Why is positioning necessary when a company is marketing a new product or service?

What is Product Positioning?

Product positioning is a form of marketing that presents the benefits of your product to a particular target audience. Through market research and focus groups, marketers can determine which audience to target based on favorable responses to the product.

Research can also determine which product benefits are the most appealing to them. Knowing this information helps streamline marketing efforts and create effective marketing messages that drive more leads and sales. It also helps differentiate the product or service from the competition in the marketplace.

Product positioning is an important component of any marketing plan, but it doesn’t have to be limited to one audience. For example, a product may have a main target audience and also a secondary audience that is also interested in the product, but perhaps in a different way. Each audience will find the product appealing for different reasons, which is why it’s important to tailor marketing messages to focus on the benefits each audience values most.

Examples of Product Positioning

Product positioning can involve a number of different elements. A product can be positioned in a favorable way for a target audience through advertising, the channels advertised through, the product packaging, and even the way the product is priced. For example, market research may have revealed that the product is popular among mothers. What do they like about the product? What should be highlighted about the product to attract them? And where should the product be advertised to reach them? With the answers to these questions, an effective marketing campaign can be created to send benefit-driven messages to the target audience wherever they may be (such as Facebook, where targeted ads can be purchased based on demographics and interests).

Production Positioning for Small Businesses

While larger corporations have the budgets for extensive market research, small businesses may have a difficult time coming up with the time or money to do it in depth. Instead of running focus groups and doing tons of research, a small business owner can simply ask their network for their opinions. If they collect information on customers and their purchases, future product positioning strategies can be based on actual sales data. This may even be more effective than basing product positioning on the opinions of potential customers, such as in a focus group, because this positioning is based on real behavior rather than speculation.

In conclusion, a huge marketing budget is not necessary to take advantage of market research and effective product positioning. Understanding the target audience and how to communicate the benefits of a product to them in a compelling way is the first step toward a solid marketing plan.

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Why is positioning necessary when a company is marketing a new product or service?

Nike — high quality

Nike, a famous brand that designs, develops, and manufactures running shoes and sportswear, positions itself as a company that provides athletes with high-quality, fashionable athletic sneakers and apparel.

Why is positioning necessary when a company is marketing a new product or service?

Thrive Market — healthy living

This retail company offers customers healthy food from the best organic brands. They provide their clients with products at wholesale prices.

Why is positioning necessary when a company is marketing a new product or service?

To sum it up, with a well-thought-out strategy, your company will be able to build an image you strive for and pave the way to reaching your audience. Plus, it will empower your company to be market-oriented, resonate with your customers’ needs, and easily adapt to the changes within the market.


  1. This article defines the term, gives several examples, and uncovers the peculiarities of product positioning for small businesses.
  2. This article provides readers with five product positioning strategies.
  3. In this article, readers can find several great examples.

Last Updated: 18.08.2022

Why positioning is important for a new product?

Why is product positioning important? Each brand has to know its customers to provide a product that resonates with their needs. A well-thought-out strategy can determine the position of this product within the market and identify its benefits for consumers.

Why is positioning necessary?

Effective positioning makes prospects want to know more Good positioning entices a potential prospect to learn more about your offering. It also serves as the first level of qualification. Ideally you want a recipient to react to your message by thinking either “that's me,” or “that's not me.”

What is positioning in marketing and why is it important?

Positioning is the process of how to best communicate your organization's unique attributes to your target customers based on their needs and to counter competitive pressures. It's carefully crafted key messages and actions that build a distinct and differentiated brand.