What are the factors that need to be considered for choosing appropriate media and channels?

  • Jonathan Safran Foer's Let Them Eat Dogs

    For the eating of dogs to be morally acceptable the generalization of dogs has to change. The use of “family pooch” and man’s best friend” in Foer’s article appeals to the general idea of how dogs are seen but what if they were not seen that way but as cattle. Other than the thought of dog meat being wrong to eat, what stops people from eating it? If people are comfortable eating cows, pigs, and chickens, then it would be safe to say that what these animal eat before they are slaughtered are just as acceptable. What the animal is fed is essentially what you are…

    • 758 Words
    • 4 Pages

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Oral Communication

    This may be an opinion, attitude, feeling, views, orders, or suggestions.  Encoding: The subject matter further passing requires use of certain symbols such as words, actions or pictures etc. conversion of subject matter into these symbols is the process of encoding.  Communication channel/ Message: The person who is interested in communicating has to choose the channel…

    • 1997 Words
    • 8 Pages

  • The Importance Of Communicative Communication

    In communication these are referred to as barriers, they come in many shapes and forms. Communication barriers are described as “specific items that can distort or prevent communication.” Some examples are physical barriers, cultural differences, linguistic barrier, gender barriers, emotional barriers, perceptual barriers, differences in status, the use of jargons, misinterpretation, noise, lack of attention and so forth. Factors that may cause an interruption in the communication process are endless. There are a host of physical factors that can prevent individuals from having an effective communication. Physical barriers relate to disturbance in the immediate context, which can interfere in the course of an effective communication.…

    • 1378 Words
    • 6 Pages

  • Disadvantages Of Oral Communication

    On the other hand Technological devices that are used in this system are costly. Distortion of the word: If distortion of the word occurs in oral communication then main goals of the organization may be filed. Inaccuracy: There is very possibility of inaccurate messages to reach the destination. So, the reverse result of expected plan may be occurred. Limited use: The scope of usage of oral communication is limited.…

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    • 7 Pages

  • Meatless Monday By Jonathan Safran Foer Analysis

    Taking part in “Meatless Monday” means a little responding to the problems that our world has faced. 2) By “Polarizing” is meant that mostly the decision to eat or not to at factory farmed meat, the meat that comprises 99 % of the meat available in the US’s supermarkets nowadays refers to ethic, to morality and sequentially is a controversial one. By “personal” side of his assertion Jonathan Foer meant that each individual have the right to decide by his own, being aware of conditions, animal’s suffering and consequences, whether to consume factory farmed meat or not. It is personal choice that matters, if these choices are made steadily. I agree with the assertion of the author of “Eating animals”.…

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  • Ethical Argument Against Eating Meat

    PHIL 4300: Philosophy of Food Dr. Kaplan November 15, 2015 Zack Viator To Eat Meat, or Not to Eat Meat.. LOL In this paper, I will demonstrate the best arguments (in my opinion) both for and against the consumption of meat. I will conclude with my thoughts on meat consumption and why I think the best stance is a middle ground between eating meat how society currently does and not eating meat such as a vegetarian does. Arguments AGAINST eating meat: a. Cruelty- The ethical argument against eating animals is obvious. How can we cause harm to another sentient being? Livestock is raised with the intention of killing for food, at least eventually.…

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    • 7 Pages

  • Meat Consumption: The Ethical Issue Of Eating Meat

    The issue of meat consumption and on whether to allow the practice or discontinue it has been a controversial topic. Non-meat eaters argue it is unethical because it is abusive to animals, in the sense that animals are not given the opportunity to roam free and experience its surroundings. On the other hand, meat consumers argue that eating meat is ethical as long as meat eaters are conscious of how their meat is collected and the treatment of livestock is The consumption of meat is an act that an individual decides whether to partake in or not. Therefore, the option of eating meat should not be completely taken away, but should be limited. Eating meat ties in with vegetarian and vegan diets, in the sense that both have to follow guidelines to create an ethical approach to eating any grown foods.…

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  • Film Analysis: Fast Food Nation

    Not only is the meat delivered to the restaurants unsafe, but poor management in the restaurant 's cause proper health and safety guidelines to be ignored. In Fast Food Nation, we see a Mickey’s employee named Brian open a hamburger, spit directly in the meat, and serve the sandwich in that condition. We also see Brian violate several other food safety regulations such as preparing food without gloves and serving food that has fallen on the floor. The issue lies in the fact that managers of Mickey’s restaurants are not enforcing food safety regulations and they’re getting away with it. They are not being penalized for cutting corners by higher authorities, and therefore keep allowing this to happen.…

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  • Utility-Based Argument Analysis

    Jordan Curnutt claims that utilitarian based arguments to defend vegetarianism are inadequate. He presents his own argument, NEW, for vegetarianism and exposes flaws in various attempts to override the prima facie duty of not harming animals. Utilitarian arguments can both favor and oppose vegetarianism. Several philosophers have insisted that utilitarian based arguments require that people eat meat because it improves the economy, helps people who work in the meat industry, and because people enjoy eating meat. Opposing this view, other utilitarian arguments say that vegetarianism is required because killing animals is a violation of their rights and it uses animals as a means to our own ends.…

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  • On Eating Animals Analysis

    “On Eating Animals” Contrary to what omnivores often think, whether or not to eat meat isn't only a matter of taste or personal preference. Due to its many implications spreading concerns of well being for humans, animals, and the environment it is, at its center, a question of ethics. In the article, “On Eating Animals” they work to defend, honor, and clean up the processes by which farm animals are raised to eat and eventually kill. The purpose of this essay is to undermine a general belief. This essay sets out an argument that purports to show, as well as any argument in ethics can show, that eating animals is a current ongoing controversy.…

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    • 6 Pages

How do you choose appropriate channels for communication?

Select the best communication channels at work in 3 steps.
Step 1: Identify what kind of message you're sending. ... .
Step 2: Consider your company's culture around communication. ... .
Step 3: Pick a delivery method based on your audience..

What are the factors to be considered in communication?

The 6 Key Factors to Successful Communication.
Verbal Communication..
Nonverbal Communication..
Emotional Awareness..
Written Communication..
Communicating in Difficult Situations..

Why is selecting an appropriate communication channel and media important to the overall effectiveness of the message?

Selecting a mix of appropriate and accessible channels will increase the likelihood of the audiences hearing and seeing the communication messages.

What five factors are important in selecting an appropriate channel to deliver a message what makes one channel richer than another?

Importance of the message, amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required, necessity of permanent record, cost of the channel, degree of formality desired, confidentiality and sensitivity of the message, and receiver's preference and level of technical expertise.