Does subcutaneous fat increases disease risk more than visceral fat?

Visceral body fat, also known as 'hidden' fat, is fat stored deep inside the belly, wrapped around the organs, including the liver and intestines. It makes up about one tenth of all the fat stored in the body.

Most fat is stored underneath the skin and is known as subcutaneous fat. That is the fat that is visible and that you can feel. The rest of the fat in the body is hidden. That is visceral fat.

Visceral fat makes the belly stick out or gives a person an 'apple' shape. It also produces chemicals and hormones that can be toxic to the body.

Visceral fat produces more toxic substances than subcutaneous fat, so it is more dangerous. Even in thin people, having visceral fat carries a range of health risks.

Visceral fat is more common in men than in women.

What causes visceral fat?

Fat gets stored when you consume too many calories and have too little physical activity. Some people tend to store fat around their belly rather than on the hips because of their genes.

In women, getting older can change where the body stores fat. Especially after menopause, women’s muscle mass gets less and their fat increases. As women age, they are more likely to develop more visceral fat in the belly, even if they do not put on weight.

In men, age and genetics also play a role in developing visceral fat. Drinking alcohol can also lead to more belly fat in men.

What are the health risks of visceral fat?

Having visceral fat in the belly is a sign of metabolic syndrome, a collection of disorders that include high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and insulin resistance. Together, these increase the risk of stroke, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Having too much visceral fat in the belly can also cause:

ARE YOU AT RISK? — Are you at risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease or kidney disease? Use the Risk Checker to find out.

How do I know if I have visceral fat?

The best way to tell if you have visceral fat is to measure your waist. The waist circumference is a good indicator of how much fat is deep inside the belly, around the organs. For women, your risk of chronic disease is increased if the waist circumference is 80 cm or more and for men 94cm or more. These measurements don’t apply to children or pregnant women. If you think your waist measurement may be too large, talk to your doctor.

Measuring the Body Mass Index (BMI) may also tell whether you are carrying too much fat.

NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT? — Use the BMI Calculator to find out if your weight and waist size are in a healthy range.

How can I reduce visceral fat?

The best way to reduce visceral fat is through losing weight and diet. Visceral fat responds better to diet and exercise than fat on the hips. Regular exercise can also stop visceral fat from coming back.

Another option is medication, but studies show this is not as effective in reducing visceral fat as exercise. Liposuction does not work to remove visceral fat.

Even though you cannot change your genetics, hormones or your age, you can reduce your risk of disease by:

Visceral fat is fat that wraps around your abdominal organs deep inside your body. You can’t always feel it or see it. In fact, you may have a pretty flat tummy and still have visceral fat. That’s sometimes called TOFI, or "thin outside fat inside."

Only an expensive scan can measure how much belly fat is hiding in you, but your doctor won’t order a test just for that reason.

Dangers of Visceral Fat

Too much of any body fat is bad for your health. But compared to the fat that lies just underneath your skin (subcutaneous fat), the visceral kind is more likely to raise your risk for serious medical issues. Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and high cholesterol are some of the conditions that are strongly linked to too much fat in your trunk.

Researchers suspect that visceral fat makes more of certain proteins that inflame your body’s tissues and organs and narrow your blood vessels. That can make your blood pressure go up and cause other problems.

How to Measure It

There’s no way to know where and how much visceral fat is hidden in your body without expensive imaging tests. You’re unlikely to ever need those.

Waist size. This is an easy way to get a rough estimate. Wrap a tape measure around your waist over your belly button. (Don’t suck in your stomach!) In women, 35 inches or more is a sign of visceral fat. In men, it’s 40 inches. Warning: This is a crude tool, especially if you’re a very big person. And if you’re of Asian descent, the benchmark for visceral fat drops to 31.5 inches for women and 35.5 inches for men.

BMI.Body mass index is a formula for how much you weigh relative to your height. Online calculators can do the math for you. A BMI of 30 or higher is overweight. That could be a sign of visceral fat. If you’re Asian American, a BMI of 23 or higher could be a concern.

Hip-to-waist ratio. You divide your waist size by your hip size. Some doctors think the number gives a good idea of your risk for visceral fat. But studies suggest it may be no better than a simple waist measurement.

Body shape. Look in the mirror. Where your body tends to store fat can offer you a clue. If you’re an apple -- a big trunk and slimmer legs -- it often can mean more visceral fat. This body shape is more common among men. Women are more likely to be pears -- with bigger hips and thighs. Research shows that upper body fat is more dangerous to your health, which might be one reason why women usually live longer than men.

