Docker cp The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

Docker to host file copy command

For those just looking for the command to copy a file from inside a Docker container to the local file system on the host machine, here it is:

Docker cp The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

sudo docker cp container-id:/path/filename.txt ~/Desktop/filename.txt

Docker file copy command

This Docker copy (cp) command takes a file that exists inside a Docker container and saves it to your computer’s local file system.

The container-name specified in the example command can be either the name given to the Docker container when it was started, or the unique ID that Docker assigned to the container.

After you specify the container name or ID, simply provide the full path to the file you want to copy, and then provide the name of the destination folder on the host system.

By default, the file inside Docker will be saved to the host machine with the same name, but you have the option to rename the file as it is copied.

sudo docker cp container-id:/path/filename.txt ~/Desktop/filename.txt

How to Docker copy files to host

To summarize, follow these steps to copy a file from a Docker container to a host machine:

  1. Obtain the name or id of the Docker container
  2. Issue the docker cp command and reference the container name or id
  3. The first parameter of the docker copy command is the path to the file inside the container
  4. The second parameter of the docker copy command is the location to save the file on the host
  5. Edit and use the file copied from inside the container to your host machine

Docker cp command example

Copying a file from inside a Docker container to the host is a great way to create a custom Docker image.

For example, you could run the official Nginx Docker image and then copy the Nginx configuration file to the local filesystem.

Then you could edit the config file to setup an Nginx reverse proxy or install PHP support.

You could easily create a Dockerfile that copies the edited config file back into your Nginx load balancer image to override the default behavior. From that, you could create a custom Docker image.

This would result in a customized Docker image for your environment that is built upon the best practices and experience of the experts who originally developed the Nginx Docker image.

OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: '<frozen importlib._bootstrap

python 123 + 0.00

In [25]: n = 0.12345 In [26]: '{:.3f}'.format(n).lstrip('0') Out[26]: '.123'

errno 123 flutter

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OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

pyttsx3 problem: It's because you don't have espeak installed on your system. That's why it is giving error sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install espeak

yarn frozen lockfile

yarn install --frozen-lockfile

(change OR open) ("jupyter notebook" OR ipython) (folder OR directory OR "working directory" OR path) "--notebook-dir="

jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/Users/yourname/folder1/folder2/

js get the filename you uploaded

var fu1 = document.getElementById("FileUpload1"); alert("You selected " + fu1.value);

append filename at the beggining linux

for file in *.shp; do echo $(basename $file .shp)_poly.shp; done


  • #1

The file name, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect.

How do I fix this??

Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2019

Mar 13, 2011 10,957 13 51,965 1,365

  • #2

Normally, this only happens when you use extended characters in a name (anything outside a-z A-Z or 0-9).

It's likely that the source of the problem is an ini file redirecting to the wrong folder/volume/file. The solution is to find and edit it to the correct path.

Example of a file path:

c: programfiles(x86)/crysis/crysis.exe)

Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2019

Mar 13, 2011 10,957 13 51,965 1,365

  • #2

Normally, this only happens when you use extended characters in a name (anything outside a-z A-Z or 0-9).

It's likely that the source of the problem is an ini file redirecting to the wrong folder/volume/file. The solution is to find and edit it to the correct path.

Example of a file path:

c: programfiles(x86)/crysis/crysis.exe)

Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2019

Docker cp The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

Feb 17, 2014 36 0 4,540 4

  • #3

'the file name, directory name or volume lable syntax is ncorrect;

hexit is right^^^^

also take all spaces out of the folder names.. spaces are bad and ruin the system... ive been down that road!

  • #4

Just change folder's name and write in english.Im guessing that folder's name is written in unsupported language

Mar 13, 2011 10,957 13 51,965 1,365

  • #5

no mate thats not what the problem is, the files he wants to delete are using a none standard naming system outside the typical 0-1 a-z A-Z lettering conventions. back in the days of 8,3 naming system we used to use characters like !"£$ and so on as the first letter to hide files and folders from the directory search. which meant unless you knew exactly what the file was called you could never see it in the files and folders lists.
today it still shows up now and again. the files are easy enough to remove if you know what your looking for, but there still a pain when you come across them...

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How do I copy a directory into a docker container?

Copying Files with the docker cp Command.
Open a terminal on your local machine..
Create a file named myfile. ... .
Execute the docker run command. ... .
Verify if the Docker container is successfully created using the docker ps command. ... .
Next, execute the docker cp command..

What does docker cp mean?

The docker cp utility copies the contents of SRC_PATH to the DEST_PATH . You can copy from the container's file system to the local machine or the reverse, from the local filesystem to the container. If - is specified for either the SRC_PATH or DEST_PATH , you can also stream a tar archive from STDIN or to STDOUT .

How do I copy a directory from container to host?

To summarize, follow these steps to copy a file from a Docker container to a host machine: Obtain the name or id of the Docker container. Issue the docker cp command and reference the container name or id. The first parameter of the docker copy command is the path to the file inside the container.