o the Paradis de Mahomet or la Pluralité des learns that the Genoe e are hastening from all quarters; pre sed neral purposes in the way of relief in cases of tire, inFemmes, a Comic-Opera in three acts. The scene is to fly, he will not consent till Calagic sweais, on the tomb of her

mother, niver to espouse a Genoes. Re-assured by her oath, undations, etc. laid in Persia. Nadir, a Lovelace of that country, tired

he departs, and the devoted Pietro, d sguised as his gallant master, A conversation ensued between M. PAUL DE CHA

of bis wife, because he in vain searches after a lady is arrested for him. Célanie fails also into the enemies power, TEAUDOUBLE, the Minister of Finance and M. Louis,

that he loves, arrives, pursued by the 'Tartars, in the and is uidered, by the Genoese Governor, tu marry an officer after which the sum was voted. house of Nathan, a rich merchant, without knowing

of thal nation, or, on réfasal, to see her fa ber, whom she sup

poses to be a prisoner', fall on ih · scaffold. Celavie cedes, when that he is then at the home of his inistress the fair Zé-, • A tribe of indians in North Ame ica.

Paoli re-appears, forces her from her husband, and tells her that néide. He resolves to die for love, and demands poison,

Page 24

were obliged to attend three hours and upwards be- in the Irish Five per Centum Stock Transfer Bill, which called upon to set the example, because she possessed yond their usual period, in order to bring up arrears was read the first time, and ordered to be read the se- in her population, the contiguity of her parts, and the of husjaess. It was impossible that more could be re- cond time to-morrow.

situation of ber frontiers, a belter natural desence than quired from them, and if they took 10,000l. from the The other orders of the day were then read, and the troops of the line, which of themselves have never deEstablishinent the business could not be done. By the House adjourned at half-past twelve.

fended even their capitals, and no more at Paris than at new mode of conducting the office, according to the


Berlin, Vienna, or Moscow. All the fortresses of this system of the Master-General, all that human nature

Bank Stock shut. Omnium

country had been preserved, and yet it was talked of could do would be done; but he was not sure that it

3 per Ct. Red. shut, India Stock

erecting others at a great expense in the Interior. Such could be carried into complete execution. At all events,

3 per Ct. Cons. 80 India Bonds 45

a precaution seemed quite unnecessary, and the defence he protested against Hon. Members supposing that

3 Cent. shut, 112 Long Ann. shut.

of the present fortresses might be left to the great grand the whole system of management of an office of this

4 per Cents. shut. Ex. Bills (1000l.) 3 pm.

children of the present generation, as a survey of Eudescription could be changed, and an inordinate re

5 Cents. 103 718 per Cons. for Acc. 80 318

rope would produce conviction that there was no duction of expenditure effected. It was not true that

ground for apprehension. The system of a late Minis

COURSE OF EXCHANGE,-LONDON, MARCH 26. the junior officers were divested of that solace under

Amsterdam, 12 5 C.F. Madrid, 37 114 Cadiz, 37 114

ter of War had been extolled. The Duke de Feltre their loss of salary, to be derived from the consideration Ditto, al sight, 12 2

Bilboa, 36 112 Barcelona, 30 composed an army upon one plan, and his successor

Rotterdam, 12 6 that their superiors shared in their deprivatious. The

Seville, 36 112, Gibraltar, 30 112 upon another; he (the Orator) preferred the most Antworp, 12 1

Leghorn,47 314 Genoa, 44 fact was, that the encouragement was much greater

Hanburgh, 37 Malla, 45 Venice, 27 60

monarchial one of the two. The chef-d'oeuvre was to than the Hon. Gentleman could suppose ; for whilst Altona, 37 1

Naples, 49 Lisbon, 50 113.

create an army which could endure peace as well as Paris, 3 days' sight, 25 20 Oporto, 50 112 Rio Janeiro, 46 5 per cent. was taken from the minor salaries, to be

Ditto, 25 50

Rahia, 51 Palermo, 118

war, as peace was the valural state of sociely; war was returned in the form of superannuation allowance, 10

Bordeaux, 25 50 Fgn. gold in bars, 3). 175. 1012d.

an accidental event entered into to obtain peace, Much per cent. was taken off those which were to receive no Frankfort on the Maine, 154

per oz.

reproach_had been cast upon Ministers for not obtainPetersiurgh, p. rble. 9 3 Us. New Doubloons, 31. 14s. 6d. such return. For his own part, his salary was rool.

Vienna, Ef. Flo., 10 g Now Dollars, 45. 10d.

ing for France that rank in Europe which she was less than what was atlached to his office in 1792; but Trieste, Ef. Flo., 10 9

Silver iu bars, '4s. 11 15d. intitled to hold: He (the Orator) saw no rank to hold yet he would not escape the Bill of his Right Hon.


but to remain upon the map. One individual differed Friend (the Chancellor of the Exchequer), and he Bank Stock, 250

Royal Canal Stock, 24

from an another by his dignities and his fortune. BeGov. Deb. 3. 112 per cent. go 348

Grand Canal Stock, could wish that the Hon. Gent. opposile (Mr. Hume)

Gov. Deb. 4 per cent. Ditto Loan, 4 per cent. 50

tween monarchial states the dignity was equal, there would interfere in that quarter on the ground of jus- Ditto Stock, 3 112 per cent. 90 348 | Ditto ditto, 5 per cent.

was no difference but in lerritory; and since France tice. The Treasurer, of whom the Hon. Gentleman Do. Stock, 4 per cent.

Ditto ditto, 6 per cent. 76 334 still stretched from the Pyrenees to the Rhine, and the

Gov. Deb. 5 per cent. 4518 had spoken, would lose 120l. out of his salary, and be

Wide St. Cert. 6 per cent. Gov. Stock, 5 per cent." 4 112 Ilitto Deb. 4 per cent.

two seas she had maintained her rank. To those who should be sorry to see so exemplary a publicaccomptant Eal. Olice, Gov. Sec.

Pipe Water Leb. 5 p. cent. 2 said that the country could be no longer France withreduced lower. Once more he must enter his protest

Course of Exchange, Dublin on London, 8 112

out a French army, he would say, that she had a French against what Hon. Gentlemen who came down there,

army. It was not necessary that this country should and spoke at random about reductions being regarded

have so many men on foot as powers composed of difas gospel. What Lord Moira, Lord Mulgrave, Lord

ferent tribes of people, exposed on every side, and Chathain, and especially the Duke of Wellington,

surrounded by neighbours more powersul than themwhom pothing escaped any more than if he were in the

PARIS, MARCH 30, 1822.

selves. It was not necessary to have an army of 7 or face of the enemy all day long, said, must be taken as

Two couriers, from St. Petersburgh, arrived at Paris

800,000 men, like Russia, which touched China, Persia, coming from more competent judges of the matter, than on Thursday with dispatches for the Russian Ambas

Turkey, Europe, Asia, and America. Jf France could Gentlemen whose opinion were derived from a cursory sador.

not be a power, except upon those terms, her territory examination of a few days' duration. There should be

Letters from Constantinople of the 12th of February

must be made a vast camp, her Budget be trebled, and no jealousy about the size of the Board, as connected state, that at that period the French Ambassador had

the conscription multiplied ten-fold.

The country with the question of diminishing the influence of the not had his first audience, and that he refused it until

possessed an immense power of resistance and stability, Crown in that House. The Board was composed of the Pacha of Acre was deposed, and orders were given

and could with the greatest facility, if required, set on the heads of the different departments of the Office, who received no salary for sitting at the Board beyond Carmel, which had been destroyed by ihat Pacha. lor the re-establishment of the Monastery of Mount

foot the most efficient army in Europe. Much had been

said about Bonaparte. He was a skillul administratur the amount of their allowances for their patept offices. The English Ambassador had demanded in vain, for

rather than a good politician; he described his own siAud it was plain that the Board must be more eflicient, ten days, an audience of the Reis Effendi.

tuation in a single sentence, when he said to M. de from being so composed. With regard to the influ

The Faculty of Medicine will open their summer

Fontanes- there is no means of governing a nation ence of the Crown, although five of the Board were

who read Voltaire and Rousseau. course of Lectures on Monday.

