republicans là gì - Nghĩa của từ republicans

republicans có nghĩa là

A political party that tries to push its Christian beliefs onto the American people, even though we have a sepaation of church and state.

Furthemore, they support war without knowing all the facts, which cost innocent lives in the process.


You can recommend this for deletion all you want, but whichever way you look at it, the repubicans are bigots, and homophobes, and war hungry people.

Unless that's the kind of thing you like.

republicans có nghĩa là

People who usurp their own religious beliefs to defend their policies. Which is a sin.

People who wish to force their religion upon others while stimultaneously not living up to their religion's expectations. Which, according to Jesus, is a sin.

People who support war and then use "thou shalt not kill" as a reason against abortions.

People who say they are for less government controll over the individual, and then enforce the PATRIOT ACT, the sanctity of marriage amendment, and other civilian intrusions.

People who lower taxes for the wealthiest one percent.

People who get in to office thanks to the less educated population states. (A proven fact)

People who accuse Democrats of being spendthrifts while bankrupting our economy.

People who work for their self interests, and the interests of their campaign funders and benifactors, while in office. (Well, Democrats are infamous for that as well.)

A party that once was good, but then the southern influence came in.

People who accuse Liberals of being whiners while bitching about: Gay People, Public Displays of the Ten Commandments, and Civil Rights.

The antithesis of progress

see hypocrites Inbred Reactionaries


Peter Griffin:
"Hey Lois, look at me. I'm the two symbols of the Republican party. An elephant, and a Fat White guy who's threatened by change."

A Republican
"Damn them Liberals! First they let the women vote, then they let the blacks vote, then they let the black women vote, and now they want us to make peace with a country that did absolutely nothin to us."

republicans có nghĩa là

UNBIASED definition of republican

The Republican Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, along with the Democratic Party. It is often referred to as the Grand Old Party or the GOP. Founded in 1854 by anti-slavery expansion activists and modernizers, the Republican Party quickly surpassed the Whig Party as the principal opposition to the Democratic Party. In 1860, it came to power with the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency. The party presided over the American Civil War and Reconstruction and was harried by internal factions and scandals toward the end of the 19th century. Today, the party supports a conservative platform (from an American political perspective), with further foundations in supply-side fiscal policies, and social conservatism.

The Republican Party is currently the second largest party with 55 million registered members, encompassing roughly one-third of the electorate.1 The current U.S. President, George W. Bush, is the 19th Republican to hold that office. Republicans currently fill a minority of seats in both the United States Senate and the House of Representatives, hold a minority of state governorships, and control a minority of state legislatures.


IDIOT that says "A republican says
"Damn them Liberals! First they let the women vote, then they let the blacks vote, then they let the black women vote, and now they want us to make peace with a country that did absolutely nothin to us."

bananaman: ^^ you dumbshit, republicans were antislavery while democrats were proslavery. A rock has more knowledge than you.

republicans có nghĩa là

The political arm of the Religious Right


Republican opposition to stem cell research, their call for amending the constitution because of gay marrige, their hostility to Roe v. Wade, and their pandering in the Schiavo case are all explained by the fact that Republicans have become the political arm of Christian conservatives

republicans có nghĩa là

Evil and heartless people, more concerned with personal gain than with actually helping anyone. Likes taxcuts, because it means more personal gain.


Republicans? Evil! Rude and evil!

republicans có nghĩa là

Self-rightous assholes who force their beleifs on everyone. Always thinking they're the best and the very reason we're at war.


I think George Bush is an example of republicans enough.

republicans có nghĩa là

Someone who has clearly never read the Bill of Rights, even the first freaking clause.


Republicans will stare at you like an alien if you mention "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion..."

republicans có nghĩa là

A bunch of mindless jerks who will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.


Are you telling me you're one of those uptight, blood-sucking republicans? Get against the wall!

republicans có nghĩa là



Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and many other fox news dick heads are all republicans

republicans có nghĩa là

A political party that has had leaders like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. They claim that they want less government control but the problem is that Bush passed the patriot act.

They are commonly associated with rich people and seem to want to protect the rich and also protect big businesses. You can see examples of this with different laws that George W. Bush has passed.

Also as with both Democrats and Republicans they play the blame game especially seen the Scooter/Libby case. Where they blamed him to cover their mistakes.


"The new gun law passed by President Bush, allowed companies to not be held liable for any gun misfires. Republicans and Democrats were shocked with this new law." (actual law)