scally là gì - Nghĩa của từ scally

scally có nghĩa là

A scally is a low life loser who lacks the basic education to string together sentences of more than five words. This prevents them from taking up the only job they are qualified for as they cannot say "Do you want fries with that ?"
To make up for their shortcomings they wear a uniform of fake designer gear and hang around on the streets looking for stuff to rob. The ultimate outfit is anything by LaCoste "Cos its kewl laaa". They normally only own one tracky and their single mothers dont know how to clean it so they are a bit grimy and they stink.
Once a person has succumbed to scallydom there is no saving them and they are doomed to spend the rest of their lives hanging round street corners with other losers drinking cheap cider and 25 lager.
To rebel against their sad lot in life scallies actually create a perverse sense of pride in belonging to the group and attempt to 'out scally, the other members to gain approval.


Is that a dog turd over there or a SCALLY taking a rest?

scally có nghĩa là

A government experiment which involved breeding rats and humans gone terribly wrong. Originally intented to create a type of drone army but insted created a ever increasing group of city dwelling smegma piles that live in tower blocks or boxes.It has recently been discovered that these genetically modified rats have little or no intellegence and only survive on basic instict thus the mistake was made. Insted of fighting wars these vermin fight random people for "looking at them" will only fight one normal person at a time and there has to be at least 50 scallies before any combat takes place. They also steal from old people off licences and cars doesnt matter what it is, it could be a comb they'll still have it.

General Scally Image
Scallies are often easy to spot as theyhang around together and all look the same, whiteish(sometimes green), greasy, spotty short haired, covered in "gold" jewellary (crafted by the finest £1 shop usally made from copper, tin plastic etc)And of course the trackie bottems, white sports socks, a woolie jumper/hooded over-throw jacket, baseball cap that teeters on the back of the head, white mucky trainers/fuck off pair of boots. Unable to speak cohererantly

Still Scallies do maintain some sort of social/military structure be awre of the following invading your town

Foot Scallies
Aged 13-16 that hang round outside off-licences, corners, parks. Uniformed in the manditory Adidas trackie bottems tucked into white kappa sports socks. Any type of classic trainer Adidas/Reebok (Rockports boots worn for nights out) Weapons of choice Tin of spay paint, glass bottle.

Commader Scall
Aged 17-20 require a vehicle of some sort usually a Vuaxhall Nova, Astra. Ford Esort, Sierra, Suzuki 125 trialblazer (used generally for snatching old ladies handbags) All of which have been modified using scrap metal, polyfiller, drainpipes and lego. Dress code still the same as taste is not a quality found in any scally. Weapon of choice baseball bat or a plank of wood located in the drivers side footwell, "gold" knuckle dusters

General Scally or "Scallite"
There only can ever be one Scally elite to each group of about 30 Scallys (6 Commaders, 18 Foot, 6 "female" scallies) A scally leader is primative looking, has to be over 25 years old have a criminal record which include any of these: burglary, theft ABH GBH and genreally being offensive. Has to own a pair of jeans and a shirt, requires some sort of facial hair, have what may be classed as a human girlfriend and to be father to have his own bedsit and sells drugs. In some cases addicted to heroin. Not to be approached at all as he will stink like a grannies rotting fanny. Uniformed in a classic full all white Adidas tracksuit Rockport boots nicely trimmed with the finest gold jewellary from Argos
Weapon of Choice an air rifle, piece of scaffold, alsation or rotweiler dog.

Places to visit for some fun filled Scally bashing Leeds Liverpool Keighley Manchester, London Bimingham Mewcastle and any sea side resort


Fuck off Scally
Scally fuck off
Off fuck Scally

scally có nghĩa là

Person who seems to be going jogging, until you see that they are weighed down by half thier parent's wages in gold. Wears mobile phone round neck, that's what the kiddies do nowadays.

Has ego almost as big as the pair of socks they are wearing, which stretch over their jogging bottoms. Maybe an ingenius attempt to keep rain out of the ports / nikes.

Stripy jumper indicates scally leader / complete wanker.