Bonaparte had permitted to have seats in that House, only three of

Staff Officers have been dispatched to St. Calais, to

accomplished two grand points which no one hut himthem were there. He hoped the Hon. Gent. therefore identify the individual arrested at that place, supposed

self could have done, he destroyed the revolution, and would see, that reduction had been carried as far as it to be Gen. Berton.

made the restoration easy; if he dethroned anarchy, consistently could.-(Henr.)

he placed upon the throne the legitimate King. In Mr. ELLICE thought a great saving might be made


conclusion, the Hon. Gentleman said :-" The present by a simplification of the business of the offices. He

Sitting of the 28th inst.

Minister of War will give us an army truly French, should support the present motion.

The MINISTER of the INTERIOR presented three Law

an army brave as himself, royalist as himsell, faithful Col. DAVIES observed, that so far from there be

as himself, like bimsell adapted to peace or war, and Projects : 1. The construction of a bridge at Rouen. ing any decrease in the estimates for the present year,

in this full confidence I vote for the grant.” 2. The completion of the canal of St. Maur. 3. The there was actually an increase of about 32,000l. over the pensions to be granted to the Physicians and the Nuns

The MINISTER OF WAR said, that after a careful exestinates of 1819.

of St. Camille, who were sent to Barcelona, and also to

amination of the department, as left him by his predeMr. WARD said that there was at present sixteen the mother of Dr. Mazet.

cessor, le was convinced that no reduction of importimes as much half-pay to inanage than there was in

These Projects were ordered to be examined in the

tance was possible at present. The reductions 3792, besides what increase of business had occurred Bureaus on Salurday.

proposed by the Committee or Hon. Deputies he should from the union with Ireland.

The Order of the Day was a proposition of the Duke

therefore vigorously oppose. Economy would be carMr. HUME said, he really thought that an example de Broglie, relative to the execution of the prohibitory jury to the public service or the interests of the army.

ried into effect as soon as it could be done without inin the higher appointments ought to be set, and he

laws upon the Slave Trade. should therefore move that a reduction of 10,000l. be After several Noble Peers had spoken, it was agreed

It was not easy quickly to repair the evils produced by made upon the vole under consideration. that the drawing up of the proposition required some

a shameful defection, (Murmurs on the Lest.)—which After some cursory observations on the reductions in modification, aud its further consideration was post

had well nigh ruined France. His predecessors had the Medical Department, in which Sir R. Ferguson, Mr. poned.

taken the first steps in the laborious career of re-orgaWard, and Mr. Hume joined, the House divided.

nisation, and had set on foot an army worthy of France For the Amendment 30-Against it 95–Majority

The Marquis de MARBOIS addressed the House upon the Law Project relative to the accounts, after which

and of the King-an army which would always be against the motion 65. the Sitting was adjourned.

worthy, for it was in vain that the factious endeavoured The following Estimates were then voted :

to seduce it into their criminal projects by magnificent, For defraying the Salaries of the Officers of the Ord- L.

Sitting of the 20th inst.

yet deceitful promises.—( Applause on the Right.}-An nance of the Home Stations, including Guern

The Order of the Day was the renewal of the debate Orator had said thal none were admitted to the rank of sey, Jersey, etc.

12,885 For the Salaries of Olicers of the Ordnance on Foupon the accounts. - Several Noble Peers addressed

an officer ex ept the privileged classes; a reference to reign Stations

13,313 the Chamber, after which the Law Project was unaniFor the Increase of salaries of the oficers of the

the Army List would show that this assertion was unOrdnance

23,495 0 mously adopted.--Adjourned.

founded. He (the Minister of War) had been censured For defraying the expense of Contingencies, Repair

for not putting the veterans into activity. He would ing the Store-houses, etc.


not stop to enquire whether this plan would be as efliFor the Pay of fifty-seven Master Gunners, etc. For the Corps of Royal Engineers.

Sitling of the 28th inst.

cient in practice as plausible in theory, but he would For the Corps of Sappers and Miners, and the con

The Order of the Day was the renewal of the debale say, that if threatened by an enemy, all France would struction of Field-works

upon the application for a grant of 1,770,000 fr. for the For the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 24,863 9 2 Central Administration of the War Department.

take up arms to defend the territory of the country, For the Royal Horse Artillery, also the Royal Horse

and the throne of her Kings. The army in the interior Troop

36,954 16 2

The Committee had proposed a reduction of 50,000 would ever be the safeguard of good citizens, and the For defraying the expenses of the Field Train 2,624 92

francs. For defraying the expenses of the Medical Depart

dread of rebels.—(Violent disapprobation on the Left.)

M. de BONALD rose first:--Every one, he said, carment of the Ordnance 6,860 12

- Discord sought in vain to produce agitation under For the expense of the Civil Officers, Cadets, etc.,

ried into that Chamber the particular policy of his the pretext of defending the liberlies of the country. A at Woolwich

6,059 10 For Fees paid to the Exchequer

profession; the werchanl, that of commerce-the ma1,600

sage and veneraled Monarch watched over the iranTo defray the expense of Services performed by Of

nufacturer, that of industry-the soldier, that of war; quillity of his realms. An enlightened legislator himficers of the Orduance, not provided for in 1821. 3,781 4 7

but this narrow policy of professional men was not that self, he meditated upon their true interests. Young For Charges of the Ordnance, Windows', Pen

of statesmen. France had lony pursued a military sions, etc., etc. . 30,800

soldiers, ambitious of glory and honour, flocked from To defray the Charge of the Ordnance in Ireland. 11,365 17 4

system, from which much glory and much disaster had

all parts of the kingdom to range themselves under the Mr. WARD then moved that the Chairman report

resulted. Marengo, Austerlit, Jena, and a thousand banners of the libes, which they (the Deputies) bad progress.

other places spoke of her success; Paris, the Budget, sworn to defend.-(Ironical laughter on the Left.)Mr. BROGDEN accordingly reported progress, and and an immense National Debt told of her losses. The

M. DE MARTIGNAC:-Yes, we have sworn to defend obtained leave to sit again on Wednesday.

most memorable and scientific campaign recorded by them, and (turning to the Left) you have sworn also. The House having resumed, the report was ordered


pen of history did honour to the last moinents of Voices on the Right :- Those Gentlemen ,do not to be received on Thursday.

the French army, but what could it do against an array wish to make rash engagements. Mr. WALLACE brought in a Bill to repeal divers

of three i–He was glad that the unequal struggle was Gen. DEMARÇAY :- Why so angry, Gentlemen, do not ancient statutes relating to the importation of goods and

terminated; for, in sound policy, a battle gained did eat us !-(Laughter.) merchandise from foreign countries. The Bill was read

not compensate for a hainlet lost, and the real strength The Minister of WAR:-Such are the pledges of the First time, and ordered to be read a second time

and dignity of a state consisted in countries acquired, security to France, and the legitimate monarchy, with the 18th of April.

not in countries conquered. The great evil of a mili- our liberties, will triumph over all their enemies. The Hon. Member also brought in a Bill for the en

tary policy was a thirst of revenge, which was founded General SebasTIANI would not object to the funds couragement of navigation and commerce, by regulating

upon recollections of the past rather than a provision required by the Minister of War for a levy of 50,000 importation. Read the first time, and the second read

for the future, and it was astonishing that this policy inen, but whilst the army was put on a respectable footing fixed for April 19.

was so much below the standard of the age, and so ing with regard to numbers, it was also requisite to Mr. WALLACE also brought in a Bill to repeal cer

far behind the progress of the human understanding. tain Acts relating to the importation of Goods and Mer

An idea, universally prevalent in Europe, was the

give it that moral strength, which resulted from a gnod

organisation, aud an economical Administration. The çhandise.—Read the first, and ordered to be read the necessity of reducing the troops of the wine, which were law for recruiting the army fixed the peace establishsecond time on the 29th April.

so oppressive to nations and so dangerous to monar- ment at 240,000 men, and in the present state of France The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER brought

chies. In making this reduction, France seemed and of Europe it was desirable to carry il lo the full