Imaging tests. These pricey scans are the only way to check the exact amount of visceral fat you have. If your doctor orders a CT scan or an MRI test to check for another medical condition, they can also get a detailed picture of your visceral fat.

How to Get Rid of It

You don’t need to follow a special diet or do special exercises to banish belly fat. Just follow the usual strategy for getting trimmer and fitter.

Keep moving. Exercise can help you shed both visceral fat and subcutaneous fat you can see and pinch. And if you lose weight through diet, exercise can help you keep it off. Every bit helps. Go for walks after dinner. Take the stairs. Bike instead of drive. Aim for at least 30 minutes of this kind of moderate aerobic exercise very day.

It’s also important to keep and to build your muscles. Work out with weights, do resistance training like push-ups and sit-ups, or practice yoga.

Eat smart. Studies suggest that more calcium and vitamin D in your body may be linked to less visceral fat. So load up on leafy greens like collards and spinach. Tofu and sardines are also good picks, as are dairy foods like yogurt, cheese, and milk.

On the other hand, certain foods seem to encourage belly fat. One of them is trans fats, which are found in meats and dairy as well as in deep-fried or processed foods. Also bad are sodas, candy, processed baked goods, and other foods sweetened with fructose. So read the labels and avoid ingredients like “partially hydrogenated oils” or “high-fructose corn syrup.” And follow the usual rules for healthy eating, with lots of fresh produce, whole grains like wheat breads and oatmeal, and lean protein like skinless chicken, fish, eggs, beans, and low-fat dairy.

When to See Your Doctor

If you have any of the signs of visceral fat, talk to your doctor about your health. You can learn if you’re at higher risk for type 2 diabetes and other diseases.

Your doctor also can check your blood pressure, heart rate, and other vital signs. They also may test samples of your blood or pee to get a full picture of your condition.

Show Sources


British Journal of Radiology: “Comparison of 3 T MRI and CT for the measurement of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue in humans,”

CDC: “Diabetes and Asian Americans,” “Knowing is Not Enough—Act on Your Family Health History,” “Body Mass Index (BMI).”

Cleveland Clinic: “Weight Management & Obesity,” “Physical Examination.” “Visceral Fat (Active Fat).”

Endocrine Society: “Metabolic Risk Guideline Resources,” “The Dangers Of Visceral Fat.”

Harvard Health Publishing: “Taking aim at belly fat,” “Big thighs may be wise.”

Johns Hopkins Medicine: “The Skinny on Visceral Fat.”

Mayo Clinic: “Men's health: Checkups and screenings are key.”

Nutrition Journal: “The study of anthropometric estimates in the visceral fat of healthy individuals.”

The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center: “Somatotypes.”

University of Houston Center For Wellness Without Borders: “The 3 Somatotypes.”

The American Journal of Medicine: “Upper Body Subcutaneous Fat Is Associated with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors.”

American Heart Association: “Trans Fats.”

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: “Calcium and vitamin D supplementation is associated with decreased abdominal visceral adipose tissue in overweight and obese adults.

Obesity (Silver Spring): “Dietary calcium intake is associated with less gain in intra-abdominal adipose tissue over 1 yr.”

The Journal of Nutrition: “Greater Fructose Consumption Is Associated with Cardiometabolic Risk Markers and Visceral Adiposity in Adolescents.

Does subcutaneous fat cause disease?

Subcutaneous fat is an important part of your body, but if your body is storing too much of it, you may be at a higher risk for health problems including: heart disease and strokes. high blood pressure. type 2 diabetes.

Which pattern of fat distribution has the highest risk of chronic disease?

Individuals with an upper body fat pattern, reflecting an excess of intra-abdominal or visceral fat, have significantly greater risk for diabetes, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, ischemic heart disease, some cancers, and death from all causes.

Which is type of fat results in more serious health conditions subcutaneous or visceral?

Visceral fat produces more toxic substances than subcutaneous fat, so it is more dangerous. Even in thin people, having visceral fat carries a range of health risks. Visceral fat is more common in men than in women.

Is there more inflammation in subcutaneous fat than visceral fat?

Visceral adipose tissue (VAT), surrounding the inner organs, has been shown to be more inflammatory active than subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), as increased amounts of visceral/abdominal fat associates with high levels of circulating inflammatory markers36, and a high number of pro-inflammatory cells in their ...