Hey look, that scally is dressed like a humbug.

scally có nghĩa là

a group of people who cannot handle diversity. Rebels without a cause. they are natsy low lives who are no use to society. they attack people in groups because people are different from them. They cant see the world from another persons point of view. They dont relaise there is a world away from their own. They also think that no one else can have opinions


"e-arh go in shop fur us?'

scally có nghĩa là

A "classy" person who usually wears tracksuit bottoms, baseball/burberry caps and loads of gold (chunky chains and also sovs - sovereign rings). In Birmingham they are known as kevs/shaz. Men tend to have short/shaved hair (optional bum fluff). Women wear a gelled sticky-out fringe and kiss curls. Lovely. Massive golden earings are often spotted too.
The attitude is definitely "i take no shit". Their favourite music ranges across r'n'b, garage and cheap drum'n'bass. Those creatures spend their day hanging around street corners, amusement arcades and local chip shops, often holding cans of Tennents Super, whilst they give out fashion tips to any other person who does not resemble their own look. They also tend to be attracted by Fun fairs like moths to a flame. Scallies overwhelmingly produce kids by the age of 15/16 and the single-mum rate amongst them can reach an alarming 95% peak. Older scallies/kevs might also sport a love/hate tattoo on their knuckles.
Holiday places: Blackpool, Ibiza, Tenerife, Faliraki.


"What the fook r u looking at?"
"You're staring at me pint and you spilt me bird..." (drunken scally/kev).
"Look at those kevs hanging around the mobile phone shop"

scally có nghĩa là

low life scum who think that they are hard because they have no or little education. Don't seem to realise that employers couldn't give a shit that someone can fight. each scally is apparantly his/her own person but they all seem to wear the same white addidas track suit. generally tend to say the word fuck a lot.


that scally prick sucks more cock than my ex-girlfriend

scally có nghĩa là

weaverham scum that make your lives hell by being dicks in massive groups thinking their hard get one on their own and any one could twat shit outta them, no brains i mean take a look at the cars novas???!!!?? what the hell are they on apart from every drug going. take a look down keepers lane in weaverham


arrr mach lets go rob the old man at number 67 hes got fags yer lets go fuck year 9's even tho we av all left skool 3 years ago.
the lesser spotted scouser duck-- ahhhh look luk luk luk carrrrr stereo carrrrr stereo!!!

scally có nghĩa là

A female who is considered nasty, easy, and/or fast.


1.Watch her, watch her; here comes the scally.

2. Don't talk to that girl, she's a scally.

3. Get out of my face scally!

scally có nghĩa là

A form of life usually represented on the evolutionary scale as somewhere below the 5th major string of amoebas.
The majority of scallies are male, and can be identified by their characteristic very short and often blond hair, if they have any at all.
The "mini-scally", a common variation, often stands tall at around one metre, and travels in smaller packs than the Scally does, which usually consist of two to five members for the Mini-scally, and anywhere up to 100 for the Scally. They try to appear bold by running into their unsuspecting prey, jumping and bouncing off them, contact occuring at the chest.
But at the slightest reaction the mini-scallies run off to a safe distance, and shout after the normal person to 'ge bak ere or il bang ya!'
The average scallies' IQ ranges from 30 to 40, although a large amount have had negative IQ scores, depending on the area.The best thing to do when attacked by a large group of scallies is to:
1. Retreat to a safe distance, preferably one with lots of people or authority figures
2. Laugh at their various reactions to your 'magical disappearance'
3. Wit until the crowd disperses, and pick them off one by one until your desire for vengeance is satisfied. The ordinary scally, when confronted with even odds, or those not in their favour by at least five to one, becomes cowardly and withdraws.


1. Ewww, there's a scally on the windshield!
2. Let's go scally-hunting!
3. I got attacked by a mini-scally today. He bumped into me and ran off.

scally có nghĩa là

A stereotypical "chav" would be considered as a young white male of 13-21 who listens to such music as
MC FINCHY,CLUBLAND,CASCADA etc etc. A "chav" can be of any social class but mainly the working classes are "chavs" due to "chavish" clothes being cheap to buy ideal for a working class mother another reason for "chavs" mainly being of a working class background is because of a big drug culture surrounding the lifestyle of a working class tennager. THIS A REPLY TO SCALLY HATER FOR STEREOTYPING ALL "CHAVS" OR "SCALLYS" TO BE WORKING CLASS OR FROM LIVERPOOL


scally aka some one like ali G