Page 25

M. L ABBEY. DE POMPIÈRES moved for a reduction of


A Clergyman of the Established Church, A. B. 30,000 fri The Hon, Gentleman ænsured the inat

married it this cuun ry, and resident in a retired and beautiful part

Au. English Gentlewoman, who possesses greai tertion paid to the accounts in the Nival Department,

of the environs of Paris, bas at present oue vacaney, and will liave M sical talents, which she • erts for the maintenance of herseli and anoller on the ist of June n°11, in lis establishment, which being and complained of the oppression of the Ordonnance two children, is under the necessity of appealing to the charitable limied to ei hat pupils is entirely conducted by himself. Exclusive of 1817, by which officers of the marine artillery, who and h mane, in order to procure the sum of 3 ofr. to exticalc her of a Classic | Education on the Elon au plan, the attainment of

from her present emba: rassment, not brought on by any imprudence Freuch is rendered easy and rapid from its being invariably tho had shed their blood at Bautzen and Lulzen, bad been

but from unuvoidable circums auces.--Donatious (nowever sinall) Language of the Family. Morals, comfort and politeness are disinissed in the flower of their age. The tardiness in will be received by Messrs. Galignani, and giatcfully acknowl dged. siricily attended w. None but boys of respectability admitted. building the vessels Le Comte d'Artois and Le Duc de

References given to the pareu s of" he young Gentlemen who are,

To be Suld by Private Contract, To-morrow and and have been placed, in this Iustitution. Good masters in all Bordeaux wa's unaccountable. It was also not a little following days instead of by Auctiou as before annoured), the branches 1o be procured. Terms 6o Guincas per a uum.--for surprising to find that pay was demanded for 7,274

valuable Househ du Forniture made by JACOB. Purcela u, i ime- address apily to Ness s. Galignaui.

Pieces, etc. at No. 14, rue Pinon, ucar rue d'Artuis, belonging men, and victualling for only 4:574. The Orator con

to a Lady of distinction leaving Fiance, compris uus arawing. CUPPING.-Mr. BACKLER, Cupper, tras reinoved cluded by inquiring whether the project of a colonial room, boudoir and bed-ri om furniture in wahogany, of conuola to 6.4, rue du Heller, Boulevard des lialiens. establishment at Madagascar, for which 500,000 francs

form and of exquisite work oranship, silk window curiaius and bed

hangings; the saloon, amaranth; tlie boudoir, yeilow, and the bed. English Go erness.- A Lady of respectable Family had been voted in 1820, had been abandoned,

roum, bl e; beastcas; conimudes; ameniente; dining, dres ing, and convexions, who has been as finishing Governess, without M. VILLBMAIN spoke at some length, in so low a pighi, and work tables; a round jardiniere ; and other furniture masters, in three highly re peclavle Loghi h Families, and has been

in mahogany, mounted io bronze with sill ornaments, the whol: hdvised to come tu France for the benefit of her health, wishes to voice that inany Hon. Deputies gathered round the

from the mauufactory of M. Jacob; per ani chimaey sl sses of large engage as a daily Goveruess in a few respectable Families, cither tribune, and he was quite inaudible in the gallery. dimensions; Turkey and other carpets, nuslin contre-curiains; Freuch or English, or to give lessons by the hour only.--Apply by Adjourned.

vases apil other articles of mudern Sèvres porcelain, of the niost letler (Oslpail), 10 A. B. No.36, rue St. Anve, Paris. beaut ful description; several articles and croamcuts in uidh cut crystal; haudsoine chimney croaegis, penduluins, ciudelaires,

Genteel Board and Lodging House for Ladies and THE MARKETS. candlesticks, fire-irons, bowls, glass globes fo: fish, and various

Gentlemen, at Mrs. Tomassini's, 6, rue St. George, Chaussée d'An in LONDON, TUESDAY, MARCH 26. articles in silt bronze; valuable prints, by Morghen, Bervie, Des

A French Family is desirous of having an Englisti COTTON. A steady demand. The sales consist of nearly 1,200 noyers, Mussa d, etc, etc. The whule will be sold wiihout reserve,

La'y or Gentleman to Board and Lodge. Every attention will be bags, in bond,, viz., 143 Boweds, at gl. to 91120.; 360 Suiat, at

aud may be viewed this day, and tw-morrow (Sunday), from 12 till 2. 63181. to 7!14d.; 6o. Bengal, at 5318d. to 6sd.; aud 23 Sea

paiii.-Apply to Mme. Durand, No. 10, rie Louis le Gran'.

To be Sold, a Cotton Manufactory and its appurteIslands, at 15%.

Protestant Boarding School for Young Ladies, COFFEE-T'he market rather improved ; 650 bags of Porto Rico nanc s, now in f l activity, situated on a stream cons:anlly's. pplied

by Ms. LACOMBE, No.64, with water, a short day's journey from the capi al; together with a

rue de Chailior, Chanips I lysees. This haye sune off high; 20 casks and 141 basis of St. Domingo, at 1045.

Establishment offers 1o Eoglish Families, with respect to religion, 60. to rojs.; Brazil, at 1025. to 107 S., and goud middling Demerara, and garden, a mcadow containing a pond, and other

the greatest si curity: The spacious and commocious Honses, with al 13os. to 13os. 60. depende cies. The productions ot this manufactory are m ches

its extensive grounds and gardens, is situated in the most airy and SUGAR.-The B. P. market very brisk since our last, and a further teenel-l'or further particulars apply to M. Buchere, Nulary,

agreeable quarter of Paris.-Prospectuses w be had of Mes rs. Gaadvance of 1s. 'per cwt. bas hueu pad; the sales, however, are not No. 14, rue St. Martin.

lignani, No. 18,'ıue Viviinnc. considerable. Ordinary brown Jamaica hus bronght 53s., and sord middling 675. per cut. About 9 o chests of Havannah went of, o.

To be Sold cheap, a German-built Calèche de

The English PASTRY Cook, rue de Rivoli, returns Thursday i'atuer lower. A arcel of Brazil sold to-day at fall is. Voyre. The living and cushions are vearly new, and it has an

lis most gratef I ackyowledgements for the very liberal patronage imperial aud over couveniences for 1ravelling.–Apply at No. 19, a våace. Molasses are in brisk demand.

and support he has a all times experienced, and i espec fully inforn s. REFINED SUGAR. - The demand not so brisk, but prices fally rue Caumartin.

thie's and Gentry that he has rerroved his establishment to supported: For low Jumps the reliners refuse 785. aud 79$. per cui. To be Sold, an English grey Hunting Mare, 5 years

No. 36, rue de Rivoli, where he carnestly solicits a continuance of kice. --300 barrels orui Carolma have been soldi at 275. per cwi.

their future favours, This mornn 8 722 bags of common ea go Rice went freely at 75. 6.

old, goes well in a Cubriolet, quick in all lier paces, and warranted Cocoa.-A parcel of Guayaquil has been taken in al 36s. 64.

free from blemish.-Apply at No. 27, (bis), re Louis le Grand, Wm. Drake's Livery Stables, Hotel ard Boulevard por cwl., but private sales were made since at 37s. On Thursday, To be Sold by Auction, This Day, the First of. de la Madeleine, Paris, formerly Hotel Giange Bateliere. Job and 3. barrels, and 14, bags of Trinidad were put up, but very littlo April, at 12 o'cluck, at the Stablesoi Vessrs. FRANCONI, rue de Malthe,

Saddle Horses lo Let, also Carriages of every description, by day, was sold ; price 6. to gos.

montlı, or year.-Horses bought or sold. Fuubourg du Temple, a beautiful Hurse of the Arabsan breed, Rums and BRADIES.--Iu Rums not much business don', buc

6 years ol·l, broke-itr by Messrs. Franconi, at whose stables it is now prices fully supportel. Brandies are heavy, but there is no rerinc

DESSIN'S HOTEL, CALAIS. - L. QUILLACO, ai livery, and may be seen any day prior to the sale. ijon in prices.

late Proprietor of this Hotel, returns his sincere thauks to the uue Fruii.-Considerable purchases have been made of Red Smyrna To be Sold' at half their value; want ng money, “an

merous and distinguished Travellers who honoured him with their Raisins at 46s. per cwl., but no improvement in the gene, al' de- excellent and beautiful Pianu Forte for 65ofr., cost 1 6oorr.; part of

patronage d rius the period ho conducted it. lle now solicits sinis inand. a dress in point lice, richly worked, 20ufr., cost hoofr. ; 12 eils of

lar favours for his relations, Lessis ard PROTHERS, Silccessors in the DYEWOODS.-Logwood and Fastic in demand; the price of the tine cambric, 100fr. ; 12 handkerebieis, ditló, at 2fr.; 18 ells of line

concern, who will spare no trouble or expense to cuuduct it on the latter is rather higher. shirting, 105fr.; some supertine blue, black and green cloth, at 25fr.

