What is a good reason to customize the user registration for your org or site?

From users’ perspective, the onboarding experience of a website or app is as important as other features. Designing registration and login pages is considered a simple task among UX designers and sometimes they do not pay much attention to this. No doubt, this is a simple process, however, ignoring these tiny details can destroy the overall experience of your app.

Why designing a good experience for the onboarding process is important for your users?

Importance of Sign-Up and Login Page Design

When users come to your site, registration is the first step that indicates the trust of your users in your site. Registering to a site is the beginning of a relationship that users want to have with your site as well as your business.

If the users get a trustworthy and secure process in addition to a simple and easy experience, they are confident to provide their information on your site. If the users find a poor and painful design where they are being asked to provide personal information, they will not take a risk.

Moreover, the users need to log in each time they visit the site. This also raises the need for a simple login page that does not overwhelm the users and they can easily follow a few steps to log in.

Below is a list of best practices that will help you design a simple and efficient onboarding process for your site.

1. Allow sign-up with social media accounts — one-click registration

Using existing social media accounts to sign-up for a new application is becoming popular among users. This provides the user a quick and efficient process to get registered without going into the hassle of creating a new account and providing all the information from scratch. The users feel more comfortable since they need to just click on a social media sign-up button to get into the application.

Since using an existing account to log into an application does not require users to create a new account, it also eliminates the process of setting a new password and remembering it each time when they come back to use the application.

Signing up for an application using external social media accounts is a simple experience.

Provide users options to log in to your app using their social media accounts.

2. Don’t ask for password confirmation

Apparently, it seems that the Confirm Password field helps users to avoid the chance of misspelling their password while signing up for the application. However, it decreases the sign-up form conversion rate.

The process involves several steps. Entering a password the first time, then entering it a second time, if it does not match the system will prompt an error, however, the users are not able to see and find the error. They should remove both passwords and re-type, again without any clue. The process can repeat itself multiple times, hence increasing users’ frustration.

A better solution that is quick as well as efficient is to provide a Show Password option with the Password field. The users can click the option, see the password they are entering, and hence make instant corrections if required.

Asking for password confirmation increases the complexity of the sign-up process. Instead, an option to show the password fulfills the purpose with much ease.

3. Indicate the caps lock option

It is very common that the Caps Lock Key is accidentally pressed while working on a computer. The expected behavior in sign-up and login pages is to indicate to the users about this when they are trying to enter the password.

If the users are not aware of whether the Caps Lock key is ON or OFF, they can type in an incorrect password based on their assumption. This will raise an error when the set password does not match while signing in to the app or site. This is a simple solution to indicate the users as soon as they are entering the password in the field and hence helps to avoid any unexpected errors while reusing the password again.

Indicating the Caps Lock state helps to set the users’ expectations.

4. Provide instant input validation

Instant input validation is a way to increase the usability of your sign-up and login pages. The users do not have to wait to submit the form to see any errors that need their attention. Instant validation helps them easily relate the feedback with the input they have just provided and they can correct it in no time.

There are a few important factors to remember while providing a useful instant validation. Display the message only when the user just left the input field. Providing a positive error message helps the user to build their trust in your product. Also, the error message should explain well about the problem and how to resolve it.

Instant input validation allows the users to correct their errors instantly.

Instant input validation allows the users to correct their errors instantly.

5. Show password requirements clearly

Always show password requirements to the users and do not assume that they must be aware of the strong password rules. Display the requirements near the password control so that users can clearly see them while entering the password.

This is not a good practice to hide the password requirements in the default view and show them only when the user enters a weak password. This will both waste the users’ time as well as lose their confidence in your product.

Show password requirements instantly when the user is entering the password. This allows the handling of an error even before it occurs and thus saves time and extra attempts.

A common practice to provide a good user experience is to use the button label according to the action the user will perform while clicking that button. The button label should always define its purpose on the screen.

Providing a generic button will make it difficult for the user to relate it with the action and there is a chance that they will forget what they actually want to do on the screen.

A button label should always reflect its purpose.

7. Allow switching between login and sign-up

The user should be able to switch between login and sign-up forms when they reach your site or app. Provide an easy way to find the Login when the user is on the Sign-up page and Sign-up when the user is on the Login page. Both new and existing users will come to your site, so there is always a chance to switch between the two.

It will give an annoying experience to the users if they are unable to find the sign-up on a login page or vice versa.

It’s quite common to switch to the login page when the user is currently on the sign-up page.

It’s also quite common to switch to the sign-up page when the user is currently on the login page.

8. Use email instead of username

Avoid asking for usernames when users are getting registered on your site or app. It is always hard to remember a username for users, and even at times, users have to compromise on the selection of a username depending on the availability of a unique one. This makes it easier to forget multiple usernames for different sites.

Instead asking for an email address or a phone number helps users to come back and log in again easily without recalling the usernames.

Avoid asking for usernames as they are difficult to remember. Instead, creating accounts with the help of email or phone number is a convenient way.

9. Indicate clearly why the password is invalid

It is not a good practice to leave the users trying and guessing the reason why their password is invalid. Like any other error message, explain the clear reason why the entered password is invalid and how the user can make it correct.

It becomes very annoying for the users if they keep on trying and entering the passwords on a hit-and-trial basis. This leads to a frustrating user experience.

The error message should clearly indicate why the entered password is invalid.

10. Split up the registration process

First, you should avoid providing any extra controls in the registration process by focusing on the necessary information only. Still, if there is more information that can be grouped logically, you can go towards a multi-step form.

A multi-step form makes it easier for users to manage large information in a simplified way. They can focus on a single group of properties at a time. While designing a multi-step form, it is important to make it user-friendly for the user. Name the steps relevant to the properties, provide easy navigation between steps, and allow the user to view a summary of the information he provided before submitting the form.

Remove extra fields in the sign-up form. It’s better to split them into logical groups if required.

11. Allow easy password recovery

When the users try to log in using email and password, it is quite common that they do not recall the required password. The experience of a login page should allow the users to recover the lost password. Provide a Forgot Your Password option at a prominent place on the login page that can be found easily by the users.

This option will move the users through a smooth process of recovering the password by either sending the reset password link to their registered email address or sending a unique code to the registered mobile number.

Presenting the Forgot Password option just along with the Login button helps users find it easily.

12. Make login easier by providing remember me option

Providing an explicit Remember Me option helps users to give their opinion on whether they want to be remembered when they come back to the site. And it is quite easier for them to decide on their preferences and they can simply uncheck the option if they don’t want the site to remember their email ID, thus making it easier for someone else to guess their password.

The rule is quite simple. If you support the ability to remember the users on your site, you need to just provide this option in the login form, instead of making it a hidden feature and remembering the users without their intention.

An explicit Remember me option confirms the users’ opinion about saving their information for the next login.Conclusion

The process of registration and logging on to a site or app is the first interaction that users could have with your product. It is critical to make this step easy for the user by designing usable sign-up and login forms. The given best practices are simple yet effective and will play an important role in increasing the usability of your onboarding process.

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