Using gaming laptop as desktop Reddit

I am going to buy a laptop for gaming as opposed to a desktop. What are the things I will miss out on? from gaming

Here's the deal: I want to replace my Desktop with a gaming PC and, considering this crazy shortage and the fact that i need a bit of portability (College-Home), I was thinking go switch over a Laptop.

I Was thinking about Legion 5 Pro, i like how upgradable it is, the cooling system seems great and of course, the specs.


Can i properly replace a Desktop with a Gaming Laptop? I'm quite worried about overheating, not really used to laptops but i've seen how high the tems are.

Will the Legion 5 Pro (or any nowadays 1000-1200$ laptop) will last, let's say, 7 years ? (4 yrs for gaming and 7 as a laptop for work).
Gaming for me means as long as i can play most of the newer games in 1080p on low with decent FPS. I'm aware i won't be able to play tripla A titles in 3-4 years on ultra 60+fps

Do you recommend other options for 1000-1200$ ? Or if i should wait for newer models, planing to replace my PC by the end of the winter

Any other suggestions ?

please explain why below if you are choosing. I stay home all the time so i dont need a portable machine persay but I guess its useful if you want to move around your house?

is there any benefit to getting a gaming laptop value-wise if you don't need portability?

Also, can you guys recommend some prebuilts for around the 2000$ USD?

edit: i already have a mouse, keyboard, and monitor. i also play alot of fighting games and sineplayer games

i currently have a 1050ti laptop at the moment

Since r/laptop is no more, I figured I'd ask it here.

I have been using my recently purchased Dell Inspiron 15R SE (7750) directly from the wall, hooked up with a 23" HD monitor for almost two months now. I have popped out the battery and stored it in a airtight packing. Every 10 days or so, I drain out the battery until it's at 20%, recharge it completely, and store it again.

I want to know the apparent disadvantages of using laptop as a desktop replacement. The placement is pretty well ventilated, so in most cases, the heat is well under control. What drawbacks or losses is my laptop is likely to suffer if I keep using it like this?

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Using gaming laptop as desktop Reddit


I could probably get a killer gaming laptop if I sold my desktop and current laptop. Anyone here run a laptop as their main computer plugged into a monitor and keyboard and everything basically swapping out the desktop box?

How does the best laptop rtx 3080 compare to a desktop grade GPU like the 6800 XT? Right now my desktop is a 5800x and 6800XT with 32Gb memory.

I need the opinion of gamers who have some good experience with both desktops and laptops for gaming, and please every idea that comes into your mind about the topic would be valuable to me so please share it.

I want to decide what to buy but i can't really see any practical difference (as a person who is fairly new to gaming and never had a gaming desktop or laptop) other than a desktop would be much easier to do basic light maintenance on, and has better cooling systems and more space so cooling is much more effective thus i think will last a little longer than a laptop.

i'm not interested in building, nor upgrading, so if i buy a desktop or laptop it would be as it came as long as i have it, i just don't want that hastle, and even the maintenance would be the most basic stuff (changing thermal paste, tightening screews...).

So feel free to correct me, give me your ideas, opinions and experiences, and guide me to make my decision!

And please don't just give me your opinion, give me the reasons for your opinion cuz that's what'll help me make my decision.

I'm specifically interested in three points:

performance for the same amount of money

low maintenance


Hi, I am still undecided on what to choose on a Zephyrus g14. I used to have a heavy and thicc generic asus laptop for my bachelor's degree and carrying that in-between class really hurt my back and shoulder and the reason why I had tension headaches almost every day according to my doctor.

In a few months, I'll have to continue my master's and would very likely stay in a laboratory for 12 - 24hrs a day waiting for my experiment. Do you find it is comfortable to play on the go with a laptop? And how often do you actually use it for gaming? Is a 3060 a good purchase? Or is the 5800hs 1650 a better choice, and game with the desktop at the dorm?

I have a 5600x with RTX 3080 desktop. My desktop is not that big, SFFPC around 9,2L but weighing around 8kg, maybe more. bringing it would be a pain and I would need a portable monitor for it or use parsec/spacedesk with an ethernet cable connected directly to the laptop to make the laptop as a portable monitor. The latency is pretty low (2-3ms), but bumping the res to 4k, the connection and fps will drop due to ethernet bandwidth limiration.

So what do you guys think? do you often use your laptop to game when on the go? I've never had a gaming laptop before so I wouldn't know or never had to think to play on the go.

Hey guys was thinking about getting this laptop but after finding this thread im having second thought. The reason why is because half of the year i travel for work but love my videos games. My friends and i are 50/50 about what set up to run. A lot of ppl are saying build the pc and get a shitty laptop that i can travel with and have it play games on med settings. Sorry for the rant just want to know if other people have been on the fence and what did they decide in the long run.. Thanks

Edit: Is anyone able to post a set up that has a monitor and that is as good as the laptop for under 1k?

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Using gaming laptop as desktop Reddit


I was all set to buy a gaming laptop today and actually walked into the store to buy one but then the sales person started telling me about how they are not as good as gaming desktops and how I am disadvantaging myself by getting a laptop as desktops are the be all and end all and a gaming laptop will always be second best.

They explained how you can never modify or upgrade a gaming laptop like you can a PC which makes them obsolete much quicker.

They scared me so much that I walked out empty handed, I didn't buy the PC they were trying to upsell me either.

Is this true? I want a machine that can play AAA games and I was looking at a HP Omen 15.6 inch 2020 laptop!