social justice là gì - Nghĩa của từ social justice

social justice có nghĩa là

Promoting tolerance, freedom, and equality for all people regardless of race, sex, orietntation, national origin, handicap, etc... except for white, straight, cisgendered males. Fuck those guys, they're overprivileged no matter what.


"In the name of social justice, check your privilege."

social justice có nghĩa là

A Utopian fantasy based on the Leninist concept of "equality of outcome." It says that since you have more, it must be taken away from you to give to those who have less, so that you are both equal. So there is much in common with the petty thief, who steals your wallet at gun point in order to equalize both of your wealth. Though this never seems to apply to rulers, who always seem to be exempt from social justice policies. In order for social justice to exist, there has to be a ruling class to mete out that social justice. If there is an elite ruling class, then there is no social justice. So the concept of social justice always collapses in upon itself. Social Justice is generally supported by hipsters of all ages who can't afford weekly groceries or gas for their cars, but who are simultaneously bedazzled with hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars of tattoos and piercings. It is often used by power hungry despots to fool voters into surrendering their rights and liberties in exchange for promises of free stuff, while lining the pockets of the ruling class with the stolen wealth of the people.


They promised social justice in Venezuela. They can't even supply toilet paper. Meanwhile, Maduro's right hand man Aristóbulo Istúriz has over $9.6 million in a Swiss bank account. At least Chavez's daughters still get to live it up in the Presidential Party Palace, La Casona. In the Ukraine where the average salary is less than £300 a month, President Viktor Yanukovych said that 2013 would be a year of social justice. In 2014, the Ukrainian people found that his personal estate which was half the size of Monaco, contained a 5 floor mansion, a golf course, a private zoo, a park, a greenhouse, a garage filled with luxury sports cars, a helicopter pad, a pirate ship which served as a personal restaurant, a hovercraft, etc. In America, they promised free healthcare for everyone. Now it costs more, and I have less coverage. I hear the First Ladies' newest dress cost $12,000. That's social justice for ya.

social justice có nghĩa là

A euphemism for an economic mugging by political force


Teacher's union rep: "We will not stand for any cuts in our benefits or salaries. Even if we make six figures with guaranteed employment regardless of performance. Even if the state is on the verge of bankruptcy. Why? Because this is about social justice"

social justice có nghĩa là

Word used mainly by American teenagers and those without a college education to describe the frustration they feel at their own failures in life.
Most of these individuals don't feel the need to get an official definition of this word to see if they believe in equality of opportunity for example, rather they will go to tumblr or find an extreme feminist vlog and confuse social justice with other disturbed individuals who abuse the concept for their own personal gain.


Social justice is ruining gaming
Social justice is communist
Social justice is feminism

social justice có nghĩa là

The (typically online) practice of preaching for equality for people of all religions, races, genders, and sexual orientations. When done right, this can be a fantastic thing. Unfortunately, social justice tends to be done wrong, giving things like the gender equality movement and the gay rights movement a bad name.


Good social justice: Equality for everyone regardless of your background!
Bad social justice: I F YOU AR E A STRAIGHT WHITE MAN K I L L Y O U R S E L F

social justice có nghĩa là

Common meaning for equality. Typically among the social classes. Leftist in nature.


"That 19 year old college kid had her 2006 BMW stolen before it ever got the new plates."

"Who stole it? Robin Hood? That's social justice."

social justice có nghĩa là

A perversion of justice which is inherently unjust. Not justice. Justice is justice. Social Justice is therfore necessarily a subversion of justice (usually to suit political goals (regressive left) or personal goals (virtue signaling)).


If justice is just, then social justice cannot be just - in the same way political correctness is not correct.

social justice có nghĩa là



so what is social justice? it is being equal no matter who you are and what you are like. hence socialism.

social justice có nghĩa là

The even application of just laws upon society, and the creation of laws that do not impede minorities, do not favor extreme or illegal views, and do not prevent society from being at its best.


Glenn Beck's body will be cut up into pieces and distributed equally among all the citizens of American. That is social justice. Gay, lesbian, and other culturally progressive cops will subject anyone who misuses authority to discriminative police brutality. That is social justice. Any person who refrained from voting for Obama will receive a mandatory "I Am Hopeless" sticker, free public health insurance, and a free disease to go along with it. That is social justice.

social justice có nghĩa là

A competition where white people bully celebrities on Twitter to prove to one another that they are not racist (formally a movement to promote freedom, equality, and community for people who have traditionally been disadvantaged in society).


It does not serve social justice to allow this pop singer to live down something they tweeted 12 years ago that now sounds problematic out of context. I’ve been on Twitter all day, cancelling celebrities in the name of social justice.