same principle of attention and civility. It is now restored to its SPICES.—The demand for Pimento improved, and the price rather the ell; an ell of black kerseymere for 12fr.; a pendulum and can

pristive spaciousness and convenience, and will include every variety higher. delabras, locufr. ; a gold repeaier, 2.3ufr., cost 4cofr.; a bed, a secre

of comiort for a Traveller's accommodation. HEMP, Flax and Tallow. -A co uplete stagnation in the Tallow

tary and commode, for 400tr.; aud 6 boules of excellen: Erandy, A Gentleman who atteuds in some of the first Famimarket. Very few purchases of Hemp and Flax have been re

for 15fr.–Apply to the porter, at No. 13. rive Ville'oi, rue Richiele. ported.

lies, and who has long been accustomed to teach the English, Lalin; Oils. Fish are rather dearer. 130 tons of South Sea have sold To be Sold, a handsome strong London-built Chariot,

and Greek Languages, by a most clear and casy method, wishes to at 241. casks included. Sperm Oil is rather lower. adapted for Town or Travelling. To be seen al the Hotel de la Paix,

have a fow more private pupils, to whose improvement he wo: ld LIVERPOOL, MARCH 23. rue de la Paix.--Inquire of the porter.

pay the brealest attention. He would likewise give lessons ia

French, if required.–Adilress 10 M. S. at the office of this paper. COTTON.-Very little alteration in the market either in demand or in prices. The sales are 8,100 bags, and consist of 4,350 Bowe is,

A handsome English Lavdaulet to be sold.— Inquire A married Man, established in Paris, who speaks at 8d.' 10 10 14d.; 650 Orleans, at 10.112d. to 13 1140.; 50 Tennes. of Mr. Drake, Boulevard and Hotel de la Mareleine.

and writes French, German and English, and understands Bouksee, at 8.1142. to 8 548 1.; 630 Sca 1: Jands, at 141. 1o 22d.;, 100 To be Sold, à London-built Landau, adapted for kreping, is desirous of an occupation io which he could render himstained dirlo., at 912d. to 12 1/2.1.; 530 Peruams, al 11 114!. to Town or Travelling, with Wells iud Trunks. To be seen chez

sell serviceable. Satisfactory references will be given.-Address to 11 3140.; 470 Bahiaš, at 10 12d. to 110.; 570 Maranhams, at 10 58d.

M. Feriere, Louerir de Carosse, rue Maris Siuari, Quartier Montur-

Gerard Mommer!z, No. 33, rue a i Maire, au second. to 11d.; 100 Paras, , at rod.; 110 Mina Novas, at 17 12d.; 10 Mina Geraes, alg 14d.; 410 Demeraras, at 9.314d. to 11 12d.; 60 Sui a's, geuil.--For particulars inquire at No. 2, rue Godot, from 10 till 2.

A young English Lady, who has been 16 months at gih. to 7"12d.; and 100 Bengals, al 6 118d. per lb. The import Chariot for 1500 francs, ibe owner being very poor. on tbe Continent, and recently returned from Switze la d, and who this week is 3,071 bags. An English Carr age, newly filled up, to be sold. Apply to M. Mi

can gi e unexceptiovable references, is di sirous of * Situation as Tobacco: „The demand confined to a few small parcels of ordi


Companion to a 'Lady, or as Governess to two or three young chaul, No. 179, rue Montinarlre. nary io middlin; Ke tucky, at 2.114. to 2 314d., and ordinary Vir

under 12 years of age.-Audress 10 A. B. chez Morsicur Royer, sicia, at 2 d. to 3112d. per lb. for export.

To be Suld or Let, elegantly furnished, a pleasant No. 53, rue Vangirard.

Town and Country House, with court yard, garden, poultry yard, FRENCH FUNDS. coach-house and stables, situated No.10, rue des Balailles, CHAILLOT,

OID ST. GEORGE, ul 1811, 15 and 19, nearly eqnal

to Port, to be had, as usual, at No. 36, rue Neuve des Petits Chainps. The price of Stocks fluctuated coside ably daring the week, Champs Elysees.

Also approved Shrrb for Punch. mud much business was transacted. On Monday, the market, for To be Let or Sold, a magnificent Chateau, 3 miles the end of the inon h, opened at 89 fr. 25 c., and closed, on Sa.

MAGASINS DE NOUVEAUTÉS, à Prix Fixe, à la Fille from the Tuileries, with park anıl gardens of 30 acres. T'he furniture tilav, at 88 fr. 85 c. The highest price during the week was

Mal Gardée and au Diable Boiteux, Nos. 9 and 11, rue de la is rich, and grounds Very han’ some. Apply to Messrs. Boivin and Co g) fr. 45 c., and the lowest 88 fr. 5o c. No. 10, rue d'Artois.

Mondaie, near the Pont Neuf.–The Prop ielor bavins recently The certificates for the loan have varied from 5 to 5 348 per

made extensive purchases, has the honour to inform English Lallies On Thursday, Friday and Satu, day, nothing done.

To Let, the present occapier leaving Paris, that they will find an elegant assortment of the most fashionable Foreign Stocks mainia n their full prices.

newly furnished apartment, very pleasantly situated at the corner SILKS of very elegant designs and newer patterns, viz. :-(ros de The Exchange market bas b en far from brisk. On Monday,

of lue Boulevard des Capuciues and the r e Nenve Si. Augustin- Naples, plain, à l'Ecossaise, and worked; Parisiennes, Levstinés, paper on London and Naples abundant, and raiher lower; Ham; China and plate will be provided.--Apply to the porter, No. 43,

Salins, Marcelines, Velvets, Crapes, Tulles, Gauzes, Barreges, borsh and Am terdam in demand; Vienna, Anusa aud Frankfort, rue Neuve St. Augustin.

Fichus; Scarffs in gauze, Barrèges and Silk, of the newest fashion; easily negociale 1; St. Pelersburghi found takeis at 99 '12; short

Ind a Handkerchiefs; el-wide Cambrics for crava s and bandkeradrid, long Çad z, and Antwerp, of ninely days, at 6 per cent. To Let, furnished, at a very moderate rent, a House chiefs ; various kinds of fine Linen for shirting, sheeling, and table ja very breat demand; Leghorn sca ce ; Genoa offered at 469, and

linen ; Ginghams, Muslins, Jaconets, printed Muslins; Cachemir, soughi at 463. On Tuesday, the same bills in favour, and even No. 12, Avenue de Belle-Vue, SEVRES, containing dining-room, Merino, and other Shawls; Draperies; silk and cotton Stock ings, short Lisbon, which had been ne lected for some time; London

drawing room, billiard-room, servants-ball, hicien and bath-louin plain and worked, etc. etc. The whole at very low prices. very dill; Leghorn, Milan and Genoa, rather dearer; Antwerp on the ground floor. Above stairs 11 apartments, including dressingOn Wednesday, paper upon Italy ciemanded at the quo

rooms, lik wise a large grenier, the whole newly filted up: For

India. - ENGLISH TEA WAREHOUSE, No. 47, rue dation only, and Naples lower; Lundon done at -25 fr.; Antwo.p

particularsapply to W. D. 5, rue St. Fiacre, Boulí. Poissonniere, Neuve St. A sustin, next door lo Ho el de l'Amirauté, and near quot d at 1 314, aud souplit at !P: paper nppu Germay and

the sile de la Paix. M. AMET respectfully inforins the Public, thal Frankfort strady; Spanish, especially Cadiz, rather improved. On To English Families. To Let, Furnished, rent he has no conuexion wito the Grocer in the same street, who has reThursday, S. Petersburgh in demand at 99; London improved : 15oofr. per annum, a delightful Country Residence, 16 leagues from cently exhibited his well known sign of India. M. A., Tea-dealer Spanish in favour; Genoa and Leghorn done at the quotation. Paris, capable of lodgino Families, will coach-house, sabling, to II S. H. the Duke of Orleans, sells nothing but TEA, being pera On Friday, London, of serenly-sve davs, done at 25 fr. 5 c.; Genoa

The House is sit ate l in the centre of 14 a res of walled snarle chat mi ed with other articles of grocory, it injures the quaand Leshira ab:.pdant, and urgently ofiered ; Antwerp. scarce, and orden, in a most beautiful valley, and surro pued by very cons:- bly an i favor of that plant, so very susceptible of contracıing other ju demand at 6 per cent.; both rivers' and cakers at the quotation derable forests, in which the right of sporting can be easily ob

odnuts. All Tea sold by M. A. will be signed with his name. upon Vi nua, Angus'a anıl Frauffort; Madrid and Cadiz'in great tained.-For furiber particulars apply io M. Crosi!ler, Nolaire, demand. On Salurday, Londou, of ion and f(teen days, done at No. 75, Vieille Rue du Temple.

Elegant, durable, and economical Carriage Wheels. 25 fr. 156.; German dificult to n. sociale; Madrid and Cadiz ur

Isaac SARGENT, from London, begs to announce to

To Let, an unfurnished apartment, in a very airy Konly demanded Leghoru olered at 507, and Genoa at 469, short

the Nob lity and Gentry of Paris, tiat "having ob'ained a Patent G noa taken at 473.

situation.-Inquire No. 35, rue Fontaine au Roi, Fa b. du Temple. from the French Goverument for manufacturing Whrels with the Marks and forios in great demand ; Roubles much inquired for

Tu Let, furnished, 3 leagues from Paris, on the route

Beut Felloe or Rim, of one or not e ceeding two pieces, he has al 99; New York dollars negocia'ed at 5. (ash is very abundaut.

formed an Establishment in the Chanips Elysées, Allée d'An in, to Fontainebleau, a handsome Cuuntry House, with a garden well

Nos. 91 and 23, corner of Avenue de Nenilly, where there Wheels FRENCH FUNDS, MARCH 30.-Bank act., 1596 fr. 25 suppled with water, a wood and a meadow, the whole comprising

18 acres, walled i .--Inquire of M. Fourchy, Nolary, No. 9,

of unequalled superio: ily are made up, with the best materials, and 5 per cents.. jouiss du 22 Mars 1823, Sgfr. 35 c. 3oc. 25c. Allaquei.

by the most pproved London' workmen, on terms considerably 10 C. 89fr. 89fr. 15c. 106. 15 c. 3oc. 15c. To Let, furnished, a pleasant Country House, with

mature straight grained Ah Timber, and the wlie thereby are Ditto, Pind of the month, opened at 89fr. 35c ---Highest 89 fr. pleasure and kitchen gardens, coach-house and stables, billiard and

not only rendle ed much lighter, bui preserve a far srealer degree 400.- Lowest 88 fr. 600.-Closed ai 88 fr. 85 c. bath-rooms, etc, situated No. 23, rue de Paris, COURBEVOIE, near the

of solidiiy a'd stren=th, and have been proved to sustain more than

double the work, without ever incurring for repairs, one quarter Annuiies de 1000 francs, à 4 pour ceni. 1972fr. 5oc Bridge of Neuilli ply at the tafé Richer, i, ruc Lepeletier. Paris.

of the e prose or rouble of those usually made on the Continent, Obligations de la Ville, jouiss. de jan. 1822,

To Let, furnished, a very tiue Chateau, distant 15 the Massive Felloes of which (seven in number) being always sawn RestES DE Narles 5 ponr ceni, 6y '12 leaues from Paris, on the high road to Champagne, with kitchen

out of Umwood across the grain, and then forme i into a Circle or EXCHANGE ON LONDON. Fard n, orchard, and the p iv lege of shooting over 3500 acres of land

Rim, with a proportionate mass of Iron Bolts, etc. Very soon 1 Month Parer, 25 fr. 15 c.

become so split avd impairel, as to require frequent and heavy Cash

Rent 180 fr.-Apply to M. Briot, avocat, No.3, ruc Neuve des Petit. - fi: Péres; or M. Glitigny, Notary, 95, roe Richelieu.

charxes o keep them in vrorking condition. Specimens of the Patent 3 Months' Paper, 25 fr. 5 c. ! Cash -fr.

Wheel, with o her Bent Articles, indisp nsabsy requisile to combine To Lel, furnished, a neat Country House, situate in

elegance with strength in the construction of Carriages, Tilburies, THEATRES. a park ot 40 acres. The situation is one of the handsomest in the,

etc. may be seen at the above address, where all orders are received Valley of Montin reucy, seven miles from Paris.--Apply lo Messrs. VANDEVILLE.-Le Maitre du Château..-La Nina Bo vin and Co, No. 10, rue d'Artois.

Chapeau Rouge, No. 16, rue aux Fers, near the de la Rue Vivienne.- La Chercheuse d'Esprit.

Halle. M. Peritos, Silk Mercer aud dealer in ribbons and fancy VARIETES. -- Cadet Roussel Beaupère.- Une!Visite

- To Let, a Country House, with vard, garden, and trimmings, respecfully informs the pul lic that he is selling off his

dependencies, known by the name of La Belle Ile, situated in the immer-se Stock, pirtienlarly worked silks, at very reduced prices, à Charenton.---Le Mariage à la Hussardi-La, Lai- Commune of Vaires, near Chelles, by Neuilly-sur-Marne.- For par- prepiratory to layin: in av xtensive assortment of silks and ribbons tière Suisse. ticulars apply to M, Caudas, No. 3, rne di Colombier, Paris.

for the summer fashions. This Warehouse is well known for its Gymnase DRAMATIQUE.

great variety of eležant ball dresses, trimmings, and every article - Le Dépit Amoureur.- To Let, furnished, with the privilege of walking in for ornamenting Lindjes dresses. La Demoiselle et la Dame,- Les Mémoires d'un Co- Tivoli Gardens, al No. 94, rue St. Lazare, a first Boor, comprising

Wanled iminediately, as Femme de Chainbre, hy lonel de Hussards.

four beil-chambers, drawing and dining-room, auti-chamber, two servants'-room, kitchen and cellar.

an Fnzl sh Lady residins in Germany, a Frenchwoman bet wren the A MBIGU-COMIQUE.—Les Francs Juges.---Les Trois

ares of 25 and 35. She must have already resided with a Lady fond Jéronies, -Tékeli.

To Let, furnished, in a handsome private Hotel, a of dress, an bave an uvexceptionable charac'er. All expenses of

small convenient apa tmeat, with conch-no se and siables. Price Porte ST. MARTIN.--Le Chateau de Kenilworth.

her journey will be paid. There are other French servants in the 2006r.--Applv at, rue du Faubourg St. Honoré.

Fami-For partic'lars apply as the office of this paper. Le Fort de la Halle, GAITÉ.- Paoli.

St. Cloud. - To Let, well furnished, on the first Wants a Situalion as Lady’s-Maid or Upper Nurs

floor, at No. 1, rue de l'Arcade, St. Cloud, a spacious apartment, sery-Maid, a young English woman, who is fully competent to iba Cirque OLYMPIQUE.- La Prise de la Flotte. Les with the privilege of walking in a fine garrlen.

Situation o' Nursery Governess, and can have uncxceptionable ini Anglais au Manège.-Les Courses Gymnastiques.

commendations. --Apply to the porter, at Ho!el Sameth, No, 14 A Paris, de l'Imprimcrie de A. Boucher.

rue Fleurus, Le Cheval Chéri.

Page 26

FRUIT.-Publie sale on We:Inesday : 3, 1to chests Hat Turkey

Fiss, I ADVERTISEMENTS. To Let, Landsomely furnished, 'a fine large aparta sad 50 small Dalo, karu Eus, qus. -per cwl. 41 barrels Casabourna To be Sold, a handsoine Chalcali, furnished, situated

ment, No.98, rue Neuve des Mathurns.---Apply to the porter, and

for further particulars to M. Le Duc, avocat, Av. 27, rue de la Som Ditto, Block Sinyrua Ditu, para damaseri, 43 to 45s.; 24 bores near París, only one league froin the barriers, with a park of 30

diere, from 11 till 2 o'cluck. acies, laid oui in the English style, and command.n, extensive views Blapu Latto, 67.1 200 D.ulo, niu.cael Lits, obs. 10 80s.; 300 bitto, of the surrounding count. y. Ine Citatean is in a thorougti state of To Let, an elegantly furnished apartment, situated Ditto, on bundes, gās. 10.975. 3uu baskets Deuia Dittu, 415.; 300 repair, and the inte.ior has receutly been filled up. There is a on a grond Hoor, near the Boulevards.-Juquire for further parti. Dino, old "Litto, 36..; 28 Bris. and 5 hall-hrls. Jordan Almon.s

canal and wree pon Is ou the Estate, s Pplied with sprius culais, No. 14, rue Taranne, Faubourg St. Germain. lol. 14 to 10), 15s., 1 bay Ditto. 51. 4s.; 120 baskets Freuch

water.--Apply io M. Foucher, Noiary, No.5, re Puissonnière. Pears, ako 5s. to al. 7s.;, 20 quarter chests French Plums ol, 10» to,

To let, au apartment, genteelly furnished, consiste 24. 25.; 919 small boges Imperial Pluns 61. Jos. 10 78, 28.; Tours To be Suld, the property of an English Gentleman, ing of a dining-room, a drawing-room, one bed-room, a kitchen and Plutus 55 to 61.; P. unes 55s. to $85. The whole went off er- for 16ofr. beius 5oofr. jess than the original pric, une of the must servant's-room.-Inguire 4, rue de la Baropillere, Faub. St. Germ trunely heavy, ooly the Muscatels appeai'od lu bave beeu actually elegant and lasuionavle Cabriolets in Paris, Duilt by Baptiste, afer sold.

au Englista model, in pertect i epuir, nearly new, with Culiuriges To Let, an apartment, gepleelly furnished, in a priSpices.-For Pepper and Cinnamon only some demand. INDIGO. 6o ser Jus sold of Caracca, of nuudlin, qualities, averaged


To be seen at f'aptiste's, Carrossier, rue de Provence; or va e House, with sardeu aid every convenience, coach-horse and by inquiry of Thomas the Groom, No. 10, Champs Elysees.

slubles, if vanted, No. 25, rue de Su, enne, Faubourg St. Honore, gs. 8d. per lb.

near the Tuileries, ile Champs Elysers and the Bouleva: ds. Jasa PROFISIONS. ---Public sale yesterday : 975, bales singed Wa- To be Sold, an English-built Chariot (ur Posi.Chaise), terfrd Bacon Bos. 10 34s. 6d. per cit.; 50. urius Carly Butier well aspted for Town or Travellis, vache, truuk, etc. complete.

Rus in Urbe. A large and elegant apartment, 64. co gis. 61. 'per cwl., 250 dito, Wald, ford Ditto. 56s. 60. to The owner being about to leave France will sell it a ba gan.- furuished, on the first floor of an Ital an Villa, commanding a 76s. 64: 13 hores. bladdered Lard 44. to 45s. per cwt. Fine Butler Inquire at the Ho.el ve B slon, . 13, rue Vivienne.

beauti ul p:ospect, with garden, stables, kischen, ele. in the healthy 1.1, guod deprand, Bacon rather improving:

and desirable situation of the Clamps Elysées.--apply after 3 o'clocs As ES-By, public auction this day : 50 barrels New York 1st SALE of a most splendid Collection ol FRENCA FUR

at No. 66, Grande Rue, CHAILLOI. Pots, in boud,"45s. per cwt.; 20 ditt) New York ist Pearls. 483. to NITURE, forming the Stock in Trade oi M. MAILLARD, 1 cuir ng fion 48644, 92 uits Quehec Peavls, duty paid, 44s. to 48.. per cwi. busitiess, Maison Beaumarchais, No. 2, Boulevard Si. Antoine, on

rue TALLOW.-vn Tuesday 204, casks if uye yellow andia, just Mon ay the 29th, Tucsiay the 3 oth, of Apred, and Wedvesuay the Bourgogne, Faubourg St. Germain, an apartment on the first floor, laadou from Odessa, sull'at 42s. to 3s. per cwl. La Foreign no- 1st of May, 1822, at eleven o clock prec sely. To be publicly viewed composed of seven rooms, a kitchen and cellur, all recently furthing doings and quoiation co 'sidorably lower.

on the zin and 28th of April, from twelve to tour u'clock. This nished and very comfortable. Hemp aud Flar.-In limited demand, and il. to al. per tun sale is composed of a Cullection of large l'ictures, wor hy of embellower lisuing a Museum or Gallery; Paintcu Glass of ibe th.rte nih, for.

To Let, on the first floor, richly furnished, an apartHups.--Demand not extensive, and prices unal eredl.

teeuth, and hfieeath centuries; various ancient Au moars, sever.I meut suitable for a Family of distinction, comprising anti-room, Oils. - About 30 füns of Sperm Oil and Head-Matter sold on large and beautiful Japan Vases, richly mounleri în or moulu; and a dining-room, two sulouus, and boudoir with balcony, several sleupWednesday.. l'he Sperm sold 521. 10 521, 5s, per tun.; Ilie Head- quantity of vakable ajresden and Sevics porcelaine ; rica Boul fur- ing-rooms, servants-rooms, kitchen, coach-house and stables, etc.Maler 561. 255, 10:571, 5s.; and 14 a Southern vil 21. 55. priuo. uiture, in armoires, pedestals, clucks, cabinets, buieaus, aud com- Apply to the porer, at No. 40, rie d'Artois, Boulevard des Italiens. On the same day soid o luns Hal fux Cod Oil 201.5s. to zölros. modes; superb clock cases, candelab, a, chandeliers, etc. etc. uf 35 litto, Dog Dats, uzl. 155. to. 181. 5s.; 2 ditto, Seal Ditto, 181. 5s. brouze and or-moulu.--Casalos es may be bad of M. Bunnelous de

To Let, lurustied, froin the 15th of May till the per tun.; 50 brls picáde ! Mackarel 8s. 61. 10 10. 6d. per barrel; Lavaile, Commissaire Pr.sour, No. 14, rue St. Mare; or M. Hienri,

ist of January, 18:3, an apartment vu the second loor, comprising 19 casks and cakes Afric.n Bees War ul. to ul. 155., pir cwt. Picture Appraiser, No. 20, Boulevaru Puissonnière.

several rooms, ai No.57, rue d Faubo. rg St. Honore. To tay 100 tuins Sperm Oil were sold lo tlie trade at 541. 1os. to 541. 15s. per tua, aud 50 tons of Head-Matter at 6ol. to Ouk. 106;

To be Sold by Private Cootract, a valuable Patri

To Lel, a modei n-built Chateau, lunished, 36 34 casks Palm Oil 226. 10 26s. 6dper.cwt. monial Estate, situated in Normandy, 60 leagues from Paris, com

leagues from Paris, on the direct road to Lyons. The situation the POSTSCRIPT. prising a subslaatial and commud.ous Chateau, furnished, with gar- most p.clui esque,

aud the Chasse (some thousand acres) probabuy The quantity of Coffee ofered to-day, by public auction being dens, oravgery, a park well planted, farm, mills, and a vast quantity

o e of the best in France.--"pply to Messrs. Foivin, 10, rice d'Artois, of meadow land. Also to be sold or Let, the Iron Works whicu rather considérable, trepices have declined 2s. to 35. per cw. Since yaslecay Hlavaana a Sagar's are also flatter. Contracts have form part of this Estate, with the farms, meadows, pastures, and

To Lel, a vody pleasant Country House, with a park beca i atered in!o for St. Petcub.,rgh yellow Candl: Tallow as low aboul 6,000 acres of woodland divided into yearly crops, supplying

of 75 acres, situaied seven leagues from Paris, on the banks of the as 4us. 6d. to arriv.. the principal part of the fuel used in tie manufactories: 'Ile

Seine, belwren the forests of Senart and Rouzcaus-For particulars COFFEE. 3.

apply'to M. Pean de St. Gilles. Notary, No. 9, Quai Malaquais. s. d.

fuun.ry, of winch the purchaser or tenant may take possession in

· s.' d. Jamaica ørd. ..... 100 to toh Surat

the momh of July, 1923. mght Leg eally impoved, and the uew -, too 7.314 ...0 6

A Gentleman of respectability may become an iomale --millius 119 to 126 Pengal, ..0 5 114 to o ot? methods of manufacıuring irou adopted at a triling espense. The

in a French Family, where the accommodatious will be found of a good and tinc 1:7 to 14 Sca-Lland.

to i lo

projected routes in the nciglabourbo d, which will be shortly openHavauriah

superior description. For a dress apply at the oil.ce of this paper. 100 to 100 Georz-Up.. 08 to o 10 114

ed, will considerably increase the trafic in this fourisang part of Brazil 100 to run Urleaus. 0 9 112 to oli 112

the country. This istale, from its vicinity to the largest cities in J. BRYON, No. 28, Grande Rue Verte, Faubourg St. Domingo

Normandy, viz.: Caen, Falaise, Vire, and Alençon, and its prosi100 to 114

St. Lionor., has a "reat choice of English Horses to let, for Ladies Java

METALS. 125 to 136 1Ros, per lou, . s. d. mity to the sea, is suscept ble of considerable augmentation in value.

and Gentlemen. Handsome ( abriolets and Tilburies by the day, L. s. d. Mocha

From is central situation it is well calcula ed for the establishment 300 to 500

week, or month.-Horses taken at Livery, in bal's Bourbon

80 o to 9 0o of any kind of manufactory, and is well worthy the attention of an P:.... English Capitalist. The land comprises in the whols about 10,000

CALCUTTA AND Bengal.-Now lying at Liver. SUGAR, -hoops 1200 to 13 oo acres, and pro uces a nell: rovcine of 90,000fr. per annum. The

pool, to sail the ist of May, the New Ship Columbia, Jamaica fine LEAD on board, pig best,

above will be sol i ingether or separate, as the option of the purgood brown

Gio l'ons Register, JAMES CHAPMAN, Commander. This 59 to 60

chaser. The greatír part of the purchase moniy may remaia on

per fodder'.' Brazil white

Svip was built expressly for the lodia Tiade, bas spacious accommo28 to 38 --iniled sheets p. ton

morigage at 4 per ceni, and every iacility will be sranted for the dations, and will carry a regular Surgeon.--For passage, etc. apply bronn

15 to 21 in bars.

payment of the remainder,For further particulars apply to

24 Bengal Gine white 38 to 42

to Messrs. HOTTINGUER and Co. at Paris; or Messrs. C#OPPER, M. Froger-Deschienes, Notary, No. 47, rue Richelieu.

BENSON, and Co. Liverpool. www.yellow

24 to 36 STEEL-blister p.cwl. Java

20 to 33 -shear best

To be Sold, luruished or unfurnished, a pleasant and St. Marco Hotel, Porta Sl. Marco, 502, LEGHORN. China and Siam -- cast.

commortious County House, situated No. 31, at TAIAIS, near D. THOMSON respectfully informs the public, that he has opened COTTON COPPER-Ore per cwt.

Choisy-le-Rui, with a garden of seven acres containing a pavilion, private Hotel in Leghorn, for the accommodation of Travellers, d. in cakes.

double coach-ho se, stabling for seven borses, gardener's house, who may be desirous of enjoying British comforts in Italy at a moPernambuco 11 12d.

poultry yard, and other appartenances. The House contains a bil- derate expense. The situation is excellent, commanding a beautiful Manpham

- to o i '12 Tix on board per L. d. liard-room, and is in every respect suitabl: for the residence of a view of the sea. It is near to most of the British Residents, the Bahia

to o 11 '12 cwt. block

Genileman's Family. A spring in the garden constantly supplies the Consular Office, the new Theatre, and the public Baths. Demerara .09 T12 to 1

in bars .. Sos. o


house with excellent water. For further particulars aud uckets to Bourbon ..0'10

to 1 3 Spelter per ewt. ...

26s to 3us. view the same ap ly to the proprietor, M. le Baron Terrasson de M. E. PINEL, 65, rpe St. Nicolas, Chaussée d'Antin, LIVERPOOL, MARCH 26.

Sennevas No. 6, rue Caumariin; or lo M. Cronier, Notary, No. 1, Vember of the University of Paris, gives lessons in French and Latina COTTON. A good demand, but prices without alteration. The Vieile Rue du Temple.

at home or abroad. Persons desirous of perfecting themselves in the sales are 8,100 packages, viz.; 4,340 Doweds, 7 12d. to 10 d.; To be Sold, a handsøine and commodious Patrimo

French Language received as Boarders. 630 New forleus, gd. to 12 111d; 30 Tennessee i, 7673d. to 8 3144., nial Dwelling Mouse, with an iuclosure of four acres of garden

SAMUEL BRIGgs, Hackneyman, No. 31, rue du Faub. 630 Sea Islands, 14d. to zad.s 100) stajped dixo., 912d. to 12 11211.;

ground, situate at VILLENEUVE-LE-Roi, (Yonne). This House 130 Pernambucos, ud. to 11 3140,; 470 Rahias, rod. to 11d., 570

Montmartre, has on sale or for hire,

5ood Carriages, Tilburies, and Hatanhanis, 10 5180. 10 ud.; 110 Nina Novas, jo 12d.; 10 Mina

has been recently built in a very agreeable situation on the banks of able horses, with careful drivers. Horses taken in at Livery.

the river, and will be sold furnished or nfurnished, at the option Gerads, grød.; 100 Palas, rod.: 410 Domevaras, 93141. 10 11 12d.; of the prchaser ; to ether with (of desired) 9 acres of meadow,

Chapeau Rouge, No. 16, rue aux Fers, dear the 180 Sacais, 7 and roo Bengals. 6 118d. per Ib. COFFEE.--A few parc !s of Si, Domingo sold at 1025. to 105s. 18 acres of arable, and 400 acres of woodland, adjoining, producing

Marché des Innocen.-M. Petitor bas just received an extensive bur annually b tween 7,500 and 8,00ofr.- For particulais apply to supply of new Rilbons and Silk Fichus. Au elegant assortment of M. Pean de St. Gilles, Notary, No.9, Qui Malaquai.

plain and ornaniented silks, ball d, esses, artificial flowers, gloves, I tile doue.

fancy trimmings, etc. SIGAR. The quantity of B. P, brought forward this week was To be Suld, an excellent Calèche, with new wheels, moderate, corsising of 589 bih-ls. Demerara, which weat off at which has been put into complete order by the proprietor for a

M. CHARLIAT, Embroiderer, No. 2, rue Colbert former rates. In E. 1. at # public sale, out of 1,100 bags Bengal,

jo: rney to Italy. Price 1200fr.–Apply 60, rue d'Anjou St. Honoré. (à l'entresol), respectfully informs the public, that he bas an extenonly:5uo fou .d buvers; tine yellow at 6gs. to gos., and middling

sive an i elegant assortment of Embroi ery, Pall and Court Dresses, to fair white 73s. 61. to zys. 91. p.r cwi; 210 bags of fine white, To be Sold, ready for Longchamps, a beautiful Opera Dresses, and other articles v the most beautiful description, by private cootract, brought 79s. per cwl. About 300 tons of strong thorough-bred English Mare, fourteen bands three quarteis high, - which, being male nnder his inspection, he is enabled to offer at bitown and yellow Bourbou have been sold to a Refiner-at 24s. with aston shin: paces; warranted sound, quiet and it for a Lady- unusually reasonable prices. An allowance of 6 per cent made to per cwt.

Lowest price 1300fr:- Apply on the spot, or by leller, to Mr. George, dealers and persons giving large orders. Rice.-50 casks of Carolina sold at 15s. for good old, to 16s, and No. 11, r e du Pont, Choisy-les' (1. tys, for fair to nine new.

A young Mall, native of America, conversant with RrMs.Jamaica 16 O. P. has brought 28. I. ; Demerara 25 to 26 To be Sold, a Patrimonial Estate, situated 3 league's the English, French, German, and Italian Languages, is desirous of 0, P. 1$. 112d. to 2). 3d.; :32 0. P. 24. 6d., and 100 puncheons and a half from Paris'und three from Versailles, comprising a com- a place as Valet or Foolman, or to travel with a Family or single 3 per cent. 0. P. 15, 5d. per gallon.

modious Chatea', well furnished, and surrounded by water, with Gentleman.-Address B:F. No.7, rue Neuve St. Augustin. RespectDie woops. - The demand limited al former rates.

a park of 80 acres divided into meadows, woods, vineyards, and able refer pces will be given. * Stues.-Nothing done in Pimetto; Bengal Ginger has realised corp fields; two kitchen gardens ia escellcat cultivation; two fisha3s. 6l. per ewi. ponds well stockel with fish; a mill, and z'o'acres of land in the

Wanis a Situation a young Frenchwoman, who unMEDITERRANEAN Produce is du II.

vicinity. The park is bounded by a river. The avenues leading to derstands getting up fine linen, cau wait at table, is very fond of Asies.bog 100 brls. New York Pets were sold at 44s.; a fost the Chaleau, and the limits of the Estale are bordered with ashes, children, has no objection to iravel or live in the country, and can Pearls at 47 ; Montreal Po's, ia small parc Is, at 375., and Pearls elms, and Italian paplars. The annual produce amounts to 18,000fr.

be well recommended.-prly at No.253 (bis), rue St. Honoré. at tis. per cwl,

free of taxes.--For particulars apply 10 M. Nirjot, Notary, No. 77, TALLOW.-Russiau yellow Candl: has been sold at 495. per cwt., rue St. Anne ; or M. Barbier, avone, No. 19. Quai Malaqu

Wants a Situation as Vulet or Courier, a young and for Brazil in cask's only 45s. can be realised.

Man who can speak six languages, understands waiting at iable, is f Hides. - A brisk demand, and prices a shade higher ; North Ame

To be sold or Let, in one of the ntost agreeable perf clly acqrain ed with every brauch of his business, and can si ricau Os have sold at hd. to 318d. per lb, advance. The sales and salubrious parts of France, a desirable Patrimonial Estate, ive references to his last place.-A;ply for Charles Mono, chez consist of 9,000 B. A. dry Cow and Or 8 3144. to 10 1120.; 1,6 o situated three leagaes from Orleans, on the route to Blois, on the Mme. Demoujon, No. 35, rue Traversière St. Honoré. Morite Video Boll 7 112d." to 8711d. per 1b.; 21,700 Horse 6s. gd. righi bank of the Loire, comprising a Chateau vineyards, and togs. 60. 'c ach; 500 B. A, sal ed O. at 6d., and 1,800 North Ame- meadow and woo 'land.-For particulars apply on the premises, to

Wanis a Situation as Valet, a young Frenchman,

ti rican salt: d Os at 5 118d. p r lb. M. Rousscau de Belair, MEUNG-SUR-LOIRE.

who speaks German an: l'alia , understands waiting at table, can Oils.--6casks Cocoa Nut brought, at auction, 31s. to 3as. 6d.

take care of a horse and chaise, and b s no objec ion to travel, 1

To Let, furnished, the whole or part of a pleasant Apply chez M. Raymonde, No. 15, rue des lacs-Marteaux, TAR and TURPENTINE.--300 brls. Carolina Tar wore sold at 13s. Pavilion, situated only traff a league from the cipital, commanding a per barrel; and 8oo bris. Turpantine, ordinary to middling, at beautiful prospøet, having a garden of two acres well plated svih

Wauis a Situation as Lady's-Maid, a young

French- d tas. 61. to 128. g4, per cwt.

trees and shrubs, biliard, coach-house. stables. Also to let, far- woman, 25 years of age, ho is accustomed to travel, speaks both $ « 1. TUBACCO.-Tue market lively, particularly for export Virginia nisherl, a Country House, with a park of 100 acres, sitiated 6 1.ague Fnzlish and Italian, can dress hair and mantna make, anit be well

PI and Kentucky Leaf; prices, however, are not improving. The from Paris. - Inquire of M. Del croix, No ary, No. 13, riie d . Mail. recommended b; the Lady with whom she is still living.--Apply to

lo demand for Ireland is

Aery limiled.

the por er, No.40, rue d Artois.

hi FRENCH FUNDS, APRIL,.. ---Bank act., 1597 fr. 50 by the namr of Maison du Bel Air, at PETIT CHEskai, near

Wants a Situalion as Valet to a single Gentleman, or as Fooiman in a small Family, a yo'ng Man, 24 years of age

b 5 per cents, jouins du 22 Mars 1822, 87 fr. 7oc. 75c. Soc. Versailles. The tenant will have the of walking in a 85 c. 88fr. 8 fr. 9.5c. 85c, go c. 85c.

who can have a good charac!er from his last place. - Direct to G. C N farden of 18 acres.---Apply on the premises, or to M. Petois, Notary, 85c.

gnc. Anavités de 1000 francs. 4 pour ceni. 10gafr. 500 No. 110, rue St. An' oine.

No.7, ru" $1. Pierre, r'e Montmartre. Oligations de la Ville, jouiss. de jar: 1823,

To Let, for not less than three months, a small con- Wants a Situation as Groom or Valet, a native of Ruutes De NAPLES 5 pour cent. 6; '14

venient furnished Hotel, No.56, ruc Chantereine, Chaussée d'Antin, Irelaul, 17 years of age, who understands waiting at table, can take EXCHANGE ON LONDON.

with fardea and Terrace, cellars. ou'on lices, coach-house and sta- care of a horse and chaise, and will make himself useful.-Address bles. Every requisite for a Family will be provided. Price 1ooofr.

to M. B. No. 81, Avenue de St. Cloud, VERSAILLES. 1 Month Paper, 25 fr. 15 c. Cash 25 fr. 15 e. per month. Apply to the porler,

This day is Published, The GRECIAN Hymn; trans3 anoths' Paper, 25 fr. 5 c. I Cash 25 fr. 50

To Let, for three or five months, from the yth of lated by LoBD BYRON, sello mușic, with variations for the Harp and THEATRES. April next, a suite of np::riments neatly furnished, and wel adapted

Basc, bv STOCKHAUSFV, of which the Miroir makes me ntion on ihe

} for a small Family; they are in the mo it agreeable part of the 19:h of March last.--Sold by the Author, No. 19, rue du Faub. PoisVaudeville.-Le Maitre du Château. --LaChers Faubourg St. Germain, and within seven minutes' walk of the souvjere: and at I'ATT's Msic I Warehouse, 11, Boul. des Italiens. ” chause d'Espritt.-M. Toussaint. Tuileries.-Inquire at No. 55, rue St. Dominique.

This day is publi-hed, price 30 sous, VARIETES. - L'Ecole de Village. Le Ci-devant Passy.- To Let, together or separale, at No. 21, Considerations on the Dismissal of Major-General Jeune Homme.-Quinze ans d'Absence.-Les Frères rue Franklin, opposite the "hamp de Mars, in a very healthy silu. Sir Robert Wilson from his Majesty's Service. Feraces. aion, two apartments, one on the first and the other on the second

BY J. W. WELDERBURN, ESQ. floor, recerity fitted up, and furnished in a mode.n styl, with Grasase DRAMATIQUE.- Une Journée Versailles.

London : Printed for W. Wright, 46, Fleet-street, and may be had garden, coach-house, slables, c-llar, kitcheo, etc. Carria es and

of A. and W. GALIGNANI, Pari , Le Charlatan.-Philibert Marie.

Horses may be hired at the house adjoining.
A MBIGU-CONIQUB. - La Vierge du Monastère.- To Let, partly furnished, the whole or part of the

This day is published, price, each number, 2fr. in Paris, and la Balaille de Nancy.-Les Trois Jéromes.-L'In- handsome CHATEAU DES BOULAYEs, near TOURNANS (Scire e: Marge).

2 fr. 5oc. free of posinge, Nos. 1, 11, III, IV and V, of the cognilo. adjoining the high roal, Sleagres from Paris, with park, garden, and

GAZETTE OF FASHION, other depende cies, the risht of sporting and fishing, etc.--Apply to

And Magazine of Lilera'ure and the Fine Arts, embellished with PORTA ST. MARTIN.- Le Cháleau de Kenilworth.M. A. I eitré and Co. No. 4 (vis), rue Chois - 1, Pans.

engravings; to be continued weekly. Les Epaulelles.

Ton 'on : Printed for R. HOFFMAN, 476, Strand, and W. SAMS, Teas.-Excellent Black, at 7 francs; and Green, at No. 1, St. James's-street.-Subscriptions' received by A. and Y. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de A. Boucher. 8 francs per lb.-10. 19, rue Viviennc, bottom of the yard.

GALIGNANI, No. 18, rue Vivienne, Paris.